GOP debate tonight fantastic--very STRONG candidates


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Liberals and the left wing media have been telling us that this field of GOP candidates are weak--no one is interested in them--yada--yada--yada.

If you watched the debate on CNN tonight--June 13, 2011--the message could not be clearer. This entire field is STRONG. In fact the strongest I have seen in decades. Not a John McCain in the bunch--LOL. Every one of them had several home runs--they were articulate--gave direct answers--and are more than ready to take Barack Obama and his policies on.

In fact--after listening to them speak--any one of these candidates would cut through Barack Obama like a hot knife through butter. Why? Because they made SENSE. On the economy--on Jobs--and on the Deficit.

Michelle Bachmann announced that she is running for POTUS tonight during the debate--and she was great. Ron Paul got a lot of applause--he did great. Newt Gingrich--when everyone thought he was done--is not done. Of course Mitt Romney--Palenty--Herman Cain--and Santorim.

It was so good--I still don't have a favorite. I am going to have to watch several more debates before I can come to any conclusion.

Did any of you watch it?
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Liberals and the left wing media have been telling us that this field of GOP candidates are weak--no one is interested in them--yada--yada--yada.

If you watched the debate on CNN tonight--June 13, 2011--the message could not be clearer. This entire field is STRONG. In fact the strongest I have seen in decades. Not a John McCain in the bunch--LOL. Every one of them had several home runs--they were articulate--gave direct answers--and are more than ready to take Barack Obama and his policies on.

In fact--after listening to them speak--any one of these candidates would cut through Barack Obama like a hot knife through butter. Why? Because they made SENSE. On the economy--on Jobs--and on the Deficit.

Michelle Bachmann announced that she is running for POTUS tonight during the debate--and she was great. Ron Paul got a lot of applause--he did great. Newt Gingrich--when everyone thought he was done--is not done. Of course Mitt Romney--Palenty--Herman Cain--and Santorim.

It was so good--I still don't have a favorite. I am going to have to watch several more debates before I can come to any conclusion.

Did any of you watch it?

Nobody cares; Perry will win the nomination when he gets in.
And he will lose to Obama if/when people take a close look at him.

You're fooling yourself.

Bachmann...okay PLEASE NOMINATE HER!!!!
Ron Paul...Dead Man Walking.
Newt Gingrich...strolling for President...Fred Thompson lives!
Pawle...zzzzz.....I fell asleep saying the name. would be good to have another 4 years of liberalism in the White House.
Cain? Is he Abel? Survey Said

[ame=]YouTube - ‪bah bow‬‏[/ame]
Liberals and the left wing media have been telling us that this field of GOP candidates are weak--no one is interested in them--yada--yada--yada.

If you watched the debate on CNN tonight--June 13, 2011--the message could not be clearer. This entire field is STRONG. In fact the strongest I have seen in decades. Not a John McCain in the bunch--LOL. Every one of them had several home runs--they were articulate--gave direct answers--and are more than ready to take Barack Obama and his policies on.

In fact--after listening to them speak--any one of these candidates would cut through Barack Obama like a hot knife through butter. Why? Because they made SENSE. On the economy--on Jobs--and on the Deficit.

Michelle Bachmann announced that she is running for POTUS tonight during the debate--and she was great. Ron Paul got a lot of applause--he did great. Newt Gingrich--when everyone thought he was done--is not done. Of course Mitt Romney--Palenty--Herman Cain--and Santorim.

It was so good--I still don't have a favorite. I am going to have to watch several more debates before I can come to any conclusion.

Did any of you watch it?

Nobody cares; Perry will win the nomination when he gets in.
And he will lose to Obama if/when people take a close look at him.

You're fooling yourself.

Bachmann...okay PLEASE NOMINATE HER!!!!
Ron Paul...Dead Man Walking.
Newt Gingrich...strolling for President...Fred Thompson lives!
Pawle...zzzzz.....I fell asleep saying the name. would be good to have another 4 years of liberalism in the White House.
Cain? Is he Abel? Survey Said

[ame=]YouTube - ‪bah bow‬‏[/ame]

Nice try--didn't work.
I agree, it was clear tonight that any one of them would make a great President compared to the bafoon we have in office now.

