GOP Goes Nuclear and I approve!

Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.

He got the nomination because people voted for him. In this instance he had name recognition. You just descroibed Trump except you could include obnoxious and offensive to name a few.
It's called Lewy-Body Dementia.
Related to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

And Trump shows most of the symptoms, while Biden doesn't.

The first symptom, the shuffling walk. Trump has that. Look at his ramp walk. Biden doesn't have it. Not a trace.

Second symptom. Sweating, nervousness, dizziness. Again, Trump shows it, none Biden doesn't.

Cognitive problems. Again, Trump affected, Biden not.

Plus, what's with Trump's constant fish lips? That part of his senility is just creepy. As anyone around the senile knows, weird mouth movements are part of the senility.

Based on his rate of cognitive decline, Trump will be wearing a bib and getting spoon-fed by 2022. The good news for Trump is that he won't be competent to stand trial.

Man you are so in denial right now. I'm not gonna pretend that Don doesn't ever say dumb shit because he totally does but it comes from a place of ignorance and an big ego. His worst verbal gaffes happen when he's trying too hard to act like he's in control of a situation without actually understanding it. That thing about "take the guns" for instance. Or the injecting of cleaning products.

Biden, on the other hand? come on forcing that senile old dude to run for president is like elder abuse at this point. Everyone knows his mind is completely gone and it's the black, female radical left VP and the DC swamp creatures who are really going to be calling the shots during his presidency. That's who you're voting for.

Your mind as well as Trump's are empty. Trump stirs division and hatred but that will not save him.
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The problem is that no one that is voting for Biden is voting for Biden.

It does not matter who runs against Trump - if he losses it is solely on Trump and will have little to nothing to do with Biden.

If Trump loses, it will have more to do with mail in ballots which can manipulate the outcome because of fraud. That's why Democrats are pushing for it.

If he looses it will be legitimate just as it will if he wins. Same as last time no matter how many times the losing side wants to pretend we do not have free elections here.
Will Trump show up for the debates? After all, his "offer" to handpick the moderators for unlimited debates was rejected. I'm guessing Trump will claim that the moderators are unfair to him, therefore he's not showing up. And then all his cultists here will praise DearLeader for being brave enough to chicken out.

Nobody is trying to keep Trump in his basement. They are trying to keep Creepy Joe in his.

Republicans wish they could keep Trump 9in the basement.
Go ahead. Run him

Uh Oh. They said Joe has Dementia. That's a MEDICAL diagnosis! That's just BOUND to get iceberg's dander up!!! :ack-1:

Bidens “dementia” is mostly a man who stutters and will, on occasion struggle for a word or lose his place.

But then there is Trump

A man who wants to inject disinfectant, claims windmills cause cancer, wanted to nuke a hurricane, thought people would believe a hurricane map altered with Sharpie.

Glass House Conservatives

Go ahead. Run him

Uh Oh. They said Joe has Dementia. That's a MEDICAL diagnosis! That's just BOUND to get iceberg's dander up!!! :ack-1:

Bidens “dementia” is mostly a man who stutters and will, on occasion struggle for a word or lose his place.

But then there is Trump

A man who wants to inject disinfectant, claims windmills cause cancer, wanted to nuke a hurricane, thought people would believe a hurricane map altered with Sharpie.

Glass House Conservatives

He didn't stutter at all here.............

“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and ... correct the public health.” -Crazy Joe Biden

Donald Trump ignores the coronavirus while it spikes upwards. Even Texas' Republican Governor has suspended re-opening the state. The lack of leadership from Trump is astonishing. Even Republicans are urging ghim not to close drive through testing sites as he wants to do.
NO ONE suggested ingesting disinfectants, foreign troll.

That's right. Trump suggested _injecting_ disinfectants.

Meaning he's _still_ a moron.

I hope none of the Trump cultists are willing claim Trump didn't suggest injecting disinfectants, but there seems to be no limits to their willingness to lie for TheParty and DearLeader.

