GOP Lawmaker to Bring DACA Recipient to Trump's State of the Union


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013


Breaking News From Reagan Reports for America

A centrist House Republican announced Friday that he will bring a recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program as his guest to President Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, amid debate in Congress over whether such young undocumented immigrants (ie. illegal aliens) should stay in the U.S., reports The Hill. Rep. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla., has invited Adrian Escarate, who was brought to the U.S. from Chile when he was three years old, to be seated in the gallery overlooking the House chamber during Trump’s speech.

Will he also bring with him the American worker who is out of a job that this illegal alien is filling ? Will he also bring the wife and kids of that American worker ? Just wondering.


Breaking News From Reagan Reports for America

A centrist House Republican announced Friday that he will bring a recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program as his guest to President Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, amid debate in Congress over whether such young undocumented immigrants (ie. illegal aliens) should stay in the U.S., reports The Hill. Rep. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla., has invited Adrian Escarate, who was brought to the U.S. from Chile when he was three years old, to be seated in the gallery overlooking the House chamber during Trump’s speech.

Will he also bring with him the American worker who is out of a job that this illegal alien is filling ? Will he also bring the wife and kids of that American worker ? Just wondering.
Why would he bring an American worker? I thought we had the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the universe now?


Breaking News From Reagan Reports for America

A centrist House Republican announced Friday that he will bring a recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program as his guest to President Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, amid debate in Congress over whether such young undocumented immigrants (ie. illegal aliens) should stay in the U.S., reports The Hill. Rep. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla., has invited Adrian Escarate, who was brought to the U.S. from Chile when he was three years old, to be seated in the gallery overlooking the House chamber during Trump’s speech.

Will he also bring with him the American worker who is out of a job that this illegal alien is filling ? Will he also bring the wife and kids of that American worker ? Just wondering.
Why would he bring an American worker? I thought we had the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the universe now?

Because Supply and Demand means that that illegal worker being present, reduces jobs and wages for that American worker.

Supply and demand - Wikipedia

"In microeconomics, supply and demand is an economic model of price determination in a market. It postulates that in a competitive market, the unit price for a particular good, or other traded item such as labor or liquid financial assets, will vary until it settles at a point where the quantity demanded (at the current price) will equal the quantity supplied (at the current price), resulting in an economic equilibrium for price and quantity transacted."

"an increase in supply. This increase in supply causes the equilibrium price to decrease from P1 to P2. "

Bolding and enlarging added, to draw your attention to the proper point.
Why would he bring an American worker? I thought we had the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the universe now?
It's not ZERO. And for every illegal alien in a job, that's one American NOT in that job.

Also, many Americans are UNDERemployed. They may want the job some illegal has. Contrary to liberal media fake news, illegal aliens don't just pick fruit. They do all sorts of jobs.


Breaking News From Reagan Reports for America

A centrist House Republican announced Friday that he will bring a recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program as his guest to President Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, amid debate in Congress over whether such young undocumented immigrants (ie. illegal aliens) should stay in the U.S., reports The Hill. Rep. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla., has invited Adrian Escarate, who was brought to the U.S. from Chile when he was three years old, to be seated in the gallery overlooking the House chamber during Trump’s speech.

Will he also bring with him the American worker who is out of a job that this illegal alien is filling ? Will he also bring the wife and kids of that American worker ? Just wondering.

You make your own bed now lie in it. If an American worker is out of a job it's their own goddamn fault. Don't blame anyone except yourself.
Why would he bring an American worker? I thought we had the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the universe now?
It's not ZERO. And for every illegal alien in a job, that's one American NOT in that job.

Also, many Americans are UNDERemployed. They may want the job some illegal has. Contrary to liberal media fake news, illegal aliens don't just pick fruit. They do all sorts of jobs.

And wage suppression is a huge impact.

My mother in law was a nurse's aid in a near by rural area hospital.

Her work place was bought by a large University hospital from a near by major city.

The city, with it's large population, including large numbers of immigrants, some illegal, had a vastly lower pay rate for nurse's aids.

4 dollars an hour difference can be the difference between poverty and poor.
Why would he bring an American worker? I thought we had the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the universe now?
It's not ZERO. And for every illegal alien in a job, that's one American NOT in that job.

Also, many Americans are UNDERemployed. They may want the job some illegal has. Contrary to liberal media fake news, illegal aliens don't just pick fruit. They do all sorts of jobs.

Then you fight for that fucking job. I'm 70 years old and other than being unemployed for two months out of the military in 1971 have always had a job of some sort, maybe I didn't like all of them but I fought for what I have today. It's only an American's to be told no for one job and then go sit at home on their lazy ass moaning a groaning, oh they gave that job to a minority. Fuck off all of you. Pull yourself out of the gutter.
Why would he bring an American worker? I thought we had the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the universe now?
It's not ZERO. And for every illegal alien in a job, that's one American NOT in that job.

