GOP Gave Elizabeth Warren Scott Brown's Senate Seat. How?

It's Massachusetts, for God's sake. What do you expect from a State that gave a lifetime Senate appointment to Teddy Kennedy? Where else would this fraudulent pretender even win a nomination? On second thought, there's Minnesota...
poor woodie, unclear on concepts and devoid of intelligence

Massachusetts' voters elected Republicans for most all my life there:

US Senators Ed Brooke and Scott Brown. and Republican Governors...

drum roll please...

Governor of Massachusetts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks for your sympathy, but if you were literate you would have noticed that I did not criticize Massachusetts for electing Democrats, but for electing people with severe character flaws. I assume that includes you.
LMAO The folks in MA elected Warren over Brown.

Hope they enjoy her.

After all she's what 1/16th Native American. I think.

At least thats what she claims.

Or is she still claiming that??
LMAO The folks in MA elected Warren over Brown.

Hope they enjoy her.

After all she's what 1/16th Native American. I think.

At least thats what she claims.

Or is she still claiming that??

Do you realize what a loser you are? The GOP lost a US Senate seat to an accomplished, professional woman, and all you have is a silly personal attack on a woman whose life and contribution to society will always outweigh yours?

Is your circle of family and friends aware of how petty and pathetic you are?
GOP Gave Elizabeth Warren Scott Brown's Senate Seat. How? GOP senators blocked Elizabeth Warren's confirmation to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

It's a tossup from which position she could damage America the most.

LMAO The folks in MA elected Warren over Brown.

Hope they enjoy her.

After all she's what 1/16th Native American. I think.

At least thats what she claims.

Or is she still claiming that??

Do you realize what a loser you are? The GOP lost a US Senate seat to an accomplished, professional woman, and all you have is a silly personal attack on a woman whose life and contribution to society will always outweigh yours?

Is your circle of family and friends aware of how petty and pathetic you are?

Petty and Pathetic huh?? Well Warren did claim to be a Native American did she not??

Scott Brown was a professional and accomplished Senator.

The voters in MA picked Warren. Good for them.

Your the loser there bub trying to say Brown wasn't as accomplished or professional as Warren. You should be ashamed of yourself and your so petty and pathetic I wonder you can stand yourself.

I'm sure your circle of friends know exactly what you are.
It's Massachusetts, for God's sake. What do you expect from a State that gave a lifetime Senate appointment to Teddy Kennedy? Where else would this fraudulent pretender even win a nomination? On second thought, there's Minnesota...

scott brown was the incumbant, wack-a-doodle. he had already won in massachusetts.

and he'd have won again if a) elizabeth warren had been given the position she should have had; and b) if he didn't spend the debates trying to ridicule her. normal people don't like that... especially when you're debating a woman.

finally, do i have to remind you that massachusetts had republican governors.

silly wackadoodle...
GOP Gave Elizabeth Warren Scott Brown's Senate Seat. How? GOP senators blocked Elizabeth Warren's confirmation to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

It's a tossup from which position she could damage America the most.


thank for existing. we all need proof of nature's errors

Warren's version of "you didn't build that", replete with arm waving:

[ame=]Elizabeth Warren's "You Didn't Build That Speech" as made famous by Obama [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
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LMAO The folks in MA elected Warren over Brown.

Hope they enjoy her.

After all she's what 1/16th Native American. I think.

At least thats what she claims.

Or is she still claiming that??

Do you realize what a loser you are? The GOP lost a US Senate seat to an accomplished, professional woman, and all you have is a silly personal attack on a woman whose life and contribution to society will always outweigh yours?

Is your circle of family and friends aware of how petty and pathetic you are?

Petty and Pathetic huh?? Well Warren did claim to be a Native American did she not??

Scott Brown was a professional and accomplished Senator.

The voters in MA picked Warren. Good for them.

Your the loser there bub trying to say Brown wasn't as accomplished or professional as Warren. You should be ashamed of yourself and your so petty and pathetic I wonder you can stand yourself.