Read the quote where he talked about disinfectants. Then you will see your error. If you don't, get a child to explain it to you

Which child do you use?
If you think Trump is nutty and flaky now, can you just imagine what he would be like without any sort of filter or controls?
At this moment he is holding himself back because of re-election.
If he wins re-election, there is NOTHING to hold him back and he will DESTROY America!
He will tear up the Constitution and lay waste to freedom, while creating a Trump Police State!

As we have just witnessed, if you are a "Friend of Trump' the laws do NOT apply to you!
He cannot tear up the Constitution. He has just spent over three years taping it back together and cleaning it after the Democrats decided to wipe their ass with it!
I know, Democrats used the Constitution to impeach his ass

No they didn't, they used Thought Police as outlined in the book 1984. Impeachment is for high crimes and misdemeanors which Trump was guilty of neither.

Yes he was. Trying to get a foreign country to investigate a political rival certainly is a high crime and misdemeanor.
I don't know about being President, but he is the perfect Democrat voter -

He can't think for himself

He is led around

He stays down in a basement, totally uninformed

Easily handled

Parrots what he's told to say



That sounds exactly like your relationship with Trump. You can't think for yourself. You are led around. Yo8u have to get your talking points from Trump.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.
Biden is the perfect candidate to run against Trump

With Hillary, there was the “I hate Hillary” crowd
Biden is well liked and represents Obama 2.0. Perfect for those who are tired of Trumps act and constant trauma

Biden is so well liked that he was rejected twice before and still can't get people to attend his rallies. Of course, his last rally had 20 people, all of whom were staffers and reporters. Yeah, he's perfect.

He was elected to Vice President twice
This time, he will be President

Very few people think about the VP during an election. It's all about who the person running for President is. Biden didn't win shit. The Kenyan clown did.
But H8S VO pick REALLY matters. IF he wins the presidency, a female BLM revolutionarie will be president. If you dont want that, better make sure your vote counts

It's different with this presidential election than it was with DumBama. He was young and healthy enough to not worry about who the VP was. Creepy Joe has two burned out bulbs in a three bulb lamp. Even if by some stretch of the imagination, he wins, there is no way he could serve one term yet alone two.
You guys keep playing that card while you have a guy who thinks George Washington captured airports and wants people to inject disinfectants.

Covfefe for everyone!

Last time you voted for a woman under FBI investigation, that proclaimed she was shot at while leaving a plane, had multiple conversations with the late Eleanore Roosevelt, and stated she was named after a mountain climber that didn't become famous for his stunt until after she was born.

People in glass houses..........
That’s it?

It was Trump under FBI investigation.
You need to go back decades to find exaggerated stories from Hillary.

I can go back two weeks with Trump and make a list with a Sharpie.

No, when Hillary was running, she was under investigation, while at the same time, paying off the Russians for bogus information on Trump.......well, her and the DNC.

Recently, Barr announced that the Durham report will be in by the end of summer, right before things start getting heated up in the election. Either the Covid slowed things down that badly, or they keep finding stuff that they must keep following up on.

Should be pretty interesting.

More baseless email nonsense. Meanwhile, it was Trump being investigated for Russian contacts.

Barrs “investigation” is more baseless partisan nonsense.

But you are backing Trump
A man who thinks people will believe weather maps altered with a Sharpie, that windmills cause cancer, that you should drop a nuke in the middle of a hurricane.

But....but.....Biden stutters!

Its much more than stuttering. Look at his basement videos. Those are recorded, and whoever is recording them can't get him to look coherent after God knows how many attempts each time. You think this guy is any match for President Trump in a live debate? You have to be joking.

If you want to talk about stupid things Biden said and compare them to Trump; anytime. You know, like telling a crippled man to stand up at one of his rallies? Or that you can't go into a 7-11 unless you speak Indian? When it comes to the economy, if Biden wins, we will have real trouble with creating that three letter word (as Biden said) J-O-B-S. Let's hope whoever this black woman is that he chooses, she's a clean and nice looking woman.

