GOP "loses"....Trumpism "wins".....and the DNC "smiles"

Trump won because voters could never coalesce around a candidate other than Trump. Because of this he was able to take advantage of the winner take all rules of the Republican Party.
Trump won because the American people are wise to the games that Democrats play. No longer a party connected to the AMERICAN people that have become globalists, as much or more working for all the world's people (ex. Mexican illegal aliens). As Obama himself said >> "I am a citizen of the world"

That's not what the American people want in a POTUS. They want him to be THEIR president, not one who is looking out for the whole world. They are tired of china swiping all our businesses, and jobs. Tired of Mexico doing the same, and invading us with millions of their parasites.

Tired of Obama's race hustling, causing riots allover the country, and his jihadism that got 13 US soldiers killed in Fort Hood, TX, and his collusion with a Baghdadi (ISIS).. Tired of Obama's mishandling of the Economy and his 2016 tumbling down GDP, that thankfully has been brought back up by Trump.

Democrats have spin out all the excuses they want, maybe it makes them feel better, but they aren't changing the American people's perspective one iota. Most AMERICANS voted for Trump in 2016, and they will again in 2020, as the Democratic Party is lost in the woods, and is in disarray.

More than anything, here's what got Trump elected >>

Trump speech about when Mexico sends their people - Bing video

I know its too bad that all Rep Potus's made the trade deals. Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr, and Bush Jr.
Trump won because voters could never coalesce around a candidate other than Trump. Because of this he was able to take advantage of the winner take all rules of the Republican Party.
Trump won because the American people are wise to the games that Democrats play. No longer a party connected to the AMERICAN people that have become globalists, as much or more working for all the world's people (ex. Mexican illegal aliens). As Obama himself said >> "I am a citizen of the world"

That's not what the American people want in a POTUS. They want him to be THEIR president, not one who is looking out for the whole world. They are tired of china swiping all our businesses, and jobs. Tired of Mexico doing the same, and invading us with millions of their parasites.

Tired of Obama's race hustling, causing riots allover the country, and his jihadism that got 13 US soldiers killed in Fort Hood, TX, and his collusion with a Baghdadi (ISIS).. Tired of Obama's mishandling of the Economy and his 2016 tumbling down GDP, that thankfully has been brought back up by Trump.

Democrats have spin out all the excuses they want, maybe it makes them feel better, but they aren't changing the American people's perspective one iota. Most AMERICANS voted for Trump in 2016, and they will again in 2020, as the Democratic Party is lost in the woods, and is in disarray.

More than anything, here's what got Trump elected >>

Trump speech about when Mexico sends their people - Bing video

More alt-right idiocy. Trump won because Republicans could not coalesce behind a single anti-Trump candidate. Trump only got around 43% of the primary vote. Trump again got lucky because he ran against the weakest candidate Democrats have had. Even with that, he narrowly won. Had he run up against Biden it would have been a massive Trump defeat.

The only parasite I see is a racist pig like you. Americans oppose Trump's policies on immigration. They oppose his policies on international trade.

Donald Trump is dividing us so much that Obama likes like a uniter. Trump refuses to condemn racists even when they kill as in Charlottesville. Obama was a naïve person which is why I never voted for him but he was not a Islamist. Michael Flynn was working for Turkey's Islamist President but that doesn't seem to bother you. Manafort was working for Russia. The unemployment rate went down from 9.5% to 4.8% under Obama. The GDP is not that much better under Trump.

The latest Fox poll shows Democrats have a 9 point lead. The biggest reason for that is checking Republicans in Congress and the White House. Clinton got more votes than Trump did. That is undeniable.

Trump's win had nothing to do with any issue. It was that he was the least bad candidate. Americans did not support a wall and favor DACA.
Fascist regimes are noted for big, powerful governments, enforcing their will over the people, and imposing lots of harsh regulations on them. All characteristics of the Democratic party.

The above idiot forgets that German fascistic growth relied on two factors:

1. Advocating that a minority group (Jews) was sapping Germany's economic strength,,,,,,,,Remind you of blaming Mexicans and Muslims?

2. A strong cult personality in Hitler and his disdain of the free press that criticized him.......Remind you of anyone with an orange hair piece?
Donald Trump sexually harassed women and cheated on his wife. For Trump supporters to complain about it is just plain sick.

President Trump was accused of these crimes, but not until he committed the unpardonable sin of actually running against the Clinton Political Machine.

