He's not really using Galileo to deny climate change; he's comparing himself to Galileo, while denying climate change.
He's not really using Galileo to deny climate change; he's comparing himself to Galileo, while denying climate change.

So......he's comparing himself to a heretic while denying facts?

He used the WRONG metaphor.
We have to reform SS. The math doesn't work. I see the parallels of the argument but it is not much different than saying "All US debt is a Ponzi Scheme." A candidate would be laughed at if he said that during a debate.

I asked several long-time residents of Florida this morning - all Republicans - "Can a Presidential candidate win Florida by calling SS a 'Ponzi Scheme.'" All said "no." FWIW

Ask them how people are supposed to collect a check after 2037.

They Blue Hairs will be dead in 2037.

With all the great strides we are making in genetic engineering and medicine, we'll probably have developed a "Methuselah Gene" by then so buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy ride.
I'm having a really hard time understanding how a conservative could possibly support romney.

How do you define "conservative"? Also, do you think partisanship is a good thing even if it results in gridlock or do you think finding middle ground to keep things moving is good for America

Why don't you just keep it simple and ask me if I'm a moderate or not?

The question is a strawman though, you loaded the shit out of that question.

I do think gridlock can be a good thing, if it's preventing tragic legislation from being passed. I also don't confuse the kind of "middle ground" this congress has been finding the past 50 years or so with actual beneficial results for the people. The kind of "middle ground" we get out of congress these days is really just 2 different positive outcomes for the rampant corporatism this nation has devolved into.

At the very least though, I wouldn't define "conservative" as some of the crap that's come out of Romney's policies. I really don't need to even go much further than Romneycare, even though there's certainly more than that.
Romney is a piece of crap liberal. Hopefully that was plain enough and an additional explanation is unnecessary.
Because when the RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD--the ONLY CANDIDATE--that has REAL PRIVATE SECTOR BUSINESS experience IN THIS RACE--and actually knows the nuts and the bolts of how this economy and the global economy WORKS is MITT ROMNEY.

That's why he looks to be the next POTUS--because I am sick and tired of politicians--I want a person who has had their hands on the wheel--and that man is Mitt Romney--and I am a tea party member.

In a society that embraces the freedom and the free market, it's not the job of government to 'run' the economy. I have my doubts about Romney's 'private sector' experience, but mostly I don't care - because I don't want a president who thinks it's his job to run the country like a business. Government is NOT business and has entirely different concerns.
How do you define "conservative"? Also, do you think partisanship is a good thing even if it results in gridlock or do you think finding middle ground to keep things moving is good for America

Speaking for myself, partisanship and gridlock can be a very good things indeed. I think that there are issues with the 'two-party system' and plurality voting in general, but overall the idea of partisan politics and gridlock was built into our system deliberately. Ideally, it ensures that bills don't become law unless they have broad support. Certain aspects of our current setup are broken - ironically as a result of trying to get around the gridlock problem - and that occasionally allows bills without broad support to become law (eg the ACA). We see the kinds of problems that causes.

A strong minority opposition should be enough to grind things to a halt. That's a vital check on the power of democracy and ensures that the bills that do get passed will have strong support.

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