GOP "loses"....Trumpism "wins".....and the DNC "smiles"

And because he stuck to old, bad policies, which conservatives no longer favor.

Fuckhead.......Sanford voted for Trump's "bad" policies 87% of the time since YOUR buffoon got elected........Try again.........LOL

Gnat it has been over 18 months since Trump had no path to victory and your butthurt is only getting worse.

Seek help and stop beating your husband over it when you tweak.
Fuckhead.......Sanford voted for Trump's "bad" policies 87% of the time since YOUR buffoon got elected........Try again.........LOL
What names you call, falls back on YOU :biggrin:, when you say something this stupid.

Sanford has warned that Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs will be "disastrous," called the president intolerant and untrustworthy, and even appeared to blame him for the shooting at a Republican congressional baseball practice last year.

Even before Trump took office, Sanford said the billionaire businessman should “just shut up” and “quit responding” to anyone critical of him on a personal or professional level.

Trump knows Sanford's policies are crap (crime, taxes, tariffs, Muslims, immigration,etc) and spoke out >>

"Mark Sanford has been very unhelpful to me in my campaign to MAGA. He is MIA and nothing but trouble. He is better off in Argentina. I fully endorse Katie Arrington for Congress in SC, a state I love. She is tough on crime and will continue our fight to lower taxes. VOTE Katie!" (Donald Trump)

Plus Katie Arrington is a lot better looking than Sanford. :badgrin:
True !!!! The once unknown corrupt charlatan is NOW known as the fucking, incompetent, corrupt charlatan......and cult leader of the poorly educated, white racists.
"Racists" ? Do you support Affirmative Action ?
If you had some functioning brain cells you'd be thanking Obama for the above........but since you do not, you cheer for your cult leader.


If you had some functioning brain cells you'd be condemning Obama for the above........but since you do not, you cheer for your economy-clueless, ISIS colluding, Fort Hood enabling jihadist.

But then, your liberal OMISSION media has carefully screened your information flow, to keep you ignorant.




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LOL "DNC smile". Right. Nothing like the most entrenched, Establishment Party seeing more anti-establishment successes. That's really going to bode well for their prospects.

The irony of this is, since the DNC places so many barriers and controls to determine the outcome of their Primaries, while the GOP embraced liberty, it allowed a guy like Trump to fight, even against great odds. Once he won the GOP ticket he fought like hell to win the Presidency and succeeded. The upset of the century, I have to say.

If the DNC would have been fair and honest, it would have been Bernie. Now, he might have had a chance, though I still wouldn't have underestimated Trump, he had laser focus and unmatched effort. However, he would have had a tougher time in the Rustbelt, easier time in Florida and other states.

As it were, I am happy for the U.S that Bernie didn't have a shot, as I know the evils of socialism, but, the DNC should be free and they will choose the best person. Super delegates are a farce, as anti-democratic as you can be. The tactics the DNC use are used by all parties in Canada at the federal level, and we have some of the weakest crop of politicians right now and have had for the last two decades. A fake Conservative, mini-Harper in Scheer as an example leading the Conservatives.

DNC follows the Canadian system of control, and now they have a real uphill climb, especially in 2020.

Clinton got 54% of the vote to Sanders' 42%. By what math does 42 beat 54. The DNC backed Clinton over Obama in 2008 but Obama won the nomination. Sanders was never going to win the nomination.

The fact is that the Democrat rules are fairer than the GOP. Democrats require proportional distribution of delegates based on the popular vote. Republicans do not. In SC, Sanders got only 25% of the vote and got 25% of the delegates. On the Republican side, Trump got 32% of the vote and 100% of the delegates. The 68% who voted for someone other than Trump were disenfranchised.

