GOP Controls 2/3rds of state legislatures,both houses of federal legislature,and presidency.

Does this mean that the GOP will now start taking responsibility for failing schools, roads, public water supplies, budget over-runs, funding short-falls or continue to simply blame every one else?
Does this mean that the GOP will now start taking responsibility for failing schools, roads, public water supplies, budget over-runs, funding short-falls or continue to simply blame every one else?
Trump has addressed these things. Those failing schools, roads, budget overruns, water systems, are most often found in Democrat controlled urban areas.
Gubernatorial and legislative party control of state government - Ballotpedia
Democrats think it is because of Russian hacking. It's because people reject their ideology and bullshit policies that promote racism, homosexuality, and exporting US jobs. Take away California, New York, and Chicago, Illinois and Democrat Party is nonexistent.

These are valid points, didn't the Republicans win big at the mid terms? This was not with any interference.

There might be more to this hacking business than meets the eyes, probably alot more than just the Democrat emails. Only time will tell I suppose.
Our major cities are shit...because Democrats run them.
Gubernatorial and legislative party control of state government - Ballotpedia
Democrats think it is because of Russian hacking. It's because people reject their ideology and bullshit policies that promote racism, homosexuality, and exporting US jobs. Take away California, New York, and Chicago, Illinois and Democrat Party is nonexistent.

These are valid points, didn't the Republicans win big at the mid terms? This was not with any interference.

There might be more to this hacking business than meets the eyes, probably alot more than just the Democrat emails. Only time will tell I suppose.
You are correct. Democrats lost on ideas and policies.
Does this mean that the GOP will now start taking responsibility for failing schools, roads, public water supplies, budget over-runs, funding short-falls or continue to simply blame every one else?
Trump has addressed these things. Those failing schools, roads, budget overruns, water systems, are most often found in Democrat controlled urban areas.

For the umpteenth time, the governors set the agenda for the schools through their state boards of education. The governors set the budget for the maintenance on the roads, bridges, schools, highways. The governors are responsible.

Are they going to take responsibility…ever?
Does this mean that the GOP will now start taking responsibility for failing schools, roads, public water supplies, budget over-runs, funding short-falls or continue to simply blame every one else?
Trump has addressed these things. Those failing schools, roads, budget overruns, water systems, are most often found in Democrat controlled urban areas.

For the umpteenth time, the governors set the agenda for the schools through their state boards of education. The governors set the budget for the maintenance on the roads, bridges, schools, highways. The governors are responsible.

Are they going to take responsibility…ever?
Sure. City councils and Democratic Party bosses and political machines in large urban areas do not control policy. Your argument is misguided and laughable.
Does this mean that the GOP will now start taking responsibility for failing schools, roads, public water supplies, budget over-runs, funding short-falls or continue to simply blame every one else?
No, all of that was inherited from the Obama administration! :p
An Intellectual History of Trumpism

"Until Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, these profound divisions on the right drew little analysis. Even in the last year’s coverage, Trump’s insurgency was mostly portrayed as the challenge of an outsider to the establishment—an accurate but incomplete picture. The hidden history of Trumpism suggests that the president-elect may be not simply an opportunistic showman but the leader of an at least semi-coherent ideology—a new iteration of the populist and nationalist paleoconservatism that has long lurked in the shadows of American politics. Now, for the first time since the isolationist 1930s, this ideology commands real influence, and for the first time in our history, it will enjoy favor from a sitting president. The prospects could not be more ominous."
So governors and presidents are powerless unless they are democrats. Gotcha
Most Americans voted...I do not want a Republican President
Most Americans voted....I do not want a Republican Senator
Most Americans voted.....I do not want a Republican Congressman
Most Americans voted...I do not want a Republican President
Most Americans voted....I do not want a Republican Senator
Most Americans voted.....I do not want a Republican Congressman
Guess what? The bitch lost. :ahole-1:
Live with it bed wetter:itsok:
Does this mean that the GOP will now start taking responsibility for failing schools, roads, public water supplies, budget over-runs, funding short-falls or continue to simply blame every one else?
Trump has addressed these things. Those failing schools, roads, budget overruns, water systems, are most often found in Democrat controlled urban areas.

For the umpteenth time, the governors set the agenda for the schools through their state boards of education. The governors set the budget for the maintenance on the roads, bridges, schools, highways. The governors are responsible.

Are they going to take responsibility…ever?
Time to hold those liberal school boards accountable. Decades of failure pissing away money. Pathetic. Kansas City can't even get accreditation, yet across the river in Kansas, spending the same or less per student, they have managed to build one of the best school districts in the country.

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