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GOP hysteria!

My standard has nothing to do with Osama Bin Laden or politici ing a damn thing. I used to be a Republican when they stood for balanced budgets, small government and individual rights. Now they are in the pockets of the corporations and the wealthy:

Total U S Debt

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accomodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38(Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00




Today's Republicans look at the numbers and charts and can't see what the problem is. Seems like it's going to plan.

Yes...........listen closely to their proposed remedies for the mess THEY made. They're going to fight any attempt to raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy. That's why I quit voting for them.....they used to be a responsible party and DEMANDED bala
nced budgets.

That's why I changed parties too. They still demand balanced budgets, but nowadays it's only on the backs of the poor and the middle class. Their rich benefactors go unscathed.

The GOP reminds of a large number of fans of my favorite NFL team. Us Steelers fans have gotten spoiled by success. If the Steelers don't win the Super Bowl, or(God forbid) miss the playoffs......the sky is falling.

The GOP has been in control of this country for the better part of 30 years. Their trickle down utopian ideology has failed for the same reason that Communism fails...a total sense of ignorance as to the selfish and greedy nature of human beings. Nothing will ever be enough for our most financially driven people. They don't care if the rest of the country flounders.

Like those Steelers fans, someone with different ideology than them got elected to lead this great country of ours, and their sky is falling.....so, what do they do? Grasp on to the only thing they know and double down on the failed policies that got us here. But that's not enough....they feel the need to demonize everyone who doesn't believe in their hocus locus anymore.....Just like the frustrated Steelers fans do to the Patriots, the Colts, and most recently.....getting beat by a Tebow led Broncos.
Today's Republicans look at the numbers and charts and can't see what the problem is. Seems like it's going to plan.

Yes...........listen closely to their proposed remedies for the mess THEY made. They're going to fight any attempt to raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy. That's why I quit voting for them.....they used to be a responsible party and DEMANDED bala
nced budgets.

That's why I changed parties too. They still demand balanced budgets, but nowadays it's only on the backs of the poor and the middle class. Their rich benefactors go unscathed.

The GOP reminds of a large number of fans of my favorite NFL team. Us Steelers fans have gotten spoiled by success. If the Steelers don't win the Super Bowl, or(God forbid) miss the playoffs......the sky is falling.

The GOP has been in control of this country for the better part of 30 years. Their trickle down utopian ideology has failed for the same reason that Communism fails...a total sense of ignorance as to the selfish and greedy nature of human beings. Nothing will ever be enough for our most financially driven people. They don't care if the rest of the country flounders.

Like those Steelers fans, someone with different ideology than them got elected to lead this great country of ours, and their sky is falling.....so, what do they do? Grasp on to the only thing they know and double down on the failed policies that got us here. But that's not enough....they feel the need to demonize everyone who doesn't believe in their hocus locus anymore.....Just like the frustrated Steelers fans do to the Patriots, the Colts, and most recently.....getting beat by a Tebow led Broncos.

Perfect description. How they turned American helping American into dirty words and "let him die" into a battle cry, I'll never know. Their policies go against everything they say their God stands for. Even they see it. It's not enough to rewrite the constitution and history, next, they will rewrite the Bible. Funny they don't believe Darwin, but believe in "social Darwinism".
Today's Republicans look at the numbers and charts and can't see what the problem is. Seems like it's going to plan.

Yes...........listen closely to their proposed remedies for the mess THEY made. They're going to fight any attempt to raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy. That's why I quit voting for them.....they used to be a responsible party and DEMANDED bala
nced budgets.

That's why I changed parties too. They still demand balanced budgets, but nowadays it's only on the backs of the poor and the middle class. Their rich benefactors go unscathed.

The GOP reminds of a large number of fans of my favorite NFL team. Us Steelers fans have gotten spoiled by success. If the Steelers don't win the Super Bowl, or(God forbid) miss the playoffs......the sky is falling.

The GOP has been in control of this country for the better part of 30 years. Their trickle down utopian ideology has failed for the same reason that Communism fails...a total sense of ignorance as to the selfish and greedy nature of human beings. Nothing will ever be enough for our most financially driven people. They don't care if the rest of the country flounders.

Like those Steelers fans, someone with different ideology than them got elected to lead this great country of ours, and their sky is falling.....so, what do they do? Grasp on to the only thing they know and double down on the failed policies that got us here. But that's not enough....they feel the need to demonize everyone who doesn't believe in their hocus locus anymore.....Just like the frustrated Steelers fans do to the Patriots, the Colts, and most recently.....getting beat by a Tebow led Broncos.

