GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

Bullshit. Show me any person who says “both parties are corrupt” it’s always a right wing conservative.

Golfing Gator for one. Pknopp for two. I usually use avatars to identify people so I can't think of all the screen names. But when I run across them, I'll add to that list.
That didn't take long, Initforme is another one.
Who do they vote for for

State Senate seats
State House Seats
Federal Senate and House seats

I bet they all vote GOP. I'm looking at gator. He seems like a con to me. I don't have time to investigate all three of them and look through all their posts.
It's quite common for MAGAs who are embarrassed by what their party has become to claim they are independent, or something similar. They still support MAGA goals, and vote for MAGA candidates, but they are ashamed to admit it.
I find it amazing that so many are willing to state publicly that they think they can read minds.
Who do they vote for for

State Senate seats
State House Seats
Federal Senate and House seats

I bet they all vote GOP. I'm looking at gator. He seems like a con to me. I don't have time to investigate all three of them and look through all their posts.

Go ahead and look. They support leftist causes and views 80% to 90% of the time, very seldom a nice word about any politicians from the right, especially Trump.
That didn't take long, Initforme is another one.

Yea but look at how fucking wrong you are.

I asked Gator and he told me he's a fucking libertarian!!! Don't you get it Ray? All these "both sides suck" are usually Republicans/conservatives.

Here is what he said: I suppose from where Ray stands it is. But he looks at everything from a social standpoint and not a fiscal one.

I vote for the Libertarian candidate if if there is one.

Which means when there isn't one he votes Republican.

So I have already found flaw with your three examples. I've already exposed how wrong you are.

The other guy gave me a list. Some of those things would be considered liberal but MOST of the things he listed were conservative. And I'll bet when it comes to governor or senate seats he votes GOP.

Wake up Ray!!!
Go ahead and look. They support leftist causes and views 80% to 90% of the time, very seldom a nice word about any politicians from the right, especially Trump.
The one dude admitted he's a libertarian. They tend to come across as more liberal Republicans. But they are republicans ray. They caucus with the GOP.
The one dude admitted he's a libertarian. They tend to come across as more liberal Republicans. But they are republicans ray. They caucus with the GOP.
You seem obsessed with labels. Why do you think that is? Labels tend to be an extremely lazy approach to debate because you can just yell your favorite label and think you've defined whoever it is you're talking to or about.
You seem obsessed with labels. Why do you think that is? Labels tend to be an extremely lazy approach to debate because you can just yell your favorite label and think you've defined whoever it is you're talking to or about.
Because I don't like right wing liars on here trying to be fair and balanced. You sound like Fox News when you suggest it. It's laughable.

We have a 2 party system. We all know you side with the GOP 90% of the time.

Maybe there are a couple issues you agree with us on but they aren't enough to get you to vote for us.

And if in a 2 party system you aren't voting for us, either you are voting for the GOP or you don't matter.

But here's the thing. We don't want you falsely trying to suggest to people that "there's no difference between the parties" when there clearly is. If not, stop coming to these boards and stop voting. What's the point?

I think you know the point. Stop lying liar.
Because I don't like right wing liars on here trying to be fair and balanced. You sound like Fox News when you suggest it. It's laughable.

We have a 2 party system. We all know you side with the GOP 90% of the time.

Maybe there are a couple issues you agree with us on but they aren't enough to get you to vote for us.

And if in a 2 party system you aren't voting for us, either you are voting for the GOP or you don't matter.

But here's the thing. We don't want you falsely trying to suggest to people that "there's no difference between the parties" when there clearly is. If not, stop coming to these boards and stop voting. What's the point?

I think you know the point. Stop lying liar.
Where have I ever said there's no difference between the parties? Here's a hint, I haven't, so once again you're taking the lazy way out and slinging labels around so you don't have to deal with real people who have real opinions. If there were truly no differences between them, they could both get my vote at any given time.

Put a conservative democrat (not that there are any of them left, they've all been thrown out of the party) up against a liberal Republican and I'll have a real choice to make. If the democrats want my vote, they'll have to stop being crazy leftists, but I'm not holding my breath for that to ever happen.
We don't want you falsely trying to suggest to people that "there's no difference between the parties" when there clearly is.

IMHO, both parties are dishonest, corrupt, and hypocritical and that's why some say there's no difference. Some might say one party is worse than the other in those things, but it's not hard to see why many people become disgusted with the whole thing and opt out of voting. But as you say, there are clear differences in policy agenda, which I think matters a lot, and that's why I have a problem with the non-voters. Most of them might be lying, thieving, hypocritical bastards, but one of them wants to spend a lot more money than the other, and they want to spend it on stuff that isn't going to help most of us on the low side of the income ladder. Maybe to the non-voters it doesn't matter, but I think it's going to matter to their kids and grandkids.
That didn't take long, Initforme is another one.
It didn't take long but you're fucking WRONG Ray!!! Pknopp just told me he is a libertarian, or votes for libertarians.

Do you understand how fucking stupid you are Ray? And wrong?

There are two types of Republicans. Liars or idiot. You're a fucking idiot!
IMHO, both parties are dishonest, corrupt, and hypocritical and that's why some say there's no difference. Some might say one party is worse than the other in those things, but it's not hard to see why many people become disgusted with the whole thing and opt out of voting. But as you say, there are clear differences in policy agenda, which I think matters a lot, and that's why I have a problem with the non-voters. Most of them might be lying, thieving, hypocritical bastards, but one of them wants to spend a lot more money than the other, and they want to spend it on stuff that isn't going to help most of us on the low side of the income ladder. Maybe to the non-voters it doesn't matter, but I think it's going to matter to their kids and grandkids.

You got it. Democrats defend labor, unions, social programs that help the masses.

Republicans want to give rich people tax breaks and cut those programs.

Republicans side with the corporations not the unions. We've seen on USMB for 30 years that Republicans don't understand the value of unions. They're not in unions and Republicans told them they are bad so they don't defend unions. And if they don't defend unions they side with Republicans and Corporations.
You got it. Democrats defend labor, unions, social programs that help the masses.

Republicans want to give rich people tax breaks and cut those programs.

Republicans side with the corporations not the unions. We've seen on USMB for 30 years that Republicans don't understand the value of unions. They're not in unions and Republicans told them they are bad so they don't defend unions. And if they don't defend unions they side with Republicans and Corporations.

Yeah, they love labor so much they're even letting vagrants into our country by the millions to take those labor jobs or bring down our wages. In leftist states they even give them drivers licenses so they can get to those jobs they're not supposed to have, and alert them when ICE plans to do workplace raids. What's that you say, Dementia stopped workplace raids? Oh, that's right, he did.

So why are Republicans against unions? That's right, it's unions, taxation and regulations that chased our jobs out of the country by the tens of millions, or influenced more companies to invest in automation.
It didn't take long but you're fucking WRONG Ray!!! Pknopp just told me he is a libertarian, or votes for libertarians.

Do you understand how fucking stupid you are Ray? And wrong?

There are two types of Republicans. Liars or idiot. You're a fucking idiot!

Yeah, he's a libertarian that always sides with Democrats. Go figure. He's just too ashamed to say what he really is and that is a Democrat.

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