Honestly I don't even care which one wins the nomination, I will be first in line to vote the Hussein out in 2012.
Liberals and the left wing media have been telling us that this field of GOP candidates are weak--no one is interested in them--yada--yada--yada.

If you watched the debate on CNN tonight--June 13, 2011--the message could not be clearer. This entire field is STRONG. In fact the strongest I have seen in decades. Not a John McCain in the bunch--LOL. Every one of them had several home runs--they were articulate--gave direct answers--and are more than ready to take Barack Obama and his policies on.

In fact--after listening to them speak--any one of these candidates would cut through Barack Obama like a hot knife through butter. Why? Because they made SENSE. On the economy--on Jobs--and on the Deficit.

Michelle Bachmann announced that she is running for POTUS tonight during the debate--and she was great. Ron Paul got a lot of applause--he did great. Newt Gingrich--when everyone thought he was done--is not done. Of course Mitt Romney--Palenty--Herman Cain--and Santorim.

It was so good--I still don't have a favorite. I am going to have to watch several more debates before I can come to any conclusion.

Did any of you watch it?

Nobody cares; Perry will win the nomination when he gets in.
And he will lose to Obama if/when people take a close look at him.

You're fooling yourself.

Bachmann...okay PLEASE NOMINATE HER!!!!
Ron Paul...Dead Man Walking.
Newt Gingrich...strolling for President...Fred Thompson lives!
Pawle...zzzzz.....I fell asleep saying the name. would be good to have another 4 years of liberalism in the White House.
Cain? Is he Abel? Survey Said

[ame=]YouTube - ‪bah bow‬‏[/ame]

Nice try--didn't work.

Ask me on a Wednesday next November...and we'll see. None of the people on stage tonight have a chance against Obama.
Yes, I think they all look good except for maybe Paul. He's just to old. And if Obama is gonna wipe the floor as another poster proclaimed then why is he losing in some polls, tied in others and doesn't have a commanding lead? This early most of the opponents are relatively unknown yet he has no lead? If unemployment is above 8% when the elections roll around he is done no matter what. My dog could beat him at that point. Even his ubl kill bump only lasted a few days.
I saw the debate.... No one brought anything new to the table. Just the standard republican repeal everything obama, more tax cuts for the rich, and less regulation so corporations can further screw us. Same crap different toilet.
I saw the debate.... No one brought anything new to the table. Just the standard republican repeal everything obama, more tax cuts for the rich, and less regulation so corporations can further screw us. Same crap different toilet.

You mean the same crap that worked under Reagan or Clintons second term? Or are you part of the "we had an election and "i" won" crowd?
I can't wait to see both Perry and Romney aside one another in the next debate, you know if that happens,we will be looking at the dream ticket,,,either combination! Perry/Romney 2012!! I am praying!
Rick Perry is radioactive. I'd love him to run.

His traitorous secessionist stance is a true winner.

Best endorsement for Perry I've heard so far.

Should be.

You guys seem to like treasonous types like Jefferson Davis and Ronald Reagan. Or radical dry drunks like George W. Bush..the only man convicted of anything prior to be elected to the office of President.

Good on you.
Liberals and the left wing media have been telling us that this field of GOP candidates are weak--no one is interested in them--yada--yada--yada.

If you watched the debate on CNN tonight--June 13, 2011--the message could not be clearer. This entire field is STRONG. In fact the strongest I have seen in decades. Not a John McCain in the bunch--LOL. Every one of them had several home runs--they were articulate--gave direct answers--and are more than ready to take Barack Obama and his policies on.

In fact--after listening to them speak--any one of these candidates would cut through Barack Obama like a hot knife through butter. Why? Because they made SENSE. On the economy--on Jobs--and on the Deficit.

Michelle Bachmann announced that she is running for POTUS tonight during the debate--and she was great. Ron Paul got a lot of applause--he did great. Newt Gingrich--when everyone thought he was done--is not done. Of course Mitt Romney--Palenty--Herman Cain--and Santorim.

It was so good--I still don't have a favorite. I am going to have to watch several more debates before I can come to any conclusion.

Did any of you watch it?

Nobody cares; Perry will win the nomination when he gets in.
And he will lose to Obama if/when people take a close look at him.

You're fooling yourself.

