GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

None of those people were subpoenaed by Nadler or Schiff. Why not?

That was the time to build a case, it isn't the Senate's job to investigate.

BTW, since when are defense attorneys like Mr. Giuliani forced to testify ever?
Don't try that bullshit here motherfucker. You know good and damned well why they could not testify before the motherfucking congress. You know good and fucking well how they all refused the subpoenas and how Bolton took his to court. So fuck that. If trumps bitch ass had been so motherfucking innocent he would not be blocking the witnesses that can prove it.

Bolton's subpoena was WITHDRAWN by Shifty Schiff.

It isn't up to a defendant to prove their innocence,its up to the prosecutors to show he's guilty.\

Fuck that excuse. When subpoenas are issued the people under subpoena must comply. Trump refused to allow that to happen. Your bullshit excuse of an "argument" fails on basic legal procedure. In a regular trial, everyone not honoring subpoenas would be arrested and trump would have been arrested for obstruction of justice because he did not allow witnesses under court order of subpoena to testify. So don't try that punk right wing crap argument here.

Yeah better get 4 years worth of tissues whilst the black community keeps rising despite your efforts to keep them down.


Lol! Nobody is rising under trump.

I certainly am rising.

I became a millionaire under Donald Trump, my wealth is at an all-time high.

I still have a way, however, to achieve billionaire status.
Everyone is aware of Biden & the Ukraine so if they elect him, the voters say it was OK.

that doesn't mean the law should be ignored.

It would be time for an Investigation, see if there is an impeachable offense.
There is no broken law to ignore as it pertains to Joe Biden.

Extortion and blackmail against the government of Ukraine

That’s not what extortion and blackmail mean. We are allowed to put conditions on money we are gifting other nations. That’s not extortion. That’s common sense.
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Everyone is aware of Biden & the Ukraine so if they elect him, the voters say it was OK.

that doesn't mean the law should be ignored.

It would be time for an Investigation, see if there is an impeachable offense.
Why not? Start about a year into his administration when it is obvious to all but the democrat faithful that he doesn't really remember where he is any more, than bom
Trump goes down as an Impeached President

Let him run on the sham that passed as a “trial”

First, he'll run on "vindicated", which despite the squeals from the usual suspects will resonate with many uneducated voters. Then if he wins reelection, it will become possibly the most moot point in political history, discussed bitterly by a small handful of the never appeased in a corner where they reassure each other that "he WAS impeached, you know".

He won't be running on vindicated. Not when 70 percent of the country wanted witness testimony.
Oh, but he will. You don't know Trump if you think he won't, and it will resonate with the lightly involved who wonder what all the hatred is about when the House already had the opportunity to hear from and, <gasp> actually DID hear from witnesses.

He'll TRY to run on vindicated. It will not resonate. You think everybody sees this from your right wing POV, but the majority of Americans wanted to hear testimony and they will wonder why that didn't happen.
If you think "Lock her up" was bad...

Just watch what happens to trump in the next few months.
Shame that Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi wanted such an historic Christmas present.

Looks like their Christmas Cracker blew up in their faces.
Trump goes down as an Impeached President

Let him run on the sham that passed as a “trial”

First, he'll run on "vindicated", which despite the squeals from the usual suspects will resonate with many uneducated voters. Then if he wins reelection, it will become possibly the most moot point in political history, discussed bitterly by a small handful of the never appeased in a corner where they reassure each other that "he WAS impeached, you know".

He won't be running on vindicated. Not when 70 percent of the country wanted witness testimony.
Oh, but he will. You don't know Trump if you think he won't, and it will resonate with the lightly involved who wonder what all the hatred is about when the House already had the opportunity to hear from and, <gasp> actually DID hear from witnesses.

He'll TRY to run on vindicated. It will not resonate. You think everybody sees this from your right wing POV, but the majority of Americans wanted to hear testimony and they will wonder why that didn't happen.
"The majority of Americans" paid no attention to the whole impeachment circus. "The majority of Americans" couldn't tell you any of the major players in the impeachment circus. So, no, "the majority of Americans" won't care if the Senate did the House's job for them or not.
Everyone is aware of Biden & the Ukraine so if they elect him, the voters say it was OK.
Everyone is aware that Trump is bombastic, uncouth, vindictive and lies a lot, so since they elected him, the voters say it's OK.
The voting people elected Clinton. The appointed electors gave the office to trump.
IOW, he won.
He won because of a rare occurrence that has happed only 5 times in our 243 year history caused by a technicality. This is a fluke presidency.
Everyone is aware of Biden & the Ukraine so if they elect him, the voters say it was OK.

that doesn't mean the law should be ignored.

It would be time for an Investigation, see if there is an impeachable offense.
There is no broken law to ignore as it pertains to Joe Biden.

Extortion and blackmail against the government of Ukraine

That’s not what extortion and blackmail mean. We are allowed to put conditions on money we are gifting other nations. That’s not extortion. That’s common sense.

Biden was trying to achieve personal advantage from this. Prevent Ukraine from imprisoning his son.
Everyone is aware of Biden & the Ukraine so if they elect him, the voters say it was OK.

that doesn't mean the law should be ignored.

