GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

The so called "Republicans" were as much on trial as Rump. So far, they have been found guilty by the very jury that sent them to DC in the first place. I suggest you spend more time worrying about keeping the Senate.

You are such a poll slave Daryl. What disappointment you are setting yourself up for. When it's all said and done this November, you still won't admit how you've been so hoodwinked.

I had a hard time admitting I was hoodwinked that bad in 2016 by the party of the Rump. Anything is possible.

Yes, you were hoodwinked; everybody on the left was. Why? Because they believed polls. In fact, Hil-Liar barely put any real time into her campaign because she was so over confident because of these stupid polls.

When are you going to realize that polls don't tell you what people really think, they are trying to convince you what to think?

The Polls didn't take into consideration for the GRU involvement and that Idjit Comey's speech just days before the election. I don't fault Rump for firing him. I fault him for waiting so long as to try and give his elections some validity it didn't really have. But who cares, Hillary went back to dragging for quarters. It has zero to do with 2020.

But the problem is, a message is being sent to the GRU that it's business as usual. But at least Comey isn't there.

I don't know what GRU is, and don't really care. Polls are used to convince people with weak minds; people that always want to be on the side that's winning. Then weeks and even days before the elections, the polls that were predicting X all of a sudden change direction. Why? Because they don't want to lose credibility. They spent months and sometimes years trying to convince people of something, but don't want to be outed when all their so-called predictions are totally off base.

When I see mobs at Trump rallies and people like Biden who can't fill a high school cafeteria, that's common sense, not polls. When I talk with people about how much better they've been doing the last couple of years, and how they hope it continues, that's common sense, not polls. When I see record consumer spending at the holidays, that's common sense, not polls. When the agriculture department reports that we will see record exports in the coming years, that's common sense, not polls.

I'm a realist. I don't let hatred cloud my views and what's right in front of me.

You support Rump who is the embodiment of hate.

We need a healer that doesn't keep ripping the scabs off.
IOW, he won.
He won because of a rare occurrence that has happed only 5 times in our 243 year history caused by a technicality. This is a fluke presidency.
He won fair and square. He won because Hillary was a terrible candidate who, despite spending far more money and having a slavishly devoted media backing her, decided to ignore vast swaths of the electorate whom he aggressively went after. You can call it a fluke all you want, but at the end of the day, he's the incumbent in 2020 and Hillary is retired. You might as well try to deny the underdog a Super Bowl victory because the losing team was supposed to be superior and their defense missed a crucial tackle.

He had help. The Russians engaging in an active measure campaign helped. The hacking and dumping of thousands of sensitive emails helped. The FBI helped too. Comey going out and attacking Clinton in his press conference was damaging to her. It was also completely outside the normal conduct of the FBI. Comey telling Chaffetz that he was reopening the investigation was also completely outside normal procedure and when Chaffetz told everyone, it hurt her campaign.

I’m not saying Trump cheated or is responsible for this. I’m saying that Clinton lost for a lot of reasons and those I listed above were some of them and were wrong. I wouldn’t call it the most fair election in the world.

There are tricks and shady things done in every election, and I can guarantee that every nation in the planet with the means to do so tries to influence our elections. It's inevitable because the prize is so big, and we've gone back and forth endlessly over all of the tricks known about on this board. That being said, it still boils down to one of the greatest political upsets in American history. I still believe that Hillary had every advantage on paper, and her believing that led her to slack off and stop campaigning, which allowed Trump, with his boundless energy and refusal to give up, to pull it off. Think the tortoise and the hare.

The bottom line is, Hillary defeated herself.

When you call half of the country a basket of deplorable's, and you tell people the most favorable enemy you made in your career are the Republicans, the hater mindset turns off a lot of people, even if she's not speaking about you.

There was simply no message of unity with her rants. She does not look at other Americans with a different view than hers as other Americans. She looks at them as the enemy.

But you really are deplorable. :2up:
You are such a poll slave Daryl. What disappointment you are setting yourself up for. When it's all said and done this November, you still won't admit how you've been so hoodwinked.

I had a hard time admitting I was hoodwinked that bad in 2016 by the party of the Rump. Anything is possible.

