GOP "loses"....Trumpism "wins".....and the DNC "smiles"

not true. they do become more conservative

they get jobs,
pay taxes,
questioning where their money is going,
what programs are working,
have families
want to protect children
they grow up and get life experience (aka wisdom)
and they find out the pie in the sky leftist crap is just that crap

its why (in general) married women = republican
single women = democrat

Well, not really. As I stated before it's not true we become more conservative as we age. Read this:

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Now, younger adults are usually more liberal than their older counterparts because the country as a whole is trending liberal so it's natural that each progressive generation will be in fact more liberal than the one before it. Actually according to the link people become more liberal not less. Doesn't mean they become liberals, just that they aren't as conservative as they are in their youth.

Your example of married women is actually misleading. Married women by in large are older than single women so sure, they vote Republican (at least the white ones), but if we stay on the course we are now that's going to change.

If I were you guys, I'd embrace your RINOs and thank them for not becoming Democrats outright, it's the only way conservatism is going to survive is to adapt to the country and reality we live in today instead of holding on to ancient tribal grievances.

Yup, that’s the same stupid lie you guys told us in 2008.

Where is the lie? Prove it.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

yeah it's just propaganda....I bet the lefties on this board didn't know that conservatives are traditionally strong military but also anti war....I bet they don't know much about a great many of things.

Explains that whole Iraq war thing, thanks for summing that up.
Well, not really. As I stated before it's not true we become more conservative as we age. Read this:

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Now, younger adults are usually more liberal than their older counterparts because the country as a whole is trending liberal so it's natural that each progressive generation will be in fact more liberal than the one before it. Actually according to the link people become more liberal not less. Doesn't mean they become liberals, just that they aren't as conservative as they are in their youth.

Your example of married women is actually misleading. Married women by in large are older than single women so sure, they vote Republican (at least the white ones), but if we stay on the course we are now that's going to change.

If I were you guys, I'd embrace your RINOs and thank them for not becoming Democrats outright, it's the only way conservatism is going to survive is to adapt to the country and reality we live in today instead of holding on to ancient tribal grievances.

Yup, that’s the same stupid lie you guys told us in 2008.

Where is the lie? Prove it.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

yeah it's just propaganda....I bet the lefties on this board didn't know that conservatives are traditionally strong military but also anti war....I bet they don't know much about a great many of things.

Explains that whole Iraq war thing, thanks for summing that up.
OMG, you really dont' listen...are you guys like 5?

So have you read about Robert Taft? He was Mr Conservative and Pro Civil Righs and opposed to WW2.........who knew.....learn some history.
Yup, that’s the same stupid lie you guys told us in 2008.

Where is the lie? Prove it.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

yeah it's just propaganda....I bet the lefties on this board didn't know that conservatives are traditionally strong military but also anti war....I bet they don't know much about a great many of things.

Explains that whole Iraq war thing, thanks for summing that up.
OMG, you really dont' listen...are you guys like 5?

So have you read about Robert Taft? He was Mr Conservative and Pro Civil Righs and opposed to WW2.........who knew.....learn some history.

So, a conservative Republican was against going into WWII and that means we get to forget about the GOPs last Republican administration? Or that John McCain and Lindsey Graham have constantly beat the war drum the past 20 years? Or neo-conservatives who have been pushing us to war since the original golf war?

Ok, buddy, whatever you say.
Where is the lie? Prove it.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

yeah it's just propaganda....I bet the lefties on this board didn't know that conservatives are traditionally strong military but also anti war....I bet they don't know much about a great many of things.

Explains that whole Iraq war thing, thanks for summing that up.
OMG, you really dont' listen...are you guys like 5?

So have you read about Robert Taft? He was Mr Conservative and Pro Civil Righs and opposed to WW2.........who knew.....learn some history.

So, a conservative Republican was against going into WWII and that means we get to forget about the GOPs last Republican administration? Or that John McCain and Lindsey Graham have constantly beat the war drum the past 20 years? Or neo-conservatives who have been pushing us to war since the original golf war?

Ok, buddy, whatever you say.

OMG, you cant read. Republicans have traditionally been the tarrif and pro peace....only since Vietnam has it been different. But the democrats have always love to start wars, from Truman to Obama.