I'm sure your circle of friends know exactly what you are.

reading and comprehension issues?
no one said Brown wasn't as accomplished or professional as Warren, although I will say that now.

The comment was directed at you. You know next to the woman you are trashing, you are a parasite on the public twat
"You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory."

She says this with no sense of irony as she speaks to a marauding band that wants to seize more from factory owners!

She also claims factory owners use roads and bridges that "the rest of us paid for". As if factory owners aren't already paying more than the rest of us in taxes.

And she points to roads and bridges and police and firemen as if these things are used exclusively by the factory owners.

See, that's where her and Obama's socialist fantasy collapses. EVERYONE uses cops and firemen and schools and roads and bridges. And since EVERYONE didn't build a factory using the exact same resources that are available to them, then this argument is just so much fucking smoke.

Weak-minded people like this survive solely because of the limited generosity of their betters. And people like her are reaching the limit.

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Do you realize what a loser you are? The GOP lost a US Senate seat to an accomplished, professional woman, and all you have is a silly personal attack on a woman whose life and contribution to society will always outweigh yours?

Is your circle of family and friends aware of how petty and pathetic you are?

Petty and Pathetic huh?? Well Warren did claim to be a Native American did she not??

Scott Brown was a professional and accomplished Senator.

The voters in MA picked Warren. Good for them.

Your the loser there bub trying to say Brown wasn't as accomplished or professional as Warren. You should be ashamed of yourself and your so petty and pathetic I wonder you can stand yourself.

I'm sure your circle of friends know exactly what you are.

reading and comprehension issues?
no one said Brown wasn't as accomplished or professional as Warren, although I will say that now.

The comment was directed at you. You know next to the woman you are trashing, you are a parasite on the public twat

Escuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Warren is the one claiming to be Native American. So speaking the truth is trashing her huh?

Public Twat?? Talk about trashing folks you don't know.

Of course what can one expect from an asshole like you.
Elizabeth Warren is a US Senator. She beat back the GOP wingnuts and Scott Brown

sore losers unite!!! :rofl:

It looks to me like you are capable of only one-liners, incomplete sentences, and poor grammar and punctuation. Ironic you said, "thank for existing. we all need proof of nature's errors". :lol:

GOP Gave Elizabeth Warren Scott Brown's Senate Seat. How? GOP senators blocked Elizabeth Warren's confirmation to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Blocking and/or Nominating John Kerry Is Dumb -- Daily Intel


She would have done a HELL of a lot more damage on the CFPB!!! I deal with the CFPB on a daily basis. They are scary organization with too much way too much power!

This is probably true. She would have been responsible for writing thousands of regulations with little oversight. Regulations that would not be in the public eye but would have deep ramifications for, and long-lasting effects on, our national economy.

I personally feel that Wall Street requires more regulation than it had under the CFMB, FSMA, and Bush's SEC. However, a person like Elizabeth Warren would be a swing of the pendulum to the opposite extreme.

All Brown needed to do was claim descendancy from the Cherokee nation and pander to minorities and he would have locked up the white liberal vote.................

GOP Gave Elizabeth Warren Scott Brown's Senate Seat. How? GOP senators blocked Elizabeth Warren's confirmation to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Blocking and/or Nominating John Kerry Is Dumb -- Daily Intel


She would have done a HELL of a lot more damage on the CFPB!!! I deal with the CFPB on a daily basis. They are scary organization with too much way too much power!

This is probably true. She would have been responsible for writing thousands of regulations with little oversight. Regulations that would not be in the public eye but would have deep ramifications for, and long-lasting effects on, our national economy.

I personally feel that Wall Street requires more regulation than it had under the CFMB, FSMA, and Bush's SEC. However, a person like Elizabeth Warren would be a swing of the pendulum to the opposite extreme.


Bush's regulatory system was bare bones. It helped feed the beast that became the 2007/2008 economic crisis we are paying for today


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