GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

Uh-huh, his son banking $50-80k a month for doing next to nothing isn’t a personal gain for the Biden family.

You’re delusional.

Joe Biden didn’t do anything as VP to get Hunter his position. If Burisma wants to pay him $80k a month, that’s their decision. It’s not your money so stop whining.

First of all, you don't know that. Secondly, it's less about Hunter than it is how it relates to the Obama administration and what Burisma got in return. So far, we know that it's very possible Joe stopped Shokin from throughly investigating Burisma.

Using your logic, Shokin probably was a Unicorn who was working to get the Tooth Fairy as the new leader of Ukraine. Or maybe, Shokin was vending Hotdogs and Biden got a bad one and Shokin's Hotdog Trailer had to go. See, I can make crap up as well.

Obviously you're new to politics. People don't do favors for somebody or some people without getting anything in return. Burisma hiring a drug addict who's the son of a VP didn't do that out of the kindness of their heart. They wanted to buy protection, and they got it. They used his name to try and setup meetings with the State department, and we have the emails to prove that.
Lol, nope. How was hiring him a favor to Joe?

They wanted the name association. Companies do that all the time. Nothing illegal about it.

You mean Biden is the only name association they could find? We have 1.5 million attorneys in this country alone. I'm sure they could do better than a drug addict with a known last name.

We don't know who did what wrong. Last time our President wanted to look into the matter, the Commies impeached him over it. As I stated, Joe got Shokin off Burismas ass. Burisma tried to drop Hunter's name to setup a meeting with the State department. That's just what payback we are aware of, and I'm sure there's more if it's investigated thoroughly enough.
Sure I am. Want to see the Shokin interview? I bet you never seen it before. I have it right here if you're interested. Just ask and I'll post it.
Doesn’t he claim that Biden poisoned him?

Shokin has some credibility problems.

Biden has credibility problems as well. Shokin was corrupt, the person that replaced him was corrupt, Burisma was and is corrupt, the President at the time was corrupt, but the only problem the commies had was with Shokin, not his predecessor, not Burisma, not the President, just Shokin.

Oh, but Biden hates corruption. That's why he only had Shokin fired. If Biden was so hell bent on getting rid of corruption, why didn't he tell his son to stay out of his business; stay out of Ukraine, and go chase ambulances or something? Then when he was exposed, he lied to the American public stating he didn't know his son was working for Burisma. Then a picture surfaced of him, a Burisma official, and Hunter on a golf course together. But you have the nerve to say Shokin has credibility problems???

this is a load of unrelated nonsense.

Biden couldn’t replace the president, obviously. They had to work with him. Biden didn’t choose the successor either and when they did appoint him, they weren’t sure he was corrupt. They had to give him a chance like the gave Shokin a chance. Turns out Shokin was wasting US taxpayer dollars and time so the US felt compelled to respond rather than flush more tax dollars down the toilet.

Oh and that photo with a Burisma official is Devon Archer, Hunter’s long time business partner and friend. It’s silly to try to recharacterize it.

The "Ukraine gas exec" pictured in the meme, Devon Archer, is an American businessman who sat on the board of Ukrainian-based private oil gas company, Burisma Holdings Ltd, alongside Hunter Biden. Archer joined the firm shortly before Biden, his long-term business partner, Vox reported.

Archer and the younger Biden were managing partners at Rosemont Seneca Partners. Archer was also co-founder of private-equity firm Rosemont Capital with Christopher Heinz, his college roommate at Yale University. He had served as senior adviser to Heinz's stepfather, Democratic Senator John Kerry Kerry, during his 2004 presidential bid.

Who is Devon Archer? 'Ukraine gas exec' in Donald Trump's Nickelback 'Look at this Photograph' Meme

Labeling Devon Archer as a Burisma exec is both inaccurate and purposely misleading.

See the clip I posted? Their information is from Vox. Are you familiar with the political leanings of Vox?

Archer was a board member of Burisma. He was hired nearly the same time as Hunter. There is no possible way that Joe had no knowledge of Hunter and Burisma, especially now that (as you claimed) Archer was a good friend. Joe lied, and nobody lies for no reason at all.
At some point during the last 4 years it became clear to everyone except Trump-hating, Impeachment-obsessed Democrats / snowflakes - especially after they declared immediately after the President took his oath of office Impeachment 'starts NOW', that the Democrats were only trying to keep their promise of removing the President who defeated Hillary - the man they hated for doing so.