When does Trump ever sound coherent? His latest conspiracy claim is that foreign countries will print millions of mail in ballots. That is absolutely crazy. Even Republicans dispute that.
The problem is that no one that is voting for Biden is voting for Biden.

It does not matter who runs against Trump - if he losses it is solely on Trump and will have little to nothing to do with Biden.

If Trump loses, it will have more to do with mail in ballots which can manipulate the outcome because of fraud. That's why Democrats are pushing for it.

There has never been any widespread evidence of fraud except in a Republican primary in NC.
Donald Trump can't string an entire sentence together, and his Presidency has been one fuck up after the other. Every decision he has made in regard to every issue, has been the one which will make things worse. The border crisis he manufactured, that ended up imprisoning 40,000 people - at taxpayer expense, but did NOTHING to solve the problem of illegal immigration.

I don't know why you repeat lies when they've been proven to be lies repeatedly in this forum. Trump has reduced illegal crossings dramatically despite the Communists attempt to keep them coming in. He went around them via executive orders and threats to Mexico to stop them from using their country to get here, and it worked.

Outside of the wall that is being built against the will of the commies, and replacement walls that were not effectively doing the job, the immigration problem is not even mentioned by the MSM. Trump has attacked the immigration problem from every angle, from the wall to asylum applications, from asylum applications to threatening Mexico with foreign aid, from foreign aid to birther tourism, from birther tourism to expired Visas. He's done more for our border problem than the last five Presidents combined.

Biden loses his place because he stutters, and sometimes can't get the word out that he wants to use, so he tries to find another words he can get out. In the process of trying to get words out, you can lose your train of thought. Biden has done remarkably well in overcoming his stutter. I had no idea about it that he stutters, until this year, but this is why he's been gaffe prone throughout his career. Joe doesn't sound any different that he always has.

Trump, on the other hand, has deteriorated terribly in his public speaking. If watch his interviews from even 20 years ago, he was articulate, well spoken, and he spoke in complete sentences. Then read or watch his interviews today. Blithering, rambling, jumping from topic to topic without ever finishing what he was saying about anything.

But perhaps at this place and time, the most dangerous thing about Trump is his embrace of every conspiracy theory that floats by on the breeze, without evidence or facts on his side, and then refusing to back down from from them, even when they're debunked. Hydroxychloroquine being a case in point.

The President began promoting this idea that this drug would help based on an interview with the manufacturer on FOX News. There was absolutely NOTHING in the history of this drug that would indicate it would be effective. It was tried on both SARS and MERS, two similar diseases to covid19 and both corona viruses, but was found to be ineffectvie. But Donald Trump went out and bought up the world's supply of this drug, leaving people who needed it for treatment of the diseases it does work on, unable to buy it.

Trump pressured VA hospitals to use the drug, and they did, to disastrous effects. 29% more vets given hydroxychloroquine died than the control group. The VA stopped using it. The CDC issued a warning. So Trump started taking the drug himself to prove its safety. The use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of covid19 has been banned. The federal government has purchased 60 million doses of this drug, and now it will sit in a warehouse and rot alongside of W's boxes of Tamiflu.

This is why today the USA set a single day record for corona virus cases in the world, and will cross the grim threshold of 125,000 deaths. Trump listens to FOX News, and not Dr. Faucci.

Again with the lies, or as Ronald Reagan once said, there you go again......

HCQ is not illegal in this country, and is still being used. It has proven to have amazing results on many people which is why it's being prescribed by licensed doctors not only here, but all over the world. Like the fool you are, you've been played like an 8 ball. There is only one reason you on the left hate the drug and it's results, and that's because the President has promoted it. Had he not done that, you would be praising the success this drug has had for some people. HCQ has not killed anybody, and has been used in this country for generations.

Now please, educate yourself for a change:

Voters oppose Trump's immigration policies as well as his border security policies. Ronald Reagan was a GREAT President. You defame him by quoting him. Trump has told so many lies that he can't keep track of them all. Nor can you.

