GOP Goes Nuclear and I approve!

Seriously Republicans
Do you really want to play this game when you are backing Trump?

a man who.....

Suggests we nuke Hurricanes
Says windmills cause cancer
Says F-35 planes are literally invisible to the naked eye
Suggests we inject disinfectant to fight virus
Thinks George Washington captured airports.

And you counter that Joe Biden stutters?

Grasping for air lol
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

Its much more than stuttering. Look at his basement videos. Those are recorded, and whoever is recording them can't get him to look coherent after God knows how many attempts each time. You think this guy is any match for President Trump in a live debate? You have to be joking.

If you want to talk about stupid things Biden said and compare them to Trump; anytime. You know, like telling a crippled man to stand up at one of his rallies? Or that you can't go into a 7-11 unless you speak Indian? When it comes to the economy, if Biden wins, we will have real trouble with creating that three letter word (as Biden said) J-O-B-S. Let's hope whoever this black woman is that he chooses, she's a clean and nice looking woman.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

Its much more than stuttering. Look at his basement videos. Those are recorded, and whoever is recording them can't get him to look coherent after God knows how many attempts each time. You think this guy is any match for President Trump in a live debate? You have to be joking.

If you want to talk about stupid things Biden said and compare them to Trump; anytime. You know, like telling a crippled man to stand up at one of his rallies? Or that you can't go into a 7-11 unless you speak Indian? When it comes to the economy, if Biden wins, we will have real trouble with creating that three letter word (as Biden said) J-O-B-S. Let's hope whoever this black woman is that he chooses, she's a clean and nice looking woman.

Guess you got him
Joe Biden sometimes loses his place and stumbles for words.

But it is Trump who has the best words

You sure you want to keep playing this card?
I have a lot more
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

Its much more than stuttering. Look at his basement videos. Those are recorded, and whoever is recording them can't get him to look coherent after God knows how many attempts each time. You think this guy is any match for President Trump in a live debate? You have to be joking.

If you want to talk about stupid things Biden said and compare them to Trump; anytime. You know, like telling a crippled man to stand up at one of his rallies? Or that you can't go into a 7-11 unless you speak Indian? When it comes to the economy, if Biden wins, we will have real trouble with creating that three letter word (as Biden said) J-O-B-S. Let's hope whoever this black woman is that he chooses, she's a clean and nice looking woman.

Guess you got him
Joe Biden sometimes loses his place and stumbles for words.

But it is Trump who has the best words

You sure you want to keep playing this card?
I have a lot more

So why does he lose his place all the time? Because he's mentally not there. He can't stay focused, which I think is a pretty important quality to have if you're going to be in the strongest position on the planet.

People age differently. Some people like Trump have all their marbles with them. Biden on the other hand probably doesn't know what day it is unless he looks at a calendar or his cell phone. The man is partially lost, and that condition will not get better, it will get worse as we are all witness to.

Putting a guy like this in charge of the strongest country on earth is like giving a monkey a loaded semi-automatic gun. Only bad things can happen.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

Its much more than stuttering. Look at his basement videos. Those are recorded, and whoever is recording them can't get him to look coherent after God knows how many attempts each time. You think this guy is any match for President Trump in a live debate? You have to be joking.

If you want to talk about stupid things Biden said and compare them to Trump; anytime. You know, like telling a crippled man to stand up at one of his rallies? Or that you can't go into a 7-11 unless you speak Indian? When it comes to the economy, if Biden wins, we will have real trouble with creating that three letter word (as Biden said) J-O-B-S. Let's hope whoever this black woman is that he chooses, she's a clean and nice looking woman.

Guess you got him
Joe Biden sometimes loses his place and stumbles for words.

But it is Trump who has the best words

You sure you want to keep playing this card?
I have a lot more

So why does he lose his place all the time? Because he's mentally not there. He can't stay focused, which I think is a pretty important quality to have if you're going to be in the strongest position on the planet.

People age differently. Some people like Trump have all their marbles with them. Biden on the other hand probably doesn't know what day it is unless he looks at a calendar or his cell phone. The man is partially lost, and that condition will not get better, it will get worse as we are all witness to.