Yes, you were hoodwinked; everybody on the left was. Why? Because they believed polls. In fact, Hil-Liar barely put any real time into her campaign because she was so over confident because of these stupid polls.

When are you going to realize that polls don't tell you what people really think, they are trying to convince you what to think?

The Polls didn't take into consideration for the GRU involvement and that Idjit Comey's speech just days before the election. I don't fault Rump for firing him. I fault him for waiting so long as to try and give his elections some validity it didn't really have. But who cares, Hillary went back to dragging for quarters. It has zero to do with 2020.

But the problem is, a message is being sent to the GRU that it's business as usual. But at least Comey isn't there.

I don't know what GRU is, and don't really care. Polls are used to convince people with weak minds; people that always want to be on the side that's winning. Then weeks and even days before the elections, the polls that were predicting X all of a sudden change direction. Why? Because they don't want to lose credibility. They spent months and sometimes years trying to convince people of something, but don't want to be outed when all their so-called predictions are totally off base.

When I see mobs at Trump rallies and people like Biden who can't fill a high school cafeteria, that's common sense, not polls. When I talk with people about how much better they've been doing the last couple of years, and how they hope it continues, that's common sense, not polls. When I see record consumer spending at the holidays, that's common sense, not polls. When the agriculture department reports that we will see record exports in the coming years, that's common sense, not polls.

I'm a realist. I don't let hatred cloud my views and what's right in front of me.

You support Rump who is the embodiment of hate.

We need a healer that doesn't keep ripping the scabs off.

The only people Trump hate are those who attack him first. When you have an economy like this, new trade deals, steady fuel prices, a huge reduction of border crossings in spite of the resistance, and then say the country is doomed is pure personal hatred. I have much more respect for honest people who tell me they can't stand Trump personally, but he's doing a hell of a good job. At least that's honesty.
I had a hard time admitting I was hoodwinked that bad in 2016 by the party of the Rump. Anything is possible.

Yes, you were hoodwinked; everybody on the left was. Why? Because they believed polls. In fact, Hil-Liar barely put any real time into her campaign because she was so over confident because of these stupid polls.

When are you going to realize that polls don't tell you what people really think, they are trying to convince you what to think?

The Polls didn't take into consideration for the GRU involvement and that Idjit Comey's speech just days before the election. I don't fault Rump for firing him. I fault him for waiting so long as to try and give his elections some validity it didn't really have. But who cares, Hillary went back to dragging for quarters. It has zero to do with 2020.

But the problem is, a message is being sent to the GRU that it's business as usual. But at least Comey isn't there.

I don't know what GRU is, and don't really care. Polls are used to convince people with weak minds; people that always want to be on the side that's winning. Then weeks and even days before the elections, the polls that were predicting X all of a sudden change direction. Why? Because they don't want to lose credibility. They spent months and sometimes years trying to convince people of something, but don't want to be outed when all their so-called predictions are totally off base.

When I see mobs at Trump rallies and people like Biden who can't fill a high school cafeteria, that's common sense, not polls. When I talk with people about how much better they've been doing the last couple of years, and how they hope it continues, that's common sense, not polls. When I see record consumer spending at the holidays, that's common sense, not polls. When the agriculture department reports that we will see record exports in the coming years, that's common sense, not polls.

I'm a realist. I don't let hatred cloud my views and what's right in front of me.

You support Rump who is the embodiment of hate.

We need a healer that doesn't keep ripping the scabs off.

The only people Trump hate are those who attack him first. When you have an economy like this, new trade deals, steady fuel prices, a huge reduction of border crossings in spite of the resistance, and then say the country is doomed is pure personal hatred. I have much more respect for honest people who tell me they can't stand Trump personally, but he's doing a hell of a good job. At least that's honesty.

Oh, stop it, just stop it. You keep repeating Rump over and over. It reminds me of the "Why tell the Truth when a Lie works just as well".
Low IQ Joe's chances of winning....

The Dem nomination = 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

The Presidency = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

This is a stupid thread about nothing
When you call half of the country a basket of deplorable's,

That's why Faux's messaging is so important to the Trumpublican base. They believe she said that "half the country...."

Faux is winning the propaganda war.

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
He had help. The Russians engaging in an active measure campaign helped.

Never happened because it couldn't happen. I have expert testimony.

