GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

First, he'll run on "vindicated", which despite the squeals from the usual suspects will resonate with many uneducated voters. Then if he wins reelection, it will become possibly the most moot point in political history, discussed bitterly by a small handful of the never appeased in a corner where they reassure each other that "he WAS impeached, you know".

He won't be running on vindicated. Not when 70 percent of the country wanted witness testimony.
Oh, but he will. You don't know Trump if you think he won't, and it will resonate with the lightly involved who wonder what all the hatred is about when the House already had the opportunity to hear from and, <gasp> actually DID hear from witnesses.

He'll TRY to run on vindicated. It will not resonate. You think everybody sees this from your right wing POV, but the majority of Americans wanted to hear testimony and they will wonder why that didn't happen.
"The majority of Americans" paid no attention to the whole impeachment circus. "The majority of Americans" couldn't tell you any of the major players in the impeachment circus. So, no, "the majority of Americans" won't care if the Senate did the House's job for them or not.

Keep thinking like that. The majority of the people know trump was impeached and they know that the senate will acquit trump with no trial. That trump lawyer bullshit won't work here son. trump blocked witnesses and the prosecution can call witnesses to the stand during a trial..

The majority of the people know trump was impeached and they know that the senate will acquit trump with no trial.
The majority got bored, and watched American Idol.
Everyone is aware of Biden & the Ukraine so if they elect him, the voters say it was OK.
Everyone is aware that Trump is bombastic, uncouth, vindictive and lies a lot, so since they elected him, the voters say it's OK.
The voting people elected Clinton. The appointed electors gave the office to trump.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The people elected Trump the way people have been electing Presidents since this country was founded. Hillary's overage was in the Republic of California. The reason we have an EC is so one state doesn't elect a President for the entire country.
Bullshit. I know exactly what I am talking about. Only 5 times in our history has the loser of the popular vote become president and as long as California is a motherfucking US state, the peoples vote there counts. You want to talk? Let's talk about the 200,000 voters illegally purged off the rolls in place like your state, Wisconsin and Michigan. 3 states trump won by a total of 70,000 votes.

"A state's number of electors equals the number of representatives plus two electors for the senators the state has in the United States Congress. The number of representatives is based on the respective populations, determined every ten years by the United States Census."

Only 5 times in our history has the loser of the popular vote become president

and the president was elected by the results Electoral vote EVERY TIME.
Everyone is aware of Biden & the Ukraine so if they elect him, the voters say it was OK.
Everyone is aware that Trump is bombastic, uncouth, vindictive and lies a lot, so since they elected him, the voters say it's OK.
The voting people elected Clinton. The appointed electors gave the office to trump.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The people elected Trump the way people have been electing Presidents since this country was founded. Hillary's overage was in the Republic of California. The reason we have an EC is so one state doesn't elect a President for the entire country.
Bullshit. I know exactly what I am talking about. Only 5 times in our history has the loser of the popular vote become president and as long as California is a motherfucking US state, the peoples vote there counts. You want to talk? Let's talk about the 200,000 voters illegally purged off the rolls in place like your state, Wisconsin and Michigan. 3 states trump won by a total of 70,000 votes.

"A state's number of electors equals the number of representatives plus two electors for the senators the state has in the United States Congress. The number of representatives is based on the respective populations, determined every ten years by the United States Census."

The only people purged off our rolls were done so legally. The State sent out letters to inactive voters, with a return post card to identify themselves as current voters to stay on the rolls. The people who were purged were the ones that never responded. That is legal.

The EC was developed so that places with large populations don't pick Presidents for the entire country. New York city has more people in that one city than six of our least populated states. We can't elect a President for the entire country when one or two states decide each election.

Popular vote is meaningless since the goal was not to get the most people, but the most electoral votes. It's useless for Republicans to vote for a President in places like New York or CommieFornia because they know their vote will never count. So it's likely a lot of potential Republican voters in places like that just stay home.
Extortion and blackmail against the government of Ukraine

That’s not what extortion and blackmail mean. We are allowed to put conditions on money we are gifting other nations. That’s not extortion. That’s common sense.

Biden was trying to achieve personal advantage from this. Prevent Ukraine from imprisoning his son.

Sure. Except there was never any criminal investigation into Hunter. Still isn’t.

How can there be? He's as pure as the wind driven snow.
Oh I see. His baby mama has information that no one else does. Sure.

Who was the closest to him? I think she does know a lot otherwise criminal investigations would not be taking place. And guess what? Burisma was highlighted. Gee, I wonder why???
That’s not what extortion and blackmail mean. We are allowed to put conditions on money we are gifting other nations. That’s not extortion. That’s common sense.

Biden was trying to achieve personal advantage from this. Prevent Ukraine from imprisoning his son.

Sure. Except there was never any criminal investigation into Hunter. Still isn’t.

How can there be? He's as pure as the wind driven snow.
Oh I see. His baby mama has information that no one else does. Sure.