The fact is that the drug has been thoroughly discredited as a treatment to coronavirus. Trump predicted 60,000 deaths and we are at 120,000 and still going up. Try educating yourself. You need it.
Oh, do feel free to post the entire quote of what was said. If you can't, you'll get ignored as the waste of time you are.

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning"

ROTFLMAO! You don't know that he was asking a question to the guy that was talking about using disinfectants to kill the virus?

That's not relevant to the fact that Trump suggested injecting disinfectants, as his statement clearly demonstrates.

You think he was say "We should" not "is there a way"...You're a moron. I won't waste more time on you.

Go it. You know Trump suggested injecting disinfectants, because that's what his statement said. However, if you admit that, you'd admit that Trump is a moron, that the liberals were right again, and that your masters lied to you. You don't have the integrity to do that, so you're just going to lie about what Trump said.
You are aware some chemo treatments involve filling the body cavity with chemo, then manipulating the body cavity to essentially "wash it?" I think the term a nurse ex used was "shake em like a bag of shake n bake."

To wonder aloud whether something similar is possible is a far cry from Bidens obvious cognitive nose-dive.

That said, Trump is a blithering fool in his own right. Put a gun to my head and tell me to pick one and I probably make a move for the gun and try to end both of them. Trump is incapable of handling BLM. He's likely to sell avg Joe and Main St out, bailing out banks rather than citizens when the next housing catastrophe hits. Joe, well his reputation precedes him, we know he'll sell us out and bail out the banks/wall st, just like '08. Had 08 been a market adjustment year, rather than cash winfalls for failing banks, things wouldn't be as bad right now. Wait til foreign investmest cash starts pulling out of RE as the following unfolds:

The next few months will make 08 look like a bad joke. Majority of corps will be drastically reducing on-site staffing, and by extension, massively reducing office space leases.

At the same time, we have a backlog of 6 months, and likely the backlog extending from winter months in colder locales, of evictions that will be hitting the courts.

There aren't going to be any jobs left in Cities as we know them. Population densities like found in NYC simply will not survive without the daily travels and services reqd of white collar office employees.

The entire service sector is going to get obliterated. Uber drivers, cleaning crews, restaurant workers, convenience stores, delivery drivers; the whole gammut gets their financial throat slit.

So then pile collapsing main st businesses into the mix of evictions, corporate flight, and small business floundering. You think its bad now? Give it a few months. We haven't even got started.

Neither of the fucktards running for president are capable of leading the country out of a wet paper bag. I doubt Joe can even tell the difference between apple sauce and tapioca at this point. Those eyes are absolutely lifeless. He's gone. Plain and simple.

We'd all be better off if they would both just die in their sleep, or better yet, the first debate gets hit by an asteroid, or similar act of god.

since the alphabet boys like to scour the net, fuck you pigs. ACAB, i hope your children grow up to be horrified by everything you stand for. I hope they turn to the opiates you allowed pharma to flood the country with. I hope they get turned out by the black men your systems have been oppressing for decades. And this white man will turn his back when they plea for help, like you turned your backs to the attrocities committed by government employees.
Go ahead. Run him

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist with a long record of bipartisanship.

He is the perfect candidate for those who yearn for the days of stable leadership under Barack Obama

He's run twice before and was rejected by the Democratic Party. He got the nomination this time because the Party apparatus forced him on the Party. He can't get people to go to his rallies. He only does interviews with "friendly" outlets and still steps on his message. He has a long record of misogyny, racism and opportunism. He is old, slow and confused most of the time. Yeah, I'll bet you are looking forward to November.

He got the nomination because people voted for him. In this instance he had name recognition. You just descroibed Trump except you could include obnoxious and offensive to name a few.
I wouldn't want to have dinner with his but I definitely love him as President.
Donald Trump can't string an entire sentence together, and his Presidency has been one fuck up after the other. Every decision he has made in regard to every issue, has been the one which will make things worse. The border crisis he manufactured, that ended up imprisoning 40,000 people - at taxpayer expense, but did NOTHING to solve the problem of illegal immigration.

