GOP Elects Allen West Speaker.A Slap In The Face To Our Liberal Leaders?

They call him "loser", daveman. He lost, remember.
Yes, I know. I was just pointing out the typical progressive reaction to black conservatives.

You know -- the typical progressive reaction to black conservatives you chose not to condemn.
And yet, it was conservatives who turned out Herman Cain, who I was actually interested in.......
Well, THAT proves they're racist.

Oh, wait -- no, it doesn't.

Tea Party Fuels Surge of Minorities Into Office -
Allen West Is Qualified to be speaker , especially being Van Jones was elected to being the Green Jobs Czar.

This would make for the ultimate answer to Obama appointing Susan Rice as National Security Advisor.
Obama/Pelosi/Reid wont know how to handle it. OMG! A Black Man as Speaker Of The House? What are we going to do ??:crybaby::bang3:
Allen West as Speaker, Ted Cruz as leading candidate for GOP 2016, this will have the racist/biased media in a tailspin during the two-year Presidential Election!
:laugh2: Us Conservatives Can Only Hope For "West-Gate".

Didn't Alan West's own constituents turn him out?

Nope he was redistricted, much like Joe Walsh was. When you can't beat him redistrict him. That is not a Democrat strategy that is a every party strategy, redistricting and gerrymerrying should be a crime!

This would make for the ultimate answer to Obama appointing Susan Rice as National Security Advisor.
Obama/Pelosi/Reid wont know how to handle it. OMG! A Black Man as Speaker Of The House? What are we going to do ??:crybaby::bang3:
Allen West as Speaker, Ted Cruz as leading candidate for GOP 2016, this will have the racist/biased media in a tailspin during the two-year Presidential Election!
:laugh2: Us Conservatives Can Only Hope For "West-Gate".

You are so focused on race you make the Reverend Al Sharpton look like a rank amateur. :razz:

Progressives generally support Barack Obama...a black man with center left political leanings.

Progressives generally do not support Alan West...a black man with far right political leanings.

Can either the support or lack of support in the above examples possibly be due to the race of the persons mentioned?

Don't be so stupid. It is boring.

You think.

Conservatives generally oppose Barack Obama...a black man with center left political leanings.

Conservatives generally support Alan West...a black man with far right political leanings.

Yet, you and your ilk condemn Conservatives as racist for opposing Obama, as if they support everyone else who has center left or far left political leanings. The hypocrisy of your post is astounding.
Yet, you and your ilk condemn Conservatives as racist for opposing Obama,

You lying about us doesn't make us hypocrites. It just makes you a liar.

Try to be more like liberals. Which is to say, color-blind. Believe it or not, not every single thing is entirely about race.
Most of the USA now answers "hell yes" to this question.

You are so focused on race you make the Reverend Al Sharpton look like a rank amateur. :razz:

You lying about us doesn't make us hypocrites. It just makes you a liar.

Try to be more like liberals. Which is to say, color-blind. Believe it or not, not every single thing is entirely about race.

Waiting to see you two call out Rdean for the same behavior

Allen West not qualified to be speaker? then explain Nancy Pelosi who claimed that 500 million people a month were losing their jobs in 2009.
Allen West not qualified to be speaker? then explain Nancy Pelosi who claimed that 500 million people a month were losing their jobs in 2009.

gasp! a gaffe!

you know what makes nancy pelosi qualified and allen west not?

she's a member of the house - and she's not cray cray
Sometimes I wonder if Nancy Pelosi died in 2008 and has been kept alive with the latest medical technoligies. Kinda like what they did with Frankenstein.
Yet, you and your ilk condemn Conservatives as racist for opposing Obama,

You lying about us doesn't make us hypocrites. It just makes you a liar.

Try to be more like liberals. Which is to say, color-blind. Believe it or not, not every single thing is entirely about race.

And you calling me a liar in the face of ALL the evidence to the contrary doesn't make me a liar. It makes you look stupid.

'Nuff said.
Dave. what do you hope to accomplish with your stalker routine, and by constantly playing the race card? Both of those habits make you look like a kook.

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