GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

I did my research. That’s how I know you’re wrong.

And yet you can't produce any evidence - which I DID, and you could not find the already established connection between Archer and Burisma, and have no clue who the 4th Individual is....

Perhaps you should ask the State Department Rep that testified before Schiff's committee and revealed that Burisma was a conflict f Interest that was using Biden's son as a 'bridge' to try to get favors from Joe through the State Department.....which he gave through the extortion of the Ukraine PM.......

FAIL again, lil' snowflake.
So what? All any president needs is 34 dedicated followers in the Senate and the opposition party can't touch him.

Besides the GOP has to win the House again in order to impeach a Democrat

Besides the GOP has to win the House again in order to impeach a Democrat

and they have a good chance to do that, thanks to Nancy, Nadler, and Schiff.
Notice how manic and fidgety the Democrat posts here are becoming?

Cross-ref their own media reports on the Democrat campaign and its candidates, and you can easily see why. The establishment is deathly afraid that Sanders will take the nomination, and are desperately trying to destroy him, even as they realize his supporters will bolt from the party should they manage to again take it away from him as they did in 2016.
lakotas posts have always been manic and fidgety....
I did my research. That’s how I know you’re wrong.

And yet you can't produce any evidence - which I DID, and you could not find the already established connection between Archer and Burisma, and have no clue who the 4th Individual is....

Perhaps you should ask the State Department Rep that testified before Schiff's committee and revealed that Burisma was a conflict f Interest that was using Biden's son as a 'bridge' to try to get favors from Joe through the State Department.....which he gave through the extortion of the Ukraine PM.......

FAIL again, lil' snowflake.

Wait, you said it was Joe, Hunter and 2 Burisma board members. How could that be true if you don't know who the 4th person is?
Did you lie?
Wait, you said it was Joe, Hunter and 2 Burisma board members. How could that be true if you don't know who the 4th person is? Did you lie?
My 2yo grandson can come up with a better ploy to get his mother to tell him where she hid the candy than the one you just tried to pull to get me to spoon-feed you the identity of the 4th person because you can't do your own research.


As I said, snowflake, remain ignorant - it's where you're most comfortable.
Wait, you said it was Joe, Hunter and 2 Burisma board members. How could that be true if you don't know who the 4th person is? Did you lie?
My 2yo grandson can come up with a better ploy to get his mother to tell him where she hid the candy than the one you just tried to pull to get me to spoon-feed you the identity of the 4th person because you can't do your own research.


As I said, snowflake, remain ignorant - it's where you're most comfortable.

I'm not asking you to spoon feed me. I want you to admit you lied. You claimed he was a Burisma board member and now you admitted you don't know who he is.
I know who he is. You don't. You lied.
I'm not asking you to spoon feed me. I want you to admit you lied.
Sorry, I can't - THAT would be a lie.

ONE of us actually provided the photo, which debunked one of your earlier lies.

ONE of us identified people in the photo.

ONE of us named the State Department Rep who testified as one of Schiff's witnesses and during his testimony exposed Joe Biden LIED about not knowing what Hunter was into, about NOT knowing Hunter was connected to Burisma, about NOT knowing Burisma was attempting to meet with him through the State Department - using Hunter's name to make the meeting happen, and about NOT being told this was a Conflict of Interest.

ONE of us provided MULTIPLE links to support the facts....

NONE of those were you.
I'm not asking you to spoon feed me. I want you to admit you lied.
Sorry, I can't - THAT would be a lie.

ONE of us actually provided the photo, which debunked one of your earlier lies.

ONE of us identified people in the photo.

ONE of us named the State Department Rep who testified as one of Schiff's witnesses and during his testimony exposed Joe Biden LIED about not knowing what Hunter was into, about NOT knowing Hunter was connected to Burisma, about NOT knowing Burisma was attempting to meet with him through the State Department - using Hunter's name to make the meeting happen, and about NOT being told this was a Conflict of Interest.

ONE of us provided MULTIPLE links to support the facts....

NONE of those were you.

You claimed you knew who was in the photo. Then you admitted you didn’t.

You lied and were caught. Admit it.
You claimed you knew who was in the photo. Then you admitted you didn’t.

As I said earlier, you should really try sticking to speaking for yourself because you suck at speaking for me. I never admitted to any such thing, lying lil' snowflake.

