GOP Goes Nuclear and I approve!

Biden has obvious mental issues.

No, just a mild stutter. By first grade, children are taught that it's a bad thing to make fun of a stutter. And yet you don't seem to know that. Through your actions, you bring disgrace upon your parents and teachers. They should have taught you better.

It's not just a stutter you stupid bitch. He has classic signs of dementia Alzheimer's
So says Dr Smelly

What do you call someone who thinks Washington attacked airports?

Nice deflection! I guess anything is better than admitting you know Biden has very little chance of being elected. Has he started inspiring younger voters to support him yet?
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Sure, I'm sure you're right. ROTFLMAO!!!!
Biden has obvious mental issues.

No, just a mild stutter. By first grade, children are taught that it's a bad thing to make fun of a stutter. And yet you don't seem to know that. Through your actions, you bring disgrace upon your parents and teachers. They should have taught you better.

It's not just a stutter you stupid bitch. He has classic signs of dementia Alzheimer's
So says Dr Smelly

What do you call someone who thinks Washington attacked airports?

Nice deflection! I guess anything is better than admitting you know Biden has very little chance of being elected. Has he started inspiring younger voters to support him yet?

Very little chance?
Yet, Vegas oddsmakers have Biden an overwhelming favorite

That will happen when you lead in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Arizona.

100 EVs Trump won in 2016 but is behind in 2020
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Approve this,,,Vote the sick pos out
We all know about the profound lack of knowledge, impulse control, behavioral issues, lack of empathy, disorderly conduct, constant lying, and hate filled rhetoric that tramp exhibits, but by looking at him closely, and I have discussed this with several experts, he shows signs of a severe neurological disorder called PSP (progressive supra-nuclear palsy). This condition in which in addition to his personality pathology, and memory deficits, it conveys a typical facial expression and balance difficulties which tramp exhibits. The condition, as the name suggests is progressive and can lead to death. We have all witnessed his deterioration in the last few years. I think, for his own sake, tramp needs a thorough evaluation, and ultimately may need to be taken off the ticket, since he not only already grossly unfit to be potus, it will get worse.
Go ahead. Run him

Uh Oh. They said Joe has Dementia. That's a MEDICAL diagnosis! That's just BOUND to get iceberg's dander up!!! :ack-1:

Bidens “dementia” is mostly a man who stutters and will, on occasion struggle for a word or lose his place.

But then there is Trump

A man who wants to inject disinfectant, claims windmills cause cancer, wanted to nuke a hurricane, thought people would believe a hurricane map altered with Sharpie.

Glass House Conservatives

Go ahead. Run him

Uh Oh. They said Joe has Dementia. That's a MEDICAL diagnosis! That's just BOUND to get iceberg's dander up!!! :ack-1:

Bidens “dementia” is mostly a man who stutters and will, on occasion struggle for a word or lose his place.

But then there is Trump

A man who wants to inject disinfectant, claims windmills cause cancer, wanted to nuke a hurricane, thought people would believe a hurricane map altered with Sharpie.

Glass House Conservatives

He didn't stutter at all here.............

“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and ... correct the public health.” -Crazy Joe Biden
Republicans keep claiming that Biden is senile. Well, come November, this "senile" Biden is going to whoop Rump's behind.

Then Rump will not only be a loser but a loser beaten by a guy they identified as senile. Poor Republicans.
Republicans keep claiming that Biden is senile. Well, come November, this "senile" Biden is going to whoop Rump's behind.

Then Rump will not only be a loser but a loser beaten by a guy they identified as senile. Poor Republicans.

Trump has set a very low bar.

Political strategists might want to be careful in defining this as the Dementia Campaign, glass houses not only reveal a lot, but are notoriously susceptible to breaking when stones are flung.

Trump partisans eager to exploit Biden’s circuitous words may wish first to review the large anthology of Trump classics. These include the president’s remarks to the National Republican Campaign Committee last April, when he free-associated about Democrats’ promotion of alternative energy: “Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you―if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? ‘Rrrrr, rrrrr,’ You know the thing that makes the―it’s so noisy. And of course it’s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, you’d never want to walk under a windmill because it’s a very sad, sad sight. It’s like a cemetery.”

He continued in this vein, then his mind moved vagrantly to North Korea negotiations before returning to windmills with a lurch by invoking a hypothetical couple who can’t watch TV because there is no wind: ”No, wind’s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. They’re all made in China and Germany, by the way, just in case you’re―we don’t make ’em here, essentially. We don’t make ’em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then he’d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and he’d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.”
Republicans keep claiming that Biden is senile. Well, come November, this "senile" Biden is going to whoop Rump's behind.

Then Rump will not only be a loser but a loser beaten by a guy they identified as senile. Poor Republicans.

Trump has set a very low bar.

View attachment 354641
Tell me about it. His supporters cheered when he was able to demonstrate he could drink a glass of water...gasp!...with one hand!!!
Republicans keep claiming that Biden is senile. Well, come November, this "senile" Biden is going to whoop Rump's behind.

Then Rump will not only be a loser but a loser beaten by a guy they identified as senile. Poor Republicans.

Nah, we'll just blame the Russians. After all, when Trump wins, that's what you're going to do.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
If you think Trump is nutty and flaky now, can you just imagine what he would be like without any sort of filter or controls?
At this moment he is holding himself back because of re-election.
If he wins re-election, there is NOTHING to hold him back and he will DESTROY America!
He will tear up the Constitution and lay waste to freedom, while creating a Trump Police State!

As we have just witnessed, if you are a "Friend of Trump' the laws do NOT apply to you!
He cannot tear up the Constitution. He has just spent over three years taping it back together and cleaning it after the Democrats decided to wipe their ass with it!
NO ONE suggested ingesting disinfectants, foreign troll.

That's right. Trump suggested _injecting_ disinfectants.

Meaning he's _still_ a moron.

I hope none of the Trump cultists are willing claim Trump didn't suggest injecting disinfectants, but there seems to be no limits to their willingness to lie for TheParty and DearLeader.

Read the quote where he talked about disinfectants. Then you will see your error. If you don't, get a child to explain it to you
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

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