Demand balanced budgets! George W. Bush inheirited a balanced budget with surpluses projected all the way to the outyears and the entire debt on schedule to pay off in 2012...cut taxes twice using reconciliation to hold down Democratic oppostion, started two wars....one totally by choice, doubled the national debt and obviously never once considered the possibilty of raising taxes back to pre Reagan years. They are no longer a responsibile party and those who think they are have a screw loose.
Anyone foolish enough to click on just a link provided?

Stephanie is the poster child for willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest/cowardly neocons and teabaggers.

Not only does she avoid things, but then she takes time and effort to warn other dumb toots like herself NOT to look. Pathetic....and hilarious at the same time given the contents of the link in the OP.

Carry on, Stephie!


What a fantastic display of revisionism and hypocrisy!

Yeah, Grover wants the government to leave him alone....yet he want's those tax breaks! And he sure as hell wants all the little things like clean water, a maintenanced highway system, airlines, decent food, etc., etc. And his religious right buddies sure as hell want that tax exempt status, but they want to use the airwaves to bullhorn their dogma without reservation or oversight. And Buchanan lost because he asked too many questions?!??!! :cuckoo:

Small wonder the OP link is so on target!
Does anyone know anyone who will vote for or against Obama based on the OBL killing ?

This just cracks me up (on both sides).
you simply want to deny this president the facts.

Osama was NOT killed by Bush was he?

In fact Bush said crap like he didnt think about Osama much.

Now it took a democratic presidnt to clean up the fucking mess your guy let happen on his watch.

Bush let Osama hit us.

He them let Osama be a terror celeb for nearly a decade while he pissed arround in Iraq to make money for his friends while our people died.

How do you think the families of those seal members feel about your little divergance in Iraq?

Oh you wont talk to thme.

You only want to hear from the scumbags who are willing to trash a democratic president for being able to get Osama

give us a break, nobody is denying him anything...he tooted his horn now move on..
But don't think the majority of the people see him as some hero, because he was doing his JOB

You're such a LIAR, Stephanie!

This board has listed several threads started by neocon/teabagger bozos attempting to diminish Obama as commander in chief regarding Bin Ladin's death, and when they couldn't do that they falsely accused him of taking all the credit.

Well, the ABC report put the kibosh on that...but little clowns like YOU STILL maintained the false accusations and STILL begrudge the man credit where credit is do.

You just don't like the FACT that Obama is the President, so in your eyes he's damned if does/says anything, and damned if he doesn't.

The link in the OP has jokers like YOU pegged!
Yea, well, let's just call the opposing football coach and give him our list of plays. That'll help us win. :D

Kinda like what Jr. did eh? Everytime he wanted to go somewhere in Pakistan, he called Mushariff and the Pakistanis would then warn OBL to go hide somewhere else (IMHO).

Why else was OBL living just 1/2 mile away from the Pakistani equivalent of West Point?

When Obama started planning this, the Pakistanis were left out of the loop, and guess what? He got Bin Laden.
I'm sure the millions upon millions who are still out of work or under employed in November will be thinking about Osama when they cast their vote as someone once said it's about the economy stupid.
I find it hysterical that the left actually thinks Bush wasn't looking for Bin Laden...........see the difference is if they thought he didn't care they might let their guard down.

Why the heck do you think Bush sent troops to Afghanistan?? Was it to play checkers??

The idiocy is unbelievable, wait.............. now that I think about it, it's almost scary. :eek:

So according to you, the Shrub was "playing Opposum"? Hmmm, do you think he might have overdone it by dismantling the CIA unit set up expressly to get Bin ladin, and then removing resources from Afghanistan to invade Iraq based on lies and deceit?

Yes, the idiocy YOU display is unbelievable...a combination of willful ignorance and intellectual dishonesty/bankruptcy.

The OP link has YOU pegged, sweetheart!
I'm sure the millions upon millions who are still out of work or under employed in November will be thinking about Osama when they cast their vote as someone once said it's about the economy stupid.

If the unemployment keeps dropping and the DOW keeps rising, Obama is gonna win on the economic issue as well.
Yea, well, let's just call the opposing football coach and give him our list of plays. That'll help us win. :D

Kinda like what Jr. did eh? Everytime he wanted to go somewhere in Pakistan, he called Mushariff and the Pakistanis would then warn OBL to go hide somewhere else (IMHO).