You’re misrepresenting what Obama said. He was talking about voting interference.

So when you said "Russia campaign measures helped" that isn't interference?

It's not changing votes at the voting machine, which is what Obama was referring to.

It's still interference in the election.
Bottom Line message from Iowa

When we trust Democrats, we will always get BURNED....
When you call half of the country a basket of deplorable's,

That's why Faux's messaging is so important to the Trumpublican base. They believe she said that "half the country...."

Faux is winning the propaganda war.

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

She was never a good candidate.
When you call half of the country a basket of deplorable's,

That's why Faux's messaging is so important to the Trumpublican base. They believe she said that "half the country...."

Faux is winning the propaganda war.

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

She was never a good candidate.

I can agree with that.
I had a hard time admitting I was hoodwinked that bad in 2016 by the party of the Rump. Anything is possible.

Yes, you were hoodwinked; everybody on the left was. Why? Because they believed polls. In fact, Hil-Liar barely put any real time into her campaign because she was so over confident because of these stupid polls.

When are you going to realize that polls don't tell you what people really think, they are trying to convince you what to think?

The Polls didn't take into consideration for the GRU involvement and that Idjit Comey's speech just days before the election. I don't fault Rump for firing him. I fault him for waiting so long as to try and give his elections some validity it didn't really have. But who cares, Hillary went back to dragging for quarters. It has zero to do with 2020.

But the problem is, a message is being sent to the GRU that it's business as usual. But at least Comey isn't there.

I don't know what GRU is, and don't really care. Polls are used to convince people with weak minds; people that always want to be on the side that's winning. Then weeks and even days before the elections, the polls that were predicting X all of a sudden change direction. Why? Because they don't want to lose credibility. They spent months and sometimes years trying to convince people of something, but don't want to be outed when all their so-called predictions are totally off base.

When I see mobs at Trump rallies and people like Biden who can't fill a high school cafeteria, that's common sense, not polls. When I talk with people about how much better they've been doing the last couple of years, and how they hope it continues, that's common sense, not polls. When I see record consumer spending at the holidays, that's common sense, not polls. When the agriculture department reports that we will see record exports in the coming years, that's common sense, not polls.

I'm a realist. I don't let hatred cloud my views and what's right in front of me.

You support Rump who is the embodiment of hate.

We need a healer that doesn't keep ripping the scabs off.

The only people Trump hate are those who attack him first. When you have an economy like this, new trade deals, steady fuel prices, a huge reduction of border crossings in spite of the resistance, and then say the country is doomed is pure personal hatred. I have much more respect for honest people who tell me they can't stand Trump personally, but he's doing a hell of a good job. At least that's honesty.

Trump does shit that deserves attacking. Trump has a fit, lies some more & calls childish names & you think that is OK?

You kid comes home from school & finds out his teacher called about him misbehaving in class, he jumps up & down & yells "That fat assed bitch said what about me" and you think that is OK.
Yes, you were hoodwinked; everybody on the left was. Why? Because they believed polls. In fact, Hil-Liar barely put any real time into her campaign because she was so over confident because of these stupid polls.

When are you going to realize that polls don't tell you what people really think, they are trying to convince you what to think?

The Polls didn't take into consideration for the GRU involvement and that Idjit Comey's speech just days before the election. I don't fault Rump for firing him. I fault him for waiting so long as to try and give his elections some validity it didn't really have. But who cares, Hillary went back to dragging for quarters. It has zero to do with 2020.

But the problem is, a message is being sent to the GRU that it's business as usual. But at least Comey isn't there.

I don't know what GRU is, and don't really care. Polls are used to convince people with weak minds; people that always want to be on the side that's winning. Then weeks and even days before the elections, the polls that were predicting X all of a sudden change direction. Why? Because they don't want to lose credibility. They spent months and sometimes years trying to convince people of something, but don't want to be outed when all their so-called predictions are totally off base.

When I see mobs at Trump rallies and people like Biden who can't fill a high school cafeteria, that's common sense, not polls. When I talk with people about how much better they've been doing the last couple of years, and how they hope it continues, that's common sense, not polls. When I see record consumer spending at the holidays, that's common sense, not polls. When the agriculture department reports that we will see record exports in the coming years, that's common sense, not polls.

