GOP Cuts Could Hit Tsunami Warning System

The things we have to borrow money for we can't afford no matter what it is.

The military is the biggest thing that we don't pay for so lets get rid of every fucking war hawk we got and bring our kids home from everywhere, let them take care of themselves.

and get all that money back from all the banks and states that we gave money to to stop the Bush recession from becoming a depression of Hugh magnitudes.

Lets stop sending more money to any state then what the govt gets from them. as many states get 10 to 40% more back then they pay in. that needs to stop.

The only program that is now operating in the Black is SS so what or how do you cut that? And the health care is said to save money and cover people, now why cut that.

Lets start cutting, maybe the billions in tax cuts to businesses who have shown no need of them? Paying large farms to keep their crops out of the ground?

Where are all thos "shovel ready jobs" our president told us about to get the stimulus? Where is all that money? I think it went to government workers and their unions. What do you think?

Well, wherever it went, I'm certain that "Every PENNY was accounted for.....":eusa_whistle:
People, you'd better get used to the whiny whiners whining as their Nanny State Shrinks.....

A Thousand Threads:

GOP cuts could hit (fill in with your favorite bloated bureaucracy) and the children will DIE!
Beats the hell out of :
"DNC spending spree to fund fill in the blank will tax (those same) children to DEATH!



Has anyone really died of being taxed?

Please site your source.:confused:

Estate tax in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The things we have to borrow money for we can't afford no matter what it is.

The military is the biggest thing that we don't pay for so lets get rid of every fucking war hawk we got and bring our kids home from everywhere, let them take care of themselves.

and get all that money back from all the banks and states that we gave money to to stop the Bush recession from becoming a depression of Hugh magnitudes.

Lets stop sending more money to any state then what the govt gets from them. as many states get 10 to 40% more back then they pay in. that needs to stop.

The only program that is now operating in the Black is SS so what or how do you cut that? And the health care is said to save money and cover people, now why cut that.

Lets start cutting, maybe the billions in tax cuts to businesses who have shown no need of them? Paying large farms to keep their crops out of the ground?

Where are all thos "shovel ready jobs" our president told us about to get the stimulus? Where is all that money? I think it went to government workers and their unions. What do you think?

Well, wherever it went, I'm certain that "Every PENNY was accounted for.....":eusa_whistle:

I think a lot of liberal union pockets got filled.
Beats the hell out of :
"DNC spending spree to fund fill in the blank will tax (those same) children to DEATH!



Has anyone really died of being taxed?

Please site your source.:confused:

You mean like "taxed to death"? I don't know. There is a point, however, when enough is enough. Looks and sounds to me that there are an awful big bunch of angry Americans. They kicked a lot of liberal asses really hard last November. What do you think?

My point is that, in fact, TAXES haven't actually killed anyone.

Politically, its much easier to wave the bloody shirt if you can at least find one dead baby that could have been saved, if we'd only spent another $100 B.
Lets see, we already have the Tsunami warning system in place. It worked quite well. We on the west coast and Hawaii had plenty of advance warning so, how does this actually equate to the repubs doing away with a warning system if one is already in place and works just fine?

Oh, that's right. Fat Boy progressive idiot Ed Shultz was whining about it, and spreading false propoganda as usual last night.

''Never let a good crisis go to waste!"

Fuckin' libs are beyond laughable.
Where are all thos "shovel ready jobs" our president told us about to get the stimulus? Where is all that money? I think it went to government workers and their unions. What do you think?

Well, wherever it went, I'm certain that "Every PENNY was accounted for.....":eusa_whistle:

So where did it go?

Ask Maggie, and she'll send you to the site, I believe its, where after a mere 6 hours of navigation, you'll be to exausted to care.

Has anyone really died of being taxed?

Please site your source.:confused:

You mean like "taxed to death"? I don't know. There is a point, however, when enough is enough. Looks and sounds to me that there are an awful big bunch of angry Americans. They kicked a lot of liberal asses really hard last November. What do you think?

My point is that, in fact, TAXES haven't actually killed anyone.

Politically, its much easier to wave the bloody shirt if you can at least find one dead baby that could have been saved, if we'd only spent another $100 B.

I saw a spot on TV a few days ago about the debt children are born into. They said by 2030 every American child will be in debt by 400,000 or something like that if we continue on our present course. We just can't keep going like this.
What is ridiculous and absurd are government pay and benefits for government workers. Cut, cut cut.

Agreed. We could probably cut our military in half. And get rid of some 700 foreign bases.

I agree there are some bases that could be done away with. Germany for one. However, we need to focus on the fascist muslim terrorists. We cannot stop fighting terrorism.

That's a knife fight in the is not a full fledged conventional war. What happened in Iraq and Afghanistan...was exactly the wrong way to combat terrorism.
You mean like "taxed to death"? I don't know. There is a point, however, when enough is enough. Looks and sounds to me that there are an awful big bunch of angry Americans. They kicked a lot of liberal asses really hard last November. What do you think?

