GOP Final Debate Before FL. Primary

well, then Newt will get the crowd riled up.

I am hearing that Romney has more than inched ahead of the Newt. Those early votes that were cast before John King asked Newt that perfect question in South Carolina, may help him succeed. :lol:
These things are staged just like WWF matches. I have an advanced copy of the transcript.

MODERATOR: Mr. Speaker, do you have any family values?

GINGRICH: I've done your mother, son, don't get smart with me or I'll put you over my knee.

(crowd goes wild)

MODERATOR: Governor Romney, are you a rich bastard who pays low taxes?

ROMNEY: I looked at Newt's tax plan, and I would pay no taxes at all if he is elected.

(crowd looks at each other, says, "Whaaaaat?")

MODERATOR: Congressman Paul, do you inhale?

PAUL: Bring the troops home!

(college students go wild)

MODERATOR: Senator Santorum, are you a pole smoker?

SANTORUM: Sieg Heil!

PAUL: For the record, I did not say that!

MODERATOR: It is now the time in the debate where the candidates get to throw each other into the ropes and stomp on the canvas. Governor Romney, you go first.

ROMNEY: Newt, you said in 2007 that the housing market was more liquid and stable than it would have been without the GSEs. That does not sound to me like you were telling them what they were doing was insane.

GINGRICH: Uh...BAIN CAPITAL! I don't want to answer that, and I won't. I am sick and tired of saying fundamentally all the time. (goes over the ropes, grabs chair, and tosses it into the ring to the acclaim of thousands)

MODERATOR: Congressman Gingrich, your turn to ask any of the others a question.

GINGRICH: I would like to challenge President Obama to a series of 57 six-hour debates to be held in my underground lair. You think you can do that, Mitt? Huh? Huh?

ROMNEY: If I can stay married to the same Jaguar for 42 years and still get it up, I can debate Obama standing on my head with both hands behind my back.

(crowd boos]

MODERATOR: Senator Santorum?

SANTORUM: Newt, why don't you just drop the hell out of this race?

GINGRICH: I am so going to starting spamming the airwaves with attack ads against your sanctimonious ass with my Jew friend's money.

(mob does three rotations of The Wave, chanting, "Newt! Newt! Newt!")

MODERATOR: This brings us to questions from the audience.

PAUL: Hey! What about my turn!?!?

MODERATOR: And you are...???
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Romney is so destroying Newt tonight. And the crowd is reacting.

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