He's never been found guilty by 12 angry men, and has denied the calumnies
You're out of touch. Notice that every younger generation leans more and more to the Democrats and how Milllennials are breaking severely to the left. They are more diverse and are the ones who will be totally fucked by climate change.


1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
The fact that the number of millennials who are independent is higher than millennial Democrats by a significant margin means you guys are already fucked.

Even with demographics massively skewing the party registry compared to boomers, you are still losing millennials.

Boomers are the last truly left wing generation.

The other thing they all ignore is that we have been hearing that for decades. They said that very same thing when Obama was elected. Remember the popular statement: “The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”? They kept saying that the GOP was dying off and they all counted on the younger generation being democrat.

They always believe their own hype.

They forget that a LOT of young people start off as democrats, but as they age and gain experience and intelligence, they become republicans or at least move away from the left.

Every time a young democrat comes of age, a previous democrat says “I’m not following that bull shit anymore.”

People becoming more conservative as they age is a myth. Again look at my chart and track Gen X from 1994, people usually develop their political ideologies early on. Sure, some change but I don't know of any major shift from liberal to conservative within the same generation. Feel free to find something.

Anyway, there will be future Republican presidents, but they will have to adjust, become less conservative. Take gay marriage for example, the GOP kind of list it's steam on the matter. Same will happen over other civil rights matters and marijuana legalization.

It's all those 'RINOs' out there, that's the party's future.

not true. they do become more conservative

they get jobs,
pay taxes,
questioning where their money is going,
what programs are working,
have families
want to protect children
they grow up and get life experience (aka wisdom)
and they find out the pie in the sky leftist crap is just that crap

its why (in general) married women = republican
single women = democrat

Well, not really. As I stated before it's not true we become more conservative as we age. Read this:

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Now, younger adults are usually more liberal than their older counterparts because the country as a whole is trending liberal so it's natural that each progressive generation will be in fact more liberal than the one before it. Actually according to the link people become more liberal not less. Doesn't mean they become liberals, just that they aren't as conservative as they are in their youth.

Your example of married women is actually misleading. Married women by in large are older than single women so sure, they vote Republican (at least the white ones), but if we stay on the course we are now that's going to change.

If I were you guys, I'd embrace your RINOs and thank them for not becoming Democrats outright, it's the only way conservatism is going to survive is to adapt to the country and reality we live in today instead of holding on to ancient tribal grievances.

Yup, that’s the same stupid lie you guys told us in 2008.
The other thing they all ignore is that we have been hearing that for decades. They said that very same thing when Obama was elected. Remember the popular statement: “The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”? They kept saying that the GOP was dying off and they all counted on the younger generation being democrat.

They always believe their own hype.

They forget that a LOT of young people start off as democrats, but as they age and gain experience and intelligence, they become republicans or at least move away from the left.

Every time a young democrat comes of age, a previous democrat says “I’m not following that bull shit anymore.”

People becoming more conservative as they age is a myth. Again look at my chart and track Gen X from 1994, people usually develop their political ideologies early on. Sure, some change but I don't know of any major shift from liberal to conservative within the same generation. Feel free to find something.

Anyway, there will be future Republican presidents, but they will have to adjust, become less conservative. Take gay marriage for example, the GOP kind of list it's steam on the matter. Same will happen over other civil rights matters and marijuana legalization.

It's all those 'RINOs' out there, that's the party's future.

Dude, I was a democrat as a kid. My first vote ever was for Jimmy Carter in 1976.

Watch and learn.

You're anecdotal story means very little. I'm sure there are people out there who voted for Ford and later on for Clinton, so what?

You people aren’t capable of learning anything. It’ll be fun to watch again:

View attachment 198342

If you think only one political party, especially the conservative one is going to continue to control everything then it's you who hasn't learned anything. Control of government will continue to shift back between the two parties. The difference is the country will continue to veer left as a whole as the populace continues to become more liberal. Again, my guess is the GOP while still being right of center will adapt because that center line keeps drifting away from it.

Deja Vous
The fact that the number of millennials who are independent is higher than millennial Democrats by a significant margin means you guys are already fucked.

Even with demographics massively skewing the party registry compared to boomers, you are still losing millennials.

Boomers are the last truly left wing generation.

The other thing they all ignore is that we have been hearing that for decades. They said that very same thing when Obama was elected. Remember the popular statement: “The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”? They kept saying that the GOP was dying off and they all counted on the younger generation being democrat.

