GOP formal investigation of Biden no 'proof' of high crimes or misdemeanors for Impeachment

I guess you forgot, the Democrats showed us that a phone call overheard by some invisible whistleblower is Impeachable. So I'm going out on a limb and say taking money from hostile foreign nations and lying about it repeatedly to the American people is Impeachable.
It was that sleazbag Vindman.
Now he is profiting from the Ukraine war.

So in regards to Biden, you are willing to just forgive and forget, but when it came to Trump you all put him through the ringer for political purposes (double standards), and it was all because you hated the man so much (even after he proved that the witch hunt was bull shite), therefore proved by what he done as President after he was elected.

Nothing to forgive or forget about in regards to Joe Biden.

And next year at this time, his dad Joe won't be either.

Just to clarify, taking money from a hostile foreign country at best makes you an unregistered foreign lobbyist (a felony) and taking money from foreign countries as payment in return for favors granted makes you a spy, foreign agent and a traitor. At best, life in jail, and at worst when it involves the presidency, should be the firing squad.

Meanwhile, Trump was impeached for making a perfectly friendly phone call to Ukraine on a secure phone line monitored by 30 other people merely asking if they had any evidence there of Biden corruption. Just think what we could have saved had they turned over the goods?

Kinda makes one wonder now if all these billions Joe has given Zelenskyy haven't all been to buy their continued silence?

Stop being so clueless.
Nothing showing Biden's guilt would ever be deemed a fact by you, nor "reality," so why hold out for a non-existent "decent response" from someone as indecent as you?

Of course it would be devastating to see evidence of a crime and Joe Biden, but that has not happened. If Joe were looking guilty for a real crime, he would lose much support.

When Trump was looking guilty for a real crime, he would gained much support from Republicans who feared losing seats in both Houses of the Congress.

You need to get yer facts straight, bubba.
It was that sleazbag Vindman.
Now he is profiting from the Ukraine war.

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another loser with the infantile urge to attack people personally using childish and sophomoric terms as attempted insults?

stop trolling here.
You do know impeachment is a political thing and not a legal one? No, you do not. And Trump was impeached -- twice. You people always made a big deal over Clinton's impeachment. Yet when your guy gets two -- you pull an about face from your earlier constant whines and arguments...

Again the irony of what you post is totally lost on you. For the record the Clinton Impeachment and acquittal in the Senate were bipartisan something that cannot be said about either Trump impeachment or what is happening with Biden. To quote Sean Connery from the movie The Untouchables here endth the lesson. On a personal note piss off as this will be my final response to your partisan idiocy tonight.
Stop being so clueless.

Stop being so gullible and hapless. Imagine that, a real estate developer with properties the world over seeking to develop a lucrative deal in a country that could boost their bottom line. Oh, the horrors! Mueller couldn't make a thing out of it, but at least there was something concrete they could pin Trump's and Russia's activities on, meanwhile, Hunter and daddy are paid millions of dollars, gifted huge gems and paid six-figures for grade-school paint squiggles by hostile foreign powers that somehow Hunter developed overnight as an instant "artist" yet

CANNOT SHOW ANY ACTIVITY, EXCHANGES, or SERVICES supplied, exchanged or gained between them to justify it.

That only leaves ONE THING, dewdrop--- BRIBERY.
Try reading links before commenting on them:

The Republican-led House is on track to approve a formal impeachment inquiry into President Biden on Wednesday, pushing forward with a yearlong G.O.P. investigation that has failed to produce evidence of anything approaching high crimes or misdemeanors.

Republicans say the vote, which is expected in the evening, is needed to give them full authority to carry out their investigations amid anticipated legal challenges from the White House. Democrats have denounced the inquiry as a fishing expedition and a political stunt.

G.O.P. leaders refrained for months from calling a vote to open an impeachment inquiry, given the reservations of mainstream Republicans, many of them from politically competitive districts, about moving forward without proof that Mr. Biden had done anything wrong. But the political ground has shifted considerably, and most of them are now willing to do so, with some emphasizing that they are not yet ready to charge the president.
Try to catch up. It passed, you idiot.

And the evidence of criminality already exists a-plenty. Investigations designed to now establish whether that evidence supports an impeachment will now take place.

Fear not. Or, go ahead and continue to be fearful. It is ok with me, either way. 👍
Of course it would be devastating to see evidence of a crime and Joe Biden, but that has not happened.
Working on it,. Bubba. The investigations go FORWARD, with already a mountain of suspicious activity and evidence amassed.

If Joe were looking guilty for a real crime, he would lose much support.
And Joe is looking very guilty of many real crimes, a lifetime of them, and IS loosing support by the day.

You need to get yer facts straight, bubba.
You need to get your head our of your ass, Bubba.
Taking money from hostile actors who presents huge conflicts of interest for our countries interest, and damages our national security along with our future goals moving forward, should definitely present a cause for impeachment and/or an impeachment inquiry to get to the bottom of it.

Hunter isn't in office.

A compromised president is a super dangerous situation that has tragic implications and/or direct negative results for Americans and America's future.
How is Biden compromised?

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