That's why it's so funny when you guys talk about don't have any perspective or historical idea of how things work.
Trump won because voters could never coalesce around a candidate other than Trump. Because of this he was able to take advantage of the winner take all rules of the Republican Party.
Trump won because the American people are wise to the games that Democrats play. No longer a party connected to the AMERICAN people that have become globalists, as much or more working for all the world's people (ex. Mexican illegal aliens). As Obama himself said >> "I am a citizen of the world"

That's not what the American people want in a POTUS. They want him to be THEIR president, not one who is looking out for the whole world. They are tired of china swiping all our businesses, and jobs. Tired of Mexico doing the same, and invading us with millions of their parasites.

Tired of Obama's race hustling, causing riots allover the country, and his jihadism that got 13 US soldiers killed in Fort Hood, TX, and his collusion with a Baghdadi (ISIS).. Tired of Obama's mishandling of the Economy and his 2016 tumbling down GDP, that thankfully has been brought back up by Trump.

Democrats have spin out all the excuses they want, maybe it makes them feel better, but they aren't changing the American people's perspective one iota. Most AMERICANS voted for Trump in 2016, and they will again in 2020, as the Democratic Party is lost in the woods, and is in disarray.

More than anything, here's what got Trump elected >>

Trump speech about when Mexico sends their people - Bing video

More alt-right idiocy. Trump won because Republicans could not coalesce behind a single anti-Trump candidate. Trump only got around 43% of the primary vote. Trump again got lucky because he ran against the weakest candidate Democrats have had. Even with that, he narrowly won. Had he run up against Biden it would have been a massive Trump defeat.

The only parasite I see is a racist pig like you. Americans oppose Trump's policies on immigration. They oppose his policies on international trade.

Donald Trump is dividing us so much that Obama likes like a uniter. Trump refuses to condemn racists even when they kill as in Charlottesville. Obama was a naïve person which is why I never voted for him but he was not a Islamist. Michael Flynn was working for Turkey's Islamist President but that doesn't seem to bother you. Manafort was working for Russia. The unemployment rate went down from 9.5% to 4.8% under Obama. The GDP is not that much better under Trump.

The latest Fox poll shows Democrats have a 9 point lead. The biggest reason for that is checking Republicans in Congress and the White House. Clinton got more votes than Trump did. That is undeniable.

Trump's win had nothing to do with any issue. It was that he was the least bad candidate. Americans did not support a wall and favor DACA.

wait wait wait

so much bullshit in this post

First the alt right is another epithet you guys use with no meaning.
Second Trump won the nomination, if they were all anti Trump, you'd think he wouldn't have won??? the establishment hate him, the voters did not (I voted for Cruz in the primary, now I'm seen as a Trump ass kisser, which I'll gladly accept)
Third Hilary Clinton was the most qualified person ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! according to you guys and the great Obama.....

Trump does not divide......the left does...they protest, and disrupt everything including the NFL, Hollywood, News, BLM, ect
Trump did condemn people at charlotesville...he just said the BLM/Antifa people are just as bad...and he's right, one is pro white, the other anti white......

How was Obama naïve? He was the President was he not? You're telling me he got suckered????
So you think Russia helped Trump, how?

As for the economy, it's much better, people are getting good jobs and we'll see on the GDP.....if he breaks 3% (annually), that's more than Obama ever did.

As for the polls? Do you still believe in that shit? you realize polls don't mean much

You are the bullshit artist.

The alt-right is alive and well. It very much has a meaning as we saw in Charlottesville when a woman was killed by the alt-right.
Trump won with around 44% of the primary vote which was less than Romney or Bush. Trump clearly bought off the RNC. That was proven at the convention. I have not sold out my principles like you have and Cruz has for that matter.
According to me guys both were crooked and unsupportable except that I had the guts to stick to my principles like about 25% of the people in Utah.

Trump does divide. He turns the anthem and flag into a political weapon and cheapens it. He provides faker news and then accuses others of doing it. He refuses to issue a strong condemnation of David Duke. The trouble with Charlottesville was that the counter-protestors were not BLM or Antifa. Nor did they kill anyone. The image of Kelly with his face buried in his hands should show how that went.

Obama thought he could do a reset with the Russians. They took advantage of that. Obama withdrew prematurely from Iraq because of that naivete. He got suckered. For him to place sanctions on Russia, as weak as they were, was a huge statement. Russia hacked DNC servers and used WikiLeaks to distribute them. They mixed in false information with real information. They bought pro-Trump ads in various swing states.

