GOP has zero credibility when it comes to Chinese Dissident



And a new "fresh" Obama faux manufactured "outrage" by the GOP over, get this, "human rights"? Hilarious!

Remember, this is a party that just chased the "gay" foreign policy adviser out of Milquetoast Romney's campaign.

This is the party that want's to take women's right back a century.

This is a the party that wanted a new constitutional amendment that would take away the citizenship of children born in this country to Mexicans not US citizens.

And Republicans are concerned about a single "Chinese dissident"? Hilarious.

Republicans think corporations are people. And only rich people matter. This Chinese dissident is neither a corporation or rich. That means Republicans don't care.

Could it be that Republicans care because this guy doesn't like "birth control" either? In this country, Republicans only seem to care about the "unborn" and shortly after birth, lose interest. About 5 minutes after. So are we going to see Republican "human rights" activists carrying signs of fetuses saying "We want to liberate Chinese fetus". Seems weird. Especially since China is number one in birth defects. Perhaps they think preventable birth defects are OK as long as the kid is born?

China, the land of poison milk and goo. It's that darn EPA. They are lucky to not have one, right?

NEW FLASH! Americans know Republicans don't care about a blind Chinese man. They just want to somehow tweak Obama. I say "good". While they are doing that, Obama is framing his message.

Republicans caring about anyone not a corporation or unborn? Like that's gonna happen. Hilarious. Republicans have already defined their party. We know what it's about.
actually, we've been very consistant about opposing the oppression communist regimes bring upon the people. Why do you think we oppose you so much? Because your policies lead to oppression of basic God given rights.

But that really doesnt matter to you does it?
There is no god. Your rights have been "given" to you by the mortal Americans who came before you and they are protected by mortal Americans who provide opposition to you.

Why.....if our rights are given by "god" you think they cane be taken by mortals?

Don't sweat it. I know you don't have the answer to that question.

This is just politics. Romney knows he has to contrast himself Obama at every opportunity. In reality, you can't stand up to a country that owns you, especially on an issue as relatively small as this. Romney knows this, he's just campaigning.

Political rhetoric = bullshit.


This is just politics. Romney knows he has to contrast himself Obama at every opportunity. In reality, you can't stand up to a country that owns you, especially on an issue as relatively small as this. Romney knows this, he's just campaigning.

Political rhetoric = bullshit.


Romney has not learned from past mistakes. His eagerness to oppose the POTUS at every led him to squander his chances in Michigan, alienate women and oppose aggressively hunting down OBL. Tsk....tsk.....tsk.
There is no god. Your rights have been "given" to you by the mortal Americans who came before you and they are protected by mortal Americans who provide opposition to you.

Why.....if our rights are given by "god" you think they cane be taken by mortals?

Don't sweat it. I know you don't have the answer to that question.

Free Will.
There is no god. Your rights have been "given" to you by the mortal Americans who came before you and they are protected by mortal Americans who provide opposition to you.

Why.....if our rights are given by "god" you think they cane be taken by mortals?

Don't sweat it. I know you don't have the answer to that question.

Free Will.

Convenient. "God" has the reigns until such time as it appears "he" doesn't. Then it is free will. Very convenient.
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For the record, NEITHER party has any credibility on this dissident.

Both Parties have fallen all over themselves to get into bed with the butchers of Bejing, and they were happy to do so as quickly as they washed away the blood in Tianeman Square.

Oh, when the Right is out of power, they'll whine about the "Chi-Coms" and when the left is out of power, they'll complain about human rights. And then they'll keep signing the trade treaties and giving the tax breaks to the assholes who move American jobs there. And they'll all pat themselves on the back.

Until such point that some guy like this fellow shows up at the banquet like Banquo's Ghost and reminds of the human costs of this alliance...
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For the record, NEITHER party has any credibility on this dissident.

Both Parties have fallen all over themselves to get into bed with the butchers of Bejing, and they were happy to do so as quickly as they washed away the blood in Tianeman Square.

Oh, when the Right is out of power, they'll whine about the "Chi-Coms" and when the left is out of power, they'll complain about human rights. And then they'll keep signing the trade treaties and giving the tax breaks to the assholes who move American jobs there.

Probably true. It is also true that between Obama and Romney.......only one of them has to deal with the consequences of what takes place. The other can just spout off at will. See the difference?
For the record, NEITHER party has any credibility on this dissident.

Both Parties have fallen all over themselves to get into bed with the butchers of Bejing, and they were happy to do so as quickly as they washed away the blood in Tianeman Square.

Oh, when the Right is out of power, they'll whine about the "Chi-Coms" and when the left is out of power, they'll complain about human rights. And then they'll keep signing the trade treaties and giving the tax breaks to the assholes who move American jobs there.

Probably true. It is also true that between Obama and Romney.......only one of them has to deal with the consequences of what takes place. The other can just spout off at will. See the difference?

If Romney were president, he'd be there just as impotently handing this guy back over to the Chi-Coms like Obama is...

No one is covering himself with glory on this one.

What we need to do is get past this discussion about one dissident, and make the discussion about putting America's interests over corporate interests in dealing with China.
New developments this morning. Dude may get out after all.

Anyone want to wager on Romney's take?
New developments this morning. Dude may get out after all.

Anyone want to wager on Romney's take?

No problem: "Whatever Barack Obama says or does about this, he's wrong. And he's a Kenyan Marxist, too."

New developments this morning. Dude may get out after all.

Anyone want to wager on Romney's take?

Honestly, don't care.

Okay, we got 1 guy out of a hell hole and left a billion people in one while sending our good paying jobs over there.

What did we win, exactly?

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