GOP "loses"....Trumpism "wins".....and the DNC "smiles"


This is what the religious right has come to. A whorehouse for men.

LOL, Dennis Hof isn't a member of the religious right and neither are the majority of voters in Nye county, the fact that brothels are legal there should have given you the first clue:rolleyes:
She is too fucking stupid to realize Democrats elected Jerry fucking Springer and tried to do it again this year.
Here's a couple of examples of those "good, real Americans" who just awoke....according to the above moron.....LOL

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You do realize that the woman is a Democrat attempting to rile up Trump, right?

........Of course you don't, you are gnat.

You do realize that man is wearing a tea shirt that calls Hillary a c...t, and you get upset because someone called Ivanka a c...t. You guys are unbelievable.

We are guys to be fair, ivanka is gorgeous, Hillary is ugly and old has heck..

Without her make up and bleached hair and fake boobs, you wouldn't recognize her.

She would be tiffany

And I would still love her

I will always remember one moment, when me and my girlfriend was sharing the bathroom getting ready for work..she says to me "you know Bill if mabliene doesn't work for a girl she is hopeless"
You do realize that the woman is a Democrat attempting to rile up Trump, right?

........Of course you don't, you are gnat.

You do realize that man is wearing a tea shirt that calls Hillary a c...t, and you get upset because someone called Ivanka a c...t. You guys are unbelievable.

We are guys to be fair, ivanka is gorgeous, Hillary is ugly and old has heck..

Without her make up and bleached hair and fake boobs, you wouldn't recognize her.

She would be tiffany

And I would still love her

I will always remember one moment, when me and my girlfriend was sharing the bathroom getting ready for work..she says to me "you know Bill if mabliene doesn't work for a girl she is hopeless"

Now its fake boobs and fake eyelashes.
You do realize that man is wearing a tea shirt that calls Hillary a c...t, and you get upset because someone called Ivanka a c...t. You guys are unbelievable.

We are guys to be fair, ivanka is gorgeous, Hillary is ugly and old has heck..

Without her make up and bleached hair and fake boobs, you wouldn't recognize her.

She would be tiffany

And I would still love her

I will always remember one moment, when me and my girlfriend was sharing the bathroom getting ready for work..she says to me "you know Bill if mabliene doesn't work for a girl she is hopeless"

Now its fake boobs and fake eyelashes.
none of which actually work
You do realize that the woman is a Democrat attempting to rile up Trump, right?

........Of course you don't, you are gnat.

You do realize that man is wearing a tea shirt that calls Hillary a c...t, and you get upset because someone called Ivanka a c...t. You guys are unbelievable.

We are guys to be fair, ivanka is gorgeous, Hillary is ugly and old has heck..

Without her make up and bleached hair and fake boobs, you wouldn't recognize her.
And you know she has fake boobs and bleached hair because?

I can see the roots and dark hair when she is in the wind, and also I can see pictures.

Why are you so jealous of ivanka ? As a guy I wouldn't want her i would want tiffany..she would make me pancakes ..
You do realize that man is wearing a tea shirt that calls Hillary a c...t, and you get upset because someone called Ivanka a c...t. You guys are unbelievable.

We are guys to be fair, ivanka is gorgeous, Hillary is ugly and old has heck..

Without her make up and bleached hair and fake boobs, you wouldn't recognize her.

She would be tiffany

And I would still love her

I will always remember one moment, when me and my girlfriend was sharing the bathroom getting ready for work..she says to me "you know Bill if mabliene doesn't work for a girl she is hopeless"

Now its fake boobs and fake eyelashes.

And you dont?
All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.

South Carolinians just listened to the Left, nat.

Rep. Sanford's moral failing are well known, there is no need to rehash them here. But the South Carolina GOP really didn't think the man's standards met those of the party.

For libs to complain about Sanford's defeat, when they are the ones who brought up Sanford's morality first is pretty hypocritical.

This is what the religious right has come to. A whorehouse for men.

