GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

We had the worst domestic attack in American history.

and you are yet to have a clue as to what actually happened and who did it....



Jet fuel burns at 600F

Molten steel of this color is 2200 F

Where did the additional 1600F come from???

You'll have to get a copy of Popular Mechanics article that debunked all the conspiracy theories. I believe they still sell it.
You'll have to get a copy of Popular Mechanics article that debunked all the conspiracy theories

Um, no it didn't. I'd love to read it, how a 757 full of fuel, passengers, and cargo/luggage was travelling at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground, which puts its engines IN THE GROUND....



This is what you believe happened.....
We had the worst domestic attack in American history.

and you are yet to have a clue as to what actually happened and who did it....



Jet fuel burns at 600F

Molten steel of this color is 2200 F

Where did the additional 1600F come from???

So your idiotic contention is that the exhaust of a jet engine only gets up to 600F.
You're a fucking moron. Without after burner it's 600C.
the exhaust of a jet engine


So the 767 cargo drone hits WTC South, and its exhaust just sits there exhausting for 20 minutes until the steel melted...

Every time they try to explain it, they document they have NO TRUTH and NO UNDERSTANDING OF BASIC SCIENCE....

Still waiting for one single photo of "Osama" in Saudi....

You'll have to get a copy of Popular Mechanics article that debunked all the conspiracy theories

Um, no it didn't. I'd love to read it, how a 757 full of fuel, passengers, and cargo/luggage was travelling at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground, which puts its engines IN THE GROUND....



This is what you believe happened.....

Then I suggest you get a copy of it. It explains everything that happened and how the conspiracy stories are just that--conspiracies. But you are talking to the wrong person for such a debate, because I don't believe in conspiracies.
because I don't believe in conspiracies.

W and O and the media and the Post 1998 GOP and the Dems never lie.

They are all honest, wonderful people....

I have "debunked" much in life, including Global Warming and 911. I will attempt to "read" what PM says. I doubt it says anything I haven't read before.

And I'm certain it will claim this was NOT a controlled demolition of a steel framed building (#7, that housed the CIA and FBI of NYC)....

If those videos document a controlled demolition of a steel framed building, then 911 was a fraud, plain and simple.
because I don't believe in conspiracies.

W and O and the media and the Post 1998 GOP and the Dems never lie.

They are all honest, wonderful people....

I have "debunked" much in life, including Global Warming and 911. I will attempt to "read" what PM says. I doubt it says anything I haven't read before.

And I'm certain it will claim this was NOT a controlled demolition of a steel framed building (#7, that housed the CIA and FBI of NYC)....

If those videos document a controlled demolition of a steel framed building, then 911 was a fraud, plain and simple.

I don't know if the free sample will answer any of your questions, but you're welcome to check it out.

Debunking 9/11 Myths
John Sellout McAIPAC


Geez, why not get one from Netanyahu himself....

John McCain went to a Shia portion of Iraq and declared that Al Qaeda and Iran were allies.... and that didn't exactly sell well with the Iraqi Shias who support Iran.

Indeed, it wasn't true. Al Qaeda, Col Tim Osman's "orphanage," was protected by Taliban.

When we got to Afghan, there was an ongoing war between Taliban and Northern Alliance.

Which side was IRAN on????? Taliban/AQ or TNA???

Northern Alliance - Wikipedia

The Northern Alliance fought a defensive war against the Taliban government.[1] They received support from Iran, Russia, Turkey, India, Tajikistan and others,

I'll give you a big clue, Ray. You are basically a good American, and we mostly agree....


Mc WHAT???


Cain = Jewish last name

John McCain = Jewish lying about being Christian

John McCain sang a song....

John Sellout McAIPAC was exactly what has been wrong with the GOP since 1998. John McCain wanted a US war with all of Israel's enemies, didn't care why, and didn't care that his lies in Iraq would get American troops killed and maimed, because the "media" would blame.... Iran's now dead general.

Telling Iraq's Shias a lie like Iran supporting Taliban when Iran was actually arming and funding Northern Alliance didn't help our credibility in Iraq at all....

The Shias, the ones we "liberated," started shooting at us.... Thanks, John Sellout (War War War for Israel) McAIPAC
At the we have evidence of joe admit to a panel so my suggestion is save the articles and video but Biden cover the shadiness
Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
I am so tired of pols trying to undo the results of elections. If Biden wins, I hope NOBODY files articles of impeachment, no matter how bad he is likely to be.

Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
I am so tired of pols trying to undo the results of elections. If Biden wins, I hope NOBODY files articles of impeachment, no matter how bad he is likely to be.


They can investigate.

But they need a cause.

I don't want to hear about impeaching him just to do it (like they did for Trump).
We're all watching. The democrats shot their wad, put it all on one throw of the dice, and lost. Trump will be energized from this whole thing, because there's no way they can do it again before the election and he has nothing to fear from them.
How many laws has he broken since you posted this?
I don't know, but it would seem that you think you do.
So your media sources don't have an opinion on this? You're going to stay on the fence regarding this? I smell BULLSHIT!! Search your history. You're a con. Who do you vote for when it comes to Senate and Governor? Do you vote 3rd party on those too?
Um, no it didn't. I'd love to read it, how a 757 full of fuel, passengers, and cargo/luggage was travelling at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground, which puts its engines IN THE GROUND....



This is what you believe happened.....

They can't see it man, it's too rough on their reality.
So your media sources don't have an opinion on this? You're going to stay on the fence regarding this? I smell BULLSHIT!! Search your history. You're a con. Who do you vote for when it comes to Senate and Governor? Do you vote 3rd party on those too?
Opinion on what? I predicted when the democrats went insane over TRUMP! and impeached him like a bunch of howler monkeys that the Republicans would do the same thing as soon as they had the power, but it looks like they're reverting back to the norm of being refined statesmen who don't like to get in the mud with the democrats, and it looks like TRUMP! didn't go after the howlers either. Oh, well, que sera. And what fence? I believe every defendant gets the full protections afforded him by the Constitution, and that includes the presumption of innocence. Heck, even Quid Pro Joe deserves that. Feverish headlines don't convince me.
Opinion on what? I predicted when the democrats went insane over TRUMP! and impeached him like a bunch of howler monkeys that the Republicans would do the same thing as soon as they had the power, but it looks like they're reverting back to the norm of being refined statesmen who don't like to get in the mud with the democrats, and it looks like TRUMP! didn't go after the howlers either. Oh, well, que sera. And what fence? I believe every defendant gets the full protections afforded him by the Constitution, and that includes the presumption of innocence. Heck, even Quid Pro Joe deserves that. Feverish headlines don't convince me.
Yes that's what I would expect a right winger to believe.
Yes that's what I would expect a right winger to believe.
Yes, we are very even handed when it comes to granting everyone constitutional protections. We believe in the rule of law, not personalities, unlike those who would put someone in prison without bothering to have a trial or, like Hillary with Nixon, would deny them representation because they're "icky". I'm glad you feel that way about us, but it's too bad the left isn't onboard with it.
Yes, we are very even handed when it comes to granting everyone constitutional protections. We believe in the rule of law, not personalities, unlike those who would put someone in prison without bothering to have a trial or, like Hillary with Nixon, would deny them representation because they're "icky". I'm glad you feel that way about us, but it's too bad the left isn't onboard with it.
Everything about you reeks of Republican.

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