The economy has been getting better even under Obama. That momentum is what is driving the economy today. Neither Trump nor Obama are responsible for it. Even if it tops 3% that is not a huge leap.

Amazing how Trump and his supporters like polls when they like the results. The Fox poll is especially interesting because it is done by state run media.
Trump won because voters could never coalesce around a candidate other than Trump. Because of this he was able to take advantage of the winner take all rules of the Republican Party.
Trump won because the American people are wise to the games that Democrats play. No longer a party connected to the AMERICAN people that have become globalists, as much or more working for all the world's people (ex. Mexican illegal aliens). As Obama himself said >> "I am a citizen of the world"

That's not what the American people want in a POTUS. They want him to be THEIR president, not one who is looking out for the whole world. They are tired of china swiping all our businesses, and jobs. Tired of Mexico doing the same, and invading us with millions of their parasites.

Tired of Obama's race hustling, causing riots allover the country, and his jihadism that got 13 US soldiers killed in Fort Hood, TX, and his collusion with a Baghdadi (ISIS).. Tired of Obama's mishandling of the Economy and his 2016 tumbling down GDP, that thankfully has been brought back up by Trump.

Democrats have spin out all the excuses they want, maybe it makes them feel better, but they aren't changing the American people's perspective one iota. Most AMERICANS voted for Trump in 2016, and they will again in 2020, as the Democratic Party is lost in the woods, and is in disarray.

More than anything, here's what got Trump elected >>

Trump speech about when Mexico sends their people - Bing video

More alt-right idiocy. Trump won because Republicans could not coalesce behind a single anti-Trump candidate. Trump only got around 43% of the primary vote. Trump again got lucky because he ran against the weakest candidate Democrats have had. Even with that, he narrowly won. Had he run up against Biden it would have been a massive Trump defeat.

The only parasite I see is a racist pig like you. Americans oppose Trump's policies on immigration. They oppose his policies on international trade.

Donald Trump is dividing us so much that Obama likes like a uniter. Trump refuses to condemn racists even when they kill as in Charlottesville. Obama was a naïve person which is why I never voted for him but he was not a Islamist. Michael Flynn was working for Turkey's Islamist President but that doesn't seem to bother you. Manafort was working for Russia. The unemployment rate went down from 9.5% to 4.8% under Obama. The GDP is not that much better under Trump.

The latest Fox poll shows Democrats have a 9 point lead. The biggest reason for that is checking Republicans in Congress and the White House. Clinton got more votes than Trump did. That is undeniable.

Trump's win had nothing to do with any issue. It was that he was the least bad candidate. Americans did not support a wall and favor DACA.

wait wait wait

so much bullshit in this post

First the alt right is another epithet you guys use with no meaning.
Second Trump won the nomination, if they were all anti Trump, you'd think he wouldn't have won??? the establishment hate him, the voters did not (I voted for Cruz in the primary, now I'm seen as a Trump ass kisser, which I'll gladly accept)
Third Hilary Clinton was the most qualified person ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! according to you guys and the great Obama.....

Trump does not divide......the left does...they protest, and disrupt everything including the NFL, Hollywood, News, BLM, ect
Trump did condemn people at charlotesville...he just said the BLM/Antifa people are just as bad...and he's right, one is pro white, the other anti white......

How was Obama naïve? He was the President was he not? You're telling me he got suckered????
So you think Russia helped Trump, how?

As for the economy, it's much better, people are getting good jobs and we'll see on the GDP.....if he breaks 3% (annually), that's more than Obama ever did.

As for the polls? Do you still believe in that shit? you realize polls don't mean much

You are the bullshit artist.

The alt-right is alive and well. It very much has a meaning as we saw in Charlottesville when a woman was killed by the alt-right.
Trump won with around 44% of the primary vote which was less than Romney or Bush. Trump clearly bought off the RNC. That was proven at the convention. I have not sold out my principles like you have and Cruz has for that matter.
According to me guys both were crooked and unsupportable except that I had the guts to stick to my principles like about 25% of the people in Utah.

Trump does divide. He turns the anthem and flag into a political weapon and cheapens it. He provides faker news and then accuses others of doing it. He refuses to issue a strong condemnation of David Duke. The trouble with Charlottesville was that the counter-protestors were not BLM or Antifa. Nor did they kill anyone. The image of Kelly with his face buried in his hands should show how that went.