I don't know why you repeat lies when they've been proven to be lies repeatedly in this forum. Trump has reduced illegal crossings dramatically despite the Communists attempt to keep them coming in. He went around them via executive orders and threats to Mexico to stop them from using their country to get here, and it worked.

Outside of the wall that is being built against the will of the commies, and replacement walls that were not effectively doing the job, the immigration problem is not even mentioned by the MSM. Trump has attacked the immigration problem from every angle, from the wall to asylum applications, from asylum applications to threatening Mexico with foreign aid, from foreign aid to birther tourism, from birther tourism to expired Visas. He's done more for our border problem than the last five Presidents combined.

Biden loses his place because he stutters, and sometimes can't get the word out that he wants to use, so he tries to find another words he can get out. In the process of trying to get words out, you can lose your train of thought. Biden has done remarkably well in overcoming his stutter. I had no idea about it that he stutters, until this year, but this is why he's been gaffe prone throughout his career. Joe doesn't sound any different that he always has.

Trump, on the other hand, has deteriorated terribly in his public speaking. If watch his interviews from even 20 years ago, he was articulate, well spoken, and he spoke in complete sentences. Then read or watch his interviews today. Blithering, rambling, jumping from topic to topic without ever finishing what he was saying about anything.

But perhaps at this place and time, the most dangerous thing about Trump is his embrace of every conspiracy theory that floats by on the breeze, without evidence or facts on his side, and then refusing to back down from from them, even when they're debunked. Hydroxychloroquine being a case in point.

The President began promoting this idea that this drug would help based on an interview with the manufacturer on FOX News. There was absolutely NOTHING in the history of this drug that would indicate it would be effective. It was tried on both SARS and MERS, two similar diseases to covid19 and both corona viruses, but was found to be ineffectvie. But Donald Trump went out and bought up the world's supply of this drug, leaving people who needed it for treatment of the diseases it does work on, unable to buy it.

Trump pressured VA hospitals to use the drug, and they did, to disastrous effects. 29% more vets given hydroxychloroquine died than the control group. The VA stopped using it. The CDC issued a warning. So Trump started taking the drug himself to prove its safety. The use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of covid19 has been banned. The federal government has purchased 60 million doses of this drug, and now it will sit in a warehouse and rot alongside of W's boxes of Tamiflu.

This is why today the USA set a single day record for corona virus cases in the world, and will cross the grim threshold of 125,000 deaths. Trump listens to FOX News, and not Dr. Faucci.

Again with the lies, or as Ronald Reagan once said, there you go again......

HCQ is not illegal in this country, and is still being used. It has proven to have amazing results on many people which is why it's being prescribed by licensed doctors not only here, but all over the world. Like the fool you are, you've been played like an 8 ball. There is only one reason you on the left hate the drug and it's results, and that's because the President has promoted it. Had he not done that, you would be praising the success this drug has had for some people. HCQ has not killed anybody, and has been used in this country for generations.

Now please, educate yourself for a change:

Voters oppose Trump's immigration policies as well as his border security policies. Ronald Reagan was a GREAT President. You defame him by quoting him. Trump has told so many lies that he can't keep track of them all. Nor can you.

The fact is that the drug has been thoroughly discredited as a treatment to coronavirus. Trump predicted 60,000 deaths and we are at 120,000 and still going up. Try educating yourself. You need it.

However the fact remains that HCQ has helped many people; some testifying as this state rep that it saved their life. The only people that oppose Trump's immigration policies are the commies. They want to flood our nation with third-world people who have no other choice than to depend on the government. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

As for Covid deaths, the original prediction was 2 million or more. Are you going to give Trump credit for that not happening?
The problem is that no one that is voting for Biden is voting for Biden.

It does not matter who runs against Trump - if he losses it is solely on Trump and will have little to nothing to do with Biden.

