GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

I think it was the PC and Internet boom that fueled the 90's Economy and the sequestration was a bipartisan last resort.

Democrats will NEVER EVER admit that


produced the budget surplus and booming economy of the 1990s.

This is because Democrats exist to STEAL from the American taxpayer, and that requires more SPENDING from which to steal....
Lets compare the economies of Clinton & Obama against those of Bush Jr & Trump


Clinton cut taxes and spending.... except he didn't, he shut down the government to prevent Newt's budget.... and now takes credit for that which he opposed = Clinton LIES....

There was Newt = cutting taxes and spending = booming economy and budget surplus

and then there are the BIG SPENDERS who have put America perilously close to default and bankruptcy....

Cocksucker Obama
Trump/Ryan/Pelosi == Trump asked Ryan to cut spending, Post 1998 GOP leader Ryan said NO

If Trump had Newt as Speaker, we'd be back to the 1990s again....
produced the budget surplus and booming economy of the 1990s.

This is because Democrats exist to STEAL from the American taxpayer, and that requires more SPENDING from which to steal....

And after Clinton surplus, how did the Democrats squander those gains. They didn't. Republican tax cuts for the wealthy and started a few wars of occupation...Now blame Obama!
And after Clinton surplus, how did the Democrats squander those gains


"the Clinton surplus"

Democrats and honesty = never in the same galaxy together

bill clinton government shutdown - Google Search

I agree that the absolute mess that was the W Presidency was largely the doing of the post 1998 GOP, the party of Zionist Treason against America, but it had plenty of Dem support....

Indeed, if the Dems had any integrity, they would have impeached W for lying to Congress about the cost of socializing senior drugs.... but socializing senior drugs was MORE SPENDING and SPENDING to be STOLEN, so the Dems went along with it....

Inquiry Confirms Top Medicare Official Threatened Actuary Over Cost of Drug Benefits

An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged.

A report on the investigation, issued Tuesday, says the administrator of Medicare, Thomas A. Scully, issued the threat to Richard S. Foster while lawmakers were considering huge changes in the program last year. As a result, Mr. Foster's cost estimate did not become known until after the legislation was enacted.
Lets compare the economies of Clinton & Obama against those of Bush Jr & Trump


Clinton cut taxes and spending.... except he didn't, he shut down the government to prevent Newt's budget.... and now takes credit for that which he opposed = Clinton LIES....

There was Newt = cutting taxes and spending = booming economy and budget surplus

and then there are the BIG SPENDERS who have put America perilously close to default and bankruptcy....

Cocksucker Obama
Trump/Ryan/Pelosi == Trump asked Ryan to cut spending, Post 1998 GOP leader Ryan said NO

If Trump had Newt as Speaker, we'd be back to the 1990s again....
Bill Clinton balanced the budget.
If it were the Republicans, how come we returned to debt & deficits after Clinton left office?

Newt, Good ole Newt, fucking his secretary on the side as he ranted about Monica. Good ole Newt, had to resign in shame. Good ole Newt, when he ran for President, he rented his Rolodex to his campaign for $40k.

Clinton + Rep. Congress = balanced budget
Bush + same basic Congress = debt & deficits.

The CBO projected that we would have surpluses & pay down the debt. What did you assfucks do? Elected Bush who ran on giving it back. You stupid fucks voted to destroy that balanced budget & now you fucking liars want to take credit for Clinton's & Obama's economy.

Pathetic bunch of losers that you are.
produced the budget surplus and booming economy of the 1990s.

This is because Democrats exist to STEAL from the American taxpayer, and that requires more SPENDING from which to steal....

And after Clinton surplus, how did the Democrats squander those gains. They didn't. Republican tax cuts for the wealthy and started a few wars of occupation...Now blame Obama!

That was only part of it. We just suffered the worst domestic attack in American history. Of course our economy was in jeopardy. Tax cuts were issued by Bush and the Republicans to try and ward off a major recession. As for Clinton, remember who makes out the budge for the President to sign. It isn't the President.
And after Clinton surplus, how did the Democrats squander those gains


"the Clinton surplus"

Democrats and honesty = never in the same galaxy together

bill clinton government shutdown - Google Search

I agree that the absolute mess that was the W Presidency was largely the doing of the post 1998 GOP, the party of Zionist Treason against America, but it had plenty of Dem support....

Indeed, if the Dems had any integrity, they would have impeached W for lying to Congress about the cost of socializing senior drugs.... but socializing senior drugs was MORE SPENDING and SPENDING to be STOLEN, so the Dems went along with it....

Inquiry Confirms Top Medicare Official Threatened Actuary Over Cost of Drug Benefits

An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged.

A report on the investigation, issued Tuesday, says the administrator of Medicare, Thomas A. Scully, issued the threat to Richard S. Foster while lawmakers were considering huge changes in the program last year. As a result, Mr. Foster's cost estimate did not become known until after the legislation was enacted.
Jesus fuck. now you are blaming Democrats for not stopping the Republicans .
If it were the Republicans, how come we returned to debt & deficits after Clinton left office?

Hence the phrase "POST 1998 GOP" used here over and over

Pre 1998 GOP - fiscally conservative, patriotic to America
Post 1998 GOP - socialist, patriotic only to ISRAEL, the party of Zionist Treason against America

Nobody with any integrity or patriotism to America can defend the W Presidency.

Nobody with any integrity can credit Bill Clinton with the surplus, since Bill Clintoh SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT to stop Newt's budget.

We have had one political hero since 1992 in the US, just one....

produced the budget surplus and booming economy of the 1990s.