LOL, Dennis Hof isn't a member of the religious right and neither are the majority of voters in Nye county, the fact that brothels are legal there should have given you the first clue:rolleyes:
She is too fucking stupid to realize Democrats elected Jerry fucking Springer and tried to do it again this year.

I'm still perplexed by the level of stupidity it takes for someone to just assume that a candidate who's a legal BROTHEL OWNER running in a county where PROSTITUTION is legal in a State where GAMBLING and MARIJUANA are legal is a member of the religious right.

...and when exactly did the Dingbats-D start having problems with legalized prostitution? I guess it's only a problem for 'em when you stick an "-R" behind it.
All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.

South Carolinians just listened to the Left, nat.

Rep. Sanford's moral failing are well known, there is no need to rehash them here. But the South Carolina GOP really didn't think the man's standards met those of the party.

For libs to complain about Sanford's defeat, when they are the ones who brought up Sanford's morality first is pretty hypocritical.

Bullshit we couldn't stand that guy, he was a huge asshole
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.

Reality is going to hit you stupid bastards like a freight train.
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.
So if Republicans that criticize Trump are losing what do you think is going to happen to Democrats who pretty much do that shit 24/7 ?
We are guys to be fair, ivanka is gorgeous, Hillary is ugly and old has heck..

Without her make up and bleached hair and fake boobs, you wouldn't recognize her.

She would be tiffany

And I would still love her

I will always remember one moment, when me and my girlfriend was sharing the bathroom getting ready for work..she says to me "you know Bill if mabliene doesn't work for a girl she is hopeless"

Now its fake boobs and fake eyelashes.

And you dont?

No can't stand any make up on my eyes, no make up.
You do realize that man is wearing a tea shirt that calls Hillary a c...t, and you get upset because someone called Ivanka a c...t. You guys are unbelievable.

We are guys to be fair, ivanka is gorgeous, Hillary is ugly and old has heck..

Without her make up and bleached hair and fake boobs, you wouldn't recognize her.
And you know she has fake boobs and bleached hair because?

I can see the roots and dark hair when she is in the wind, and also I can see pictures.

Why are you so jealous of ivanka ? As a guy I wouldn't want her i would want tiffany..she would make me pancakes ..

Whatever you like, I am not jealous of either. I like my life just fine. I know I worked for everything I have and my husband as well.
Without her make up and bleached hair and fake boobs, you wouldn't recognize her.

She would be tiffany

And I would still love her

I will always remember one moment, when me and my girlfriend was sharing the bathroom getting ready for work..she says to me "you know Bill if mabliene doesn't work for a girl she is hopeless"

Now its fake boobs and fake eyelashes.

And you dont?

No can't stand any make up on my eyes, no make up.

You know what , I won't even pick on you, that's a personal decision, you have a great personally. Even though your liberal..

Any one that can argue with me..i like.
We are guys to be fair, ivanka is gorgeous, Hillary is ugly and old has heck..

Without her make up and bleached hair and fake boobs, you wouldn't recognize her.
And you know she has fake boobs and bleached hair because?

I can see the roots and dark hair when she is in the wind, and also I can see pictures.

Why are you so jealous of ivanka ? As a guy I wouldn't want her i would want tiffany..she would make me pancakes ..

Whatever you like, I am not jealous of either. I like my life just fine. I know I worked for everything I have and my husband as well.

This is getting to personal... I wish you guys 50 more years of happiness... with that being said let's get back to the subject..
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.
The Republican approval rating for Trump is something like 89%. I don't know what makes you think only the Trumpettes will be voting Republican. This only gets flipped around if the Dems put forward good candidates, which I hope they have.

I don't see moving any Republicans over. However independents and those who just plain didn't vote because they didn't like either candidate, combined with a more active millennial generation could spell trouble for the GOP who has done all they could to ensure they keep the far right happy (and they still aren't happy).

Combine the above with historic (at times) enthusiasm gaps between the GOP and Democrats, could be a good year. I do think the Democrats need an actual message to stand on, but that's an issue with both parties have when they are out of power.

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