GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

No, most Republicans won't admit that because it's a lie. No crimes were listed in the articles of impeachment.
They already have.

Like who?
Republicans’ Emerging Defense: Trump’s Actions Were Bad, but Not Impeachable

Using paywall sites to make your point is the oldest trick in the book, but nice try. Unlike leftists, we read what people post.

In any case, your claim was they admitted there were crimes, not that it wasn't the greatest call in the world.
I don't have a paywall there.

As I noted before, you are gonna find a problem with not no matter what I post.

What are you talking about? The NYT have had that wall there for well over a year. I don't know if they want money, or just your email address, but I'm not about to give them either.
The Dems can forget the majority in the Senate - they need to worry about keeping the House.

The so called "Republicans" were as much on trial as Rump. So far, they have been found guilty by the very jury that sent them to DC in the first place. I suggest you spend more time worrying about keeping the Senate.

You are such a poll slave Daryl. What disappointment you are setting yourself up for. When it's all said and done this November, you still won't admit how you've been so hoodwinked.

I had a hard time admitting I was hoodwinked that bad in 2016 by the party of the Rump. Anything is possible.

Using paywall sites to make your point is the oldest trick in the book, but nice try. Unlike leftists, we read what people post.

In any case, your claim was they admitted there were crimes, not that it wasn't the greatest call in the world.
I don't have a paywall there.

As I noted before, you are gonna find a problem with not no matter what I post.

What are you talking about? The NYT have had that wall there for well over a year. I don't know if they want money, or just your email address, but I'm not about to give them either.

Two things.

First, NYTs has had that stupid wall and it's to turn off the blockers. Since I won't, I have to read it in the NYTs I get everyday in print.

Second: He's right. NO matter what anyone posts negative about Rump or the party of the Rump (no matter how true of pertinent it is) you won't buy it and will attack it or attack the messenger.

Using paywall sites to make your point is the oldest trick in the book, but nice try. Unlike leftists, we read what people post.

In any case, your claim was they admitted there were crimes, not that it wasn't the greatest call in the world.
I don't have a paywall there.

As I noted before, you are gonna find a problem with not no matter what I post.

What are you talking about? The NYT have had that wall there for well over a year. I don't know if they want money, or just your email address, but I'm not about to give them either.

Two things.

First, NYTs has had that stupid wall and it's to turn off the blockers. Since I won't, I have to read it in the NYTs I get everyday in print.

Second: He's right. NO matter what anyone posts negative about Rump or the party of the Rump (no matter how true of pertinent it is) you won't buy it and will attack it or attack the messenger.

It has nothing to do with ad blockers. When it was instant access, I turned mine off for that site years ago. In any case, they want you to create an account which I refuse to do. I don't want to give them credit for me being a reader of theirs.
The Dems can forget the majority in the Senate - they need to worry about keeping the House.

The so called "Republicans" were as much on trial as Rump. So far, they have been found guilty by the very jury that sent them to DC in the first place. I suggest you spend more time worrying about keeping the Senate.

You are such a poll slave Daryl. What disappointment you are setting yourself up for. When it's all said and done this November, you still won't admit how you've been so hoodwinked.

I had a hard time admitting I was hoodwinked that bad in 2016 by the party of the Rump. Anything is possible.

Yes, you were hoodwinked; everybody on the left was. Why? Because they believed polls. In fact, Hil-Liar barely put any real time into her campaign because she was so over confident because of these stupid polls.

When are you going to realize that polls don't tell you what people really think, they are trying to convince you what to think?

'No Crime Is Needed For Impeachment'

'Impeachment is POLITICAL'.

View attachment 304231

Yeah, and 'Be careful what you ask just might get it'.

It would be funny as hell....and 'justice' .... if Biden wins the Presidency, and he is Immediately Impeached for Extortion, for extorting the former Ukraine PM....and all they would have to do is play his videotaped confession.



It’s a little early to be this oblivious.

Not soon as Harry Reid changed the Senate rules everybody predicted that it would bite him in the ass almost idmmediately after he did it.

