GOP lies on Benghaz keep piling up


I don't really know what you mean by "washouts" but they were certainly heroic "washouts" for trying to save the americans who were being attacked after the Lybian militia "security" force ran away.
This is probably a futile attempt but I want you to understand what position Obama has put you into. Instead of condemning the terrorists, you are attacking the murdered. You even went so far as to blame Stevens for being murdered instead of blaming the murderers. Attempting to support Obama has become an exercise in defending the indefensible. Instead of asking questions about what went wrong in Benghazi you attack the family members of the dead instead. You accuse the families of the fallen of "whining".
In a last gasp of frayed indignation in a deteriorating argument you now say this entire conversation is only a byproduct of hatred for Obama. Your defense of Obama is apparently a form of religious zealotry where condemning the murdered is part of the ritual. I don't envy your position. However,I envy the widows and children of the fallen heroes of Benghazi even less.

Guy, I want you to get one thing clear.

The problem with the Middle East is that we spend our time sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest balancing the interests of Oil companies and Zionism. So we really, really shouldn't whine when we get stung.

Men died in Benghazi because after decades of fucking with Khadafy, he was finally overthrown by people who were worse. And some of them turned around and killed our people. What I blame Obama for was involving us in that fiasco to start with.

And, yeah, it's the families of the two mercenaries who are doing the whining. Ambassador Stevens family knows he accepted a risk for a good reason when he tried to help the Libyans rebuild.

What amazes me is that you fucknuts keep trying to use his coffin as a soap box, and you keep getting slapped down when you do it. Because honestly, your Obama Derangement Syndrome has you so fucked in the head, you can't think of one thing Obama has done you can praise. If he's for it, you're against it.
And the video is what part of your excuses here ? Hmmm, I didn't think I saw your answer for that one while you were salivating and/or drooling over the demo's, and hey your buddy got us involved in that Libyan mess like you say, and then he lied about it when the stuff hit the fan. We just want to know why he lied about it all (people are dead), and why he had his mouth piece (trusted agent), Susan Rice doing all his dirty work for him afterwards ?
And the video is what part of your excuses here ? Hmmm, I didn't think I saw your answer for that one while you were salivating and/or drooling over the demo's, and hey your buddy got us involved in that Libyan mess like you say, and then he lied about it when the stuff hit the fan. We just want to know why he lied about it all (people are dead), and why he had his mouth piece (trusted agent), Susan Rice doing all his dirty work for him afterwards ?

Guy, I simply don't give a rat's ass about the video, and neither does anyone sane.

I've explained this to you.

There were riots in 20 countries over that video between Sept 10- 15. Therefore, it was the initial opinion of the intelligence agencies that it had an influence on the riot in Benghazi before an investigation by the FBI proved it was a coordinated attack.

Screaming about "the Viiiiiiiiiiideooooooooo" all day doesn't make it all that important. I guess it's important to you guys, because it's kind of all you have to whine about.

And I ask one more time. How is it you aren't as upset about 5000 Americans who died in Iraq over weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist, but man, the fact Susan Rice talked about a video has you batshit insane.
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I don't really know what you mean by "washouts" but they were certainly heroic "washouts" for trying to save the americans who were being attacked after the Lybian militia "security" force ran away.
This is probably a futile attempt but I want you to understand what position Obama has put you into. Instead of condemning the terrorists, you are attacking the murdered. You even went so far as to blame Stevens for being murdered instead of blaming the murderers. Attempting to support Obama has become an exercise in defending the indefensible. Instead of asking questions about what went wrong in Benghazi you attack the family members of the dead instead. You accuse the families of the fallen of "whining".
In a last gasp of frayed indignation in a deteriorating argument you now say this entire conversation is only a byproduct of hatred for Obama. Your defense of Obama is apparently a form of religious zealotry where condemning the murdered is part of the ritual. I don't envy your position. However,I envy the widows and children of the fallen heroes of Benghazi even less.

Guy, I want you to get one thing clear.

The problem with the Middle East is that we spend our time sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest balancing the interests of Oil companies and Zionism. So we really, really shouldn't whine when we get stung.

Men died in Benghazi because after decades of fucking with Khadafy, he was finally overthrown by people who were worse. And some of them turned around and killed our people. What I blame Obama for was involving us in that fiasco to start with.