They always believe their own hype.

They forget that a LOT of young people start off as democrats, but as they age and gain experience and intelligence, they become republicans or at least move away from the left.

Every time a young democrat comes of age, a previous democrat says “I’m not following that bull shit anymore.”

People becoming more conservative as they age is a myth. Again look at my chart and track Gen X from 1994, people usually develop their political ideologies early on. Sure, some change but I don't know of any major shift from liberal to conservative within the same generation. Feel free to find something.

Anyway, there will be future Republican presidents, but they will have to adjust, become less conservative. Take gay marriage for example, the GOP kind of list it's steam on the matter. Same will happen over other civil rights matters and marijuana legalization.

It's all those 'RINOs' out there, that's the party's future.

not true. they do become more conservative

they get jobs,
pay taxes,
questioning where their money is going,
what programs are working,
have families
want to protect children
they grow up and get life experience (aka wisdom)
and they find out the pie in the sky leftist crap is just that crap

its why (in general) married women = republican
single women = democrat

Well, not really. As I stated before it's not true we become more conservative as we age. Read this:

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Now, younger adults are usually more liberal than their older counterparts because the country as a whole is trending liberal so it's natural that each progressive generation will be in fact more liberal than the one before it. Actually according to the link people become more liberal not less. Doesn't mean they become liberals, just that they aren't as conservative as they are in their youth.

Your example of married women is actually misleading. Married women by in large are older than single women so sure, they vote Republican (at least the white ones), but if we stay on the course we are now that's going to change.

If I were you guys, I'd embrace your RINOs and thank them for not becoming Democrats outright, it's the only way conservatism is going to survive is to adapt to the country and reality we live in today instead of holding on to ancient tribal grievances.
you guys talk this shit all the never works out....sorry.....
People do become more conservative as they get older...….
they party less and become responsible more
they get jobs...which makes the above more likely

Reality never agrees with leftists, but they never learn.
Fascist regimes are noted for big, powerful governments, enforcing their will over the people, and imposing lots of harsh regulations on them. All characteristics of the Democratic party.

The above idiot forgets that German fascistic growth relied on two factors:

1. Advocating that a minority group (Jews) was sapping Germany's economic strength,,,,,,,,Remind you of blaming Mexicans and Muslims?

2. A strong cult personality in Hitler and his disdain of the free press that criticized him.......Remind you of anyone with an orange hair piece?
Do you even understand the “press” actually is supposed to be?

Every time you dismiss or attack right wing sites that report the news you are doing the EXACT SAME THING as Trump has done to various left wing news outlets. YOU are just as guilty as Hitler in this regard, moron.

The “free press” doesn’t just include The NY Times, The Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS and whatever conservative alternatives you deem acceptable, it is every goddamn individual with a fucking cell phone. It is fucking Alex Jones. Anyone trying to give you the news is part of the free press.

You are against the free press.
The fact that the number of millennials who are independent is higher than millennial Democrats by a significant margin means you guys are already fucked.

Even with demographics massively skewing the party registry compared to boomers, you are still losing millennials.

Boomers are the last truly left wing generation.

The other thing they all ignore is that we have been hearing that for decades. They said that very same thing when Obama was elected. Remember the popular statement: “The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”? They kept saying that the GOP was dying off and they all counted on the younger generation being democrat.

They always believe their own hype.

They forget that a LOT of young people start off as democrats, but as they age and gain experience and intelligence, they become republicans or at least move away from the left.

Every time a young democrat comes of age, a previous democrat says “I’m not following that bull shit anymore.”

People becoming more conservative as they age is a myth. Again look at my chart and track Gen X from 1994, people usually develop their political ideologies early on. Sure, some change but I don't know of any major shift from liberal to conservative within the same generation. Feel free to find something.

Anyway, there will be future Republican presidents, but they will have to adjust, become less conservative. Take gay marriage for example, the GOP kind of list it's steam on the matter. Same will happen over other civil rights matters and marijuana legalization.

It's all those 'RINOs' out there, that's the party's future.

not true. they do become more conservative

they get jobs,
pay taxes,
questioning where their money is going,
what programs are working,
have families
want to protect children
they grow up and get life experience (aka wisdom)
and they find out the pie in the sky leftist crap is just that crap

its why (in general) married women = republican
single women = democrat

Well, not really. As I stated before it's not true we become more conservative as we age. Read this:

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Now, younger adults are usually more liberal than their older counterparts because the country as a whole is trending liberal so it's natural that each progressive generation will be in fact more liberal than the one before it. Actually according to the link people become more liberal not less. Doesn't mean they become liberals, just that they aren't as conservative as they are in their youth.