Obama thought he could do a reset with the Russians. They took advantage of that. Obama withdrew prematurely from Iraq because of that naivete. He got suckered. For him to place sanctions on Russia, as weak as they were, was a huge statement. Russia hacked DNC servers and used WikiLeaks to distribute them. They mixed in false information with real information. They bought pro-Trump ads in various swing states.

The economy has been getting better even under Obama. That momentum is what is driving the economy today. Neither Trump nor Obama are responsible for it. Even if it tops 3% that is not a huge leap.

Amazing how Trump and his supporters like polls when they like the results. The Fox poll is especially interesting because it is done by state run media.

bullshit, the racists are horrible but so are BLM/antifa. they protest at rallies all the time, they block roads, try and prevent people from speaking, they doo all kinds of reprehensible stuff. We do condemn our dumbfucks, you guys never condemn yours.
he didn't turn the anthem into a political weapon, the people that kneel do.....they knew full well what would happen....that's why they did it.....they did it to divide people......they could easily talk about their issues and not do that....but they did.

And he did condem david duke, a million times, even left the reform party because duke joined it........learn will help you out.

and stop with Russia, it's a joke, nothing happened. you guys loved wikileaks when they were reporting on Bush.....but keep nominating Clintons and making excuses for losses, im ok with that.
Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

yeah it's just propaganda....I bet the lefties on this board didn't know that conservatives are traditionally strong military but also anti war....I bet they don't know much about a great many of things.

Explains that whole Iraq war thing, thanks for summing that up.
OMG, you really dont' listen...are you guys like 5?

So have you read about Robert Taft? He was Mr Conservative and Pro Civil Righs and opposed to WW2.........who knew.....learn some history.

So, a conservative Republican was against going into WWII and that means we get to forget about the GOPs last Republican administration? Or that John McCain and Lindsey Graham have constantly beat the war drum the past 20 years? Or neo-conservatives who have been pushing us to war since the original golf war?

Ok, buddy, whatever you say.

OMG, you cant read. Republicans have traditionally been the tarrif and pro peace....only since Vietnam has it been different. But the democrats have always love to start wars, from Truman to Obama.

Why are you hiding behind the ghosts of Republicans past to defend the ones still breathing? It's irrelevant in 2018 when talking about how Republicans act today, their current constituency which contains a hodgepodge of racists, anti-government loons, conspiracy theorists, alt-right, incels and some I assume are old school conservatives.

We're talking about what Republicans stand for today that is anathema to younger generations as the most conservative generation is dying off. Taft? Fuck Taft, nobody is a Republican today because of Robert Fucking Taft.

That's why it's so funny when you guys talk about don't have any perspective or historical idea of how things work.

I have the perspective that the Iraq war that Republicans overwhelmingly supported and Democrats who mostly did not vote for or at the very least are able to express regret for their votes has really lead us down a very, very bad road. We're still dealing with the effects of it. That you want to trot out some dead pacifist who didn't want to get us into WWII is simply not important. Where is the 'Taft contingent' today? Rand Paul?
Well, not really. As I stated before it's not true we become more conservative as we age. Read this:

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Now, younger adults are usually more liberal than their older counterparts because the country as a whole is trending liberal so it's natural that each progressive generation will be in fact more liberal than the one before it. Actually according to the link people become more liberal not less. Doesn't mean they become liberals, just that they aren't as conservative as they are in their youth.

Your example of married women is actually misleading. Married women by in large are older than single women so sure, they vote Republican (at least the white ones), but if we stay on the course we are now that's going to change.

If I were you guys, I'd embrace your RINOs and thank them for not becoming Democrats outright, it's the only way conservatism is going to survive is to adapt to the country and reality we live in today instead of holding on to ancient tribal grievances.

Yup, that’s the same stupid lie you guys told us in 2008.

Where is the lie? Prove it.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

yeah it's just propaganda....I bet the lefties on this board didn't know that conservatives are traditionally strong military but also anti war....I bet they don't know much about a great many of things.