My point is that, in fact, TAXES haven't actually killed anyone.

Politically, its much easier to wave the bloody shirt if you can at least find one dead baby that could have been saved, if we'd only spent another $100 B.

I saw a spot on TV a few days ago about the debt children are born into. They said by 2030 every American child will be in debt by 400,000 or something like that if we continue on our present course. We just can't keep going like this.

Which could be true, but is nonetheless a much weaker political position than actually stacking up bodies TODAY.
Agreed. We could probably cut our military in half. And get rid of some 700 foreign bases.

I agree there are some bases that could be done away with. Germany for one. However, we need to focus on the fascist muslim terrorists. We cannot stop fighting terrorism.

That's a knife fight in the is not a full fledged conventional war. What happened in Iraq and Afghanistan...was exactly the wrong way to combat terrorism.

I wonder if there's a tread about that topic?


The guy who posted this comment in the link hit the nail on the head:

Bureaucracy 101 - Anytime anyone mentions cuts loudly proclaim that the only room to make cuts is in the most important programs, rather then in the bloated bureaucracy.

NOAA requested a 2012 budget $740 million above the 2010 level for a total of $5.4 Billion but if budget cuts have to be made the Tsunami Warning system will be the first to get the axe.
Agreed. We could probably cut our military in half. And get rid of some 700 foreign bases.

I agree there are some bases that could be done away with. Germany for one. However, we need to focus on the fascist muslim terrorists. We cannot stop fighting terrorism.

That's a knife fight in the is not a full fledged conventional war. What happened in Iraq and Afghanistan...was exactly the wrong way to combat terrorism.
How did it work when Bubba was continuing the policies of Bush I and indiscriminately lobbing cruise missiles at Baghdad?

Lemmie guess....That was different. :rolleyes:
I agree there are some bases that could be done away with. Germany for one. However, we need to focus on the fascist muslim terrorists. We cannot stop fighting terrorism.

That's a knife fight in the is not a full fledged conventional war. What happened in Iraq and Afghanistan...was exactly the wrong way to combat terrorism.
How did it work when Bubba was continuing the policies of Bush I and indiscriminately lobbing cruise missiles at Baghdad?

Lemmie guess....That was different. :rolleyes:

No it wasn't.

That was stupid. And for anyone paying attention to my posts..I've been saying for years that wasn't Clinton's finest moment.
That's a knife fight in the is not a full fledged conventional war. What happened in Iraq and Afghanistan...was exactly the wrong way to combat terrorism.
How did it work when Bubba was continuing the policies of Bush I and indiscriminately lobbing cruise missiles at Baghdad?

Lemmie guess....That was different. :rolleyes:

No it wasn't.

That was stupid. And for anyone paying attention to my posts..I've been saying for years that wasn't Clinton's finest moment.

I missed what you've been saying for years about Clinton's Jizz staining an intern's blue dress.

Mind filling that in?
Considering the massive amounts of money the government already spends, if a tsunami warning system is a priority, they should cut money elsewhere.

For a start, how about the $105B worth of funding the was spread throughout ObamaCare in little piles of slush?


Or anything that actually helps America is wasted?

94% of what is spent on you is wasted, bub.
Considering the massive amounts of money the government already spends, if a tsunami warning system is a priority, they should cut money elsewhere.

For a start, how about the $105B worth of funding the was spread throughout ObamaCare in little piles of slush?


Or anything that actually helps America is wasted?

94% of what is spent on you is wasted, bub.

Again with the "bub?"
It's ridiculous and absurd to cut needful programs.

But leave it to the GOP and Conservatives to embrace to ridiculous and absurd.

Now we got the real answer, it's CUT CUT CUT by taking money from people who get paid too much. And that is decided by who?

Shhhh...don't tell anybody, but it's partnership between two Super Secret EVUL Organizations spelled K A O S and S P E C T R E.
How did it work when Bubba was continuing the policies of Bush I and indiscriminately lobbing cruise missiles at Baghdad?

Lemmie guess....That was different. :rolleyes:

No it wasn't.

That was stupid. And for anyone paying attention to my posts..I've been saying for years that wasn't Clinton's finest moment.

I missed what you've been saying for years about Clinton's Jizz staining an intern's blue dress.

Mind filling that in?

Yeah..he liked women.

You got a problem with that?
Agreed. We could probably cut our military in half. And get rid of some 700 foreign bases.

I agree there are some bases that could be done away with. Germany for one. However, we need to focus on the fascist muslim terrorists. We cannot stop fighting terrorism.

That's a knife fight in the is not a full fledged conventional war. What happened in Iraq and Afghanistan...was exactly the wrong way to combat terrorism.

Tell us the right way. I'm interested.

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