GOP formal investigation of Biden no 'proof' of high crimes or misdemeanors for Impeachment

Just off of the top of my head that Hunter never received any money from the Chinese and that he's never interacted with any of Hunter's business associates.
So links please.

Who said hunter never received money from the Chinese?

Who said Biden never "interacted" with hunters business associates?

Give me more details and less thots and feels...or run away with some clever deflection.

It's up to you.
With 95% of the media supporting old Joe and the weaponized DOJ in the back pocket of the democrat party you have to assume that evidence must be so overwhelming that investigation of impeachment must be warranted. Meanwhile the ignorant left remains ignorant.
Wow! So you remember Trump trying to do backdoor deals with our enemy Russia?

An intriguing area of focus in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into the Kremlin's role in the 2016 U.S. election is a proposed Moscow real estate deal that Donald Trump pursued while running for president despite denying at the time any links to Russia.

The special counsel has revealed in court filings numerous details about the project, which never came to fruition. Further information has come from Michael Cohen, Trump's former personal lawyer who was instrumental in the negotiations, in congressional testimony and in his guilty plea to a charge of lying to Congress about the project.
The Democrat's forced Russia into becoming the enemy of the United States, otherwise with their sick lies and deception concerning their sworn political rival and hated enemy Donald Trump.

Trust the people when they tell you that Trump wasn't hated by his political enemies over Russia or over Trump's wealth, over Trump's arrogance, over Trump's mouth, Trump's stern positions on making America great for Americans again, no not any of that.

Trump's enemies hate anyone that they might fear (not just Trump), but anyone whom might go after their agenda's, and that might possibly roll back any of the bull shite that is found to be abusing other's inside of those agenda's.

Those with these agenda's could care less about any damage they might cause this nation, just as long as they are successful at keeping their political enemies out of the loop. So far they've done it, but it's slowly turning back because the Vail has been pulled back on their overall plans, and the people see how evil and unGodly those plans and agenda's are.

Prove Russia collusion and clear the FISA court's tyranny, and then let's talk.
And next year at this time, his dad Joe won't be either.

Just to clarify, taking money from a hostile foreign country at best makes you an unregistered foreign lobbyist (a felony) and taking money from foreign countries as payment in return for favors granted makes you a spy, foreign agent and a traitor. At best, life in jail, and at worst when it involves the presidency, should be the firing squad.

Meanwhile, Trump was impeached for making a perfectly friendly phone call to Ukraine on a secure phone line monitored by 30 other people merely asking if they had any evidence there of Biden corruption. Just think what we could have saved had they turned over the goods?

Kinda makes one wonder now if all these billions Joe has given Zelenskyy haven't all been to buy their continued silence?
Great post with very intriguing thought involved. Yes, even though Ukraine is at war with Russia, it still could be that some of the Billions could definitely be buying loyalty and silence over past dealings. A compromised president is a compromised president, and if he's allowed to remain in office if he is compromised, then America will lose all of it's respect given us in the world, otherwise if they see us turning a blind eye to corruption within our own government in these ways.
Stop being so gullible and hapless. Imagine that, a real estate developer with properties the world over seeking to develop a lucrative deal in a country that could boost their bottom line. Oh, the horrors! Mueller couldn't make a thing out of it, but at least there was something concrete they could pin Trump's and Russia's activities on, meanwhile, Hunter and daddy are paid millions of dollars, gifted huge gems and paid six-figures for grade-school paint squiggles by hostile foreign powers that somehow Hunter developed overnight as an instant "artist" yet

CANNOT SHOW ANY ACTIVITY, EXCHANGES, or SERVICES supplied, exchanged or gained between them to justify it.

That only leaves ONE THING, dewdrop--- BRIBERY.
Absolutely.... Anyone thinking Hunter was this instant artist is a completely dishonest person who is desperate to protect Biden for agenda reasoning and nothing else. They are truly sick people.
Absolutely.... Anyone thinking Hunter was this instant artist is a completely dishonest person who is desperate to protect Biden for agenda reasoning and nothing else. They are truly sick people.

I invite you to doodle with some paints on canvas then try to go out and get paid money for them, any money much less six figures. That is why they have the term: Starving Artists.

Most artists never really make much for their work until after they are dead.

Except Hunter Biden.
So links please.

Who said hunter never received money from the Chinese?

Who said Biden never "interacted" with hunters business associates?

Give me more details and less thots and feels...or run away with some clever deflection.

It's up to you.
Biden said it, just like he said "fire the prosecutor in Ukraine or you don't get the money, well whatta ya know, they fired the SOB".

Are you stupid or something ?
I invite you to doodle with some paints on canvas then try to go out and get paid money for them, any money much less six figures. That is why they have the term: Starving Artists.

Most artists never really make much for their work until after they are dead.

Except Hunter Biden.
Hunter and allegedly Joe, uhhhh were possibly still owed money from some of their contacts, but the heat was on so hot that they had to figure another way to get that money maybe ???

So that's when Hunter became this instant artist maybe ?? 🤔

If so, this nation has been played the ultimate fool when making excuses for something possibly as corrupt as all of this is.
Sounds like every inquiry into Donald Trump. I don't understand why you're suddenly opposed to such Kangaroo nonsense.
It's incredible. The GOP led HOUSE is leading the gullible down the road to more embarrassment and humiliation, like they've done before, and as has FOX/Carlson. Why do I claim this? Because it's simply fact - true. I think of the old 'Where's the beef?' commercials/ads.

House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense​

Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors.

It's called influence peddling and there is literally a MOUNTAIN of evidence that the Biden's have been doing it for years!

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