GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

They're certainly moving towards the two minutes of hate.

And they never let us forget either.

Yeah, they love labor so much they're even letting vagrants into our country by the millions to take those labor jobs or bring down our wages. In leftist states they even give them drivers licenses so they can get to those jobs they're not supposed to have, and alert them when ICE plans to do workplace raids. What's that you say, Dementia stopped workplace raids? Oh, that's right, he did.

So why are Republicans against unions? That's right, it's unions, taxation and regulations that chased our jobs out of the country by the tens of millions, or influenced more companies to invest in automation.
No. It was our tax laws that gave incentives for American companies to move their operations to other countries. It was all part of the "trickle down" debacle.
No. It was our tax laws that gave incentives for American companies to move their operations to other countries. It was all part of the "trickle down" debacle.

That old wives tale again?

Businesses don't get and never got any tax incentives to move anywhere. It's been debunked years ago. Businesses do get a deduction for moving expenses. It doesn't matter whether you're moving from San Francisco to Austin or from Detroit to China. They all get the same thing.
Yeah, they love labor so much they're even letting vagrants into our country by the millions to take those labor jobs or bring down our wages. In leftist states they even give them drivers licenses so they can get to those jobs they're not supposed to have, and alert them when ICE plans to do workplace raids. What's that you say, Dementia stopped workplace raids? Oh, that's right, he did.

So why are Republicans against unions? That's right, it's unions, taxation and regulations that chased our jobs out of the country by the tens of millions, or influenced more companies to invest in automation.
We need immigrants ray
That old wives tale again?

Businesses don't get and never got any tax incentives to move anywhere. It's been debunked years ago. Businesses do get a deduction for moving expenses. It doesn't matter whether you're moving from San Francisco to Austin or from Detroit to China. They all get the same thing.
Stop giving it. Who passed that stupid Bill ray? Bush?..
I never said anything nice about Trump long before he was president.
He told me three guys were democrats who say both parties suck. I told him only right wingers say both parties suck or that there’s no difference between the two parties. I reach out to them two admit they are libertarians. Ray is an idiot
He told me three guys were democrats who say both parties suck. I told him only right wingers say both parties suck or that there’s no difference between the two parties. I reach out to them two admit they are libertarians. Ray is an idiot

At least I'm not blind, deaf and dumb.
Stop giving it. Who passed that stupid Bill ray? Bush?..

Moving expense deductions have been around long before Bush. I have no idea who or when it was passed, but even if there were more deductions to moving out of the country, it would be the last thing any business would consider.
Moving expense deductions have been around long before Bush. I have no idea who or when it was passed, but even if there were more deductions to moving out of the country, it would be the last thing any business would consider.
You're like my dad. I love him, but just want to choke the shit out of him. LOL
You're like my dad. I love him, but just want to choke the shit out of him. LOL

I appreciate the love, but why don't we let FactCheck settle this matter for us:

But economists, including left-leaning ones, do not agree that eliminating this provision will bring an end to off-shoring. And here’s why: In the U.S., companies are taxed 35 percent on earnings of $10 million to $15 million or on all earnings over $18.3 million. That’s one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, making an overseas move somewhat attractive to companies that wish to avoid the U.S. tax rate. But that’s not the leading reason companies send jobs overseas. According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Three years later, in Dec. 2007, we reported on an ad launched by a labor group in support of John Edwards. The ad implied that corporate tax breaks were responsible for the shipment of jobs overseas from an Iowa Maytag plant. We found that the jobs were actually sent to Ohio and that, again, eliminating such tax breaks would not go far in stanching the flow of jobs overseas.

I appreciate the love, but why don't we let FactCheck settle this matter for us:

But economists, including left-leaning ones, do not agree that eliminating this provision will bring an end to off-shoring. And here’s why: In the U.S., companies are taxed 35 percent on earnings of $10 million to $15 million or on all earnings over $18.3 million. That’s one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, making an overseas move somewhat attractive to companies that wish to avoid the U.S. tax rate. But that’s not the leading reason companies send jobs overseas. According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Three years later, in Dec. 2007, we reported on an ad launched by a labor group in support of John Edwards. The ad implied that corporate tax breaks were responsible for the shipment of jobs overseas from an Iowa Maytag plant. We found that the jobs were actually sent to Ohio and that, again, eliminating such tax breaks would not go far in stanching the flow of jobs overseas.

Look at all the companies who's HQ is in Ireland

I don't see any oil companies on the list but I do see

Financial services​

Tech companies​

Accounting and professional Services​

Science, engineering, health and pharma companies​

Look at all the companies who's HQ is in Ireland

I don't see any oil companies on the list but I do see

Financial services​

Tech companies​

Accounting and professional Services​

Science, engineering, health and pharma companies​

They are there for the same reason they incorporate in Delaware to deny their actual home state the tax revenue they should be paying there.
Look at all the companies who's HQ is in Ireland

I don't see any oil companies on the list but I do see

Financial services​

Tech companies​

Accounting and professional Services​

Science, engineering, health and pharma companies​

I only brought up the oil company post because of what it said about other companies, why they leave, and that there really is no tax break (not that it would do any good) for moving overseas. Unless you didn't read the paste I posted, again, it's all about better education, cheap labor particularly in high-tech fields, and more business friendly attitudes provided by those countries.
I only brought up the oil company post because of what it said about other companies, why they leave, and that there really is no tax break (not that it would do any good) for moving overseas. Unless you didn't read the paste I posted, again, it's all about better education, cheap labor particularly in high-tech fields, and more business friendly attitudes provided by those countries.
You have no clue how much Bush changed NAFTA for the worse. Clinton put environmental and labor protections in NAFTA before he signed them. Bush removed them.