It would be time for an Investigation, see if there is an impeachable offense.
There is no broken law to ignore as it pertains to Joe Biden.

Extortion and blackmail against the government of Ukraine

That’s not what extortion and blackmail mean. We are allowed to put conditions on money we are gifting other nations. That’s not extortion. That’s common sense.

Biden was trying to achieve personal advantage from this. Prevent Ukraine from imprisoning his son.

Sure. Except there was never any criminal investigation into Hunter. Still isn’t.
Everyone is aware of Biden & the Ukraine so if they elect him, the voters say it was OK.
Everyone is aware that Trump is bombastic, uncouth, vindictive and lies a lot, so since they elected him, the voters say it's OK.
I wish that were true but I’ve seen enough Trump supporters swear he doesn’t lie and it’s all the left wing media making it up.
This is why failing to remove Trump from office is so deadly for the democrats. He's rich, powerful, and has a long memory for those who cross him. It should be entertaining.
Everyone is aware of Biden & the Ukraine so if they elect him, the voters say it was OK.
Everyone is aware that Trump is bombastic, uncouth, vindictive and lies a lot, so since they elected him, the voters say it's OK.
The voting people elected Clinton. The appointed electors gave the office to trump.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The people elected Trump the way people have been electing Presidents since this country was founded. Hillary's overage was in the Republic of California. The reason we have an EC is so one state doesn't elect a President for the entire country.
The problem is that President Trump didn't commit any crime,

But he did commit an impeachable offense against our two-party system with his corrupt shakedown scheme.

Republicans are just willing to accept that corruption.
Please explain this mythical two party system. I've search the constitution high and low but I can find no "two party system". All I can find are three co equal branches of government.

News flash if it isn't codified in law, it's simply bullshit.
Trump goes down as an Impeached President

Let him run on the sham that passed as a “trial”

First, he'll run on "vindicated", which despite the squeals from the usual suspects will resonate with many uneducated voters. Then if he wins reelection, it will become possibly the most moot point in political history, discussed bitterly by a small handful of the never appeased in a corner where they reassure each other that "he WAS impeached, you know".

He won't be running on vindicated. Not when 70 percent of the country wanted witness testimony.
Oh, but he will. You don't know Trump if you think he won't, and it will resonate with the lightly involved who wonder what all the hatred is about when the House already had the opportunity to hear from and, <gasp> actually DID hear from witnesses.

He'll TRY to run on vindicated. It will not resonate. You think everybody sees this from your right wing POV, but the majority of Americans wanted to hear testimony and they will wonder why that didn't happen.
"The majority of Americans" paid no attention to the whole impeachment circus. "The majority of Americans" couldn't tell you any of the major players in the impeachment circus. So, no, "the majority of Americans" won't care if the Senate did the House's job for them or not.

Keep thinking like that. The majority of the people know trump was impeached and they know that the senate will acquit trump with no trial. That trump lawyer bullshit won't work here son. trump blocked witnesses and the prosecution can call witnesses to the stand during a trial..
Everyone is aware of Biden & the Ukraine so if they elect him, the voters say it was OK.

that doesn't mean the law should be ignored.

It would be time for an Investigation, see if there is an impeachable offense.
Why not? Start about a year into his administration when it is obvious to all but the democrat faithful that he doesn't really remember where he is any more, than bom
First, he'll run on "vindicated", which despite the squeals from the usual suspects will resonate with many uneducated voters. Then if he wins reelection, it will become possibly the most moot point in political history, discussed bitterly by a small handful of the never appeased in a corner where they reassure each other that "he WAS impeached, you know".

He won't be running on vindicated. Not when 70 percent of the country wanted witness testimony.
Oh, but he will. You don't know Trump if you think he won't, and it will resonate with the lightly involved who wonder what all the hatred is about when the House already had the opportunity to hear from and, <gasp> actually DID hear from witnesses.

He'll TRY to run on vindicated. It will not resonate. You think everybody sees this from your right wing POV, but the majority of Americans wanted to hear testimony and they will wonder why that didn't happen.
If you think "Lock her up" was bad...

Just watch what happens to trump in the next few months.
We're all watching. The democrats shot their wad, put it all on one throw of the dice, and lost. Trump will be energized from this whole thing, because there's no way they can do it again before the election and he has nothing to fear from them.
that doesn't mean the law should be ignored.

It would be time for an Investigation, see if there is an impeachable offense.
There is no broken law to ignore as it pertains to Joe Biden.

Extortion and blackmail against the government of Ukraine

That’s not what extortion and blackmail mean. We are allowed to put conditions on money we are gifting other nations. That’s not extortion. That’s common sense.

Biden was trying to achieve personal advantage from this. Prevent Ukraine from imprisoning his son.

Sure. Except there was never any criminal investigation into Hunter. Still isn’t.

How can there be? He's as pure as the wind driven snow.
First, he'll run on "vindicated", which despite the squeals from the usual suspects will resonate with many uneducated voters. Then if he wins reelection, it will become possibly the most moot point in political history, discussed bitterly by a small handful of the never appeased in a corner where they reassure each other that "he WAS impeached, you know".