Explains that whole Iraq war thing, thanks for summing that up.
No Iraq broke UN resolutions 17 times with a brutal dictator that gassed his own people.......he was every bit as vicious as kim....Hussein gone is a good thing.......
Quaddfi worked with us unlike Hussien and Obama/Clinton had him killed........
yeah it's just propaganda....I bet the lefties on this board didn't know that conservatives are traditionally strong military but also anti war....I bet they don't know much about a great many of things.

Explains that whole Iraq war thing, thanks for summing that up.
OMG, you really dont' listen...are you guys like 5?

So have you read about Robert Taft? He was Mr Conservative and Pro Civil Righs and opposed to WW2.........who knew.....learn some history.

So, a conservative Republican was against going into WWII and that means we get to forget about the GOPs last Republican administration? Or that John McCain and Lindsey Graham have constantly beat the war drum the past 20 years? Or neo-conservatives who have been pushing us to war since the original golf war?

Ok, buddy, whatever you say.

OMG, you cant read. Republicans have traditionally been the tarrif and pro peace....only since Vietnam has it been different. But the democrats have always love to start wars, from Truman to Obama.

Why are you hiding behind the ghosts of Republicans past to defend the ones still breathing? It's irrelevant in 2018 when talking about how Republicans act today, their current constituency which contains a hodgepodge of racists, anti-government loons, conspiracy theorists, alt-right, incels and some I assume are old school conservatives.

We're talking about what Republicans stand for today that is anathema to younger generations as the most conservative generation is dying off. Taft? Fuck Taft, nobody is a Republican today because of Robert Fucking Taft.

That's why it's so funny when you guys talk about don't have any perspective or historical idea of how things work.

I have the perspective that the Iraq war that Republicans overwhelmingly supported and Democrats who mostly did not vote for or at the very least are able to express regret for their votes has really lead us down a very, very bad road. We're still dealing with the effects of it. That you want to trot out some dead pacifist who didn't want to get us into WWII is simply not important. Where is the 'Taft contingent' today? Rand Paul?

I wasn't dumbfuck, I was pointing out how ignorant you are. you guys don't have original thoughts, you don't research anything, you just gobble up talking didn't know that republicans at one time were anti trump being anti war is not new........but it is to people like you.
Yup, that’s the same stupid lie you guys told us in 2008.

Where is the lie? Prove it.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

yeah it's just propaganda....I bet the lefties on this board didn't know that conservatives are traditionally strong military but also anti war....I bet they don't know much about a great many of things.

Explains that whole Iraq war thing, thanks for summing that up.
No Iraq broke UN resolutions 17 times with a brutal dictator that gassed his own people.......he was every bit as vicious as kim....Hussein gone is a good thing.......

Are you god damned kidding me? You just told me what a bunch of peaceniks Republicans are becasue one of them didn't want to go to war with Hitler.

Iraq as of the start of the war was following UN resolutions and were complying until we were the ones who pulled the inspectors out.

Quaddfi worked with us unlike Hussien and Obama/Clinton had him killed........

Republicans have been all over the map on Libya, mostly depending on what Obama does. On this board your fellow Republicans constantly talk about turning Iran or even during the rocketman tirade North Korea into glass. Most likely we'll hear this come up again.

You have John Bolton as Trump's NSA, Mr. Neo-conservative himself.

Christ, way off topic from how millenials are very liberal and the conservative Silent generation is dying off, but OK.
Explains that whole Iraq war thing, thanks for summing that up.
OMG, you really dont' listen...are you guys like 5?

So have you read about Robert Taft? He was Mr Conservative and Pro Civil Righs and opposed to WW2.........who knew.....learn some history.

So, a conservative Republican was against going into WWII and that means we get to forget about the GOPs last Republican administration? Or that John McCain and Lindsey Graham have constantly beat the war drum the past 20 years? Or neo-conservatives who have been pushing us to war since the original golf war?

Ok, buddy, whatever you say.

OMG, you cant read. Republicans have traditionally been the tarrif and pro peace....only since Vietnam has it been different. But the democrats have always love to start wars, from Truman to Obama.

Why are you hiding behind the ghosts of Republicans past to defend the ones still breathing? It's irrelevant in 2018 when talking about how Republicans act today, their current constituency which contains a hodgepodge of racists, anti-government loons, conspiracy theorists, alt-right, incels and some I assume are old school conservatives.

We're talking about what Republicans stand for today that is anathema to younger generations as the most conservative generation is dying off. Taft? Fuck Taft, nobody is a Republican today because of Robert Fucking Taft.