Putting a guy like this in charge of the strongest country on earth is like giving a monkey a loaded semi-automatic gun. Only bad things can happen.

Come on, you really need to stop this, you are embarrassing yourself. If only you weren’t backing Trump.

Trump loses his place and he starts rambling about Washington seizing airports and ramming ramparts (whatever that means)

For every clip you show Biden stuttering, I will post much, much worse for Trump. I can show Biden walking on a ramp and not needing two hands to drink.

You are playing a losing hand
The problem is that no one that is voting for Biden is voting for Biden.

It does not matter who runs against Trump - if he losses it is solely on Trump and will have little to nothing to do with Biden.

If Trump loses, it will have more to do with mail in ballots which can manipulate the outcome because of fraud. That's why Democrats are pushing for it.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

Its much more than stuttering. Look at his basement videos. Those are recorded, and whoever is recording them can't get him to look coherent after God knows how many attempts each time. You think this guy is any match for President Trump in a live debate? You have to be joking.

If you want to talk about stupid things Biden said and compare them to Trump; anytime. You know, like telling a crippled man to stand up at one of his rallies? Or that you can't go into a 7-11 unless you speak Indian? When it comes to the economy, if Biden wins, we will have real trouble with creating that three letter word (as Biden said) J-O-B-S. Let's hope whoever this black woman is that he chooses, she's a clean and nice looking woman.

Donald Trump can't string an entire sentence together, and his Presidency has been one fuck up after the other. Every decision he has made in regard to every issue, has been the one which will make things worse. The border crisis he manufactured, that ended up imprisoning 40,000 people - at taxpayer expense, but did NOTHING to solve the problem of illegal immigration.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

Its much more than stuttering. Look at his basement videos. Those are recorded, and whoever is recording them can't get him to look coherent after God knows how many attempts each time. You think this guy is any match for President Trump in a live debate? You have to be joking.

If you want to talk about stupid things Biden said and compare them to Trump; anytime. You know, like telling a crippled man to stand up at one of his rallies? Or that you can't go into a 7-11 unless you speak Indian? When it comes to the economy, if Biden wins, we will have real trouble with creating that three letter word (as Biden said) J-O-B-S. Let's hope whoever this black woman is that he chooses, she's a clean and nice looking woman.

Guess you got him
Joe Biden sometimes loses his place and stumbles for words.

But it is Trump who has the best words

You sure you want to keep playing this card?
I have a lot more

So why does he lose his place all the time? Because he's mentally not there. He can't stay focused, which I think is a pretty important quality to have if you're going to be in the strongest position on the planet.

People age differently. Some people like Trump have all their marbles with them. Biden on the other hand probably doesn't know what day it is unless he looks at a calendar or his cell phone. The man is partially lost, and that condition will not get better, it will get worse as we are all witness to.

Putting a guy like this in charge of the strongest country on earth is like giving a monkey a loaded semi-automatic gun. Only bad things can happen.

Biden loses his place because he stutters, and sometimes can't get the word out that he wants to use, so he tries to find another words he can get out. In the process of trying to get words out, you can lose your train of thought. Biden has done remarkably well in overcoming his stutter. I had no idea about it that he stutters, until this year, but this is why he's been gaffe prone throughout his career. Joe doesn't sound any different that he always has.

Trump, on the other hand, has deteriorated terribly in his public speaking. If watch his interviews from even 20 years ago, he was articulate, well spoken, and he spoke in complete sentences. Then read or watch his interviews today. Blithering, rambling, jumping from topic to topic without ever finishing what he was saying about anything.

But perhaps at this place and time, the most dangerous thing about Trump is his embrace of every conspiracy theory that floats by on the breeze, without evidence or facts on his side, and then refusing to back down from from them, even when they're debunked. Hydroxychloroquine being a case in point.

