GOP formal investigation of Biden no 'proof' of high crimes or misdemeanors for Impeachment

The Dems held the House and the Republicans held the Senate.
Yeah. Now the Rs hold the House and the Ds the Senate. Once the one party impeached the President of the opposite party for shaky at best reasoning it was predictable that the next time the roles were reversed there was going to be some kind of retaliation if there was even a shred of justification.
Again the irony of what you post is totally lost on you. For the record the Clinton Impeachment and acquittal in the Senate were bipartisan something that cannot be said about either Trump impeachment or what is happening with Biden. To quote Sean Connery from the movie The Untouchables here endth the lesson. On a personal note piss off as this will be my final response to your partisan idiocy tonight.

Good gawd, you're one of those who project your own failings onto others? :auiqs.jpg:

You're for bipartisanship? Okay. :auiqs.jpg:

Wikipedia entry:
Clinton Facts: an impeachment inquiry -
The Republican controlled House of Representatives had decided this with a bipartisan vote of 258–176, with 31 Democrats joining Republicans.

Biden Facts: an impeachment inquiry -
not a bipartisan vote.

Clinton: Impeachment by House of Representatives:

On December 11, 1998, the House Judiciary Committee agreed to send four articles of impeachment to the full House for consideration. The vote on two articles, grand jury perjury and obstruction of justice, was 21–17, both along party lines.

On the other, perjury in the Paula Jones case, the committee voted 20–18, with Republican Lindsey Graham joining with Democrats, in order to give President Clinton "the legal benefit of the doubt". The next day, December 12, the committee agreed to send a fourth and final article, for abuse of power, to the full House by a 21–17 vote, again, along party lines.

So what you are claiming is made up bullshit?
Stop being so gullible and hapless. Imagine that, a real estate developer with properties the world over seeking to develop a lucrative deal in a country that could boost their bottom line. Oh, the horrors! Mueller couldn't make a thing out of it, but at least there was something concrete they could pin Trump's and Russia's activities on, meanwhile, Hunter and daddy are paid millions of dollars, gifted huge gems and paid six-figures for grade-school paint squiggles by hostile foreign powers that somehow Hunter developed overnight as an instant "artist" yet

CANNOT SHOW ANY ACTIVITY, EXCHANGES, or SERVICES supplied, exchanged or gained between them to justify it.

That only leaves ONE THING, dewdrop--- BRIBERY.
Nope. No one in the GOP House has officially charged anything. Because...

Nothing pie.
It's incredible. The GOP led HOUSE is leading the gullible down the road to more embarrassment and humiliation, like they've done before, and as has FOX/Carlson. Why do I claim this? Because it's simply fact - true. I think of the old 'Where's the beef?' commercials/ads.

House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense​

Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.

You haven't looked at the evidence they've accumulated already, huh?
Try to catch up. It passed, you idiot.

And the evidence of criminality already exists a-plenty. Investigations designed to now establish whether that evidence supports an impeachment will now take place.

Fear not. Or, go ahead and continue to be fearful. It is ok with me, either way. 👍
If you say Mr WrongAgain
What was the lie?

That aside, so presidents who lie should be investigated as to why?
Just off of the top of my head that Hunter never received any money from the Chinese and that he's never interacted with any of Hunter's business associates.
It's incredible. The GOP led HOUSE is leading the gullible down the road to more embarrassment and humiliation, like they've done before, and as has FOX/Carlson. Why do I claim this? Because it's simply fact - true. I think of the old 'Where's the beef?' commercials/ads.

House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense​

Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.

There was even less concerning Trump, but it didn't stop the Democrat clowns. They even said that a crime was not needed!

Sorry, but your outrage is laughable.

Besides, this is only an inquiry. Means nothing.
No one in the GOP House has officially charged anything. Because...

...they are still just in the INVESTIGATION PHASE. Soon as they know they are 100% covered on their facts, they will enter the IMPEACH JOE FUCKING BEDPAN phase.
You guys are all confused....that's just what happened to Trump.
At least there is some there, there with Biden and the rest of the crime family. :eusa_whistle:

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