GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

I think we would be better off if we investigated Biden and the other candidates BEFORE they get elected, or even nominated. The voters should be aware of what happened, what the facts were and then they can decide, as it should be. This bullshit that the voters can't be trusted to vote for the best candidate exposes the democrats for who they are and what they really think about the American people, namely that we're too stupid the vote for the right person. I.E., the democrat.
Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
I'm voting for Biden but the tea leaves say the communist wing of the party has already chosen Warren...So it looks like impeachment will have to take another form other than Ukraine...But I'll assist in taking pot shots at this commie
First of all, you don't know that. Secondly, it's less about Hunter than it is how it relates to the Obama administration and what Burisma got in return. So far, we know that it's very possible Joe stopped Shokin from throughly investigating Burisma.

Using your logic, Shokin probably was a Unicorn who was working to get the Tooth Fairy as the new leader of Ukraine. Or maybe, Shokin was vending Hotdogs and Biden got a bad one and Shokin's Hotdog Trailer had to go. See, I can make crap up as well.

Obviously you're new to politics. People don't do favors for somebody or some people without getting anything in return. Burisma hiring a drug addict who's the son of a VP didn't do that out of the kindness of their heart. They wanted to buy protection, and they got it. They used his name to try and setup meetings with the State department, and we have the emails to prove that.
Lol, nope. How was hiring him a favor to Joe?

They wanted the name association. Companies do that all the time. Nothing illegal about it.

You mean Biden is the only name association they could find? We have 1.5 million attorneys in this country alone. I'm sure they could do better than a drug addict with a known last name.

We don't know who did what wrong. Last time our President wanted to look into the matter, the Commies impeached him over it. As I stated, Joe got Shokin off Burismas ass. Burisma tried to drop Hunter's name to setup a meeting with the State department. That's just what payback we are aware of, and I'm sure there's more if it's investigated thoroughly enough.
Lol, they had a whole list of them, including a former president from somewhere.

They did? Then you must have that list. Care to post it for us?
Over what?

According to the new bar set by the Democrats, there doesn't have to be a what anymore to impeach.
Wrong. Crimes were committed. Even most republicans admit that.
What crime was committed?
We've had weeks of investigation and public hears and such. If you don't know by now I can't help you.

Have a nice day.
Exactly. None. Idiots.
Using your logic, Shokin probably was a Unicorn who was working to get the Tooth Fairy as the new leader of Ukraine. Or maybe, Shokin was vending Hotdogs and Biden got a bad one and Shokin's Hotdog Trailer had to go. See, I can make crap up as well.

Obviously you're new to politics. People don't do favors for somebody or some people without getting anything in return. Burisma hiring a drug addict who's the son of a VP didn't do that out of the kindness of their heart. They wanted to buy protection, and they got it. They used his name to try and setup meetings with the State department, and we have the emails to prove that.
Lol, nope. How was hiring him a favor to Joe?

They wanted the name association. Companies do that all the time. Nothing illegal about it.

You mean Biden is the only name association they could find? We have 1.5 million attorneys in this country alone. I'm sure they could do better than a drug addict with a known last name.

We don't know who did what wrong. Last time our President wanted to look into the matter, the Commies impeached him over it. As I stated, Joe got Shokin off Burismas ass. Burisma tried to drop Hunter's name to setup a meeting with the State department. That's just what payback we are aware of, and I'm sure there's more if it's investigated thoroughly enough.
Lol, they had a whole list of them, including a former president from somewhere.

They did? Then you must have that list. Care to post it for us?
Nah. You'd find some reason why you didn't like it.
Over what?

According to the new bar set by the Democrats, there doesn't have to be a what anymore to impeach.
Wrong. Crimes were committed. Even most republicans admit that.
What crime was committed?
We've had weeks of investigation and public hears and such. If you don't know by now I can't help you.

Have a nice day.
Exactly. None. Idiots.
Not what i said.
Over what?

According to the new bar set by the Democrats, there doesn't have to be a what anymore to impeach.
Wrong. Crimes were committed. Even most republicans admit that.

No, most Republicans won't admit that because it's a lie. No crimes were listed in the articles of impeachment.
They already have.

Like who?
Obviously you're new to politics. People don't do favors for somebody or some people without getting anything in return. Burisma hiring a drug addict who's the son of a VP didn't do that out of the kindness of their heart. They wanted to buy protection, and they got it. They used his name to try and setup meetings with the State department, and we have the emails to prove that.
Lol, nope. How was hiring him a favor to Joe?

They wanted the name association. Companies do that all the time. Nothing illegal about it.

You mean Biden is the only name association they could find? We have 1.5 million attorneys in this country alone. I'm sure they could do better than a drug addict with a known last name.

We don't know who did what wrong. Last time our President wanted to look into the matter, the Commies impeached him over it. As I stated, Joe got Shokin off Burismas ass. Burisma tried to drop Hunter's name to setup a meeting with the State department. That's just what payback we are aware of, and I'm sure there's more if it's investigated thoroughly enough.
Lol, they had a whole list of them, including a former president from somewhere.

They did? Then you must have that list. Care to post it for us?
Nah. You'd find some reason why you didn't like it.

That's what I thought. You made it up and it's BS.
Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
I'm voting for Biden but the tea leaves say the communist wing of the party has already chosen Warren...So it looks like impeachment will have to take another form other than Ukraine...But I'll assist in taking pot shots at this commie

Maybe. But Pocahontas is such a phony,. If the D's choose her, they are just throwing in the towel. How would a Rich Bostonian broad, a modern day Margaret Drysdale, who pretends to be an Indian Squaw and one of the common people, going to compete against someone as real as Donald J. Trump?