The President began promoting this idea that this drug would help based on an interview with the manufacturer on FOX News. There was absolutely NOTHING in the history of this drug that would indicate it would be effective. It was tried on both SARS and MERS, two similar diseases to covid19 and both corona viruses, but was found to be ineffectvie. But Donald Trump went out and bought up the world's supply of this drug, leaving people who needed it for treatment of the diseases it does work on, unable to buy it.

Trump pressured VA hospitals to use the drug, and they did, to disastrous effects. 29% more vets given hydroxychloroquine died than the control group. The VA stopped using it. The CDC issued a warning. So Trump started taking the drug himself to prove its safety. The use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of covid19 has been banned. The federal government has purchased 60 million doses of this drug, and now it will sit in a warehouse and rot alongside of W's boxes of Tamiflu.

This is why today the USA set a single day record for corona virus cases in the world, and will cross the grim threshold of 125,000 deaths. Trump listens to FOX News, and not Dr. Faucci.
Go ahead. Run him

And this was the BEST the democrats had to offer.


He sure is......He is mopping up the floor with Donald J Trump

Are you claiming Trump is the best Republicans have to offer?

He sure is? That doesn’t say much for your pathetic party.

I feel sorry for the once Grand, now just Old Party
Trump will bring them down with him.

Biden is pathetic and the fact that there was no one else the Democrats could offer is a testament to just how low they have sunk.

Biden is doing a great job in annihilating a sitting president.

Democrats: You have chosen wisely

Another wet dreamer.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

He stutters ????

He's losing his mind.

Both sides acknolwedge that.
Donald Trump can't string an entire sentence together, and his Presidency has been one fuck up after the other. Every decision he has made in regard to every issue, has been the one which will make things worse. The border crisis he manufactured, that ended up imprisoning 40,000 people - at taxpayer expense, but did NOTHING to solve the problem of illegal immigration.

I don't know why you repeat lies when they've been proven to be lies repeatedly in this forum. Trump has reduced illegal crossings dramatically despite the Communists attempt to keep them coming in. He went around them via executive orders and threats to Mexico to stop them from using their country to get here, and it worked.

Outside of the wall that is being built against the will of the commies, and replacement walls that were not effectively doing the job, the immigration problem is not even mentioned by the MSM. Trump has attacked the immigration problem from every angle, from the wall to asylum applications, from asylum applications to threatening Mexico with foreign aid, from foreign aid to birther tourism, from birther tourism to expired Visas. He's done more for our border problem than the last five Presidents combined.

Biden loses his place because he stutters, and sometimes can't get the word out that he wants to use, so he tries to find another words he can get out. In the process of trying to get words out, you can lose your train of thought. Biden has done remarkably well in overcoming his stutter. I had no idea about it that he stutters, until this year, but this is why he's been gaffe prone throughout his career. Joe doesn't sound any different that he always has.

Trump, on the other hand, has deteriorated terribly in his public speaking. If watch his interviews from even 20 years ago, he was articulate, well spoken, and he spoke in complete sentences. Then read or watch his interviews today. Blithering, rambling, jumping from topic to topic without ever finishing what he was saying about anything.

But perhaps at this place and time, the most dangerous thing about Trump is his embrace of every conspiracy theory that floats by on the breeze, without evidence or facts on his side, and then refusing to back down from from them, even when they're debunked. Hydroxychloroquine being a case in point.

The President began promoting this idea that this drug would help based on an interview with the manufacturer on FOX News. There was absolutely NOTHING in the history of this drug that would indicate it would be effective. It was tried on both SARS and MERS, two similar diseases to covid19 and both corona viruses, but was found to be ineffectvie. But Donald Trump went out and bought up the world's supply of this drug, leaving people who needed it for treatment of the diseases it does work on, unable to buy it.

Trump pressured VA hospitals to use the drug, and they did, to disastrous effects. 29% more vets given hydroxychloroquine died than the control group. The VA stopped using it. The CDC issued a warning. So Trump started taking the drug himself to prove its safety. The use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of covid19 has been banned. The federal government has purchased 60 million doses of this drug, and now it will sit in a warehouse and rot alongside of W's boxes of Tamiflu.

This is why today the USA set a single day record for corona virus cases in the world, and will cross the grim threshold of 125,000 deaths. Trump listens to FOX News, and not Dr. Faucci.