And, yeah, it's the families of the two mercenaries who are doing the whining. Ambassador Stevens family knows he accepted a risk for a good reason when he tried to help the Libyans rebuild.

What amazes me is that you fucknuts keep trying to use his coffin as a soap box, and you keep getting slapped down when you do it. Because honestly, your Obama Derangement Syndrome has you so fucked in the head, you can't think of one thing Obama has done you can praise. If he's for it, you're against it.

According to the polls, over half the country seems to have "Obama Derangement Syndrome". I feel like I'm talking to a religious fanatic who's argument has deteriorated into psychobabble. I've disproved every silly talking point you've espoused and now you've resorted into some rhetorical echo chamber where you can't comprehend other people's posts. I've told you I am for Obama's drone policy and you still insist that I have nothing good to say about Obama. You've resorted into blaming the victims of Benghazi instead of the terrorists and you keep reciting long disproved talking points. If you don't care about who pushed the video lie weeks after the state department knew the video had nothing to with the attacks in Benghazi is just fine. Just don't get irritated at other people for being more inquisitive than you. Hillary Clinton says "what does it matter"? and you parrot her apathy.
Rather it be hyper partisanship or religious fanaticism, you should really stop being led by a corrupt and incompetent white house.

According to the polls, over half the country seems to have "Obama Derangement Syndrome". I feel like I'm talking to a religious fanatic who's argument has deteriorated into psychobabble. I've disproved every silly talking point you've espoused and now you've resorted into some rhetorical echo chamber where you can't comprehend other people's posts. I've told you I am for Obama's drone policy and you still insist that I have nothing good to say about Obama. You've resorted into blaming the victims of Benghazi instead of the terrorists and you keep reciting long disproved talking points. If you don't care about who pushed the video lie weeks after the state department knew the video had nothing to with the attacks in Benghazi is just fine. Just don't get irritated at other people for being more inquisitive than you. Hillary Clinton says "what does it matter"? and you parrot her apathy.
Rather it be hyper partisanship or religious fanaticism, you should really stop being led by a corrupt and incompetent white house.

Guy, all you've done here is try to make the same lame comments about a non-scandel that most Americans simply didn't give a shyte about at the time (the re-elected Obama) and don't give a shyte about now.

I comprehend your posts just fine. It's just that what you spout is a lot of hateful garbage repeating the same tired talking points about a video that REALLY DIDN'T MATTER.

All the documents prove is that the government wasn't sure and really still isn't entirely sure how much of a role the video played.

You do get this, right, the Islamic World WAS really upset about this video? Or are you in denial of that?

There are other ways of defending an embassy than using private contractors. The marines come to mind. Plus they are already payed for.
Let's now ignore the fact that the left's only defense of Obama is by talking about Bush. I understand it's just a knee jerk reaction void of any rational thinking process. I could just as easily bring up Clinton's lack of initiative when it came to capturing or killing Bin Laden.
I would also add that Bin Laden was hardly running around with apparent immunity. I think it is the consensus that Bid Laden was hiding, If Bin Laden were giving interviews to reporters at coffee shops like the leader of the Benghazi attack then you might have a point.

Bin Laden released regular tapes taunting Bush until Bush left office.

Oh, yeah, and here's part of the probelm. Benghazi wasn't an "embassy", it was a consulate.

No Marines.

That's why they were useing the Blackwater Washouts, until we finally fired blackwater.

Bin Laden did not release tapes from the corner coffee shop surrounded by reporters.
Indeed, Benghazi wasn't an "embassy" but it also wasn't a "consulate". It was technically called a "diplomatic facility". I generally just use the word 'embassy" because I don't feel like splitting hairs when the topic is bigger than what we call a building that holds american workers and a diplomat in a foreign land.
Contrary to what you may believe, it is not illegal to have Marines defend a "diplomatic facility" while it's being attacked. Especially when there was warning that the "diplomatic facility" was going to be attacked on 9/11.
The "security" of the Benghazi "diplomatic facility" was done by a local Lybian militia who ran away as soon as the attacks started. I WISH the facility was secured by Blackwater "washouts". I'm sure the families of the four people murdered in Benghazi wish the Blackwater "washouts" were there as well.

Is it legal to have the CIA stationed in a diplomatic facility?