And you have no idea the loopholes Bush created to help all the companies who were moving overseas in the 2000's

This from 2004

Bush quietly signs corporate tax-cut bill​

President Bush Friday quietly signed into law a bill containing about $136 billion in tax cuts denounced by critics on both sides of the aisle as a giveaway to corporate interests.

And we already know how you defend every bad move Trump makes. You make excuses, provide him cover. Just like you did Bush and just like you will DiSantis if he wins. These guys only care about the rich.

Biden's policies are middle class first. When the middle class wins so do the poor and rich. We all win.
You have no clue how much Bush changed NAFTA for the worse. Clinton put environmental and labor protections in NAFTA before he signed them. Bush removed them.

And you have no idea the loopholes Bush created to help all the companies who were moving overseas in the 2000's

This from 2004

Bush quietly signs corporate tax-cut bill​

President Bush Friday quietly signed into law a bill containing about $136 billion in tax cuts denounced by critics on both sides of the aisle as a giveaway to corporate interests.

And we already know how you defend every bad move Trump makes. You make excuses, provide him cover. Just like you did Bush and just like you will DiSantis if he wins. These guys only care about the rich.

Biden's policies are middle class first. When the middle class wins so do the poor and rich. We all win.

So he signed a bill that lowered taxes on US businesses. So what? Opposers made claims the bill would do other things. Your piece was written in 2004 and my factcheck link was written in 2008. Both are left-wing sources but mine states that even with those tax breaks the US at the time still had the highest corporate taxes and that they had nothing to do with jobs moving overseas citing a study from the Government Accountability Office.
So he signed a bill that lowered taxes on US businesses. So what? Opposers made claims the bill would do other things. Your piece was written in 2004 and my factcheck link was written in 2008. Both are left-wing sources but mine states that even with those tax breaks the US at the time still had the highest corporate taxes and that they had nothing to do with jobs moving overseas citing a study from the Government Accountability Office.
We have the highest corporate tax rates? Listen to yourself.

Who has higher corporate tax rates Ray, NY and Cali or Oklahoma and Arkansas? So then why don't corporations go to OKC or Arkansas? Many reasons.

So why do you pay a premium in taxes to do business in and with the USA? Because it's the biggest and best market in the world.

Look at the hoops corporations jump through to do business in China.

You're making excuses just like you did during the Bush years. How did those years work out for us Ray?
So he signed a bill that lowered taxes on US businesses. So what? Opposers made claims the bill would do other things. Your piece was written in 2004 and my factcheck link was written in 2008. Both are left-wing sources but mine states that even with those tax breaks the US at the time still had the highest corporate taxes and that they had nothing to do with jobs moving overseas citing a study from the Government Accountability Office.
You cons complain both sides are corrupt and in the corporations pockets. This debate clearly illustrates the difference between Democrats and Republicans. You defend government that gives corporations moving overseas tax breaks. You mansplain it to us as if you know what the fuck you are talking about.

Your link is revisionist history. Spin. It's bullshit. This is why you are a house slave ray. You defend the corporations at all cost. In fact, I'd be willing to bet you are an advocate for not making corporations pay taxes at all. Because they hire people you think it would be wise not to tax corporations at all. After all, they'll only pass it on to the consumer right ray? Isn't that your position? Corporations shouldn't pay taxes?

If not, you caucus with people who think that's the best way to go.
You cons complain both sides are corrupt and in the corporations pockets. This debate clearly illustrates the difference between Democrats and Republicans. You defend government that gives corporations moving overseas tax breaks. You mansplain it to us as if you know what the fuck you are talking about.

Your link is revisionist history. Spin. It's bullshit. This is why you are a house slave ray. You defend the corporations at all cost. In fact, I'd be willing to bet you are an advocate for not making corporations pay taxes at all. Because they hire people you think it would be wise not to tax corporations at all. After all, they'll only pass it on to the consumer right ray? Isn't that your position? Corporations shouldn't pay taxes?

If not, you caucus with people who think that's the best way to go.

Mansplain is an opinion, what I posted were facts by again, a left wing source like Jobs don't move overseas because of any stupid tax cuts. If you want to argue that point, you're talking to the wrong guy. Write to FactCheck and tell them how they (and the GAO) are all wrong and you're right.
We have the highest corporate tax rates? Listen to yourself.

Who has higher corporate tax rates Ray, NY and Cali or Oklahoma and Arkansas? So then why don't corporations go to OKC or Arkansas? Many reasons.

So why do you pay a premium in taxes to do business in and with the USA? Because it's the biggest and best market in the world.

Look at the hoops corporations jump through to do business in China.

You're making excuses just like you did during the Bush years. How did those years work out for us Ray?

You must live under a rock. It's been reported repeatedly how citizens and businesses alike ARE moving from commie states to American states. NYC and CA are both losing a lot of businesses and people to states like Texas and Florida.

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