Who was the closest to him? I think she does know a lot otherwise criminal investigations would not be taking place. And guess what? Burisma was highlighted. Gee, I wonder why???

Never mind. It didn't actually come from the baby mama. Check out the URL, it says "biden's baby mama says...", when in actuality it wasn't her, it was some goofball PI firm that has nothing to do with anyone and their filing was pretty much immediately thrown out. The actual title of the article in the NY Post is correct, "PI firm claims...".

It looks like they changed the title. And y'all wonder why I have little respect for the NY Post.
Biden was trying to achieve personal advantage from this. Prevent Ukraine from imprisoning his son.

Sure. Except there was never any criminal investigation into Hunter. Still isn’t.

How can there be? He's as pure as the wind driven snow.
Oh I see. His baby mama has information that no one else does. Sure.

Who was the closest to him? I think she does know a lot otherwise criminal investigations would not be taking place. And guess what? Burisma was highlighted. Gee, I wonder why???

Never mind. It didn't actually come from the baby mama. Check out the URL, it says "biden's baby mama says...", when in actuality it wasn't her, it was some goofball PI firm that has nothing to do with anyone and their filing was pretty much immediately thrown out. The actual title of the article in the NY Post is correct, "PI firm claims...".

It looks like they changed the title. And y'all wonder why I have little respect for the NY Post.

And I'm sure the title is all you looked at given your response here.
Sure. Except there was never any criminal investigation into Hunter. Still isn’t.

How can there be? He's as pure as the wind driven snow.
Oh I see. His baby mama has information that no one else does. Sure.

Who was the closest to him? I think she does know a lot otherwise criminal investigations would not be taking place. And guess what? Burisma was highlighted. Gee, I wonder why???

Never mind. It didn't actually come from the baby mama. Check out the URL, it says "biden's baby mama says...", when in actuality it wasn't her, it was some goofball PI firm that has nothing to do with anyone and their filing was pretty much immediately thrown out. The actual title of the article in the NY Post is correct, "PI firm claims...".

It looks like they changed the title. And y'all wonder why I have little respect for the NY Post.

And I'm sure the title is all you looked at given your response here.

Nope. I did a little digging. A court filing by D&A investigations isn't really evidence of anything. Their filing doesn't have any evidence of what they claim. They weren't paid to do any research by the Baby Mama. From looking at their website:, they're just a bunch of Republicans who have watched too much Fox News. Did you read the article?
Over what?

According to the new bar set by the Democrats, there doesn't have to be a what anymore to impeach.
Wrong. Crimes were committed. Even most republicans admit that.

No, most Republicans won't admit that because it's a lie. No crimes were listed in the articles of impeachment.
They already have.

Like who?
Republicans’ Emerging Defense: Trump’s Actions Were Bad, but Not Impeachable
According to the new bar set by the Democrats, there doesn't have to be a what anymore to impeach.
Wrong. Crimes were committed. Even most republicans admit that.

No, most Republicans won't admit that because it's a lie. No crimes were listed in the articles of impeachment.
They already have.

Like who?
Republicans’ Emerging Defense: Trump’s Actions Were Bad, but Not Impeachable

Using paywall sites to make your point is the oldest trick in the book, but nice try. Unlike leftists, we read what people post.

In any case, your claim was they admitted there were crimes, not that it wasn't the greatest call in the world.
Using your logic, Shokin probably was a Unicorn who was working to get the Tooth Fairy as the new leader of Ukraine. Or maybe, Shokin was vending Hotdogs and Biden got a bad one and Shokin's Hotdog Trailer had to go. See, I can make crap up as well.

Obviously you're new to politics. People don't do favors for somebody or some people without getting anything in return. Burisma hiring a drug addict who's the son of a VP didn't do that out of the kindness of their heart. They wanted to buy protection, and they got it. They used his name to try and setup meetings with the State department, and we have the emails to prove that.
Lol, nope. How was hiring him a favor to Joe?

They wanted the name association. Companies do that all the time. Nothing illegal about it.

That's your assumption. Let's hear it from the horse's mouth.
I believe he's addressed.this any number of.times.

Not under oath he hasn't. Hunter is being offered a priceless gift, an opportunity to prove his innocence

What does that say about him if he refuses? Why is he afraid?

Why should he? He's not officially charged with anything other than jerking his Ex off. Yh, Yah, I inow, wait until (fill in here). It looks like it takes you criminals at least 30 years going after one person and you still continue. Then you begrudge another bunch for getting serious for only one short year to bag Rump. Damn, you sure know how to be a "Party" (get it) Pooper.
Wrong. Crimes were committed. Even most republicans admit that.

No, most Republicans won't admit that because it's a lie. No crimes were listed in the articles of impeachment.
They already have.

Like who?
Republicans’ Emerging Defense: Trump’s Actions Were Bad, but Not Impeachable

Using paywall sites to make your point is the oldest trick in the book, but nice try. Unlike leftists, we read what people post.