According to the polls, over half the country seems to have "Obama Derangement Syndrome". I feel like I'm talking to a religious fanatic who's argument has deteriorated into psychobabble. I've disproved every silly talking point you've espoused and now you've resorted into some rhetorical echo chamber where you can't comprehend other people's posts. I've told you I am for Obama's drone policy and you still insist that I have nothing good to say about Obama. You've resorted into blaming the victims of Benghazi instead of the terrorists and you keep reciting long disproved talking points. If you don't care about who pushed the video lie weeks after the state department knew the video had nothing to with the attacks in Benghazi is just fine. Just don't get irritated at other people for being more inquisitive than you. Hillary Clinton says "what does it matter"? and you parrot her apathy.
Rather it be hyper partisanship or religious fanaticism, you should really stop being led by a corrupt and incompetent white house.

Guy, all you've done here is try to make the same lame comments about a non-scandel that most Americans simply didn't give a shyte about at the time (the re-elected Obama) and don't give a shyte about now.

I comprehend your posts just fine. It's just that what you spout is a lot of hateful garbage repeating the same tired talking points about a video that REALLY DIDN'T MATTER.

All the documents prove is that the government wasn't sure and really still isn't entirely sure how much of a role the video played.

You do get this, right, the Islamic World WAS really upset about this video? Or are you in denial of that?

It's funny none of these folks cared less about all the attacks on diplomats during the Bush administration.

Ever hear any of them talk about David Foy?
And the video is what part of your excuses here ? Hmmm, I didn't think I saw your answer for that one while you were salivating and/or drooling over the demo's, and hey your buddy got us involved in that Libyan mess like you say, and then he lied about it when the stuff hit the fan. We just want to know why he lied about it all (people are dead), and why he had his mouth piece (trusted agent), Susan Rice doing all his dirty work for him afterwards ?

Guy, I simply don't give a rat's ass about the video, and neither does anyone sane.

I've explained this to you.

There were riots in 20 countries over that video between Sept 10- 15. Therefore, it was the initial opinion of the intelligence agencies that it had an influence on the riot in Benghazi before an investigation by the FBI proved it was a coordinated attack.

Screaming about "the Viiiiiiiiiiideooooooooo" all day doesn't make it all that important. I guess it's important to you guys, because it's kind of all you have to whine about.

And I ask one more time. How is it you aren't as upset about 5000 Americans who died in Iraq over weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist, but man, the fact Susan Rice talked about a video has you batshit insane.
Typical denial of a person who has so much invested in this administration, and for what it was supposed to represent for him. I mean they just couldn't have covered up anything, they just couldn't have is what goes through your mind every night now right ? Have you ever thought that no one might give a rats behind on your position in all of this also ? What makes you so special in your mind I wonder ? Is it your arrogance and spoiled rotten attitude that is found in your liberalism here, in that convinces you that you are some how superior to others maybe ? You wish this Benghazi thing would just go away bad, because your man messed up and you know it. We are all watching as he cloaks himself with every issue that he can now, and all in hopes that this will soon be over run by those issues in order to drown it all out finally. Hopefully in respect to Ambassador Stevens and the others, it won't just go away that easy.
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According to the polls, over half the country seems to have "Obama Derangement Syndrome". I feel like I'm talking to a religious fanatic who's argument has deteriorated into psychobabble. I've disproved every silly talking point you've espoused and now you've resorted into some rhetorical echo chamber where you can't comprehend other people's posts. I've told you I am for Obama's drone policy and you still insist that I have nothing good to say about Obama. You've resorted into blaming the victims of Benghazi instead of the terrorists and you keep reciting long disproved talking points. If you don't care about who pushed the video lie weeks after the state department knew the video had nothing to with the attacks in Benghazi is just fine. Just don't get irritated at other people for being more inquisitive than you. Hillary Clinton says "what does it matter"? and you parrot her apathy.
Rather it be hyper partisanship or religious fanaticism, you should really stop being led by a corrupt and incompetent white house.

Guy, all you've done here is try to make the same lame comments about a non-scandel that most Americans simply didn't give a shyte about at the time (the re-elected Obama) and don't give a shyte about now.

I comprehend your posts just fine. It's just that what you spout is a lot of hateful garbage repeating the same tired talking points about a video that REALLY DIDN'T MATTER.