Your example of married women is actually misleading. Married women by in large are older than single women so sure, they vote Republican (at least the white ones), but if we stay on the course we are now that's going to change.

If I were you guys, I'd embrace your RINOs and thank them for not becoming Democrats outright, it's the only way conservatism is going to survive is to adapt to the country and reality we live in today instead of holding on to ancient tribal grievances.

Yup, that’s the same stupid lie you guys told us in 2008.

Where is the lie? Prove it.
The other thing they all ignore is that we have been hearing that for decades. They said that very same thing when Obama was elected. Remember the popular statement: “The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”? They kept saying that the GOP was dying off and they all counted on the younger generation being democrat.

They always believe their own hype.

They forget that a LOT of young people start off as democrats, but as they age and gain experience and intelligence, they become republicans or at least move away from the left.

Every time a young democrat comes of age, a previous democrat says “I’m not following that bull shit anymore.”

People becoming more conservative as they age is a myth. Again look at my chart and track Gen X from 1994, people usually develop their political ideologies early on. Sure, some change but I don't know of any major shift from liberal to conservative within the same generation. Feel free to find something.

Anyway, there will be future Republican presidents, but they will have to adjust, become less conservative. Take gay marriage for example, the GOP kind of list it's steam on the matter. Same will happen over other civil rights matters and marijuana legalization.

It's all those 'RINOs' out there, that's the party's future.

not true. they do become more conservative

they get jobs,
pay taxes,
questioning where their money is going,
what programs are working,
have families
want to protect children
they grow up and get life experience (aka wisdom)
and they find out the pie in the sky leftist crap is just that crap

its why (in general) married women = republican
single women = democrat

Well, not really. As I stated before it's not true we become more conservative as we age. Read this:

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Now, younger adults are usually more liberal than their older counterparts because the country as a whole is trending liberal so it's natural that each progressive generation will be in fact more liberal than the one before it. Actually according to the link people become more liberal not less. Doesn't mean they become liberals, just that they aren't as conservative as they are in their youth.

Your example of married women is actually misleading. Married women by in large are older than single women so sure, they vote Republican (at least the white ones), but if we stay on the course we are now that's going to change.

If I were you guys, I'd embrace your RINOs and thank them for not becoming Democrats outright, it's the only way conservatism is going to survive is to adapt to the country and reality we live in today instead of holding on to ancient tribal grievances.

Yup, that’s the same stupid lie you guys told us in 2008.

Where is the lie? Prove it.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”
People becoming more conservative as they age is a myth. Again look at my chart and track Gen X from 1994, people usually develop their political ideologies early on. Sure, some change but I don't know of any major shift from liberal to conservative within the same generation. Feel free to find something.

Anyway, there will be future Republican presidents, but they will have to adjust, become less conservative. Take gay marriage for example, the GOP kind of list it's steam on the matter. Same will happen over other civil rights matters and marijuana legalization.

It's all those 'RINOs' out there, that's the party's future.

not true. they do become more conservative

they get jobs,
pay taxes,
questioning where their money is going,
what programs are working,
have families
want to protect children
they grow up and get life experience (aka wisdom)
and they find out the pie in the sky leftist crap is just that crap

its why (in general) married women = republican
single women = democrat

Well, not really. As I stated before it's not true we become more conservative as we age. Read this:

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Now, younger adults are usually more liberal than their older counterparts because the country as a whole is trending liberal so it's natural that each progressive generation will be in fact more liberal than the one before it. Actually according to the link people become more liberal not less. Doesn't mean they become liberals, just that they aren't as conservative as they are in their youth.

Your example of married women is actually misleading. Married women by in large are older than single women so sure, they vote Republican (at least the white ones), but if we stay on the course we are now that's going to change.

If I were you guys, I'd embrace your RINOs and thank them for not becoming Democrats outright, it's the only way conservatism is going to survive is to adapt to the country and reality we live in today instead of holding on to ancient tribal grievances.

Yup, that’s the same stupid lie you guys told us in 2008.