Bachmann...okay PLEASE NOMINATE HER!!!!
Ron Paul...Dead Man Walking.
Newt Gingrich...strolling for President...Fred Thompson lives!
Pawle...zzzzz.....I fell asleep saying the name. would be good to have another 4 years of liberalism in the White House.
Cain? Is he Abel? Survey Said

[ame=]YouTube - ‪bah bow‬‏[/ame]

We are counting on all of you libs to feel the same way, to feel so over confident that you dont put forth the extra effort, trust me. The more you feel you have it in the bag, the better off we will be. And the more laughable you will become when Berry loses it all. His policies are a failure, and it will take him losing in 2012 to wake you dumb bastards up.
Nobody cares; Perry will win the nomination when he gets in.
And he will lose to Obama if/when people take a close look at him.

You're fooling yourself.

Bachmann...okay PLEASE NOMINATE HER!!!!
Ron Paul...Dead Man Walking.
Newt Gingrich...strolling for President...Fred Thompson lives!
Pawle...zzzzz.....I fell asleep saying the name. would be good to have another 4 years of liberalism in the White House.
Cain? Is he Abel? Survey Said

YouTube - ‪bah bow‬‏

Nice try--didn't work.

Ask me on a Wednesday next November...and we'll see. None of the people on stage tonight have a chance against Obama.


I am so happy that you are so confident, trust me.
I saw the debate.... No one brought anything new to the table. Just the standard republican repeal everything obama, more tax cuts for the rich, and less regulation so corporations can further screw us. Same crap different toilet.

Just how do corporations screw YOU, please explain that to me.
Rick Perry is radioactive. I'd love him to run.

His traitorous secessionist stance is a true winner.

Best endorsement for Perry I've heard so far.

Should be.

You guys seem to like treasonous types like Jefferson Davis and Ronald Reagan. Or radical dry drunks like George W. Bush..the only man convicted of anything prior to be elected to the office of President.

Good on you.

All the crapola aside, if Perry wasn't a threat, you wouldn't bother slandering him.

It's like you have a glass head. We see right through ya.
We are counting on all of you libs to feel the same way, to feel so over confident that you dont put forth the extra effort, trust me. The more you feel you have it in the bag, the better off we will be. And the more laughable you will become when Berry loses it all. His policies are a failure, and it will take him losing in 2012 to wake you dumb bastards up.

IMHO, the only one with a chance in the Romney at this point. And he's got a great shot if he picks a vice like Pawlenty, Huntsman, Christie or Daniels. Everyone else is to radical or has baggage. But if it is one of the are completely right. No one should be taken for granted. Kerry made that mistake with the Swift Boaters.:doubt:
Best endorsement for Perry I've heard so far.

Should be.

You guys seem to like treasonous types like Jefferson Davis and Ronald Reagan. Or radical dry drunks like George W. Bush..the only man convicted of anything prior to be elected to the office of President.

Good on you.

All the crapola aside, if Perry wasn't a threat, you wouldn't bother slandering him.

It's like you have a glass head. We see right through ya.

Haven't slandered Perry in the slightest. I'd play you the clip..but it's in enough places on this board.

He can't run away from those words.
I can't wait to see both Perry and Romney aside one another in the next debate, you know if that happens,we will be looking at the dream ticket,,,either combination! Perry/Romney 2012!! I am praying!

I'm hoping for a Palin/Cain ticket. And dont think for one second they couldn't win it. Just because the lame stream media says they couldn't win it doesn't mean the rest of America would not vote for them. Fuck the media, vote your heart and vote for who will constitutionally run this country. We are fighting socialist/progressives, we need to vote with the constitution, not against it.
I can't wait to see both Perry and Romney aside one another in the next debate, you know if that happens,we will be looking at the dream ticket,,,either combination! Perry/Romney 2012!! I am praying!

I'm hoping for a Palin/Cain ticket. And dont think for one second they couldn't win it. Just because the lame stream media says they couldn't win it doesn't mean the rest of America would not vote for them. Fuck the media, vote your heart and vote for who will constitutionally run this country. We are fighting socialist/progressives, we need to vote with the constitution, not against it.

Funny you trot out the Constitution and Herman Cain in the same sentence.

Cain has said he would never appoint a person who follows the Muslim faith to any government position.

Exactly how do you think that sits with the Constitution of the United States?

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