He won't be running on vindicated. Not when 70 percent of the country wanted witness testimony.
Oh, but he will. You don't know Trump if you think he won't, and it will resonate with the lightly involved who wonder what all the hatred is about when the House already had the opportunity to hear from and, <gasp> actually DID hear from witnesses.

He'll TRY to run on vindicated. It will not resonate. You think everybody sees this from your right wing POV, but the majority of Americans wanted to hear testimony and they will wonder why that didn't happen.
"The majority of Americans" paid no attention to the whole impeachment circus. "The majority of Americans" couldn't tell you any of the major players in the impeachment circus. So, no, "the majority of Americans" won't care if the Senate did the House's job for them or not.

Keep thinking like that. The majority of the people know trump was impeached and they know that the senate will acquit trump with no trial. That trump lawyer bullshit won't work here son. trump blocked witnesses and the prosecution can call witnesses to the stand during a trial..
The House did not go after those witnesses. Trump told them to pound sand and they said, "Yessir, where and for how long?". That was their fatal mistake. No one believes they were in too big of a hurry because they sat on it for a month after voting on it. Bubba was impeached and it didn't hurt his popularity. It won't hurt Trump's either.
There is no broken law to ignore as it pertains to Joe Biden.

Extortion and blackmail against the government of Ukraine

That’s not what extortion and blackmail mean. We are allowed to put conditions on money we are gifting other nations. That’s not extortion. That’s common sense.

Biden was trying to achieve personal advantage from this. Prevent Ukraine from imprisoning his son.

Sure. Except there was never any criminal investigation into Hunter. Still isn’t.

How can there be? He's as pure as the wind driven snow.
Oh I see. His baby mama has information that no one else does. Sure.
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Everyone is aware of Biden & the Ukraine so if they elect him, the voters say it was OK.
Everyone is aware that Trump is bombastic, uncouth, vindictive and lies a lot, so since they elected him, the voters say it's OK.
The voting people elected Clinton. The appointed electors gave the office to trump.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The people elected Trump the way people have been electing Presidents since this country was founded. Hillary's overage was in the Republic of California. The reason we have an EC is so one state doesn't elect a President for the entire country.
Bullshit. I know exactly what I am talking about. Only 5 times in our history has the loser of the popular vote become president and as long as California is a motherfucking US state, the peoples vote there counts. You want to talk? Let's talk about the 200,000 voters illegally purged off the rolls in place like your state, Wisconsin and Michigan. 3 states trump won by a total of 70,000 votes.

"A state's number of electors equals the number of representatives plus two electors for the senators the state has in the United States Congress. The number of representatives is based on the respective populations, determined every ten years by the United States Census."

He won't be running on vindicated. Not when 70 percent of the country wanted witness testimony.
Oh, but he will. You don't know Trump if you think he won't, and it will resonate with the lightly involved who wonder what all the hatred is about when the House already had the opportunity to hear from and, <gasp> actually DID hear from witnesses.

He'll TRY to run on vindicated. It will not resonate. You think everybody sees this from your right wing POV, but the majority of Americans wanted to hear testimony and they will wonder why that didn't happen.
"The majority of Americans" paid no attention to the whole impeachment circus. "The majority of Americans" couldn't tell you any of the major players in the impeachment circus. So, no, "the majority of Americans" won't care if the Senate did the House's job for them or not.

Keep thinking like that. The majority of the people know trump was impeached and they know that the senate will acquit trump with no trial. That trump lawyer bullshit won't work here son. trump blocked witnesses and the prosecution can call witnesses to the stand during a trial..
The House did not go after those witnesses. Trump told them to pound sand and they said, "Yessir, where and for how long?". That was their fatal mistake. No one believes they were in too big of a hurry because they sat on it for a month after voting on it. Bubba was impeached and it didn't hurt his popularity. It won't hurt Trump's either.

That's a damn lie. trump is unpopular, not once has he gone over 50 percent approval. Start over.
Everyone is aware of Biden & the Ukraine so if they elect him, the voters say it was OK.

that doesn't mean the law should be ignored.

It would be time for an Investigation, see if there is an impeachable offense.
Why not? Start about a year into his administration when it is obvious to all but the democrat faithful that he doesn't really remember where he is any more, than bom
He won't be running on vindicated. Not when 70 percent of the country wanted witness testimony.
Oh, but he will. You don't know Trump if you think he won't, and it will resonate with the lightly involved who wonder what all the hatred is about when the House already had the opportunity to hear from and, <gasp> actually DID hear from witnesses.

He'll TRY to run on vindicated. It will not resonate. You think everybody sees this from your right wing POV, but the majority of Americans wanted to hear testimony and they will wonder why that didn't happen.
If you think "Lock her up" was bad...

Just watch what happens to trump in the next few months.
We're all watching. The democrats shot their wad, put it all on one throw of the dice, and lost. Trump will be energized from this whole thing, because there's no way they can do it again before the election and he has nothing to fear from them.

trump and the republican party are the losers here. You really need to stop reading the gateway pundit and look to real sources, because what has happened here does not sit well with the American people.

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