At some point it became obvious that their hatred had blinded them and turned the Democratic Party into 'enemies of the state', a criminal organization willing to violate the Constitution...
-- Illegally spying on Americans, violating / denying them of their Constitutionally protected rights, ignoring Constitutional Impeachment process requirements, etc...

At some point it became obvious that their hatred had blinded them and turned the Democratic Party into 'enemies of the state', a criminal organization willing to break any and all laws...
-- Protecting a proven criminal to keep them in the election, using known lying, agenda-driven, foreign spies, using known false Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda, falsifying official documents / testimony, using foreign Intel agencies to help set-up political opponent staff members, committing FISA Court Abuses, illegally spying on Americans, committing Sedition, manufacturing false evidence....

At some point what the Democrats committed to, despite not meeting their own requirements for moving forward with Impeachment, TREASON - an attempt to unjustly, Un-Constitutionally, illegally remove the democratically elected President from office and strip Americans of their Constitutional rights to vote and choose their own leaders....not just in 2016, not just in 2020, but forever going forward in this nation's future.

Neither the Democrats who attempted this nor their indoctrinated, brainwashed, emotionally-manipulated supporters will ever admit to this, and unfortunately there is a coordinated effort or unwillingness among Republicans and even moderate Democrats NOT to call this what it was and NOT to hold those involved accountable....which means the traitors will only become emboldened and WILL seek to do this again in the future, seeing no negative repercussions for doing so.

Even now criminal / party-1st-supporting snowflakes openly say, 'If we can just win the Senate, too we can pull this off' instead of being outraged that the Democratic Party engaged in this 4-year coup attempt initiated by the last President and his criminal administration that started it all through FISA Court abuses, illegal spying, and reliance on Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda provided by a biased foreign 'double-agent' / spy who helped rip this country apart with lies provided by the Russians.

This was TREASON for political party power / control.
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So what? All any president needs is 34 dedicated followers in the Senate and the opposition party can't touch him.

Besides the GOP has to win the House again in order to impeach a Democrat

Besides the GOP has to win the House again in order to impeach a Democrat

and they have a good chance to do that, thanks to Nancy, Nadler, and Schiff.

Nah, The question you have to ask is will the dems need to get another super majority in the Senate or will they up the stakes and nuke the Cloture rule to get some some bills passed. That seems to be last vestige of minority protection left to destroy.

There are rumors now that a couple of lefty Senators are going to join the Republicans in the acquittal. If the Democrats really believed that the public is on their side in ousting the President, they would all be voting to throw him out.
Doesn’t he claim that Biden poisoned him?

Shokin has some credibility problems.

Biden has credibility problems as well. Shokin was corrupt, the person that replaced him was corrupt, Burisma was and is corrupt, the President at the time was corrupt, but the only problem the commies had was with Shokin, not his predecessor, not Burisma, not the President, just Shokin.

Oh, but Biden hates corruption. That's why he only had Shokin fired. If Biden was so hell bent on getting rid of corruption, why didn't he tell his son to stay out of his business; stay out of Ukraine, and go chase ambulances or something? Then when he was exposed, he lied to the American public stating he didn't know his son was working for Burisma. Then a picture surfaced of him, a Burisma official, and Hunter on a golf course together. But you have the nerve to say Shokin has credibility problems???

this is a load of unrelated nonsense.

Biden couldn’t replace the president, obviously. They had to work with him. Biden didn’t choose the successor either and when they did appoint him, they weren’t sure he was corrupt. They had to give him a chance like the gave Shokin a chance. Turns out Shokin was wasting US taxpayer dollars and time so the US felt compelled to respond rather than flush more tax dollars down the toilet.

Oh and that photo with a Burisma official is Devon Archer, Hunter’s long time business partner and friend. It’s silly to try to recharacterize it.

The "Ukraine gas exec" pictured in the meme, Devon Archer, is an American businessman who sat on the board of Ukrainian-based private oil gas company, Burisma Holdings Ltd, alongside Hunter Biden. Archer joined the firm shortly before Biden, his long-term business partner, Vox reported.

Archer and the younger Biden were managing partners at Rosemont Seneca Partners. Archer was also co-founder of private-equity firm Rosemont Capital with Christopher Heinz, his college roommate at Yale University. He had served as senior adviser to Heinz's stepfather, Democratic Senator John Kerry Kerry, during his 2004 presidential bid.