All the documents prove is that the government wasn't sure and really still isn't entirely sure how much of a role the video played.

You do get this, right, the Islamic World WAS really upset about this video? Or are you in denial of that?

It's funny none of these folks cared less about all the attacks on diplomats during the Bush administration.

Ever hear any of them talk about David Foy?
Where were you on those issues or attacks ? Care to link to your concerns as were written about for those attacks. Oh that's right, it's only when your dream guy is involved that you begin to defend or care right ? Gottcha!

According to the polls, over half the country seems to have "Obama Derangement Syndrome". I feel like I'm talking to a religious fanatic who's argument has deteriorated into psychobabble. I've disproved every silly talking point you've espoused and now you've resorted into some rhetorical echo chamber where you can't comprehend other people's posts. I've told you I am for Obama's drone policy and you still insist that I have nothing good to say about Obama. You've resorted into blaming the victims of Benghazi instead of the terrorists and you keep reciting long disproved talking points. If you don't care about who pushed the video lie weeks after the state department knew the video had nothing to with the attacks in Benghazi is just fine. Just don't get irritated at other people for being more inquisitive than you. Hillary Clinton says "what does it matter"? and you parrot her apathy.
Rather it be hyper partisanship or religious fanaticism, you should really stop being led by a corrupt and incompetent white house.

Guy, all you've done here is try to make the same lame comments about a non-scandel that most Americans simply didn't give a shyte about at the time (the re-elected Obama) and don't give a shyte about now.

I comprehend your posts just fine. It's just that what you spout is a lot of hateful garbage repeating the same tired talking points about a video that REALLY DIDN'T MATTER.

All the documents prove is that the government wasn't sure and really still isn't entirely sure how much of a role the video played.

You do get this, right, the Islamic World WAS really upset about this video? Or are you in denial of that?
I thought the video didn't matter ? Oh, it only matters if you can slant it for your dream guy in your way. If the video is proven as your guy was lying, then the video doesn't matter no more or you don't give a rats behind about it... Gotcha! Sounds like your dream guy is embarrassing you, and you are trying to defend the indefensible on this eh?
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According to the polls, over half the country seems to have "Obama Derangement Syndrome". I feel like I'm talking to a religious fanatic who's argument has deteriorated into psychobabble. I've disproved every silly talking point you've espoused and now you've resorted into some rhetorical echo chamber where you can't comprehend other people's posts. I've told you I am for Obama's drone policy and you still insist that I have nothing good to say about Obama. You've resorted into blaming the victims of Benghazi instead of the terrorists and you keep reciting long disproved talking points. If you don't care about who pushed the video lie weeks after the state department knew the video had nothing to with the attacks in Benghazi is just fine. Just don't get irritated at other people for being more inquisitive than you. Hillary Clinton says "what does it matter"? and you parrot her apathy.
Rather it be hyper partisanship or religious fanaticism, you should really stop being led by a corrupt and incompetent white house.

Guy, all you've done here is try to make the same lame comments about a non-scandel that most Americans simply didn't give a shyte about at the time (the re-elected Obama) and don't give a shyte about now.

I comprehend your posts just fine. It's just that what you spout is a lot of hateful garbage repeating the same tired talking points about a video that REALLY DIDN'T MATTER.

All the documents prove is that the government wasn't sure and really still isn't entirely sure how much of a role the video played.

You do get this, right, the Islamic World WAS really upset about this video? Or are you in denial of that?

You do understand that the state department and white house knew the video had nothing to do with the Benghazi attacks rights? You do know the Benghazi attack was planned, right? I'm not talking about the white house being under the wrong impression two minutes after the Benghazi attack. I'm talking about weeks of lying to the american people when they knew the facts didn't support their accusations. You do realize that one of the reasons Obama was re-elected was because he lied about Benghazi, right? Ya know, like the lies about keeping your doctor? Pointing out the lies and denial and obfuscations of the white house is not "hateful garbage", it's common sense.
Bin Laden released regular tapes taunting Bush until Bush left office.

Oh, yeah, and here's part of the probelm. Benghazi wasn't an "embassy", it was a consulate.

No Marines.

That's why they were useing the Blackwater Washouts, until we finally fired blackwater.