In any case, your claim was they admitted there were crimes, not that it wasn't the greatest call in the world.
I don't have a paywall there.

As I noted before, you are gonna find a problem with not no matter what I post.
I believe he's addressed.this any number of.times.

Not under oath he hasn't. Hunter is being offered a priceless gift, an opportunity to prove his innocence

What does that say about him if he refuses? Why is he afraid?

There was no crime to prove. And since you want witnesses why not Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pence, Pompeo, Trump, Parnas, Furman, Cipolini, Graham and Nunez?

None of those people were subpoenaed by Nadler or Schiff. Why not?

That was the time to build a case, it isn't the Senate's job to investigate.

BTW, since when are defense attorneys like Mr. Giuliani forced to testify ever?
Don't try that bullshit here motherfucker. You know good and damned well why they could not testify before the motherfucking congress. You know good and fucking well how they all refused the subpoenas and how Bolton took his to court. So fuck that. If trumps bitch ass had been so motherfucking innocent he would not be blocking the witnesses that can prove it.

Bolton's subpoena was WITHDRAWN by Shifty Schiff.

It isn't up to a defendant to prove their innocence,its up to the prosecutors to show he's guilty.\

It was withdrawn AFTER rump denied it. Let's take a look at the probable actions left to Congress.

1. Subpoenas issued and then spend the next 2 to 3 years in court to have the Court force Rump into complying and all his merry band of criminals. The Party of the Rump knew there wasn't enough time for that so that's not really an option.

2. Us FOI to gain as much information as possible, call witnesses and then demand that Rump cooperate under the Inter Branch Cooperation for the rest. Not an option since Rump would not release most of what was requested.

3. Impeach. The only other option. And it's still an option. The good news is, if rump loses in November, the next President can reopen it under the new and improved Justice Department. Can you imagine a bunch of professional career lawyers and cops all standing and applauding in unison?

So we put the Senate Republicans on Trial as well. And so far, they have shown their guilt. Instead of worrying about the Democrats, you party of the rumpers now have to worry about the real threat, Republicans that are pissed and have deep pockets and the will to use those deep pockets without the constraint the Democrats have to show. Just how long did you think you could do these criminal actions before the REAL Patriots stood up and said, "Enough is Enough".
We took the road to stupid town in the 90s when Republicans Impeached Clinton for lying about a blow job with an adult woman..
And oh yea...those pushing that insanity almost to a man were guilty of similar infidelities
The real problem the libs have with President Trump has nothing to do with the Fake Articles of Impeachment.

They just don't like Trump's policies of Peace and Prosperity, but are afraid to attack them directly, so they invented some bullshit
Why has trump blocked witnesses and documents?

Actually, he didn't. President Trump cooperated completely and fully with Mueller's Witch Hunt.

And when he was finally exonerated, he said "that's it" , the libs don't get a re-do.

Rump was never "Exonerated". Mueller didn't have the power to charge him. Mueller left that for Congress to do. Sorry, cupcake, that dog don't hunt anymore. The General Public is onto your scams.
Turley is wrong....

If YOU , as you claim, are more intelligent regarding the Constitution than Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley and Constitutional Expert legend Allen Dershowitz, why have we never heard of you, seen you on any of the Liberal MSM news shows, and why didn't Schiff call YOU to testify.....?

I guess because outside of your TDS-suffering little mind you are no Constitutional expert. :p

From the Office of the OMB: Dear Sir, we have a backlog of people that want to represent Rump. Please stop creating more.

So what? All any president needs is 34 dedicated followers in the Senate and the opposition party can't touch him.

Besides the GOP has to win the House again in order to impeach a Democrat

Besides the GOP has to win the House again in order to impeach a Democrat

and they have a good chance to do that, thanks to Nancy, Nadler, and Schiff.

I suggest you spend more time worrying about hanging on to the Senate now. Rump may have been on trial but so is the Senate Republicans.
As long as we remain in kindergarten, I'd expect any House to do everything it can to impeach any President from the other party for the foreseeable future.

This appears to be what we want. Because we've lost our shit.

And I expect the Party of the Rump to cover for any criminal activity (or any other activity) that their President decides he is compelled to do no matter how illegal or criminal.
The Dems can forget the majority in the Senate - they need to worry about keeping the House.

The so called "Republicans" were as much on trial as Rump. So far, they have been found guilty by the very jury that sent them to DC in the first place. I suggest you spend more time worrying about keeping the Senate.
The Dems can forget the majority in the Senate - they need to worry about keeping the House.

The so called "Republicans" were as much on trial as Rump. So far, they have been found guilty by the very jury that sent them to DC in the first place. I suggest you spend more time worrying about keeping the Senate.

You are such a poll slave Daryl. What disappointment you are setting yourself up for. When it's all said and done this November, you still won't admit how you've been so hoodwinked.

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