Thank you for continuing to show lying is what snowflakes do best.
As long as we remain in kindergarten, I'd expect any House to do everything it can to impeach any President from the other party for the foreseeable future.

This appears to be what we want. Because we've lost our shit.

Of course that's not what we want, but we didn't start this, the Democrats did. We can't just sit back and get beat up all the time. We have to show them that they can't get away with it unharmed.
So what? All any president needs is 34 dedicated followers in the Senate and the opposition party can't touch him.

Besides the GOP has to win the House again in order to impeach a Democrat

Besides the GOP has to win the House again in order to impeach a Democrat

and they have a good chance to do that, thanks to Nancy, Nadler, and Schiff.

Nah, The question you have to ask is will the dems need to get another super majority in the Senate or will they up the stakes and nuke the Cloture rule to get some some bills passed. That seems to be last vestige of minority protection left to destroy.
The Dems can forget the majority in the Senate - they need to worry about keeping the House.
That's your assumption. Let's hear it from the horse's mouth.
I believe he's addressed.this any number of.times.

Not under oath he hasn't. Hunter is being offered a priceless gift, an opportunity to prove his innocence

What does that say about him if he refuses? Why is he afraid?

There was no crime to prove. And since you want witnesses why not Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pence, Pompeo, Trump, Parnas, Furman, Cipolini, Graham and Nunez?

None of those people were subpoenaed by Nadler or Schiff. Why not?

That was the time to build a case, it isn't the Senate's job to investigate.

BTW, since when are defense attorneys like Mr. Giuliani forced to testify ever?
Don't try that bullshit here motherfucker. You know good and damned well why they could not testify before the motherfucking congress. You know good and fucking well how they all refused the subpoenas and how Bolton took his to court. So fuck that. If trumps bitch ass had been so motherfucking innocent he would not be blocking the witnesses that can prove it.

You mean blocking witnesses like Schiff Face did?
Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
Joe Biden will likely no be impeached as long as the House is dominated by Democrats. And the Democrat leadership has already announced how they plan to go after President Trump even harder following the Super Bowl. And that threat may start tomorrow because Nancy Pelosi likes beating up on President Trump more than she likes to legislate. And it's starting to sink in to me about how much the Democrat Party hates not pulling strings on everything. They were counting on all those billions of dollars in Joe Biden kickbacks since Trump went into office, and they're so blinded by lust for cheating other countries out of the money they voted on them for it appears to me they voted in too much money with the wink wink they get 2/3rds of it in kickbacks from their targeted corrupt government. They're so focused on picking somebody's pocket, they remind me of Chas. Dickens' quote "You have to pick a pocket or two."

That isn't what we should be concerned about.

Biden should not have to be threatened with this up front of collection of evidence. We know there is some...but no where near enough to show an impeachable offence.

This country just put up with Adam Schitt and Nancy Pisslosi. The GOP does not need to conjure up a counter facade.

The point is, there's no conjuring or conjecture about anything because it's all factual, clear evidence. It doesn't get much stronger as far as evidence than a public taped confession. Just call the trial, play the tape, then lock the asshole up.

There was no taped confession. And don't try talking about that video because that's not a confession. This is right wing manipulation of a videotape and it is disinformation done purposefully.

And your evidence of that is what exactly??????
So what? All any president needs is 34 dedicated followers in the Senate and the opposition party can't touch him.
Yes, let's continue to completely ignore the fact that the Founding Fathers did NOT create Impeachment as a partisan political tool for power-hungry, self-appointed would-be rulers who have elevated themselves above the law to use to strip the American citizens of their Constitutional right to vote and choose their own leader instead of having one imposed / forced upon them, as the Democrats tried to do and - thankfully - failed to accomplish.
Besides the GOP has to win the House again in order to impeach a Democrat
After the recent 4-years-in-the-making failed Democrat coup attempt, I don't think accomplishing that will be as hard as you think...
The real problem the libs have with President Trump has nothing to do with the Fake Articles of Impeachment.

They just don't like Trump's policies of Peace and Prosperity, but are afraid to attack them directly, so they invented some bullshit
Why has trump blocked witnesses and documents?

Because there is no need for them. Remember? The Democrats claim that have all the evidence necessary for a justified impeachment. Did they or did they not? Because if they didn't, then they pushed a fake impeachment and should all be thrown out of our government.

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