That's why it's so funny when you guys talk about don't have any perspective or historical idea of how things work.

I have the perspective that the Iraq war that Republicans overwhelmingly supported and Democrats who mostly did not vote for or at the very least are able to express regret for their votes has really lead us down a very, very bad road. We're still dealing with the effects of it. That you want to trot out some dead pacifist who didn't want to get us into WWII is simply not important. Where is the 'Taft contingent' today? Rand Paul?

I wasn't dumbfuck, I was pointing out how ignorant you are. you guys don't have original thoughts, you don't research anything, you just gobble up talking didn't know that republicans at one time were anti trump being anti war is not new........but it is to people like you.

Actually all you did was change the subject, what Robert Taft was up to back in 1938 is irrelevant.
Where is the lie? Prove it.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

yeah it's just propaganda....I bet the lefties on this board didn't know that conservatives are traditionally strong military but also anti war....I bet they don't know much about a great many of things.

Explains that whole Iraq war thing, thanks for summing that up.
No Iraq broke UN resolutions 17 times with a brutal dictator that gassed his own people.......he was every bit as vicious as kim....Hussein gone is a good thing.......

Are you god damned kidding me? You just told me what a bunch of peaceniks Republicans are becasue one of them didn't want to go to war with Hitler.

Iraq as of the start of the war was following UN resolutions and were complying until we were the ones who pulled the inspectors out.

Quaddfi worked with us unlike Hussien and Obama/Clinton had him killed........

Republicans have been all over the map on Libya, mostly depending on what Obama does. On this board your fellow Republicans constantly talk about turning Iran or even during the rocketman tirade North Korea into glass. Most likely we'll hear this come up again.

You have John Bolton as Trump's NSA, Mr. Neo-conservative himself.

Christ, way off topic from how millenials are very liberal and the conservative Silent generation is dying off, but OK.

No they were not complying....sorry you are wrong about that.
OMG you are a typical my statement I didn't even talk about Iraq you was about how people like you don't even know how politics evolve because you don't bother to research anything.....
you are so stuck in attack are really nuts.

and no, republicans we not for the attack on Libya, EXCEPT the neo cons who hate Trump...ironic you have to point to Bill Kristol....who did not support Trump......
Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

yeah it's just propaganda....I bet the lefties on this board didn't know that conservatives are traditionally strong military but also anti war....I bet they don't know much about a great many of things.

Explains that whole Iraq war thing, thanks for summing that up.
No Iraq broke UN resolutions 17 times with a brutal dictator that gassed his own people.......he was every bit as vicious as kim....Hussein gone is a good thing.......

Are you god damned kidding me? You just told me what a bunch of peaceniks Republicans are becasue one of them didn't want to go to war with Hitler.

Iraq as of the start of the war was following UN resolutions and were complying until we were the ones who pulled the inspectors out.

Quaddfi worked with us unlike Hussien and Obama/Clinton had him killed........

Republicans have been all over the map on Libya, mostly depending on what Obama does. On this board your fellow Republicans constantly talk about turning Iran or even during the rocketman tirade North Korea into glass. Most likely we'll hear this come up again.

You have John Bolton as Trump's NSA, Mr. Neo-conservative himself.

Christ, way off topic from how millenials are very liberal and the conservative Silent generation is dying off, but OK.

No they were not complying....sorry you are wrong about that.

The process of complying was happening. Inspectors were allowed into the country, no WMD were found, no nukes even though our own administration floated a bullshit story about Nigerian yellow cake.

Just the same, even if Iraq wasn't totally not complying, worth going to war over? I mean, if Hitler invading Europe isn't enough reason for a Republican like you then why would a lousy UN resolution justify war? How you prioritize the two just doesn't make sense.

OMG you are a typical my statement I didn't even talk about Iraq you was about how people like you don't even know how politics evolve because you don't bother to research anything.....
you are so stuck in attack are really nuts.

No, I brought up Iraq because you said Republicans are anti-war, duh.

and no, republicans we not for the attack on Libya, EXCEPT the neo cons who hate Trump...ironic you have to point to Bill Kristol....who did not support Trump......

