GOP Elects Allen West Speaker.A Slap In The Face To Our Liberal Leaders?

Dave. what do you hope to accomplish with your stalker routine, and by constantly playing the race card? Both of those habits make you look like a kook.

"Waaaah! It's not FAIR that I should be held accountable for my lies!"

Suck it up, Cupcake. Quit lying, and you won't be called on your lies. Or continue lying, get called on it, and then pretend the evidence that proves you're a liar doesn't exist -- you know, like you always do.

Your call. Makes no difference to me.
the left is extremely racist. and misogynistic.

one has to always remember that all left is about is CONTROL.
therefore stupid brainwashed and controlled females and minorities - that is their goal.
the dem's wont go for it because he is black.

Doesn't he have to be an elected member of the House first? Or are you suggesting they will change the rules so that they can pick any bat shit crazy idiot off of the streets and make them Speaker of the House?
They pick Nancy Pelosi, right? wasn't she the wicked witch of the west riding her bicycle with the taco bell dog trapped in basket? (hey, didn't Romney do that to a dog once?)
the left is extremely racist. and misogynistic.

What an odd thing to say – considering the fact that ‘the left’ were at the forefront of fighting for the civil liberties of African-Americans and Hispanics for decades, as well as fighting for privacy rights for women.

And opposing ‘the left’ at every turn were conservatives.

Today conservatives are seeking to deny same-sex couples their civil liberties with ‘the left’ fighting for the equal protection rights of gays.

The facts and evidence would indicate you’re either an ignorant partisan hack or a liar.
the left is extremely racist. and misogynistic.

What an odd thing to say – considering the fact that ‘the left’ were at the forefront of fighting for the civil liberties of African-Americans and Hispanics for decades, as well as fighting for privacy rights for women.

And opposing ‘the left’ at every turn were conservatives.

Today conservatives are seeking to deny same-sex couples their civil liberties with ‘the left’ fighting for the equal protection rights of gays.

The facts and evidence would indicate you’re either an ignorant partisan hack or a liar.

That's not quite fair. Why can't she be both?
you think I made this up? he has often been mentioned as a candidate for Speaker 2014/or 2016.

You really should check your facts. He cannot be Speaker of the House if he's not a member of Congress. Now his name may have been mentioned before he lost his bid for re-election.
the left is extremely racist. and misogynistic.

What an odd thing to say – considering the fact that ‘the left’ were at the forefront of fighting for the civil liberties of African-Americans and Hispanics for decades, as well as fighting for privacy rights for women.

And opposing ‘the left’ at every turn were conservatives.

Today conservatives are seeking to deny same-sex couples their civil liberties with ‘the left’ fighting for the equal protection rights of gays.

The facts and evidence would indicate you’re either an ignorant partisan hack or a liar.

It's called projection.
Vox has always refused to be self aware and has always projected personal failings on moderate Republicanism.
the left is extremely racist. and misogynistic.

What an odd thing to say – considering the fact that ‘the left’ were at the forefront of fighting for the civil liberties of African-Americans and Hispanics for decades, as well as fighting for privacy rights for women.

And opposing ‘the left’ at every turn were conservatives.

Today conservatives are seeking to deny same-sex couples their civil liberties with ‘the left’ fighting for the equal protection rights of gays.

The facts and evidence would indicate you’re either an ignorant partisan hack or a liar.

That's not quite fair. Why can't she be both?

There is, of course, a third option: she's just being an asshole.
I also think OP made an "Oopsie" based on all his previous rw base posts.
I thought DC was lawless when It came to appointing democrats to leadership positions, just look at all of the {fill in the blank} hired by Obama.

This would make for the ultimate answer to Obama appointing Susan Rice as National Security Advisor.
Obama/Pelosi/Reid wont know how to handle it. OMG! A Black Man as Speaker Of The House? What are we going to do ??:crybaby::bang3:
Allen West as Speaker, Ted Cruz as leading candidate for GOP 2016, this will have the racist/biased media in a tailspin during the two-year Presidential Election!
:laugh2: Us Conservatives Can Only Hope For "West-Gate".

What kinda ugly monkey wife does West have?

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