This is not like what Reid did. This votes gives the president unlimited power.

I can't tell if you are being disingenuous or just stupid.
Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
Over what?

Over nothing you idiot just like now.
This is why you don't abuse the Congressional rules because it doesn't stop once it starts. There was never a case for impeachment here so now the bar has been lowered to the point where impeachment is going to be brought up every time a president loses the house. Very very stupid.


This impeachment was not over nothing. That's why trump blocked witnesses.

Wrong again.

He blocked them because of the way the House was conducting this mess.
Trump goes down as an Impeached President

Let him run on the sham that passed as a “trial”

First, he'll run on "vindicated", which despite the squeals from the usual suspects will resonate with many uneducated voters. Then if he wins reelection, it will become possibly the most moot point in political history, discussed bitterly by a small handful of the never appeased in a corner where they reassure each other that "he WAS impeached, you know".

He won't be running on vindicated. Not when 70 percent of the country wanted witness testimony.
Oh, but he will. You don't know Trump if you think he won't, and it will resonate with the lightly involved who wonder what all the hatred is about when the House already had the opportunity to hear from and, <gasp> actually DID hear from witnesses.

But the witnesses the House heard from only testified to hearsay, double, triple and quadruple hearsay.

Or merely offered their opinions on foreign policy, and indicated how upset they were that President Trump kept them out of the loop because of their alleged leaking
If I hear you talking to someone, it is not hearsay.

You assfucks are just plain dumber than shit.

And you still lost to us.

He won't be running on vindicated. Not when 70 percent of the country wanted witness testimony.
Oh, but he will. You don't know Trump if you think he won't, and it will resonate with the lightly involved who wonder what all the hatred is about when the House already had the opportunity to hear from and, <gasp> actually DID hear from witnesses.

But the witnesses the House heard from only testified to hearsay, double, triple and quadruple hearsay.

Or merely offered their opinions on foreign policy, and indicated how upset they were that President Trump kept them out of the loop because of their alleged leaking

No they didn't and on top of that trump blocked the witnesses with more direct evidence. So again. drop that bullshit lie of an argument. If trump had been innocent, he doesn't black witnesses.

Mueller had already exonerated Trump in his witch hunt,.

And as the President explained, he wasn't going to cooperate in any re-do's.

Mueller did not exonerate trump.

He certainly didn't indict him.

This has been enjoyable.

I posted this to point out I thought it is really dumb to talk about impeaching Biden if he is elected.

I certainly have no problem with the house conducting an investigation.

But talk of impeachment now is stupid.

What I see is that we get the butthurt of the impeachment loss played out and the entire proceeding redebated.

We just can't seem to let go.
I don't see any Republican on the horizon beating Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie in 2024 if the D's win this fall. The GOP would need to get ready for the 2044 election as it will take time to regain the trust of the people in the Heartland.

I can think of 4. But the Party of the Rump won't hear of it since they aren't Rump.

The only really worthwhile possible GOP candidates for 2024 that I would consider are Jared Kushner, Mike Pence, Ivanka and Donald Jr.

I don't think that you would find any of them acceptable

You still don't get it. The Party of the Rump is a goner. Your Cultist slip is showing.

Assuming you are right, where are the 'real' Republicans at now, in 2020, running? I don't see any Anti-Trump Republicans even showing their faces, much less running for office.

You aren't looking very well. There at least 2 that are registered so they can vie for the votes at the Republican National Convention. And they are both polling with less than 10% but together, if they decide which one would be the better VP, they could derail Rump. Got a newsflash for you, the Republican Party is already split. And NO President trying to be reelected has ever won with a split party. Even though those two can only attribute for about 10% combined, that's enough to split the party. The Party of the Rump is dying fast. You had better start working for a better horse instead of Rump the Jackass.