Who is Devon Archer? 'Ukraine gas exec' in Donald Trump's Nickelback 'Look at this Photograph' Meme

Labeling Devon Archer as a Burisma exec is both inaccurate and purposely misleading.

See the clip I posted? Their information is from Vox. Are you familiar with the political leanings of Vox?

Archer was a board member of Burisma. He was hired nearly the same time as Hunter. There is no possible way that Joe had no knowledge of Hunter and Burisma, especially now that (as you claimed) Archer was a good friend. Joe lied, and nobody lies for no reason at all.

You’re reading minds again. Claiming to know what Biden knew.
Biden has credibility problems as well. Shokin was corrupt, the person that replaced him was corrupt, Burisma was and is corrupt, the President at the time was corrupt, but the only problem the commies had was with Shokin, not his predecessor, not Burisma, not the President, just Shokin.

Oh, but Biden hates corruption. That's why he only had Shokin fired. If Biden was so hell bent on getting rid of corruption, why didn't he tell his son to stay out of his business; stay out of Ukraine, and go chase ambulances or something? Then when he was exposed, he lied to the American public stating he didn't know his son was working for Burisma. Then a picture surfaced of him, a Burisma official, and Hunter on a golf course together. But you have the nerve to say Shokin has credibility problems???

this is a load of unrelated nonsense.

Biden couldn’t replace the president, obviously. They had to work with him. Biden didn’t choose the successor either and when they did appoint him, they weren’t sure he was corrupt. They had to give him a chance like the gave Shokin a chance. Turns out Shokin was wasting US taxpayer dollars and time so the US felt compelled to respond rather than flush more tax dollars down the toilet.

Oh and that photo with a Burisma official is Devon Archer, Hunter’s long time business partner and friend. It’s silly to try to recharacterize it.

The "Ukraine gas exec" pictured in the meme, Devon Archer, is an American businessman who sat on the board of Ukrainian-based private oil gas company, Burisma Holdings Ltd, alongside Hunter Biden. Archer joined the firm shortly before Biden, his long-term business partner, Vox reported.

Archer and the younger Biden were managing partners at Rosemont Seneca Partners. Archer was also co-founder of private-equity firm Rosemont Capital with Christopher Heinz, his college roommate at Yale University. He had served as senior adviser to Heinz's stepfather, Democratic Senator John Kerry Kerry, during his 2004 presidential bid.

Who is Devon Archer? 'Ukraine gas exec' in Donald Trump's Nickelback 'Look at this Photograph' Meme

Labeling Devon Archer as a Burisma exec is both inaccurate and purposely misleading.

See the clip I posted? Their information is from Vox. Are you familiar with the political leanings of Vox?

Archer was a board member of Burisma. He was hired nearly the same time as Hunter. There is no possible way that Joe had no knowledge of Hunter and Burisma, especially now that (as you claimed) Archer was a good friend. Joe lied, and nobody lies for no reason at all.

You’re reading minds again. Claiming to know what Biden knew.

An argument can be made that Sleepy Joe is a sleepy guy who doesn't know shit. After all, much of the time, he doesn't know what state he is in.

However, I don't see how that argument make Bite Me qualified to be president.
You’re reading minds again. Claiming to know what Biden knew.
We are not you, 'Ms. Cleo'....and it is too difficult to read Biden's mind, something so small and fractured....which is why we have to rely on his videotaped confession:

Biden has credibility problems as well. Shokin was corrupt, the person that replaced him was corrupt, Burisma was and is corrupt, the President at the time was corrupt, but the only problem the commies had was with Shokin, not his predecessor, not Burisma, not the President, just Shokin.

Oh, but Biden hates corruption. That's why he only had Shokin fired. If Biden was so hell bent on getting rid of corruption, why didn't he tell his son to stay out of his business; stay out of Ukraine, and go chase ambulances or something? Then when he was exposed, he lied to the American public stating he didn't know his son was working for Burisma. Then a picture surfaced of him, a Burisma official, and Hunter on a golf course together. But you have the nerve to say Shokin has credibility problems???

this is a load of unrelated nonsense.

Biden couldn’t replace the president, obviously. They had to work with him. Biden didn’t choose the successor either and when they did appoint him, they weren’t sure he was corrupt. They had to give him a chance like the gave Shokin a chance. Turns out Shokin was wasting US taxpayer dollars and time so the US felt compelled to respond rather than flush more tax dollars down the toilet.