Again with the lies, or as Ronald Reagan once said, there you go again......

HCQ is not illegal in this country, and is still being used. It has proven to have amazing results on many people which is why it's being prescribed by licensed doctors not only here, but all over the world. Like the fool you are, you've been played like an 8 ball. There is only one reason you on the left hate the drug and it's results, and that's because the President has promoted it. Had he not done that, you would be praising the success this drug has had for some people. HCQ has not killed anybody, and has been used in this country for generations.

Now please, educate yourself for a change:

Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

Its much more than stuttering. Look at his basement videos. Those are recorded, and whoever is recording them can't get him to look coherent after God knows how many attempts each time. You think this guy is any match for President Trump in a live debate? You have to be joking.

If you want to talk about stupid things Biden said and compare them to Trump; anytime. You know, like telling a crippled man to stand up at one of his rallies? Or that you can't go into a 7-11 unless you speak Indian? When it comes to the economy, if Biden wins, we will have real trouble with creating that three letter word (as Biden said) J-O-B-S. Let's hope whoever this black woman is that he chooses, she's a clean and nice looking woman.

Donald Trump can't string an entire sentence together, and his Presidency has been one fuck up after the other. Every decision he has made in regard to every issue, has been the one which will make things worse. The border crisis he manufactured, that ended up imprisoning 40,000 people - at taxpayer expense, but did NOTHING to solve the problem of illegal immigration.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

Its much more than stuttering. Look at his basement videos. Those are recorded, and whoever is recording them can't get him to look coherent after God knows how many attempts each time. You think this guy is any match for President Trump in a live debate? You have to be joking.

If you want to talk about stupid things Biden said and compare them to Trump; anytime. You know, like telling a crippled man to stand up at one of his rallies? Or that you can't go into a 7-11 unless you speak Indian? When it comes to the economy, if Biden wins, we will have real trouble with creating that three letter word (as Biden said) J-O-B-S. Let's hope whoever this black woman is that he chooses, she's a clean and nice looking woman.

Guess you got him
Joe Biden sometimes loses his place and stumbles for words.

But it is Trump who has the best words

You sure you want to keep playing this card?
I have a lot more

So why does he lose his place all the time? Because he's mentally not there. He can't stay focused, which I think is a pretty important quality to have if you're going to be in the strongest position on the planet.

People age differently. Some people like Trump have all their marbles with them. Biden on the other hand probably doesn't know what day it is unless he looks at a calendar or his cell phone. The man is partially lost, and that condition will not get better, it will get worse as we are all witness to.

Putting a guy like this in charge of the strongest country on earth is like giving a monkey a loaded semi-automatic gun. Only bad things can happen.

Biden loses his place because he stutters, and sometimes can't get the word out that he wants to use, so he tries to find another words he can get out. In the process of trying to get words out, you can lose your train of thought. Biden has done remarkably well in overcoming his stutter. I had no idea about it that he stutters, until this year, but this is why he's been gaffe prone throughout his career. Joe doesn't sound any different that he always has.

Trump, on the other hand, has deteriorated terribly in his public speaking. If watch his interviews from even 20 years ago, he was articulate, well spoken, and he spoke in complete sentences. Then read or watch his interviews today. Blithering, rambling, jumping from topic to topic without ever finishing what he was saying about anything.

But perhaps at this place and time, the most dangerous thing about Trump is his embrace of every conspiracy theory that floats by on the breeze, without evidence or facts on his side, and then refusing to back down from from them, even when they're debunked. Hydroxychloroquine being a case in point.

The President began promoting this idea that this drug would help based on an interview with the manufacturer on FOX News. There was absolutely NOTHING in the history of this drug that would indicate it would be effective. It was tried on both SARS and MERS, two similar diseases to covid19 and both corona viruses, but was found to be ineffectvie. But Donald Trump went out and bought up the world's supply of this drug, leaving people who needed it for treatment of the diseases it does work on, unable to buy it.