If Trump loses, it will have more to do with mail in ballots which can manipulate the outcome because of fraud. That's why Democrats are pushing for it.

There has never been any widespread evidence of fraud except in a Republican primary in NC.

Or the Hilary/ Sanders race.
If you think Trump is nutty and flaky now, can you just imagine what he would be like without any sort of filter or controls?
At this moment he is holding himself back because of re-election.
If he wins re-election, there is NOTHING to hold him back and he will DESTROY America!
He will tear up the Constitution and lay waste to freedom, while creating a Trump Police State!

As we have just witnessed, if you are a "Friend of Trump' the laws do NOT apply to you!
He cannot tear up the Constitution. He has just spent over three years taping it back together and cleaning it after the Democrats decided to wipe their ass with it!
I know, Democrats used the Constitution to impeach his ass

No they didn't, they used Thought Police as outlined in the book 1984. Impeachment is for high crimes and misdemeanors which Trump was guilty of neither.

Yes he was. Trying to get a foreign country to investigate a political rival certainly is a high crime and misdemeanor.

It is? Professor Dershowitz disagrees with you. Are you going to challenge a constitutional expert like him?
If you think Trump is nutty and flaky now, can you just imagine what he would be like without any sort of filter or controls?
At this moment he is holding himself back because of re-election.
If he wins re-election, there is NOTHING to hold him back and he will DESTROY America!
He will tear up the Constitution and lay waste to freedom, while creating a Trump Police State!

As we have just witnessed, if you are a "Friend of Trump' the laws do NOT apply to you!
He cannot tear up the Constitution. He has just spent over three years taping it back together and cleaning it after the Democrats decided to wipe their ass with it!
I know, Democrats used the Constitution to impeach his ass

No they didn't, they used Thought Police as outlined in the book 1984. Impeachment is for high crimes and misdemeanors which Trump was guilty of neither.

Yes he was. Trying to get a foreign country to investigate a political rival certainly is a high crime and misdemeanor.
Paying a foreign intelligence officer for a fake dossier and then getting the DOJ to open an investigation, and continue to conduct surveillance after election, based on known false "intel," isn't a crime?

Is getting your coked out, fuck up son a $100m no show gig criminal(while being fingered internationally, to "ensure nothing nefarious" was occuring)? What if its your brother, landing military constriction gigs despite 0 relavant experience?

Im sure you'll scream about Trump's familial enrichment and the obvious hotel billing though, right?

You remember your party line excuse history for why Biden wasn't breaking the law re Ukranian threat to defund he bragged about on stage? It started out "because he had Obama's blessing."

Its one thing to be stupid. Its something else entirely to be a stupid hypocrit.
You are aware some chemo treatments involve filling the body cavity with chemo, then manipulating the body cavity to essentially "wash it?" I think the term a nurse ex used was "shake em like a bag of shake n bake."

But they don't do it with bleach or isopropyl alcohol, which were the two items mentioned in the question Trump was responding to. Trump was referring to bleach and isopropyl alcohol, not chemo.

Trump admitted that. When asked to clarify his statement, he didn't say he was referring to chemo. Instead, he said he was being sarcastic. That obviously was not the case, as anyone who watched Trump speaking could tell. He was quite serious when he brought up the idea of injecting bleach.

So, Trump was a moron, and then lied about it. The Trump cultists can't defend that, so they're deflecting by fabricating stories about Biden. It's not going to work. Trump's cognitive decline is just too obvious. And once such a decline starts, it accelerates. Given the rate of his decline, Trump will be wearing a bib and getting spoon fed by 2022.
If Trump loses, it will have more to do with mail in ballots which can manipulate the outcome because of fraud.

I see you're getting your excuses for losing big in place now. It's good that you see the writing on the wall, and are planning ahead for the inevitable.

However, instead of peddling such a transparently fraudulent conspiracy theory, wouldn't it be easier to just admit that your candidate and your party suck hard? After all, it's not like your conspiracy nonsense is going to fool anyone, and it just makes you look dishonest and crazy.

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