Mr. Trump makes no bones about who is he or where he comes from, he's PROUD of his billionaire heritage. So real, he became the biggest sensation on Reality TV.

In a competition between Real and Fake, Authentic and Counterfeit, the people will always choose real and authentic
Maybe. But Pocahontas is such a phony,. If the D's choose her, they are just throwing in the towel. How would a Rich Bostonian broad, a modern day Margaret Drysdale, who pretends to be an Indian Squaw and one of the common people, going to compete against someone as real as Donald J. Trump?

Mr. Trump makes no bones about who is he or where he comes from, he's PROUD of his billionaire heritage. So real, he became the biggest sensation on Reality TV.

In a competition between Real and Fake, Authentic and Counterfeit, the people will always choose real and authentic
It's the commie wing of the party that wants her and since they are screaming foul about the last election and the next election ya gotta figure it is because they are about to rig this coming election.
There WASN'T a trial! Only a whitewash.

House said they had all that was necessary when they impeached him on a partisan vote.

Why are you upset the Senate said they didn't, on a partisan vote?

Is being partisan only allowed for Democrats?
Because a lot more has come out since the Senate cover up. Remember Tramp has been obstructing Congress all along. But I agree the House should have investigated longer before voting on impeachment.

But I agree the House should have investigated longer before voting on impeachment.

Shame that Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi wanted such an historic Christmas present.

Looks like their Christmas Cracker blew up in their faces.
Trump goes down as an Impeached President

Let him run on the sham that passed as a “trial”

Trump goes down as an Impeached President

Just like Clinton

Let him run on the sham that passed as a “trial”

and for 20 years, Democrats have been telling us Clinton wasn't impeached, because the Senate acquitted him.

Yeah but....that was different!
According to the new bar set by the Democrats, there doesn't have to be a what anymore to impeach.
Wrong. Crimes were committed. Even most republicans admit that.
What crime was committed?
We've had weeks of investigation and public hears and such. If you don't know by now I can't help you.

Have a nice day.
Exactly. None. Idiots.
Not what i said.
Then give me one. Name one crime the President committed.
Wrong. Crimes were committed. Even most republicans admit that.
What crime was committed?
We've had weeks of investigation and public hears and such. If you don't know by now I can't help you.

Have a nice day.
Exactly. None. Idiots.
Not what i said.
Then give me one. Name one crime the President committed.

Well he's a poo poo head!'s right in the book of naughty stuff that POTUS people ought not to do! Yeppers....

There WASN'T a trial! Only a whitewash.

House said they had all that was necessary when they impeached him on a partisan vote.

Why are you upset the Senate said they didn't, on a partisan vote?

Is being partisan only allowed for Democrats?
Because a lot more has come out since the Senate cover up. Remember Tramp has been obstructing Congress all along. But I agree the House should have investigated longer before voting on impeachment.

But I agree the House should have investigated longer before voting on impeachment.

Shame that Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi wanted such an historic Christmas present.

Looks like their Christmas Cracker blew up in their faces.
Trump goes down as an Impeached President

Let him run on the sham that passed as a “trial”

First, he'll run on "vindicated", which despite the squeals from the usual suspects will resonate with many uneducated voters. Then if he wins reelection, it will become possibly the most moot point in political history, discussed bitterly by a small handful of the never appeased in a corner where they reassure each other that "he WAS impeached, you know".

He won't be running on vindicated. Not when 70 percent of the country wanted witness testimony.
Turley is wrong....

If YOU , as you claim, are more intelligent regarding the Constitution than Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley and Constitutional Expert legend Allen Dershowitz, why have we never heard of you, seen you on any of the Liberal MSM news shows, and why didn't Schiff call YOU to testify.....?

I guess because outside of your TDS-suffering little mind you are no Constitutional expert. :p

They are wrong. Dershowitz was a criminal lawyer. Turley was a republican witness. I don't have to be on TV to know right from wrong. Learn that.
I believe he's addressed.this any number of.times.

Not under oath he hasn't. Hunter is being offered a priceless gift, an opportunity to prove his innocence

What does that say about him if he refuses? Why is he afraid?

There was no crime to prove. And since you want witnesses why not Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pence, Pompeo, Trump, Parnas, Furman, Cipolini, Graham and Nunez?

None of those people were subpoenaed by Nadler or Schiff. Why not?

That was the time to build a case, it isn't the Senate's job to investigate.

BTW, since when are defense attorneys like Mr. Giuliani forced to testify ever?
Don't try that bullshit here motherfucker. You know good and damned well why they could not testify before the motherfucking congress. You know good and fucking well how they all refused the subpoenas and how Bolton took his to court. So fuck that. If trumps bitch ass had been so motherfucking innocent he would not be blocking the witnesses that can prove it.

Bolton's subpoena was WITHDRAWN by Shifty Schiff.

It isn't up to a defendant to prove their innocence,its up to the prosecutors to show he's guilty.\

Fuck that excuse. When subpoenas are issued the people under subpoena must comply. Trump refused to allow that to happen. Your bullshit excuse of an "argument" fails on basic legal procedure. In a regular trial, everyone not honoring subpoenas would be arrested and trump would have been arrested for obstruction of justice because he did not allow witnesses under court order of subpoena to testify. So don't try that punk right wing crap argument here.
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The problem is that President Trump didn't commit any crime,

But he did commit an impeachable offense against our two-party system with his corrupt shakedown scheme.

Republicans are just willing to accept that corruption.

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