Trump pressured VA hospitals to use the drug, and they did, to disastrous effects. 29% more vets given hydroxychloroquine died than the control group. The VA stopped using it. The CDC issued a warning. So Trump started taking the drug himself to prove its safety. The use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of covid19 has been banned. The federal government has purchased 60 million doses of this drug, and now it will sit in a warehouse and rot alongside of W's boxes of Tamiflu.

This is why today the USA set a single day record for corona virus cases in the world, and will cross the grim threshold of 125,000 deaths. Trump listens to FOX News, and not Dr. Faucci.

Just about everything that you have written here is just simply not factually true.
Turn off the CBC they are not providing good information to you.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

He stutters ????

He's losing his mind.

Both sides acknolwedge that.


One skill Biden actually possesses is the ability to read and process information. A skill our President never mastered. Trump refuses to read information that is provided to him and has a notoriously short attention span.
He substitutes intuition for knowledge.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

He stutters ????

He's losing his mind.

Both sides acknolwedge that.


One skill Biden actually possesses is the ability to read and process information. A skill our President never mastered. Trump refuses to read information that is provided to him and has a notoriously short attention span.
He substitutes intuition for knowledge.

So you and his wife are about the only ones who won't acknowledge that Biden is slipping away.

How funny.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

Its much more than stuttering. Look at his basement videos. Those are recorded, and whoever is recording them can't get him to look coherent after God knows how many attempts each time. You think this guy is any match for President Trump in a live debate? You have to be joking.

If you want to talk about stupid things Biden said and compare them to Trump; anytime. You know, like telling a crippled man to stand up at one of his rallies? Or that you can't go into a 7-11 unless you speak Indian? When it comes to the economy, if Biden wins, we will have real trouble with creating that three letter word (as Biden said) J-O-B-S. Let's hope whoever this black woman is that he chooses, she's a clean and nice looking woman.

Donald Trump can't string an entire sentence together, and his Presidency has been one fuck up after the other. Every decision he has made in regard to every issue, has been the one which will make things worse. The border crisis he manufactured, that ended up imprisoning 40,000 people - at taxpayer expense, but did NOTHING to solve the problem of illegal immigration.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

Its much more than stuttering. Look at his basement videos. Those are recorded, and whoever is recording them can't get him to look coherent after God knows how many attempts each time. You think this guy is any match for President Trump in a live debate? You have to be joking.

If you want to talk about stupid things Biden said and compare them to Trump; anytime. You know, like telling a crippled man to stand up at one of his rallies? Or that you can't go into a 7-11 unless you speak Indian? When it comes to the economy, if Biden wins, we will have real trouble with creating that three letter word (as Biden said) J-O-B-S. Let's hope whoever this black woman is that he chooses, she's a clean and nice looking woman.

Guess you got him
Joe Biden sometimes loses his place and stumbles for words.

But it is Trump who has the best words

You sure you want to keep playing this card?
I have a lot more

So why does he lose his place all the time? Because he's mentally not there. He can't stay focused, which I think is a pretty important quality to have if you're going to be in the strongest position on the planet.

People age differently. Some people like Trump have all their marbles with them. Biden on the other hand probably doesn't know what day it is unless he looks at a calendar or his cell phone. The man is partially lost, and that condition will not get better, it will get worse as we are all witness to.

Putting a guy like this in charge of the strongest country on earth is like giving a monkey a loaded semi-automatic gun. Only bad things can happen.

Biden loses his place because he stutters, and sometimes can't get the word out that he wants to use, so he tries to find another words he can get out. In the process of trying to get words out, you can lose your train of thought. Biden has done remarkably well in overcoming his stutter. I had no idea about it that he stutters, until this year, but this is why he's been gaffe prone throughout his career. Joe doesn't sound any different that he always has.

Trump, on the other hand, has deteriorated terribly in his public speaking. If watch his interviews from even 20 years ago, he was articulate, well spoken, and he spoke in complete sentences. Then read or watch his interviews today. Blithering, rambling, jumping from topic to topic without ever finishing what he was saying about anything.

