GOP formal investigation of Biden no 'proof' of high crimes or misdemeanors for Impeachment

Hunter and allegedly Joe, uhhhh were possibly still owed money from some of their contacts, but the heat was on so hot that they had to figure another way to get that money maybe ???
So that's when Hunter became this instant artist maybe ??
If so, this nation has been played the ultimate fool when making excuses for something possibly as corrupt as all of this is.

As a person somewhat trained in art myself, I won't deny that some of Hunter's work doesn't show promise and appeal, just that it isn't THAT good-- or rare --and Hunter Biden to my knowledge was a total unknown in the art world until just a few years ago, that and the fact that he is among the very few if not only artist I've ever known to have immediate roaring success AND a clientele so exclusive as to require total secrecy in who is buying his art!

That makes Hunter a true exception to the art world whose success can only be left explained by one thing-- Biden family name recognition! But, recognition for what? Well, since neither Hunter nor Dear Ol' Dad can show the slightest enterprise nor service they offer anyone outside of Dad's political influence to get things done for you (assuming you butter his greasy palm well enough), and the insistence that "buyers" of his art remain secret (therefore untraceable), the only logical conclusion left is that these art purchases as well as all the other YUGE GIFTS of millions in secret out-of-country myriad bank deposits from China, Romania and Ukraine, big gem gifts, and all of the many "loans" and complex bank transfers in between, represent foreign powers "BUYING" favors and influence from the First Family for personal gain and that is FUCKING TREASON making Joe Biden both an illegal installed enemy agent and national security risk (do not forget decades of national secrets stolen by Biden while a mere senator and VP then stored in a chinese business office and his open garage), and Hunter an enemy agent.


I suggest James Comer and the Biden Criminal Investigative Committee get with it and next force these art galleries to give a detailed list of EXACTLY who has been "buying" Hunter Biden's art.
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They've shown us everything they can find.

There is no proof.
Have they shared everything? Link to that…

What they have shown is plenty of evidence that warrants an investigation.

I am sure they will have a report at the end of their probe and release their report
You mean a spy.

the other people on the call were all supposed to be there. Listening in and doing their jobs.
It's incredible. The GOP led HOUSE is leading the gullible down the road to more embarrassment and humiliation, like they've done before, and as has FOX/Carlson. Why do I claim this? Because it's simply fact - true. I think of the old 'Where's the beef?' commercials/ads.

House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense​

Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.

They learned from shitty shift and the other demscum.
As a person somewhat trained in art myself, I won't deny that some of Hunter's work doesn't show promise and appeal, just that it isn't THAT good-- or rare --and Hunter Biden to my knowledge was a total unknown in the art world until just a few years ago, that and the fact that he is among the very few if not only artist I've ever known to have immediate roaring success AND a clientele so exclusive as to require total secrecy in who is buying his art!

That makes Hunter a true exception to the art world whose success can only be left explained by one thing-- Biden family name recognition! But, recognition for what? Well, since neither Hunter nor Dear Ol' Dad can show the slightest enterprise nor service they offer anyone outside of Dad's political influence to get things done for you (assuming you butter his greasy palm well enough), and the insistence that "buyers" of his art remain secret (therefore untraceable), the only logical conclusion left is that these art purchases as well as all the other YUGE GIFTS of millions in secret out-of-country myriad bank deposits from China, Romania and Ukraine, big gem gifts, and all of the many "loans" and complex bank transfers in between, represent foreign powers "BUYING" favors and influence from the First Family for personal gain and that is FUCKING TREASON making Joe Biden both an illegal installed enemy agent and national security risk (do not forget decades of national secrets stolen by Biden while a mere senator and VP then stored in a chinese business office and his open garage), and Hunter an enemy agent.


I suggest James Comer and the Biden Criminal Investigative Committee get with it and next force these art galleries to give a detailed list of EXACTLY who has been "buying" Hunter Biden's art.
would GWs paintings be popular if he wasn't a former president? Would Jim Carreys art be popular if he wasn't a popular actor, and using it to bash Trump? Hunter? :)
So links please.

Who said hunter never received money from the Chinese?

Who said Biden never "interacted" with hunters business associates?i

Give me more details and less thots and feels...or run away with some clever deflection.

It's up to you.
You might want to consider listening to corrupt tool you defend here every day, rather than knee jerking with your "thots and feels",
Biden said it, just like he said "fire the prosecutor in Ukraine or you don't get the money, well whatta ya know, they fired the SOB".

Are you stupid or something ?
Yawn. Really? Still peddling this old nonsense narrative of Biden acting in his official capacity as VP with the authority of the president behind him...and subsequently much of Congress.

It just shows how little you have.


You have proof he interacted with "so many"?

How many is so many?

What do you mean interact? He said hello? They made eye contact.


You might want to consider listening to corrupt tool you defend here every day, rather than knee jerking with your "thots and feels",

That proves Joe's point.

Since he evidently didn't know hunter made money from China, he couldn't have been involved.

Did you have proof of crimes or are these supposed "gotcha" recordings supposed to mean something?
You have proof he interacted with "so many"?

How many is so many?

What do you mean interact? He said hello? They made eye contact.

That proves Joe's point.

Since he evidently didn't know hunter made money from China, he couldn't have been involved.

Did you have proof of crimes or are these supposed "gotcha" recordings supposed to mean something?
I gave you the evidence out of the horse's ass mouth. If you can't even admit the words from Biden's own mouth, i'm not going to waste even one more post on your abject nonsense.

Have a blessed day,

I gave you the evidence out of the horse's ass mouth.

Evidence of what? That he didn't interact with "so many"...unless you actually think 14 interactions over an 8 year period is "so many" in which case I recommend learning what "so many" means.

If you can't even admit the words from Biden's own mouth, i'm not going to waste even one more post on your abject nonsense.

Have a blessed day,
What words? He didn't even know his son made money from China. That is how detached he is from his finances...which by the way was reinforced by testimony from Devon when he said he never saw Joe discuss business with hunters associates.
Is that you, Carnack?


There is zero evidence that Mr. Biden violated his oath of offce. The only reason for this kangaroo congress is P01135809 was Impeached twice, with clear and solid evidence of his High Crimes and Misdemeanors. This shit show accompish nothing.

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