And Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann are against vaccinating girls against cancer? Yeah, let ignorant parents who have been spoon-fed fear and misinformation decide whether or not to vaccinate their kids.

They're ALL kooks. But they make Perry look less nutty in the process.

Man, you're so fucking far gone I don't tihnk there is help for you lol.

No, I've been following the social conservatives' fear-mongering associated with the vaccination of young girls against certain forms of cervical cancer with their argument that it encourages promiscuity etc. That's BS, and everyone knows it.

Public health is a legitimate roll for gov't. The idea that parents can and should be able to "opt out" of vaccinating their minor children against ANY preventable disease because of religious reasons or because of fear is no more legitimate than saying that parents should be able to opt out of educating their children for religious reasons.
I don;t like Mitt but he is getting very lucky here.

Romney and Huntsman are doing very well.

Ironic, isn't it? Two mormons (who evangelicals aren't likely to vote for because many, if not most, of them, don't really consider them to be Christians) look like the only sensible candidates in the room.
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Personally I can't stand to watch political debates. Gotcha questions that have nothing to do with governing but give media matters sx months of blog crap to analyze and dish out until the election.
Personally I can't stand to watch political debates. Gotcha questions that have nothing to do with governing but give media matters sx months of blog crap to analyze and dish out until the election.

I agree, this is what the whole debate is so far, how and what would you do but HAHAhAHahHAHAH! Answer my bogus question bitch!!
Personally I can't stand to watch political debates. Gotcha questions that have nothing to do with governing but give media matters sx months of blog crap to analyze and dish out until the election.

I agree, this is what the whole debate is so far, how and what would you do but HAHAhAHahHAHAH! Answer my bogus question bitch!!
Indeed. The Media takes great joy in lighting a flaming bag of dogsqueeze and prays that you step in it. (But they use that MO for Conservatives only, Staists get softballs).
Man, you're so fucking far gone I don't tihnk there is help for you lol.

No, I've been following the social conservatives' fear-mongering associated with the vaccination of young girls against certain forms of cervical cancer with their argument that it encourages promiscuity etc. That's BS, and everyone knows it.

Public health is a legitimate roll for gov't. The idea that parents can and should be able to "opt out" of vaccinating their minor children against ANY preventable disease because of religious reasons or because of fear is no more legitimate than saying that parents should be able to opt out of educating their children for religious reasons.

riiight.......Opt out all they want. I have yet to see a case where the opting out of the vaccine was the case for guilt. It has always been the disregard for medical attention when the kid is sick and dies, which gets the parents in trouble.

I wouldn't have a problem if an adult decided to opt out of a vaccination. But potentially putting a minor child's future health (and maybe even their life) at risk is another matter altogether.
Immigration: Most of them sound reasonable. Bachmann is nuts. So is Cain on this..
Gingrich scored some good points and actually sounded presidential.

Perry blew it with his comments on SS annd his inability to answer tough questions about the state of affairs in Texas.

Everyone else was just there.

What are your thoughts?

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Ron Paul: A fence will keep us from fleeing the country!!!

You can't make this stuff up!

Ron Paul: A fence will keep us from fleeing the country!!!

You can't make this stuff up!


Oh Swallow, I didn’t know you liked the idea of a fence... Then again until Obama was President I who knew you were all about wars and homeland security and blah blah blah.

Anyways, RP's point was that a fence is not American and believe it or not yes 1 day the fence could be used against us.

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