I'm a realist. I don't let hatred cloud my views and what's right in front of me.

You support Rump who is the embodiment of hate.

We need a healer that doesn't keep ripping the scabs off.

The only people Trump hate are those who attack him first. When you have an economy like this, new trade deals, steady fuel prices, a huge reduction of border crossings in spite of the resistance, and then say the country is doomed is pure personal hatred. I have much more respect for honest people who tell me they can't stand Trump personally, but he's doing a hell of a good job. At least that's honesty.

Trump does shit that deserves attacking. Trump has a fit, lies some more & calls childish names & you think that is OK?

You kid comes home from school & finds out his teacher called about him misbehaving in class, he jumps up & down & yells "That fat assed bitch said what about me" and you think that is OK.

Yes, I do like that. I'm sick of these pussy Republicans who take crap from the commies and MSM, and sit back and take it. Trump fights back. Oh, I know.... that's not what Trump is supposed to do. He's supposed to keep quiet and sit in the corner like all the others.

Sorry, there's a new Sheriff in town, and he's not taking crap from anybody. You punch Trump, he will punch back twice as hard.
That ain't from Democrats

Agreed. Democrats are intent on bankrupting AMERICA, not just farmers....
Lets compare the economies of Clinton & Obama against those of Bush Jr & Trump.

What saved the Clinton Economy was the tremendous Contract for America and Uncle Newtie's Fantastic Welfare Reform.

What saved Obama from being totally decimated economically was Boehner's Tremendous Budget Sequestration.
The Polls didn't take into consideration for the GRU involvement and that Idjit Comey's speech just days before the election. I don't fault Rump for firing him. I fault him for waiting so long as to try and give his elections some validity it didn't really have. But who cares, Hillary went back to dragging for quarters. It has zero to do with 2020.

But the problem is, a message is being sent to the GRU that it's business as usual. But at least Comey isn't there.

I don't know what GRU is, and don't really care. Polls are used to convince people with weak minds; people that always want to be on the side that's winning. Then weeks and even days before the elections, the polls that were predicting X all of a sudden change direction. Why? Because they don't want to lose credibility. They spent months and sometimes years trying to convince people of something, but don't want to be outed when all their so-called predictions are totally off base.

When I see mobs at Trump rallies and people like Biden who can't fill a high school cafeteria, that's common sense, not polls. When I talk with people about how much better they've been doing the last couple of years, and how they hope it continues, that's common sense, not polls. When I see record consumer spending at the holidays, that's common sense, not polls. When the agriculture department reports that we will see record exports in the coming years, that's common sense, not polls.

I'm a realist. I don't let hatred cloud my views and what's right in front of me.

You support Rump who is the embodiment of hate.

We need a healer that doesn't keep ripping the scabs off.

The only people Trump hate are those who attack him first. When you have an economy like this, new trade deals, steady fuel prices, a huge reduction of border crossings in spite of the resistance, and then say the country is doomed is pure personal hatred. I have much more respect for honest people who tell me they can't stand Trump personally, but he's doing a hell of a good job. At least that's honesty.

Trump does shit that deserves attacking. Trump has a fit, lies some more & calls childish names & you think that is OK?

You kid comes home from school & finds out his teacher called about him misbehaving in class, he jumps up & down & yells "That fat assed bitch said what about me" and you think that is OK.

Yes, I do like that. I'm sick of these pussy Republicans who take crap from the commies and MSM, and sit back and take it. Trump fights back. Oh, I know.... that's not what Trump is supposed to do. He's supposed to keep quiet and sit in the corner like all the others.

Sorry, there's a new Sheriff in town, and he's not taking crap from anybody. You punch Trump, he will punch back twice as hard.

Wow, more Rump wisdom.
That ain't from Democrats

Agreed. Democrats are intent on bankrupting AMERICA, not just farmers....
Lets compare the economies of Clinton & Obama against those of Bush Jr & Trump.

What saved the Clinton Economy was the tremendous Contract for America and Uncle Newtie's Fantastic Welfare Reform.

What saved Obama from being totally decimated economically was Boehner's Tremendous Budget Sequestration.

I think it was the PC and Internet boom that fueled the 90's Economy and the sequestration was a bipartisan last resort.

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