Bin Laden did not release tapes from the corner coffee shop surrounded by reporters.
Indeed, Benghazi wasn't an "embassy" but it also wasn't a "consulate". It was technically called a "diplomatic facility". I generally just use the word 'embassy" because I don't feel like splitting hairs when the topic is bigger than what we call a building that holds american workers and a diplomat in a foreign land.
Contrary to what you may believe, it is not illegal to have Marines defend a "diplomatic facility" while it's being attacked. Especially when there was warning that the "diplomatic facility" was going to be attacked on 9/11.
The "security" of the Benghazi "diplomatic facility" was done by a local Lybian militia who ran away as soon as the attacks started. I WISH the facility was secured by Blackwater "washouts". I'm sure the families of the four people murdered in Benghazi wish the Blackwater "washouts" were there as well.

Is it legal to have the CIA stationed in a diplomatic facility?

I don't know. Why don't you google it.

I don't really know what you mean by "washouts" but they were certainly heroic "washouts" for trying to save the americans who were being attacked after the Lybian militia "security" force ran away.
This is probably a futile attempt but I want you to understand what position Obama has put you into. Instead of condemning the terrorists, you are attacking the murdered. You even went so far as to blame Stevens for being murdered instead of blaming the murderers. Attempting to support Obama has become an exercise in defending the indefensible. Instead of asking questions about what went wrong in Benghazi you attack the family members of the dead instead. You accuse the families of the fallen of "whining".
In a last gasp of frayed indignation in a deteriorating argument you now say this entire conversation is only a byproduct of hatred for Obama. Your defense of Obama is apparently a form of religious zealotry where condemning the murdered is part of the ritual. I don't envy your position. However,I envy the widows and children of the fallen heroes of Benghazi even less.

Guy, I want you to get one thing clear.

The problem with the Middle East is that we spend our time sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest balancing the interests of Oil companies and Zionism. So we really, really shouldn't whine when we get stung.

Men died in Benghazi because after decades of fucking with Khadafy, he was finally overthrown by people who were worse. And some of them turned around and killed our people. What I blame Obama for was involving us in that fiasco to start with.

And, yeah, it's the families of the two mercenaries who are doing the whining. Ambassador Stevens family knows he accepted a risk for a good reason when he tried to help the Libyans rebuild.

What amazes me is that you fucknuts keep trying to use his coffin as a soap box, and you keep getting slapped down when you do it. Because honestly, your Obama Derangement Syndrome has you so fucked in the head, you can't think of one thing Obama has done you can praise. If he's for it, you're against it.


I haven't played with you in a long time.

You are so off on this. Tired tonight but I can fucking smoke you tomorrow kid.

Get ready on Benghazhi :lol:

I don't really know what you mean by "washouts" but they were certainly heroic "washouts" for trying to save the americans who were being attacked after the Lybian militia "security" force ran away.
This is probably a futile attempt but I want you to understand what position Obama has put you into. Instead of condemning the terrorists, you are attacking the murdered. You even went so far as to blame Stevens for being murdered instead of blaming the murderers. Attempting to support Obama has become an exercise in defending the indefensible. Instead of asking questions about what went wrong in Benghazi you attack the family members of the dead instead. You accuse the families of the fallen of "whining".
In a last gasp of frayed indignation in a deteriorating argument you now say this entire conversation is only a byproduct of hatred for Obama. Your defense of Obama is apparently a form of religious zealotry where condemning the murdered is part of the ritual. I don't envy your position. However,I envy the widows and children of the fallen heroes of Benghazi even less.

Guy, I want you to get one thing clear.

The problem with the Middle East is that we spend our time sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest balancing the interests of Oil companies and Zionism. So we really, really shouldn't whine when we get stung.

Men died in Benghazi because after decades of fucking with Khadafy, he was finally overthrown by people who were worse. And some of them turned around and killed our people. What I blame Obama for was involving us in that fiasco to start with.

And, yeah, it's the families of the two mercenaries who are doing the whining. Ambassador Stevens family knows he accepted a risk for a good reason when he tried to help the Libyans rebuild.

What amazes me is that you fucknuts keep trying to use his coffin as a soap box, and you keep getting slapped down when you do it. Because honestly, your Obama Derangement Syndrome has you so fucked in the head, you can't think of one thing Obama has done you can praise. If he's for it, you're against it.


I haven't played with you in a long time.

You are so off on this. Tired tonight but I can fucking smoke you tomorrow kid.