Superdelegates in theory can go against the wish of the primary voters but never have. In 2008, Clinton had the support of most of the superdelegates. However as Obama won primaries and moved ahead of Clinton in the delegate count, they move from Clinton to Obama. If Biden runs against Trump in 2020, Trump is toast.
ahead of good, real, productive Americans....Good, real Americans have finally woke the fuck up and realized the Dem party is the party of criminality, filth, misery and despair...hahaha

Here's a couple of examples of those "good, real Americans" who just awoke....according to the above moron.....LOL

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You do realize that the woman is a Democrat attempting to rile up Trump, right?

........Of course you don't, you are gnat.

You do realize that man is wearing a tea shirt that calls Hillary a c...t, and you get upset because someone called Ivanka a c...t. You guys are unbelievable.

We are guys to be fair, ivanka is gorgeous, Hillary is ugly and old has heck..

Without her make up, bleached hair and fake boobs, you wouldn't recognize her.

Hillary is self made, Ivanka is not, she is born with a silver spoon.

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You left out the chin implant, cheek implants, the nose job & caps over her shaved down teeth.

That fake Barbie will never decompose but she will float!
Maybe she will be cremated & instead of ashes her plastic can be molded into an something useful.

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Corker is right. The Republican Party has become a group of cultists and crazy conspiracy theories. They have abandoned everything they believe in because they are more worried about Trump than the country. They support the type of thuggish behavior we see with banana republics and fascist regimes.

What is interesting is that the Trumpists wanted Corker out. The result may be a Democrat takeover of Corker's Senate seat. If Corker were running, Bredeson would not be running.
All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.

South Carolinians just listened to the Left, nat.

Rep. Sanford's moral failing are well known, there is no need to rehash them here. But the South Carolina GOP really didn't think the man's standards met those of the party.

For libs to complain about Sanford's defeat, when they are the ones who brought up Sanford's morality first is pretty hypocritical.

Donald Trump sexually harassed women and cheated on his wife. For Trump supporters to complain about it is just plain sick.
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.
If you think you can run an anti-white campaign and win any state that isn't California, you are a fool.
A few things:

1. This is a non-Presidential election year, so expect low voter turnout as usual which mean a decent chance GOP holds onto the Senate.
Normally true and should have been during these special elections this year but it hasn't panned out that way.

2. Speaking of the Senate the Democratic Party has to keep all their seats while gaining GOP seats and if the Democrats look, well it might not be that easy...

Yep, I don't think the Democrats will win the senate either, if they did that would be nothing short of a miracle, I'm more interested in the house.

3. The final one is if 2016 taught me anything, well anything can happen but 2018 is not like 2006 when Democrats won on Bush being unpopular and the pork spending in D.C., so I have a funny feeling Democrats might be upset this November...

Trump is still unpopular more so than Bush in 2006 and in a way that engrages Democrats. You will see high turnout among them.

You might see the turnout in States like Illinois, New York and California but will they matter in States like Ohio, Texas or Pennsylvania?

The point is you have hatred for Trump in typical Progressive regions ehich will not change the shape of the Congress, so let not think because California Democrats hate Trump will translate inti wins in Alaska or Oklahoma...

I think you're telling me what you want to hear rather than what is actually happening so far. fivethirtyeight has a handy-dandy chart that shows the party swing in special elections so far. You mentioned PA? +28.9% for Democrats. No recent special elections for Oho but Iowa is a +26.2% for dems, Wisconsin +27.2% dems, Missouri +21%. There has generally been a large swing to dems since Trump was elected, not everywhere, there have been some very, very modest gains for Republicans but it's almost inconsequential.

You can look at it here:

The States Where Democrats Are Overperforming Most — And Least — In Special Elections

Anyway, nothing is written in stone but the trends appear to favor Democrats.

There are other indications of greater Democrat enthusiasm. In Georgia the turnout for the primary was 52-48 Republican vs 65-35 Republican 4 years ago. In Virginia, more Democrats than Republicans voted in Barbara Comstock's House district.
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.
If you think you can run an anti-white campaign and win any state that isn't California, you are a fool.
A few things:

1. This is a non-Presidential election year, so expect low voter turnout as usual which mean a decent chance GOP holds onto the Senate.