Also, many Americans are UNDERemployed. They may want the job some illegal has. Contrary to liberal media fake news, illegal aliens don't just pick fruit. They do all sorts of jobs.

Then you fight for that fucking job. I'm 70 years old and other than being unemployed for two months out of the military in 1971 have always had a job of some sort, maybe I didn't like all of them but I fought for what I have today. It's only an American's to be told no for one job and then go sit at home on their lazy ass moaning a groaning, oh they gave that job to a minority. Fuck off all of you. Pull yourself out of the gutter.

It is not the American's workers fault if some asshole employer wants to pay some immigrant less to do the job.
Why would he bring an American worker? I thought we had the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the universe now?
It's not ZERO. And for every illegal alien in a job, that's one American NOT in that job.

Also, many Americans are UNDERemployed. They may want the job some illegal has. Contrary to liberal media fake news, illegal aliens don't just pick fruit. They do all sorts of jobs.
They can’t beat out an illegal for a higher paying job? Then let’s get that guy who can’t contribute out of here. How about that?
Will he also bring with him the American worker who is out of a job that this illegal alien is filling ? Will he also bring the wife and kids of that American worker ? Just wondering.
He's been here since he was 3, so he's essentially an American in everything but paperwork. If he were sent back to Chile, he'd be a stranger in a strange land.
Will he also bring with him the American worker who is out of a job that this illegal alien is filling ? Will he also bring the wife and kids of that American worker ? Just wondering.
He's been here since he was 3, so he's essentially an American in everything but paperwork. If he were sent back to Chile, he'd be a stranger in a strange land.
so he's essentially an American in everything but paperwork

Guess that doesn't count with you?

Hey, why waste time getting a diploma?

it's just paperwork.

Drivers license?

why bother, just get a car and go for a spin.
You make your own bed now lie in it. If an American worker is out of a job it's their own goddamn fault. Don't blame anyone except yourself.
FALSE! In the case of illegal aliens in jobs, it is the fault of the imperialist country (Mexico, China, etc), the illegal alien invader himself, and the vested interest American traitors who support him.

They are who is making the bed.

Examples of immigration's VESTED INTERESTS >>

1. Businesses wanting cheap labor to reduce costs & boost profits.

2. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

3. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

4. Spanish media NEEDING Spanish-only speakers.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's Reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.
He's been here since he was 3, so he's essentially an American in everything but paperwork. If he were sent back to Chile, he'd be a stranger in a strange land.
He's not an American. As for your sympathy for the kid of illegal alien criminals, do you have this much sympathy for the kids of American criminals ? I don't hear anything being said for them. But then, they don't represent VOTES for Democrats.
Then you fight for that fucking job. I'm 70 years old and other than being unemployed for two months out of the military in 1971 have always had a job of some sort, maybe I didn't like all of them but I fought for what I have today. It's only an American's to be told no for one job and then go sit at home on their lazy ass moaning a groaning, oh they gave that job to a minority. Fuck off all of you. Pull yourself out of the gutter.
You talk like a complete idiot. These invaders are invading your country. Stealing your jobs. Raiding your economy ($138 Billion/yr being lost), all in addition to a long list of other harms to Americans, and all you say is fight for the job ?

NO! Americans should NOT have to fight against foreign invaders for any job. Our ancestors provided us with protective immigration laws, and these must be followed. I'm older than you are, am now retired, and have worked all my life, I don't need a lecture from a profane low-life putz like you.
They can’t beat out an illegal for a higher paying job? Then let’s get that guy who can’t contribute out of here. How about that?
We could answer that if you said it in clear English. What guy who can't contribute ? What are you talking about ?
He's been here since he was 3, so he's essentially an American in everything but paperwork. If he were sent back to Chile, he'd be a stranger in a strange land.
He's not an American. As for your sympathy for the kid of illegal alien criminals, do you have this much sympathy for the kids of American criminals ? I don't hear anything being said for them. But then, they don't represent VOTES for Democrats.
Ahh..., the "what about" dodge. Your comment would only make sense, if I were saying children of criminals should go to prison with their parents.
Ahh..., the "what about" dodge. Your comment would only make sense, if I were saying children of criminals should go to prison with their parents.
Nobody is saying DACAs should go to prison. They only say they should go to where they belong - in their home country. And I didn't "dodge" anything. Again, America is not their home just because they, and you, say so.

Now what about that Democrat VOTE point ? Or do you choose to ":dodge" ?

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