GOP formal investigation of Biden no 'proof' of high crimes or misdemeanors for Impeachment

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
It's incredible. The GOP led HOUSE is leading the gullible down the road to more embarrassment and humiliation, like they've done before, and as has FOX/Carlson. Why do I claim this? Because it's simply fact - true. I think of the old 'Where's the beef?' commercials/ads.

House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense​

Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.

Is that you, Carnack?

It's incredible. The GOP led HOUSE is leading the gullible down the road to more embarrassment and humiliation, like they've done before, and as has FOX/Carlson. Why do I claim this? Because it's simply fact - true. I think of the old 'Where's the beef?' commercials/ads.

House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense​

Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.

It's incredible. The GOP led HOUSE is leading the gullible down the road to more embarrassment and humiliation, like they've done before, and as has FOX/Carlson. Why do I claim this? Because it's simply fact - true. I think of the old 'Where's the beef?' commercials/ads.

House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense​

Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.

Sooooooo, just like when the Democrats held Congress and Trump was President? This stupidity is the predictable result of that stupidity.
It's incredible. The GOP led HOUSE is leading the gullible down the road to more embarrassment and humiliation, like they've done before, and as has FOX/Carlson. Why do I claim this? Because it's simply fact - true. I think of the old 'Where's the beef?' commercials/ads.

House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense​

Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.

These 'political stunts' always turn out "all show & no go". Remember that the elections are coming up so a bonanza showing is in order so the incumbents hopefully will back the actors pushing the impeachment. Remember president Clinton getting impeached? Nothing happened what so ever so expect the same this time around. I'd bet the farm on it. When nothing happens don't forget to give me a thumbs up for being spot on!
It's incredible. The GOP led HOUSE is leading the gullible down the road to more embarrassment and humiliation, like they've done before, and as has FOX/Carlson. Why do I claim this? Because it's simply fact - true. I think of the old 'Where's the beef?' commercials/ads.

House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense​

Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.

I guess you forgot, the Democrats showed us that a phone call overheard by some invisible whistleblower is Impeachable. So I'm going out on a limb and say taking money from hostile foreign nations and lying about it repeatedly to the American people is Impeachable.
It's incredible. The GOP led HOUSE is leading the gullible down the road to more embarrassment and humiliation, like they've done before, and as has FOX/Carlson. Why do I claim this? Because it's simply fact - true. I think of the old 'Where's the beef?' commercials/ads.

House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense​

Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.

They have no choice.

Trump is calling the shots. If they don't support impeachment he will primary them.
It's incredible. The GOP led HOUSE is leading the gullible down the road to more embarrassment and humiliation, like they've done before, and as has FOX/Carlson. Why do I claim this? Because it's simply fact - true. I think of the old 'Where's the beef?' commercials/ads.

House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense​

Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.

Who is it, exactly, who claims that there is only a “hunt” for an offense?

I know that’s the libturd line. But it ain’t necessarily true.


It passed. House Votes 221-212 to Back Formally Opening GOP’s Biden Impeachment Probe — The Wall Street Journal
It's incredible. The GOP led HOUSE is leading the gullible down the road to more embarrassment and humiliation, like they've done before, and as has FOX/Carlson. Why do I claim this? Because it's simply fact - true. I think of the old 'Where's the beef?' commercials/ads.

House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense​

Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.

After the idiotic embarrassing impeachment trials of the Democrats with Trump, twice, you really want to start attacking Republicans and Fox for impeaching Biden? Hypocrite!
I guess you forgot, the Democrats showed us that a phone call overheard by some invisible whistleblower is Impeachable.

Strawman. That isn't why Trump was impeached.

So I'm going out on a limb and say taking money from hostile foreign nations and lying about it repeatedly to the American people is Impeachable.
Hunter isn't in office.

Just to clarify, you think lying about money made from a hostile country is an impeachable offense? Yes or no?
"Where's the beef?"

It's there, but your desperation denial thread is a hoot. Now what cha going to do when your feckless leader crashes and burns taking all of your leftist narratives and agenda's down with him ? Was it all worth it ?? The left has got the Democrat party so far out on a limb, that it's just a matter of time for it to come crashing to the ground all due to the dead weight upon it.
It's incredible. The GOP led HOUSE is leading the gullible down the road to more embarrassment and humiliation, like they've done before, and as has FOX/Carlson. Why do I claim this? Because it's simply fact - true. I think of the old 'Where's the beef?' commercials/ads.

House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense​

Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.

Just because someone at The NY Times says there isn’t proof, doesn’t mean that accurate
These 'political stunts' always turn out "all show & no go". Remember that the elections are coming up so a bonanza showing is in order so the incumbents hopefully will back the actors pushing the impeachment.
Of course.

Remember president Clinton getting impeached? Nothing happened what so ever so expect the same this time around. I'd bet the farm on it. When nothing happens don't forget to give me a thumbs up for being spot on!
Clinton got reelected because of how slimy the GOP was.

Not sure what you're going on about with your bet -- nothing happens. To whom?
I guess you forgot, the Democrats showed us that a phone call overheard by some invisible whistleblower is Impeachable. So I'm going out on a limb and say taking money from hostile foreign nations and lying about it repeatedly to the American people is Impeachable.

You are really missing the boat on this one, but it's understandably. People like took FOX/Tucker's words as fact and truth, all while they were laughing their asses of and hearing ka-ching!

The facts are clear: Trump asked a foreign power to interfere in the 2020 election for his own political gain.​

President Trump demanded that Ukraine investigate his political rival before he would give them military aid.

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