GOP gives Dems one more chance to act like grown ups and they throw a fit!

I wish Obama would have just voted someone in, he was the only one playing the rules out of respect..


Search history. It is not normal for a Supreme Court Justice to be appointed in the final year of a Presidents' term.
As with other leftists, you want things rearranged to suit the agenda of the left. The left doesn't care about tradition or the law...only their agenda. Guess what...most Americans don't agree with the Lefts' agenda.

That's why I FULLY support Trump filling the Supreme ANY means necessary. (And I do mean ANY)

He could have ethically done it if he wanted to

“Thurmond Rule” has been understood as holding that lifetime appointments of all types should not be made in the final six months of a president’s term in office.

Second, the “Rule” has never been applied to Supreme Court vacancies. On the contrary, when President Reagan nominated Anthony Kennedy to the court, he was confirmed 97-0 on Feb. 3, 1988, with Sen. McConnell voting in favor.
After democraps blocked an even better candidate. Kennedy is a piece of shit liberal its pay back time!

Robert Bork Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia

But still he did it with the help of McConnell ( right? )
Did what? IMO McConnell is NOT a real conservative he is a neo con.
Having to go under your desk was quit frightening....and here you are making fun of
Going under your desk in order to protect yourself from a nuclear explosion was also as stupid as snowflakes filibustering their own argument that every judge deserves an up or down vote and their own Reid Rule. :p
So do all the Trump supporters agree that Trump's authority to appoint judges should end in the summer of 2019,

since that when the 2020 presidential campaign begins?
This clearly illustrates how little you understand what is going on around you.

Trump retains the right to nominate judges right up to the day he leaves office. Just as Obama did.

There is NO right to have a judge confirmed or even voted on. If, in 2024, primary elections have begun, then if the Democrats are in control of the Senate, they have the right to ignore any Trump appointee.

So do all the Trump supporters agree that Trump's authority to appoint judges should end in the summer of 2019, since that when the 2020 presidential campaign begins?

Actually I am not sure I do.

Please provide a reference from the Constitution that states a President can not at least nominate a USSC Justice or any other nominee to fill a vacancy in another govt position at any point in his last year in office....

THAT's my point. What is the CONSTITUTIONALITY of such a situation?

In saying that I am actually arguing with / for the Democrats who think Obama had a right to nominate Garland. Those who say he did not have the right to do so are (possibly) looking at it from the idea that 'on the way out the out-going President is going to 'saddle' the new President with a pick that is not his own'. In reality, such a pick is NOT (IMO) the new President's pick, not until he takes office. Until then it is the EXISTING President's right to at least submit a nominee.

If you believe elections have consequences then you must believe that across the board, not just when 'your party' wins.

If you believe EVERY judge deserves an up or down vote then you must believe EVERY judge, not just 'your party's' judges.

IMO Garland deserved an up or down vote. He did not get it - that sucked.
IMO I agree with the Democrats who declared EVERY judge should get an up or down vote and PARTIALLY support the Reid Rule that was designed to ensure ever judge gets such a vote, but at the same time I support the reason why the filibuster exists. I just don't believe it should be a tool to indefinitely delay / kill an up or down vote. If a party wants to filibuster FOR A TIME in an attempt to sway votes one way or the other, fine...but it eventually needs to end.

....all humbly IMO.....
So do all the Trump supporters agree that Trump's authority to appoint judges should end in the summer of 2019,

since that when the 2020 presidential campaign begins?

That's the rules, sounds fair to me

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