Do neo-cons hate Trump? I mean, Trump hired the biggest one. Then of course you have the war mongers on this board who were practically begging for a war with North Korea, Iran or both. There is just no consistency in your argument.
yeah it's just propaganda....I bet the lefties on this board didn't know that conservatives are traditionally strong military but also anti war....I bet they don't know much about a great many of things.

Explains that whole Iraq war thing, thanks for summing that up.
No Iraq broke UN resolutions 17 times with a brutal dictator that gassed his own people.......he was every bit as vicious as kim....Hussein gone is a good thing.......

Are you god damned kidding me? You just told me what a bunch of peaceniks Republicans are becasue one of them didn't want to go to war with Hitler.

Iraq as of the start of the war was following UN resolutions and were complying until we were the ones who pulled the inspectors out.

Quaddfi worked with us unlike Hussien and Obama/Clinton had him killed........

Republicans have been all over the map on Libya, mostly depending on what Obama does. On this board your fellow Republicans constantly talk about turning Iran or even during the rocketman tirade North Korea into glass. Most likely we'll hear this come up again.

You have John Bolton as Trump's NSA, Mr. Neo-conservative himself.

Christ, way off topic from how millenials are very liberal and the conservative Silent generation is dying off, but OK.

No they were not complying....sorry you are wrong about that.

The process of complying was happening. Inspectors were allowed into the country, no WMD were found, no nukes even though our own administration floated a bullshit story about Nigerian yellow cake.

Just the same, even if Iraq wasn't totally not complying, worth going to war over? I mean, if Hitler invading Europe isn't enough reason for a Republican like you then why would a lousy UN resolution justify war? How you prioritize the two just doesn't make sense.

OMG you are a typical my statement I didn't even talk about Iraq you was about how people like you don't even know how politics evolve because you don't bother to research anything.....
you are so stuck in attack are really nuts.

No, I brought up Iraq because you said Republicans are anti-war, duh.

and no, republicans we not for the attack on Libya, EXCEPT the neo cons who hate Trump...ironic you have to point to Bill Kristol....who did not support Trump......

Do neo-cons hate Trump? I mean, Trump hired the biggest one. Then of course you have the war mongers on this board who were practically begging for a war with North Korea, Iran or both. There is just no consistency in your argument.

nope I said they have been, Trump positions himself in that vane.

and yes neo cons do hate don't remember the 100+ signatures opposing trump during the 16 election? I mean do you actually listen outside of your small bubble?

And who is beggin for war with n korea or iran?

the left wants us to attack Russia and north korea.......I mean it's crazy.

Here is an article

Why neocons really hate Trump: He’s hastening the decline of Amer...

Of all President Trump's critics on the right, neoconservatives have proven to be the most consistent over the past two years. Unlike most Republicans, who quickly fell in line once Trump was elected president, prominent neocons like Bill Kristol, David Frum, Max Boot and Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain — to name just a few — have remained vocal in their opposition to the Republican president since he was elected in 2016.
Yup, that’s the same stupid lie you guys told us in 2008.

Where is the lie? Prove it.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

I never said that. Nor did I ever believe that. I also don't think the GOP is going to die off now either, they are going to adapt, eventually moving closer to the center as the country as a whole moves leftward.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

Nope, you're just not listening.

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

I never said it.

It doesn’t matter that you didn’t say it you fucking idiot. It was said over and over and you know it liar.

Then don't bring it up to me,

You aren’t too bright are you son?
Fascist regimes are noted for terrorizing people. That is what Trump is doing. Locking up children. Using the flag and anthem as a political weapon to force compliance. Trump is following the path Hitler went.
You sound hysterical and ridiculous. Trump is making America great again. Fixed the economy already. Getting rid of illegal aliens. ifanyone doesn't want to be treated bdly, thendo;t come ere illegally.

And Trump isn't using the flag and anthem. The kneeler goofballs are dong that.
Explains that whole Iraq war thing, thanks for summing that up.
No Iraq broke UN resolutions 17 times with a brutal dictator that gassed his own people.......he was every bit as vicious as kim....Hussein gone is a good thing.......

Are you god damned kidding me? You just told me what a bunch of peaceniks Republicans are becasue one of them didn't want to go to war with Hitler.

Iraq as of the start of the war was following UN resolutions and were complying until we were the ones who pulled the inspectors out.

Quaddfi worked with us unlike Hussien and Obama/Clinton had him killed........