Can you please provide links to back up what appear to be huge fantasies.
Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
Over what?
Ukraine.....he with held aid to help his son...….slam dunk case......welcome to playing by the left's rules.....just like the senate nuclear option, you guys start this shit and we finish it.
Obviously you're new to politics. People don't do favors for somebody or some people without getting anything in return. Burisma hiring a drug addict who's the son of a VP didn't do that out of the kindness of their heart. They wanted to buy protection, and they got it. They used his name to try and setup meetings with the State department, and we have the emails to prove that.
Lol, nope. How was hiring him a favor to Joe?

They wanted the name association. Companies do that all the time. Nothing illegal about it.

That's your assumption. Let's hear it from the horse's mouth.
I believe he's addressed.this any number of.times.

Not under oath he hasn't. Hunter is being offered a priceless gift, an opportunity to prove his innocence

What does that say about him if he refuses? Why is he afraid?

Why should he? He's not officially charged with anything other than jerking his Ex off. Yh, Yah, I inow, wait until (fill in here). It looks like it takes you criminals at least 30 years going after one person and you still continue. Then you begrudge another bunch for getting serious for only one short year to bag Rump. Damn, you sure know how to be a "Party" (get it) Pooper.

You don't get it.

Once he is under interrogation, if he commits perjury even inadvertently, he can be flipped and help take Joe Biden himself down, which is the goal of the resistance.
Oh, but he will. You don't know Trump if you think he won't, and it will resonate with the lightly involved who wonder what all the hatred is about when the House already had the opportunity to hear from and, <gasp> actually DID hear from witnesses.

He'll TRY to run on vindicated. It will not resonate. You think everybody sees this from your right wing POV, but the majority of Americans wanted to hear testimony and they will wonder why that didn't happen.
"The majority of Americans" paid no attention to the whole impeachment circus. "The majority of Americans" couldn't tell you any of the major players in the impeachment circus. So, no, "the majority of Americans" won't care if the Senate did the House's job for them or not.

Keep thinking like that. The majority of the people know trump was impeached and they know that the senate will acquit trump with no trial. That trump lawyer bullshit won't work here son. trump blocked witnesses and the prosecution can call witnesses to the stand during a trial..
The House did not go after those witnesses. Trump told them to pound sand and they said, "Yessir, where and for how long?". That was their fatal mistake. No one believes they were in too big of a hurry because they sat on it for a month after voting on it. Bubba was impeached and it didn't hurt his popularity. It won't hurt Trump's either.

That's a damn lie. trump is unpopular, not once has he gone over 50 percent approval. Start over.

You're not paying attention. I said it won't hurt his approval. That means his approval won't go down very much because of this. It simply doesn't matter where it was before.
Everyone is aware of Biden & the Ukraine so if they elect him, the voters say it was OK.

that doesn't mean the law should be ignored.

It would be time for an Investigation, see if there is an impeachable offense.
Why not? Start about a year into his administration when it is obvious to all but the democrat faithful that he doesn't really remember where he is any more, than bom
Oh, but he will. You don't know Trump if you think he won't, and it will resonate with the lightly involved who wonder what all the hatred is about when the House already had the opportunity to hear from and, <gasp> actually DID hear from witnesses.

He'll TRY to run on vindicated. It will not resonate. You think everybody sees this from your right wing POV, but the majority of Americans wanted to hear testimony and they will wonder why that didn't happen.
If you think "Lock her up" was bad...

Just watch what happens to trump in the next few months.
We're all watching. The democrats shot their wad, put it all on one throw of the dice, and lost. Trump will be energized from this whole thing, because there's no way they can do it again before the election and he has nothing to fear from them.

trump and the republican party are the losers here. You really need to stop reading the gateway pundit and look to real sources, because what has happened here does not sit well with the American people.

The majority of American people don't pay that much attention to politics. Like I said, most couldn't tell you who Adam Schiff is. But for those who can, you're right, they don't like the hit job the democrats tried to pull off. You'd think they would figure out by now that hysterical shrieks and accusations are not the same as solid evidence of wrong doing, but they've been running this same set of plays since Clarence Thomas.
Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
Over what?
Ukraine.....he with held aid to help his son...….slam dunk case......welcome to playing by the left's rules.....just like the senate nuclear option, you guys start this shit and we finish it.
No, he didn't.
Stop pushing Russian propaganda.
The Dems can forget the majority in the Senate - they need to worry about keeping the House.