Oh and that photo with a Burisma official is Devon Archer, Hunter’s long time business partner and friend. It’s silly to try to recharacterize it.

The "Ukraine gas exec" pictured in the meme, Devon Archer, is an American businessman who sat on the board of Ukrainian-based private oil gas company, Burisma Holdings Ltd, alongside Hunter Biden. Archer joined the firm shortly before Biden, his long-term business partner, Vox reported.

Archer and the younger Biden were managing partners at Rosemont Seneca Partners. Archer was also co-founder of private-equity firm Rosemont Capital with Christopher Heinz, his college roommate at Yale University. He had served as senior adviser to Heinz's stepfather, Democratic Senator John Kerry Kerry, during his 2004 presidential bid.

Who is Devon Archer? 'Ukraine gas exec' in Donald Trump's Nickelback 'Look at this Photograph' Meme

Labeling Devon Archer as a Burisma exec is both inaccurate and purposely misleading.

See the clip I posted? Their information is from Vox. Are you familiar with the political leanings of Vox?

Archer was a board member of Burisma. He was hired nearly the same time as Hunter. There is no possible way that Joe had no knowledge of Hunter and Burisma, especially now that (as you claimed) Archer was a good friend. Joe lied, and nobody lies for no reason at all.

You’re reading minds again. Claiming to know what Biden knew.

And you're claiming they spent God knows how many hours on the golf course together; Hunter and Devon never brought up Burisma, and Joe never asked. Is that what you expect us to believe?
let's continue to completely ignore the fact that the Founding Fathers did NOT create Impeachment as a partisan political tool

Using the full force of the government to attack half the country, even bribing foreign governments with aid for election help is now acceptable to the Former Republicans in their fight to maintain power over the majority of Americans.

failed Democrat coup attempt

Impeaching the executive is a constitutional remedy. You must think the Trumpybear is already an all powerful King if you consider impeachment a Coup. Why do you think Trumpybear is our King?
let's continue to completely ignore the fact that the Founding Fathers did NOT create Impeachment as a partisan political tool

Using the full force of the government to attack half the country, even bribing foreign governments with aid for election help is now acceptable to the Former Republicans in their fight to maintain power over the majority of Americans.

failed Democrat coup attempt

Impeaching the executive is a constitutional remedy. You must think the Trumpybear is already an all powerful King if you consider impeachment a Coup. Why do you think Trumpybear is our King?

The problem is that President Trump didn't commit any crime, much less a High Crime.

The charges of "Obstruction of Congress" and "Abuse of Power" aren't listed in any code of criminal law.

Fake Impeachment was an attempt to disenfranchise the tens of millions who support the office of the Presidency
Uh-huh, his son banking $50-80k a month for doing next to nothing isn’t a personal gain for the Biden family.

You’re delusional.

Joe Biden didn’t do anything as VP to get Hunter his position. If Burisma wants to pay him $80k a month, that’s their decision. It’s not your money so stop whining.

First of all, you don't know that. Secondly, it's less about Hunter than it is how it relates to the Obama administration and what Burisma got in return. So far, we know that it's very possible Joe stopped Shokin from throughly investigating Burisma.

Using your logic, Shokin probably was a Unicorn who was working to get the Tooth Fairy as the new leader of Ukraine. Or maybe, Shokin was vending Hotdogs and Biden got a bad one and Shokin's Hotdog Trailer had to go. See, I can make crap up as well.

Obviously you're new to politics. People don't do favors for somebody or some people without getting anything in return. Burisma hiring a drug addict who's the son of a VP didn't do that out of the kindness of their heart. They wanted to buy protection, and they got it. They used his name to try and setup meetings with the State department, and we have the emails to prove that.
Lol, nope. How was hiring him a favor to Joe?

They wanted the name association. Companies do that all the time. Nothing illegal about it.

Yup, they wanted that “name recognition” so they could say, “See, we play ball with the Washington Establishment and we’ll gladly exchange billions of your tax dollars for a few million of ours into your personal bank accounts”.
Using the full force of the government to attack half the country, even bribing foreign governments with aid for election help is now acceptable to the Former Republicans.....

