GOP Goes Nuclear and I approve!

It's called Lewy-Body Dementia.
Related to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

And Trump shows most of the symptoms, while Biden doesn't.

The first symptom, the shuffling walk. Trump has that. Look at his ramp walk. Biden doesn't have it. Not a trace.

Second symptom. Sweating, nervousness, dizziness. Again, Trump shows it, none Biden doesn't.

Cognitive problems. Again, Trump affected, Biden not.

Plus, what's with Trump's constant fish lips? That part of his senility is just creepy. As anyone around the senile knows, weird mouth movements are part of the senility.

Based on his rate of cognitive decline, Trump will be wearing a bib and getting spoon-fed by 2022. The good news for Trump is that he won't be competent to stand trial.

Good post.

Yeah, Trump says that Washington's army took over the airports during the Revolutionary War and Biden is the one with dementia. LOL

Trump's cognitive decline is also evident is his mental illness. 70,000 mental health professional have determined that Trump is mentally ill. President Donald Trump | Psychology Today

"Donald Trump is "so severely mentally troubled that he is a great danger to our nation" and must be removed from office, according to a group of international mental health professionals calling for the president to resign or for the "complete removal" of his decision-making powers leading the White House response to the coronavirus pandemic. "

Well when you are defending someone like Trump you have to spread lies about your opponent.

Hell I am watching Trump now at his press conference and he sounds like he is having a stroke.

Do you have a link to your inability to read for context?
Biden has obvious mental issues.

It'll only get worse, Alzheimer's is irreversible

You can see in his face and his eyes that his mind has nearly evaporated, he has that vacant look that says "Who am I? Where am I? What day is it? What year is it?"

View attachment 354487
The irony here is, the more Joe loses his mind the more he appeals to his base.
When he's drooling and stuttering incoherently he's one of them. His base can appreciate someone that's unemployable and dumb as a fucking rock.

I like how they caught Jill recoiling in horror at one of his descents into a fucktard stupor. Priceless.... and difficult not to notice.
Biden has obvious mental issues.

It'll only get worse, Alzheimer's is irreversible

By the same Trumpsters:
And Obama was a foaming at the mouth radical....

Hillary was meant to be dead by now...

This is the same story every election cycle...

This because you can't take Biden on the issues you have to go Gaslighting...

Biden is respected and admired by both sides of the isle, Trump can't even get respect from his own handpicked staff...
If you think Trump is nutty and flaky now, can you just imagine what he would be like without any sort of filter or controls?
At this moment he is holding himself back because of re-election.
If he wins re-election, there is NOTHING to hold him back and he will DESTROY America!
He will tear up the Constitution and lay waste to freedom, while creating a Trump Police State!

As we have just witnessed, if you are a "Friend of Trump' the laws do NOT apply to you!
He cannot tear up the Constitution. He has just spent over three years taping it back together and cleaning it after the Democrats decided to wipe their ass with it!
I know, Democrats used the Constitution to impeach his ass
Biden has obvious mental issues.

No, just a mild stutter. By first grade, children are taught that it's a bad thing to make fun of a stutter. And yet you don't seem to know that. Through your actions, you bring disgrace upon your parents and teachers. They should have taught you better.
During a CNN town hall, former Vice President Joe Biden discussed stuttering. Here are some of his remarks from the event:

"It has nothing to do with your intelligence quotient. It has nothing to do with your intellectual makeup," Biden said. "You know, stuttering, when you think about it, is the only handicap that people still laugh about. That still humiliate people about. And they don't even mean to."

The former vice president credited his mother when it came to not letting his stutter define him. He said his mother would tell him, "Joey, don't let this define you. Joey, remember who you are. Joey, you can do it. So every time I would walk out, she would reinforce me. I know that sounds silly, but it really matters."

If you think Trump is nutty and flaky now, can you just imagine what he would be like without any sort of filter or controls?
At this moment he is holding himself back because of re-election.
If he wins re-election, there is NOTHING to hold him back and he will DESTROY America!
He will tear up the Constitution and lay waste to freedom, while creating a Trump Police State!

As we have just witnessed, if you are a "Friend of Trump' the laws do NOT apply to you!
He cannot tear up the Constitution. He has just spent over three years taping it back together and cleaning it after the Democrats decided to wipe their ass with it!
I know, Democrats used the Constitution to impeach his ass

No they didn't, they used Thought Police as outlined in the book 1984. Impeachment is for high crimes and misdemeanors which Trump was guilty of neither.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!
It's called Lewy-Body Dementia.
Related to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

And Trump shows most of the symptoms, while Biden doesn't.

The first symptom, the shuffling walk. Trump has that. Look at his ramp walk. Biden doesn't have it. Not a trace.

Second symptom. Sweating, nervousness, dizziness. Again, Trump shows it, none Biden doesn't.

Cognitive problems. Again, Trump affected, Biden not.

Plus, what's with Trump's constant fish lips? That part of his senility is just creepy. As anyone around the senile knows, weird mouth movements are part of the senility.

Based on his rate of cognitive decline, Trump will be wearing a bib and getting spoon-fed by 2022. The good news for Trump is that he won't be competent to stand trial.

Good post.

Yeah, Trump says that Washington's army took over the airports during the Revolutionary War and Biden is the one with dementia. LOL

Trump's cognitive decline is also evident is his mental illness. 70,000 mental health professional have determined that Trump is mentally ill. President Donald Trump | Psychology Today

"Donald Trump is "so severely mentally troubled that he is a great danger to our nation" and must be removed from office, according to a group of international mental health professionals calling for the president to resign or for the "complete removal" of his decision-making powers leading the White House response to the coronavirus pandemic. "

Well when you are defending someone like Trump you have to spread lies about your opponent.

Hell I am watching Trump now at his press conference and he sounds like he is having a stroke.

Any real mental health expert would say that you cannot evaluate somebody by watching him on television. The people in that survey must have polled known quacks.
That's exactly right, Ray. The doctors I am friends with, when they told me that LBS was the best fit they could see to any dementia that Joe might be having, were quick to point out that without a neurological study, they couldn't offer a true medical opinion, this was just personal conversation between us. They would never tarnish their reputations by going on national media and announce that Trump was "severely mentally troubled" as a medical finding because they didn't like something he said over the airwaves!

Just one more example of the Left's crackpot desperate attempts to try to disparage the POTUS bringing their own sanity into question.
If you think Trump is nutty and flaky now, can you just imagine what he would be like without any sort of filter or controls?
At this moment he is holding himself back because of re-election.
If he wins re-election, there is NOTHING to hold him back and he will DESTROY America!
He will tear up the Constitution and lay waste to freedom, while creating a Trump Police State!

As we have just witnessed, if you are a "Friend of Trump' the laws do NOT apply to you!
He cannot tear up the Constitution. He has just spent over three years taping it back together and cleaning it after the Democrats decided to wipe their ass with it!
I know, Democrats used the Constitution to impeach his ass

No they didn't, they used Thought Police as outlined in the book 1984. Impeachment is for high crimes and misdemeanors which Trump was guilty of neither.

Trump was guilty of demanding personal favors in return for military aid.

Lucky for him, Republicans showed they would allow him to kill someone on Fifth Avenue
Go ahead. Run him

And this was the BEST the democrats had to offer.


He sure is......He is mopping up the floor with Donald J Trump

Are you claiming Trump is the best Republicans have to offer?

He sure is? That doesn’t say much for your pathetic party.

I feel sorry for the once Grand, now just Old Party
Trump will bring them down with him.

Biden is pathetic and the fact that there was no one else the Democrats could offer is a testament to just how low they have sunk.

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