Why else was OBL living just 1/2 mile away from the Pakistani equivalent of West Point?

When Obama started planning this, the Pakistanis were left out of the loop, and guess what? He got Bin Laden.

It was a standing order issued by President Clinton. Dear heavens above I have seen cocksucker posts before in my lifetime, but I think you're the winner for biggest swallow.

Operation Infinite Resolve. Obama ordered jack shit. Learn your own history will you?
Did Bush ever get him?

Did Clinton when he had a chance?

then we had 9/11

Get your facts straight, Stephie:

9/11 happened on the Shrub's watch....he was WARNED by Clinton that such a thing might happen, but he IGNORED the warning, and dismantled the weekly conferences by all security and intelligence agencies to update.

Daddy Bush DID NOT pass on the intelligence reports that would have alerted Clinton regarding the FIRST attempt to blow up the Twin Towers in New York.

And NO, Clinton did NOT get Bin Ladin when he "had the chance", maybe you should (for once) do some honest research as to why?
Yea, well, let's just call the opposing football coach and give him our list of plays. That'll help us win. :D

Kinda like what Jr. did eh? Everytime he wanted to go somewhere in Pakistan, he called Mushariff and the Pakistanis would then warn OBL to go hide somewhere else (IMHO).

Why else was OBL living just 1/2 mile away from the Pakistani equivalent of West Point?

When Obama started planning this, the Pakistanis were left out of the loop, and guess what? He got Bin Laden.

It was a standing order issued by President Clinton. Dear heavens above I have seen cocksucker posts before in my lifetime, but I think you're the winner for biggest swallow.

Operation Infinite Resolve. Obama ordered jack shit. Learn your own history will you?
GayBiker TWO-upped...:lol::lol:
Bush formed the policies that led to getting the information that led to the raid. obama has abandoned those policies which means we will no longer get intelligence to capture more terrorists. Nor will we get intelligence that would stop any further attacks. obama has turned back the clock to September 10, 2001.

You're a liar, plain and simple.

Obama called the Shrub and thanked him for his efforts, telling him that he contributed greatly to getting Bin Ladin.

But the facts remain that the Shrub DISMANTLED the CIA unit set up to get Bin Ladin, and REMOVED VITAL MILITARY RESOURCES from Afghanistan to invade Iraq on false pretenses.

The rest of your little diatribe is pure supposition and conjecture...based on your OPINION and NOT FACT.

The link in the OP has jokers like YOU pegged. Carry on.
I find it hysterical that the left actually thinks Bush wasn't looking for Bin Laden...........see the difference is if they thought he didn't care they might let their guard down.

Why the heck do you think Bush sent troops to Afghanistan?? Was it to play checkers??

The idiocy is unbelievable, wait.............. now that I think about it, it's almost scary. :eek:

So according to you, the Shrub was "playing Opposum"? Hmmm, do you think he might have overdone it by dismantling the CIA unit set up expressly to get Bin ladin, and then removing resources from Afghanistan to invade Iraq based on lies and deceit?

Yes, the idiocy YOU display is unbelievable...a combination of willful ignorance and intellectual dishonesty/bankruptcy.

The OP link has YOU pegged, sweetheart!

You are insane. That's all I can tell from your post.

Tell me you do realize that all those years in Afghanistan you little asswipe NATO troops were fighting the good fight whilst you were in Iraq?

Afghanistan was held by Canucks, Brits and the Dutch in the hardest hit zones.

My Lord, you show such stupidity.
Bush formed the policies that led to getting the information that led to the raid. obama has abandoned those policies which means we will no longer get intelligence to capture more terrorists. Nor will we get intelligence that would stop any further attacks. obama has turned back the clock to September 10, 2001.

You're a liar, plain and simple.

Obama called the Shrub and thanked him for his efforts, telling him that he contributed greatly to getting Bin Ladin.

But the facts remain that the Shrub DISMANTLED the CIA unit set up to get Bin Ladin, and REMOVED VITAL MILITARY RESOURCES from Afghanistan to invade Iraq on false pretenses.

The rest of your little diatribe is pure supposition and conjecture...based on your OPINION and NOT FACT.

The link in the OP has jokers like YOU pegged. Carry on.

Complete and utter bullshit. The standing order is Operation Infinite Resolve. You got it? Do you even have any idea how horridly boring it was for the men and women of this unit to track this courier?

It's the courier who led to Bin Laden. Nothing else. The courier's fuck up gave them Bin Laden's position.

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