But perhaps at this place and time, the most dangerous thing about Trump is his embrace of every conspiracy theory that floats by on the breeze, without evidence or facts on his side, and then refusing to back down from from them, even when they're debunked. Hydroxychloroquine being a case in point.

The President began promoting this idea that this drug would help based on an interview with the manufacturer on FOX News. There was absolutely NOTHING in the history of this drug that would indicate it would be effective. It was tried on both SARS and MERS, two similar diseases to covid19 and both corona viruses, but was found to be ineffectvie. But Donald Trump went out and bought up the world's supply of this drug, leaving people who needed it for treatment of the diseases it does work on, unable to buy it.

Trump pressured VA hospitals to use the drug, and they did, to disastrous effects. 29% more vets given hydroxychloroquine died than the control group. The VA stopped using it. The CDC issued a warning. So Trump started taking the drug himself to prove its safety. The use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of covid19 has been banned. The federal government has purchased 60 million doses of this drug, and now it will sit in a warehouse and rot alongside of W's boxes of Tamiflu.

This is why today the USA set a single day record for corona virus cases in the world, and will cross the grim threshold of 125,000 deaths. Trump listens to FOX News, and not Dr. Faucci.

You streak of posting 100% bullshit is intact.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

Its much more than stuttering. Look at his basement videos. Those are recorded, and whoever is recording them can't get him to look coherent after God knows how many attempts each time. You think this guy is any match for President Trump in a live debate? You have to be joking.

If you want to talk about stupid things Biden said and compare them to Trump; anytime. You know, like telling a crippled man to stand up at one of his rallies? Or that you can't go into a 7-11 unless you speak Indian? When it comes to the economy, if Biden wins, we will have real trouble with creating that three letter word (as Biden said) J-O-B-S. Let's hope whoever this black woman is that he chooses, she's a clean and nice looking woman.

Guess you got him
Joe Biden sometimes loses his place and stumbles for words.

But it is Trump who has the best words

You sure you want to keep playing this card?
I have a lot more

So why does he lose his place all the time? Because he's mentally not there. He can't stay focused, which I think is a pretty important quality to have if you're going to be in the strongest position on the planet.

People age differently. Some people like Trump have all their marbles with them. Biden on the other hand probably doesn't know what day it is unless he looks at a calendar or his cell phone. The man is partially lost, and that condition will not get better, it will get worse as we are all witness to.

Putting a guy like this in charge of the strongest country on earth is like giving a monkey a loaded semi-automatic gun. Only bad things can happen.

Come on, you really need to stop this, you are embarrassing yourself. If only you weren’t backing Trump.

Trump loses his place and he starts rambling about Washington seizing airports and ramming ramparts (whatever that means)

For every clip you show Biden stuttering, I will post much, much worse for Trump. I can show Biden walking on a ramp and not needing two hands to drink.

You are playing a losing hand

This isn’t Biden “stuttering “, you blithering idiot.

He lost his marbles.

Biden has obvious mental issues.

No, just a mild stutter. By first grade, children are taught that it's a bad thing to make fun of a stutter. And yet you don't seem to know that. Through your actions, you bring disgrace upon your parents and teachers. They should have taught you better.

It's not just a stutter you stupid bitch. He has classic signs of dementia Alzheimer's
So says Dr Smelly

What do you call someone who thinks Washington attacked airports?

Nice deflection! I guess anything is better than admitting you know Biden has very little chance of being elected. Has he started inspiring younger voters to support him yet?

Very little chance?
Yet, Vegas oddsmakers have Biden an overwhelming favorite

That will happen when you lead in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Arizona.

100 EVs Trump won in 2016 but is behind in 2020

Make your bet! LMAO
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters! forget the part where the investigations found no evidence of collusion. Guess you have your perception problems.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

He stutters ????

He's losing his mind.

Both sides acknolwedge that.


One skill Biden actually possesses is the ability to read and process information. A skill our President never mastered. Trump refuses to read information that is provided to him and has a notoriously short attention span.
He substitutes intuition for knowledge.

And, how do you know that. Don't you think it's odd that he has been so successful, since according to you he doesn't read?

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