Where is the lie? Prove it.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

I never said that. Nor did I ever believe that. I also don't think the GOP is going to die off now either, they are going to adapt, eventually moving closer to the center as the country as a whole moves leftward.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

Nope, you're just not listening.

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

I never said it.
not true. they do become more conservative

they get jobs,
pay taxes,
questioning where their money is going,
what programs are working,
have families
want to protect children
they grow up and get life experience (aka wisdom)
and they find out the pie in the sky leftist crap is just that crap

its why (in general) married women = republican
single women = democrat

Well, not really. As I stated before it's not true we become more conservative as we age. Read this:

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Now, younger adults are usually more liberal than their older counterparts because the country as a whole is trending liberal so it's natural that each progressive generation will be in fact more liberal than the one before it. Actually according to the link people become more liberal not less. Doesn't mean they become liberals, just that they aren't as conservative as they are in their youth.

Your example of married women is actually misleading. Married women by in large are older than single women so sure, they vote Republican (at least the white ones), but if we stay on the course we are now that's going to change.

If I were you guys, I'd embrace your RINOs and thank them for not becoming Democrats outright, it's the only way conservatism is going to survive is to adapt to the country and reality we live in today instead of holding on to ancient tribal grievances.

Yup, that’s the same stupid lie you guys told us in 2008.

Where is the lie? Prove it.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

I never said that. Nor did I ever believe that. I also don't think the GOP is going to die off now either, they are going to adapt, eventually moving closer to the center as the country as a whole moves leftward.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

Nope, you're just not listening.

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

I never said it.

It doesn’t matter that you didn’t say it you fucking idiot. It was said over and over and you know it liar.
People becoming more conservative as they age is a myth. Again look at my chart and track Gen X from 1994, people usually develop their political ideologies early on. Sure, some change but I don't know of any major shift from liberal to conservative within the same generation. Feel free to find something.

Anyway, there will be future Republican presidents, but they will have to adjust, become less conservative. Take gay marriage for example, the GOP kind of list it's steam on the matter. Same will happen over other civil rights matters and marijuana legalization.

It's all those 'RINOs' out there, that's the party's future.

not true. they do become more conservative

they get jobs,
pay taxes,
questioning where their money is going,
what programs are working,
have families
want to protect children
they grow up and get life experience (aka wisdom)
and they find out the pie in the sky leftist crap is just that crap

its why (in general) married women = republican
single women = democrat

Well, not really. As I stated before it's not true we become more conservative as we age. Read this:

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Now, younger adults are usually more liberal than their older counterparts because the country as a whole is trending liberal so it's natural that each progressive generation will be in fact more liberal than the one before it. Actually according to the link people become more liberal not less. Doesn't mean they become liberals, just that they aren't as conservative as they are in their youth.

Your example of married women is actually misleading. Married women by in large are older than single women so sure, they vote Republican (at least the white ones), but if we stay on the course we are now that's going to change.

If I were you guys, I'd embrace your RINOs and thank them for not becoming Democrats outright, it's the only way conservatism is going to survive is to adapt to the country and reality we live in today instead of holding on to ancient tribal grievances.

Yup, that’s the same stupid lie you guys told us in 2008.

Where is the lie? Prove it.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

yeah it's just propaganda....I bet the lefties on this board didn't know that conservatives are traditionally strong military but also anti war....I bet they don't know much about a great many of things.
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.

Yeah, that's why you commiecrat senators putting out ads bragging on how many times the voted with the president and disavowing their support for the bitch. LMAO

Trump won because voters could never coalesce around a candidate other than Trump. Because of this he was able to take advantage of the winner take all rules of the Republican Party.
Trump won because the American people are wise to the games that Democrats play. No longer a party connected to the AMERICAN people that have become globalists, as much or more working for all the world's people (ex. Mexican illegal aliens). As Obama himself said >> "I am a citizen of the world"

That's not what the American people want in a POTUS. They want him to be THEIR president, not one who is looking out for the whole world. They are tired of china swiping all our businesses, and jobs. Tired of Mexico doing the same, and invading us with millions of their parasites.

Tired of Obama's race hustling, causing riots allover the country, and his jihadism that got 13 US soldiers killed in Fort Hood, TX, and his collusion with a Baghdadi (ISIS).. Tired of Obama's mishandling of the Economy and his 2016 tumbling down GDP, that thankfully has been brought back up by Trump.

Democrats have spin out all the excuses they want, maybe it makes them feel better, but they aren't changing the American people's perspective one iota. Most AMERICANS voted for Trump in 2016, and they will again in 2020, as the Democratic Party is lost in the woods, and is in disarray.

