GOP has a standby plan: Poll Cops (voter intimidation)

Huuummmm.. You didn't seem to have a problem when the black panthers did it.. whine baby whine.
Who is being intimidated and how? I am not going to read the article but let me venture a guess. The liberal left is trying to make the case that blacks will be intimidated by white people. Really? Must the liberal left keep telling us that they don't think too much of black people? Certainly the party of Slavery has driven that point home since before the civil war but really folks, we get it. The liberal left feels that blacks are easily intimidated and can't take care of themselves and it is the liberal left's god given responsibility to take care of their weaker members. If I were black I would be embarrassed to be part of a group that thinks so little of me.

In reality the excues are starting to fly. The liberal left will not take defeat as meaningful. They will say it was stolen or intimadation. They don't understand that their ideology is not the popular ideology and when shown they won't believe it.
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You read it and you know what it said. The dangerous part of the whole thing is if the RW loonies try to block blacks and latinos from the polls, then the New Black Panthers get involved....Then we could have a real disaster.
You read it and you know what it said. The dangerous part of the whole thing is if the RW loonies try to block blacks and latinos from the polls, then the New Black Panthers get involved....Then we could have a real disaster.

You are either ignorant or stupid. Let me go further and state that you are both. Not hard to peg you at all.
Huuummmm.. You didn't seem to have a problem when the black panthers did it.. whine baby whine.

Two black panthers at ONE polling booth, who did nothing but scare elderly white people who have a fear of black people in coordinated goofy outfits.

I should say that those people scared themselves.

Me? I would have walked in, done my business and walked out. Might have even told them how goofy they looked.
Great piece of fiction, no charges just allegations, no grand jury, no convictions that all equals zero for the credibility of your post. I guess if somebody alleges impropriety it has to be true, as long as they believe the way you do. That's really pathetic.
The Ballot Cops - Mariah Blake - The Atlantic

If you can't Voter ID them away from the polls. If you can't beat them with falsehoods and trickery....then voter intimidation is the last resort. The plan is being put in motion right now.
Here's a more-current version....starring The Rutherford Institute's own......


"Last Thursday, at least one of Scaife’s newspapers printed an inaccurate story headlined “Photo ID required for November election,” when, in reality, a court order suspended the requirement that Pennsylvania voters show an ID or lose their right to vote."

Anyone ELSE wonder why the Republican Party has so many DICKS??!!!

You read it and you know what it said. The dangerous part of the whole thing is if the RW loonies try to block blacks and latinos from the polls, then the New Black Panthers get involved....Then we could have a real disaster.

What, a few dead baton wielding radicals?
i doubt republicans will stoop as low as the dems, but we'll see. The GOP might have a better plan, its sad its come to this but this just shows how low dems will go to win.
The Ballot Cops - Mariah Blake - The Atlantic

If you can't Voter ID them away from the polls. If you can't beat them with falsehoods and trickery....then voter intimidation is the last resort. The plan is being put in motion right now.

Ballot Cops?? Wonder if thats anything like Black Panthers with clubs??


Stupid fuckin' Teabagger

[ame=]Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

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