No, lil' snpowflake. Snowflakes like YOU continue to demonstrate it is ok for DEMOCRATS to do by looking at Bien's videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM and declaring, 'THIS is not illegal / Impeahable' while declaring Trumps Foreign Policy - as Dr. Hill and Ambassador testified eliminating Ukraine corruption was under Trump from the start was - IS a crime and Impeachable.

Impeaching the executive is a constitutional remedy.

For a LOST ELECTON, snowflake? No - that's TREASON
Using your logic, Shokin probably was a Unicorn who was working to get the Tooth Fairy as the new leader of Ukraine. Or maybe, Shokin was vending Hotdogs and Biden got a bad one and Shokin's Hotdog Trailer had to go. See, I can make crap up as well.

Obviously you're new to politics. People don't do favors for somebody or some people without getting anything in return. Burisma hiring a drug addict who's the son of a VP didn't do that out of the kindness of their heart. They wanted to buy protection, and they got it. They used his name to try and setup meetings with the State department, and we have the emails to prove that.
Lol, nope. How was hiring him a favor to Joe?

They wanted the name association. Companies do that all the time. Nothing illegal about it.

That's your assumption. Let's hear it from the horse's mouth.
I believe he's addressed.this any number of.times.

Not under oath he hasn't. Hunter is being offered a priceless gift, an opportunity to prove his innocence

What does that say about him if he refuses? Why is he afraid?
Lol, probe his innocence? If trading on your family name is wrong you need to start with tRump and his spawn. It's virtually all they do.
Joe Biden didn’t do anything as VP to get Hunter his position. If Burisma wants to pay him $80k a month, that’s their decision. It’s not your money so stop whining.

First of all, you don't know that. Secondly, it's less about Hunter than it is how it relates to the Obama administration and what Burisma got in return. So far, we know that it's very possible Joe stopped Shokin from throughly investigating Burisma.

Using your logic, Shokin probably was a Unicorn who was working to get the Tooth Fairy as the new leader of Ukraine. Or maybe, Shokin was vending Hotdogs and Biden got a bad one and Shokin's Hotdog Trailer had to go. See, I can make crap up as well.

Obviously you're new to politics. People don't do favors for somebody or some people without getting anything in return. Burisma hiring a drug addict who's the son of a VP didn't do that out of the kindness of their heart. They wanted to buy protection, and they got it. They used his name to try and setup meetings with the State department, and we have the emails to prove that.
Lol, nope. How was hiring him a favor to Joe?

They wanted the name association. Companies do that all the time. Nothing illegal about it.

You mean Biden is the only name association they could find? We have 1.5 million attorneys in this country alone. I'm sure they could do better than a drug addict with a known last name.

We don't know who did what wrong. Last time our President wanted to look into the matter, the Commies impeached him over it. As I stated, Joe got Shokin off Burismas ass. Burisma tried to drop Hunter's name to setup a meeting with the State department. That's just what payback we are aware of, and I'm sure there's more if it's investigated thoroughly enough.
Lol, they had a whole list of them, including a former president from somewhere.
Joe Biden didn’t do anything as VP to get Hunter his position. If Burisma wants to pay him $80k a month, that’s their decision. It’s not your money so stop whining.

First of all, you don't know that. Secondly, it's less about Hunter than it is how it relates to the Obama administration and what Burisma got in return. So far, we know that it's very possible Joe stopped Shokin from throughly investigating Burisma.

Using your logic, Shokin probably was a Unicorn who was working to get the Tooth Fairy as the new leader of Ukraine. Or maybe, Shokin was vending Hotdogs and Biden got a bad one and Shokin's Hotdog Trailer had to go. See, I can make crap up as well.

Obviously you're new to politics. People don't do favors for somebody or some people without getting anything in return. Burisma hiring a drug addict who's the son of a VP didn't do that out of the kindness of their heart. They wanted to buy protection, and they got it. They used his name to try and setup meetings with the State department, and we have the emails to prove that.
Lol, nope. How was hiring him a favor to Joe?

They wanted the name association. Companies do that all the time. Nothing illegal about it.

Yup, they wanted that “name recognition” so they could say, “See, we play ball with the Washington Establishment and we’ll gladly exchange billions of your tax dollars for a few million of ours into your personal bank accounts”.
That may be what they thought, but it didn't happen.

Since when do republicans question how a big corporation spends it's money, anyway?
Well he is on video bragging about what he did so there will be no need for any witnesses. Should take no longer than two weeks.

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