GOP House Speaker: 'Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow'


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
'Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow:' Republican Speaker's controversial email targets President

Just a week after a Republican House speaker issued an apology to First Lady Michelle Obama for referring to her as 'Mrs. YoMama' and resembling her to the Grinch, another email is circulating connecting the president to a Biblical passage that prays for harm to his family

The most recent email by Kansas' Mike O'Neal quotes a Bible verse for President Barack Obama that points readers to a scripture in the Bible titled 'a cry for vengeance.'
Psalm 109, referred to in the email to fellow lawmakers, prays that 'his days be few ... his wife be widowed and his children be fatherless.'

According to the Lawrence Journal-World who read the email sent by Speaker O’Neal, the prayer was forwarded with his own attached message reading:

'At last — I can honestly voice a Biblical prayer for our president! Look it up — it is word for word! Let us all bow our heads and pray. Brothers and Sisters, can I get an AMEN? AMEN!!!!!!'

LJW reports that both recent emails were sent by the house speaker through his private email address.
From your link:

That specific verse reads 'Let his days be few; and let another take his office.'

It is not clear if the speaker's letter was specific to this verse or to the entire passage which details further well-wishes to him and his family.

Read more: 'Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow:' Republican Speaker's controversial email targets President | Mail Online

Hyperbole again?

funny how they keep leaving that 8 off the end...

Psalm 109:8 is what is referenced, and has been referenced before (I believe there was a thread in which a church with a sign out front mentioning Psalm 109:8 was discussed).

It states...

Let his days be few; and let another take his office.

The general libtard reaction was that you are not allowed to quote a single passage from the Bible. You MUST have meant the entire verse, regardless of which line you specifically actually quoted.
You should have read past the first bit, Synthia the 0bama Fluffer:

LJW reports that both recent emails were sent by the house speaker through his private email address.

A popular bumper sticker sold online for those looking forward to Mr Obama's leave from the White House features a specific verse of that passage.

The bumper sticker reads: 'Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8'

That specific verse reads 'Let his days be few; and let another take his office.'

It is not clear if the speaker's letter was specific to this verse or to the entire passage which details further well-wishes to him and his family.

Great bumper sticker, BTW...:lol:
Perhaps putting the whole thing in context might be a good idea:

King David of Israel said:
1 God, I praise you.
Do not be silent.
2 Wicked people and liars have spoken against me;
they have told lies about me.
3 They have said hateful things about me
and attack me for no reason.
4 They attacked me, even though I loved them
and prayed for them.
5 I was good to them, but they repay me with evil.
I loved them, but they hate me in return.

6 They say about me, "Have an evil person work against him,
and let an accuser stand against him.
7 When he is judged, let him be found guilty,
and let even his prayers show his guilt.
8 Let his life be cut short,
and let another man replace him as leader.
9 Let his children become orphans
and his wife a widow.
10 Make his children wander around, begging for food.
Let them be forced out of the ruins in which they live.
11 Let the people to whom he owes money take everything he owns,
and let strangers steal everything he has worked for.
12 Let no one show him love
or have mercy on his orphaned children.
13 Let all his descendants die
and be forgotten by those who live after him.
14 Lord, remember how wicked his ancestors were,
and don't let the sins of his mother be wiped out.
15 Lord, always remember their sins.
Then make people forget about them completely.

16 "He did not remember to be loving.
He hurt the poor, the needy, and those who were sad
until they were nearly dead.
17 He loved to put curses on others,
so let those same curses fall on him.
He did not like to bless others,
so do not let good things happen to him.
18 He cursed others as often as he wore clothes.
Cursing others filled his body and his life,
like drinking water and using olive oil.
19 So let curses cover him like clothes
and wrap around him like a belt."
20 May the Lord do these things to those who accuse me,
to those who speak evil against me.

21 But you, Lord God,
be kind to me so others will know you are good.
Because your love is good, save me.
22 I am poor and helpless
and very sad.
23 I am dying like an evening shadow;
I am shaken off like a locust.
24 My knees are weak from fasting,
and I have grown thin.
25 My enemies insult me;
they look at me and shake their heads.

26 Lord my God, help me;
because you are loving, save me.
27 Then they will know that your power has done this;
they will know that you have done it, Lord.
28 They may curse me, but you bless me.
They may attack me, but they will be disgraced.
Then I, your servant, will be glad.
29 Let those who accuse me be disgraced
and covered with shame like a coat.

30 I will thank the Lord very much;
I will praise him in front of many people.
31 He defends the helpless
and saves them from those who accuse them.

The House Speaker is putting himself in the position of the wicked ones who are slandering the king, who is asking God for protection against them.

I think that's quite appropriate.
Two ministers on Thursday delivered more than 30000 petition signatures calling for his resignation, and he has apologized.

But if you all want to pretend he didn't mean what he said in his email, go right ahead. :lol:

It won't be the last time that wingnuts deny reality.
Two ministers on Thursday delivered more than 30000 petition signatures calling for his resignation, and he has apologized.

But if you all want to pretend he didn't mean what he said in his email, go right ahead. :lol:

It won't be the last time that wingnuts deny reality.

Does the email quote the specific verse YOU claim in your OP? Or, does it mention Psalms 109:8, like the bumper sticker the article in your OP mentions?

Contrary to popular libtard belief, there IS a difference.
'let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow:' republican speaker's controversial email targets president

just a week after a republican house speaker issued an apology to first lady michelle obama for referring to her as 'mrs. Yomama' and resembling her to the grinch, another email is circulating connecting the president to a biblical passage that prays for harm to his family

the most recent email by kansas' mike o'neal quotes a bible verse for president barack obama that points readers to a scripture in the bible titled 'a cry for vengeance.'
psalm 109, referred to in the email to fellow lawmakers, prays that 'his days be few ... His wife be widowed and his children be fatherless.'

according to the lawrence journal-world who read the email sent by speaker o’neal, the prayer was forwarded with his own attached message reading:

'at last — i can honestly voice a biblical prayer for our president! Look it up — it is word for word! Let us all bow our heads and pray. Brothers and sisters, can i get an amen? Amen!!!!!!'

ljw reports that both recent emails were sent by the house speaker through his private email address.

View attachment 17274
chain mail forwarding retards can become speaker of the house of a us state.

there is hope for a career for usmb posters.
If Synthia were smart, he would ask a mod to close this thread... It might save him further fail...

But we all know Synthia isn't the smartest 0bama Fluffer on USMB....
Perhaps putting the whole thing in context might be a good idea:

Why? The reference is to a single verse....

Now Now, Dr. I've already explained that libtards do not allow the quoting of a single passage of the Bible. Regardless of which passage is actually quoted or referred to, it is OBVIOUS to libtards the entire verse was meant to apply. Haven't you been paying attention?

The comments at that article are

Massive Fluffer Meltdown...:rofl:

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