More than anything, here's what got Trump elected >>

Trump speech about when Mexico sends their people - Bing video

More alt-right idiocy. Trump won because Republicans could not coalesce behind a single anti-Trump candidate. Trump only got around 43% of the primary vote. Trump again got lucky because he ran against the weakest candidate Democrats have had. Even with that, he narrowly won. Had he run up against Biden it would have been a massive Trump defeat.

The only parasite I see is a racist pig like you. Americans oppose Trump's policies on immigration. They oppose his policies on international trade.

Donald Trump is dividing us so much that Obama likes like a uniter. Trump refuses to condemn racists even when they kill as in Charlottesville. Obama was a naïve person which is why I never voted for him but he was not a Islamist. Michael Flynn was working for Turkey's Islamist President but that doesn't seem to bother you. Manafort was working for Russia. The unemployment rate went down from 9.5% to 4.8% under Obama. The GDP is not that much better under Trump.

The latest Fox poll shows Democrats have a 9 point lead. The biggest reason for that is checking Republicans in Congress and the White House. Clinton got more votes than Trump did. That is undeniable.

Trump's win had nothing to do with any issue. It was that he was the least bad candidate. Americans did not support a wall and favor DACA.

wait wait wait

so much bullshit in this post

First the alt right is another epithet you guys use with no meaning.
Second Trump won the nomination, if they were all anti Trump, you'd think he wouldn't have won??? the establishment hate him, the voters did not (I voted for Cruz in the primary, now I'm seen as a Trump ass kisser, which I'll gladly accept)
Third Hilary Clinton was the most qualified person ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! according to you guys and the great Obama.....

Trump does not divide......the left does...they protest, and disrupt everything including the NFL, Hollywood, News, BLM, ect
Trump did condemn people at charlotesville...he just said the BLM/Antifa people are just as bad...and he's right, one is pro white, the other anti white......

How was Obama naïve? He was the President was he not? You're telling me he got suckered????
So you think Russia helped Trump, how?

As for the economy, it's much better, people are getting good jobs and we'll see on the GDP.....if he breaks 3% (annually), that's more than Obama ever did.

As for the polls? Do you still believe in that shit? you realize polls don't mean much
Meanwhile, weekly jobless claims just hit a 44-Year low. And most Democrats aren't smiling about it. They're actually incredibly butthurt about it. They fear Trump bigtime. That's the reality.
Donald Trump sexually harassed women and cheated on his wife. For Trump supporters to complain about it is just plain sick.

President Trump was accused of these crimes, but not until he committed the unpardonable sin of actually running against the Clinton Political Machine.

He's never been found guilty by 12 angry men, and has denied the calumnies

Who believes that. You don't pay people off for doing nothing. Trump lies so much.
Well, not really. As I stated before it's not true we become more conservative as we age. Read this:

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Now, younger adults are usually more liberal than their older counterparts because the country as a whole is trending liberal so it's natural that each progressive generation will be in fact more liberal than the one before it. Actually according to the link people become more liberal not less. Doesn't mean they become liberals, just that they aren't as conservative as they are in their youth.

Your example of married women is actually misleading. Married women by in large are older than single women so sure, they vote Republican (at least the white ones), but if we stay on the course we are now that's going to change.

If I were you guys, I'd embrace your RINOs and thank them for not becoming Democrats outright, it's the only way conservatism is going to survive is to adapt to the country and reality we live in today instead of holding on to ancient tribal grievances.

Yup, that’s the same stupid lie you guys told us in 2008.

Where is the lie? Prove it.

Wtf is wrong with you? You can’t read? You tell kid us this very same thing in 2008, that the GOP voters were dying off. Yet we won the House shortly after that, then the Senate, then the presidency.

I never said that. Nor did I ever believe that. I also don't think the GOP is going to die off now either, they are going to adapt, eventually moving closer to the center as the country as a whole moves leftward.

So yeah, now you are saying the exact same thing. It’s a lie.

Remember this dumbass?

Nope, you're just not listening.

“The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet.”

I never said it.

It doesn’t matter that you didn’t say it you fucking idiot. It was said over and over and you know it liar.

Then don't bring it up to me,
Democrats aren't smiling. They're actually very butthurt and scared shitless of Trump. His winning Bigly is very bad news for them. They know it.

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