This is because Democrats exist to STEAL from the American taxpayer, and that requires more SPENDING from which to steal....

And after Clinton surplus, how did the Democrats squander those gains. They didn't. Republican tax cuts for the wealthy and started a few wars of occupation...Now blame Obama!

That was only part of it. We just suffered the worst domestic attack in American history. Of course our economy was in jeopardy. Tax cuts were issued by Bush and the Republicans to try and ward off a major recession. As for Clinton, remember who makes out the budge for the President to sign. It isn't the President.

Cutting taxers at a time a war.. Just FUCKING BRILLIANT.


Clinton + Republican Congress = balanced budget
Bush + Same Basic Congress = debt & deficits.

What the fuck changed.
If it were the Republicans, how come we returned to debt & deficits after Clinton left office?

Hence the phrase "POST 1998 GOP" used here over and over

Pre 1998 GOP - fiscally conservative, patriotic to America
Post 1998 GOP - socialist, patriotic only to ISRAEL, the party of Zionist Treason against America

Nobody with any integrity or patriotism to America can defend the W Presidency.

Nobody with any integrity can credit Bill Clinton with the surplus, since Bill Clintoh SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT to stop Newt's budget.

We have had one political hero since 1992 in the US, just one....


I can't stop laughing at this.
Jesus fuck. now you are blaming Democrats for not stopping the Republicans

Your party, the Democrat Party, had a GOP Prez who deliberately misled/lied to Congress to pass a massive spending bill.

Your party did nothing.

Your party is completely hypocritical and interested in one thing = STEALING from the American taxpayer.

Why was W not impeached for lying to Congress about the cost of socializing senior drugs, THREATENING the actuary who did the cost estimate to SHUT UP OR ELSE????

Talk about crimes = W did nothing but commit crimes against the US, and your side did nothing but cheer and steal....
Clinton + Republican Congress = balanced budget
Bush + Same Basic Congress = debt & deficits.

What the fuck changed.

You are a fucking moron with ZERO reading comprehension....

Post 1998 GOP
Pre 1998 GOP

What changed??

Newt was booted for criminal HOMO child molester Dennis Hastert.... for starters....

The post 1998 GOP is as bad or worse than the Dems.

Only NEWT did good. Nothing good has happened to America since the Party of Zionist Treason against America booted Newt for Hastert....
Balanced Budget to the worst recession in 80 years, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, 800,000 a month job loses, Housing collapse, near finsancial meltdown, two quagmire wars.

Jesus Fucking Christ & you blame Clinton & Obama?

Republicans are such deniers of reality. The party of financial conservatism had become the Party of Spend & Borrow & then elected the King of Debt as President.
It sure doesn't look like impeaching Biden will be an issue.

What's the idiot batting now, 0 for 4 or is it 5 now? :21:
produced the budget surplus and booming economy of the 1990s.

This is because Democrats exist to STEAL from the American taxpayer, and that requires more SPENDING from which to steal....

And after Clinton surplus, how did the Democrats squander those gains. They didn't. Republican tax cuts for the wealthy and started a few wars of occupation...Now blame Obama!

That was only part of it. We just suffered the worst domestic attack in American history. Of course our economy was in jeopardy. Tax cuts were issued by Bush and the Republicans to try and ward off a major recession. As for Clinton, remember who makes out the budge for the President to sign. It isn't the President.

Cutting taxers at a time a war.. Just FUCKING BRILLIANT.


Clinton + Republican Congress = balanced budget
Bush + Same Basic Congress = debt & deficits.

What the fuck changed.

I already stated what changed. We had the worst domestic attack in American history. It was not only the worst attack, but the most expensive to accommodate. Who do you think paid the families of all the first responders who perished in that disaster? What about the injuries to the survivors? What about the beefed up security measures to all our airports across the country? Bush wanted airports to fund their own security. It was the Democrats who insisted on TSA because that meant more government employees, and we all know how government employees vote.
Jesus Fucking Christ & you blame Clinton & Obama?

Once again, RealDave demonstrates ZERO reading comprehension skills.

What changed?


Newt Gingrich kept spending under control. Once Newt left in 1998, spending went UP UP UP and the US went DOWN DOWN DOWN


Democrats will never admit this, because Government spending is what they STEAL.....
It sure doesn't look like impeaching Biden will be an issue.

What's the idiot batting now, 0 for 4 or is it 5 now? :21:

Plus I anxiously await the apology coming from the Democrat House on their fake impeachment. If Biden doesn't win, that means he was never Bush's rival which is what they impeached him on. So I'm sure that apology will be coming soon after Biden has no chance.
It sure doesn't look like impeaching Biden will be an issue.

What's the idiot batting now, 0 for 4 or is it 5 now? :21:

Plus I anxiously await the apology coming from the Democrat House on their fake impeachment. If Biden doesn't win, that means he was never Bush's rival which is what they impeached him on. So I'm sure that apology will be coming soon after Biden has no chance.
Well just the same, I won't be holding my breath.
Balanced Budget to the worst recession in 80 years, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, 800,000 a month job loses, Housing collapse, near finsancial meltdown, two quagmire wars.

Jesus Fucking Christ & you blame Clinton & Obama?

Republicans are such deniers of reality. The party of financial conservatism had become the Party of Spend & Borrow & then elected the King of Debt as President.

Bush and Clinton were both responsible for the financial collapse. Clinton started this nonsense of minority home ownership, and Bush didn't stop it once he got the economy going again. Both wanted to take responsibility for more minorities in their own houses, and it blew up on Bush.

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