Republicans have been all over the map on Libya, mostly depending on what Obama does. On this board your fellow Republicans constantly talk about turning Iran or even during the rocketman tirade North Korea into glass. Most likely we'll hear this come up again.

You have John Bolton as Trump's NSA, Mr. Neo-conservative himself.

Christ, way off topic from how millenials are very liberal and the conservative Silent generation is dying off, but OK.

No they were not complying....sorry you are wrong about that.

The process of complying was happening. Inspectors were allowed into the country, no WMD were found, no nukes even though our own administration floated a bullshit story about Nigerian yellow cake.

Just the same, even if Iraq wasn't totally not complying, worth going to war over? I mean, if Hitler invading Europe isn't enough reason for a Republican like you then why would a lousy UN resolution justify war? How you prioritize the two just doesn't make sense.

OMG you are a typical my statement I didn't even talk about Iraq you was about how people like you don't even know how politics evolve because you don't bother to research anything.....
you are so stuck in attack are really nuts.

No, I brought up Iraq because you said Republicans are anti-war, duh.

and no, republicans we not for the attack on Libya, EXCEPT the neo cons who hate Trump...ironic you have to point to Bill Kristol....who did not support Trump......

Do neo-cons hate Trump? I mean, Trump hired the biggest one. Then of course you have the war mongers on this board who were practically begging for a war with North Korea, Iran or both. There is just no consistency in your argument.

nope I said they have been, Trump positions himself in that vane.

and yes neo cons do hate don't remember the 100+ signatures opposing trump during the 16 election? I mean do you actually listen outside of your small bubble?

They also hated that Iran deal and like I said, neo cons are ending up in the Trump administration.

And who is beggin for war with n korea or iran?

the left wants us to attack Russia and north korea.......I mean it's crazy.

Who on the left is advocating for war with either? None of them are, however Bolton did advocate for regime change in North do you go about getting that? Also, can't forget about the threats Trump and Kim were throwing at each other and then of course the wingnuts here who swear they aren't neo-cons watering their mouths over going to war with Iran or until recently North Korea.

That is so 2015/2016, catch up.

Are the Neocons Finally with Trump?

Donald Trump finds himself in perhaps his most peculiar company yet as president: among the neocons. His decision to decline to certify Iran’s compliance with the 2015 nuclear agreement is earning him plaudits from some of his most bitter critics. A case in point is Bill Kristol, editor-at-large of The Weekly Standard, who Trump once personally singled out on the campaign trail for castigation. And the plan laid out by the president on Friday was near lockstep with what neocon columnist Eli Lake had been advocating for weeks. Indeed, Trump’s Friday address to the nation—replete with phrases like “rogue regime” and accusations like “there are also many people who believe that Iran is dealing with North Korea”—did seem like a green light to party like it’s 2003.

But the picture is likely more complex. For one, many of the would-be neocons are either shying from the classification or think Trump is still sort of bluffing. “In language, yes,” Trump is now a neocon, says Tom Rogan of the Washington Examiner. “But the practice of power is realist. Balance in the Middle East, pushing China to push North Korea for a deal, and pressuring Israel towards a Palestinian peace deal.” The Washington Examiner is optimistic about Trump’s move, with its editorial board hailing the president’s “realist” maneuver against Tehran. Stephen Walt, the realist scholar at Harvard, says Trump’s move on Iran “is being applauded by neoconservative hawks who still want either war or regime change or both, but he has yet to embrace their full agenda or brought them into the inner circle.”

Trump is liked as well as disliked among neocons. Probably because Trump's agenda is about Trump and not about any specific foreign policy dictum. Sometimes he takes war mongering to it's rhetorical limits and sometimes he subsides with the only interest of how it makes Trump look. As with the public at large, some neocons buy it and some don't.

Here is another good read about how Trump's foreign policy is being taken over by neocons:
Have Neocons Hijacked Trump’s Foreign Policy?

Of all President Trump's critics on the right, neoconservatives have proven to be the most consistent over the past two years. Unlike most Republicans, who quickly fell in line once Trump was elected president, prominent neocons like Bill Kristol, David Frum, Max Boot and Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain — to name just a few — have remained vocal in their opposition to the Republican president since he was elected in 2016.

Have they? I'd say the Democrats are the most consistent critics of the president. You have Lindsey Graham who can't decide whether to be critical or marry Trump and with John McCain it's just personal at this point.

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