The so called "Republicans" were as much on trial as Rump. So far, they have been found guilty by the very jury that sent them to DC in the first place. I suggest you spend more time worrying about keeping the Senate.

You are such a poll slave Daryl. What disappointment you are setting yourself up for. When it's all said and done this November, you still won't admit how you've been so hoodwinked.

I had a hard time admitting I was hoodwinked that bad in 2016 by the party of the Rump. Anything is possible.

Makes your DREAM come true!

Using paywall sites to make your point is the oldest trick in the book, but nice try. Unlike leftists, we read what people post.

In any case, your claim was they admitted there were crimes, not that it wasn't the greatest call in the world.
I don't have a paywall there.

As I noted before, you are gonna find a problem with not no matter what I post.

What are you talking about? The NYT have had that wall there for well over a year. I don't know if they want money, or just your email address, but I'm not about to give them either.

Two things.

First, NYTs has had that stupid wall and it's to turn off the blockers. Since I won't, I have to read it in the NYTs I get everyday in print.

Second: He's right. NO matter what anyone posts negative about Rump or the party of the Rump (no matter how true of pertinent it is) you won't buy it and will attack it or attack the messenger.

It has nothing to do with ad blockers. When it was instant access, I turned mine off for that site years ago. In any case, they want you to create an account which I refuse to do. I don't want to give them credit for me being a reader of theirs.

And I won't turn off my ad blockers so I'll just have to take your word for it.
The Dems can forget the majority in the Senate - they need to worry about keeping the House.

The so called "Republicans" were as much on trial as Rump. So far, they have been found guilty by the very jury that sent them to DC in the first place. I suggest you spend more time worrying about keeping the Senate.

You are such a poll slave Daryl. What disappointment you are setting yourself up for. When it's all said and done this November, you still won't admit how you've been so hoodwinked.

I had a hard time admitting I was hoodwinked that bad in 2016 by the party of the Rump. Anything is possible.

Yes, you were hoodwinked; everybody on the left was. Why? Because they believed polls. In fact, Hil-Liar barely put any real time into her campaign because she was so over confident because of these stupid polls.

When are you going to realize that polls don't tell you what people really think, they are trying to convince you what to think?

The Polls didn't take into consideration for the GRU involvement and that Idjit Comey's speech just days before the election. I don't fault Rump for firing him. I fault him for waiting so long as to try and give his elections some validity it didn't really have. But who cares, Hillary went back to dragging for quarters. It has zero to do with 2020.

But the problem is, a message is being sent to the GRU that it's business as usual. But at least Comey isn't there.
I can think of 4. But the Party of the Rump won't hear of it since they aren't Rump.

The only really worthwhile possible GOP candidates for 2024 that I would consider are Jared Kushner, Mike Pence, Ivanka and Donald Jr.

I don't think that you would find any of them acceptable

You still don't get it. The Party of the Rump is a goner. Your Cultist slip is showing.

Assuming you are right, where are the 'real' Republicans at now, in 2020, running? I don't see any Anti-Trump Republicans even showing their faces, much less running for office.

You aren't looking very well. There at least 2 that are registered so they can vie for the votes at the Republican National Convention. And they are both polling with less than 10% but together, if they decide which one would be the better VP, they could derail Rump. Got a newsflash for you, the Republican Party is already split. And NO President trying to be reelected has ever won with a split party. Even though those two can only attribute for about 10% combined, that's enough to split the party. The Party of the Rump is dying fast. You had better start working for a better horse instead of Rump the Jackass.

Can you please provide links to back up what appear to be huge fantasies.

You call yourself a Republican yet you have no idea on what's going on in the Republican party. You aren't a republican you are "The Party of the Rump" and they want to keep you stupid. Don't let me get in the way on that one. Stay stupid. Don't research your own party. Stay uninformed. And don't look for someone else to do your research for you. You won't believe it anyway because "The Party of the Rump" says it's fake news.

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