Get ready on Benghazhi :lol:

Watch out! You might be called a fucknut and a hater. LOL!!!!!
Typical denial of a person who has so much invested in this administration, and for what it was supposed to represent for him. I mean they just couldn't have covered up anything, they just couldn't have is what goes through your mind every night now right ? Have you ever thought that no one might give a rats behind on your position in all of this also ? What makes you so special in your mind I wonder ? Is it your arrogance and spoiled rotten attitude that is found in your liberalism here, in that convinces you that you are some how superior to others maybe ? You wish this Benghazi thing would just go away bad, because your man messed up and you know it. We are all watching as he cloaks himself with every issue that he can now, and all in hopes that this will soon be over run by those issues in order to drown it all out finally. Hopefully in respect to Ambassador Stevens and the others, it won't just go away that easy.

We had an election. Your boy Romney tried to make these points, and he got slapped down several times when he did it because it was in totally bad taste.

Oh, yeah, and I know I'm superior to the inbred idiots who make up the rump of the Republican Party. The smart people left a long time ago.

You do get this, right, the Islamic World WAS really upset about this video? Or are you in denial of that?
I thought the video didn't matter ? Oh, it only matters if you can slant it for your dream guy in your way. If the video is proven as your guy was lying, then the video doesn't matter no more or you don't give a rats behind about it... Gotcha! Sounds like your dream guy is embarrassing you, and you are trying to defend the indefensible on this eh?

Okay, I'll try to explain this to you Slllllowly, because it seems you are some kind of retard.

The people at the White House thought the video was a factor, because there were riots across the middle east over it. That was the best estimate of intelligence the day Susan Rice was giving interviews.

Later on, it was determined that Al Qaeda instigated the attack, although there's still a lot of evidence the video had a lot of angry people out on the street.

In short. Not a lie. Simply an error based on the evidence at hand.

You do get this, right, the Islamic World WAS really upset about this video? Or are you in denial of that?
I thought the video didn't matter ? Oh, it only matters if you can slant it for your dream guy in your way. If the video is proven as your guy was lying, then the video doesn't matter no more or you don't give a rats behind about it... Gotcha! Sounds like your dream guy is embarrassing you, and you are trying to defend the indefensible on this eh?

Okay, I'll try to explain this to you Slllllowly, because it seems you are some kind of retard.

The people at the White House thought the video was a factor, because there were riots across the middle east over it. That was the best estimate of intelligence the day Susan Rice was giving interviews.

Later on, it was determined that Al Qaeda instigated the attack, although there's still a lot of evidence the video had a lot of angry people out on the street.

In short. Not a lie. Simply an error based on the evidence at hand.
Ok, so where were you when Bush's intel. was accused of being flawed or was wrong on Iraq ? You know the one in which was supposed to have been right when he got it, and this before he got it along with the rest of his team ? I mean were you there doing for him what you are doing for Obama and crew now ? Hmmmm umm I bet not, and/or I didn't think so if it is the case.
Ok, so where were you when Bush's intel. was accused of being flawed or was wrong on Iraq ? You know the one in which was supposed to have been right when he got it, and this before he got it along with the rest of his team ? I mean were you there doing for him what you are doing for Obama and crew now ? Hmmmm umm I bet not, and/or I didn't think so if it is the case.

Well, at the time I was.

For those playing along at home, I was pretty right wing until 2008, when my last boss completely fucked me over because "he didn't have to deal with a union". That's when I became hostile to all the "pro-market", big Corporations are your friend horseshit the GOP spews.

But let's make a comparison.

Riots are occurring across the middle east over a video. In the middle of that, there's an attack that leaves four Americans dead. Initial assessment, the video started the riot. Additional assessments indicate that Al Qaeda was behind it, assessments changed.

Compared to Iraq-

Bush claims Saddam has WMD's. That is in the face of Hans Blix, El Baradai and Scott Ritter, guys who've been studying this issue for a decade, saying, "nope, we don't think he has a viable program." Those guys were largely ignored. Saddam agrees to inspections, but nope, we don't wait for the UN to finish it's job, we go ahead and invade, even though most of our major allies refuse to go along with it.

It's not just 'what you claim', it's what you do about it. Bush decided that he was going to take out Saddam, no matter what, because Saddam tried to kill his pappy.

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