2. Speaking of the Senate the Democratic Party has to keep all their seats while gaining GOP seats and if the Democrats look, well it might not be that easy...

3. The final one is if 2016 taught me anything, well anything can happen but 2018 is not like 2006 when Democrats won on Bush being unpopular and the pork spending in D.C., so I have a funny feeling Democrats might be upset this November...

Or that funny is my depends needing change...
Democrats won't win this year unless the country is already finished.

They won't win in 2020 unless they win this year.

After 2020 Democrats will literally be backing former ISIS recruits and child molesters as serious candidates and they won't have prayer of winning a national election ever again.

Yeeeeaaaahhhh, ummmmm no!

In 2006 many on the left proclaimed that the GOP was dead and in 2008 they thought Democrats would rule the next 100 years, and bam 2010 happen and then 2016...

What is my point?

Neither party stays in power too long anymore, so I say by 2020 Democrats will win the House and by 2024 a Democrat President will happen again that is not name Clinton or Warren...

The problem is the changing demographics of the country. When whites are no longer over 50% of the country where do they go to get to 50. They are unpopular among nearly every demographic. Then you have white, suburban women who are abandoning the GOP.
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.

Marc Sanford was caught cheating on his wife with a woman from Argentina and lied to his constituency about where he was........he isn't Trump and he attacked Trump ..... showing the boomerang effect...... Trump is getting the job done when Republicans failed to get the job done.....

If you think that WI, PA, MI will vote for democrats over Trump..... you parent's dropped you on your head too many times.....

Trump has been caught cheating on his wife and sexually harassed women. He told Republicans it did not happen but he clearly was lying. Mark Sanford was a conservative first. You people are members of the cult of Trump first and conservatives second.

Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan will turn on Trump. Clinton was a weak candidate yet Trump only narrowly won those states.
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.

Marc Sanford was caught cheating on his wife with a woman from Argentina and lied to his constituency about where he was........he isn't Trump and he attacked Trump ..... showing the boomerang effect...... Trump is getting the job done when Republicans failed to get the job done.....

If you think that WI, PA, MI will vote for democrats over Trump..... you parent's dropped you on your head too many times.....

Well, so far WI and PA have shown a penchant for voting Democrat after 2016. Take that however you'd like.

Off year special elections......and Trump wasn't running...... keep in mind, Trump was elected because conservatives got sick of establishment Republicans......

Trump won because voters could never coalesce around a candidate other than Trump. Because of this he was able to take advantage of the winner take all rules of the Republican Party.
Corker is right. The Republican Party has become a group of cultists and crazy conspiracy theories. They have abandoned everything they believe in because they are more worried about Trump than the country. They support the type of thuggish behavior we see with banana republics and fascist regimes.

What is interesting is that the Trumpists wanted Corker out. The result may be a Democrat takeover of Corker's Senate seat. If Corker were running, Bredeson would not be running.
Fascist regimes are noted for big, powerful governments, enforcing their will over the people, and imposing lots of harsh regulations on them. All characteristics of the Democratic party. :biggrin:
Trump won because voters could never coalesce around a candidate other than Trump. Because of this he was able to take advantage of the winner take all rules of the Republican Party.
Trump won because the American people are wise to the games that Democrats play. No longer a party connected to the AMERICAN people that have become globalists, as much or more working for all the world's people (ex. Mexican illegal aliens). As Obama himself said >> "I am a citizen of the world"

That's not what the American people want in a POTUS. They want him to be THEIR president, not one who is looking out for the whole world. They are tired of china swiping all our businesses, and jobs. Tired of Mexico doing the same, and invading us with millions of their parasites.

Tired of Obama's race hustling, causing riots allover the country, and his jihadism that got 13 US soldiers killed in Fort Hood, TX, and his collusion with a Baghdadi (ISIS).. Tired of Obama's mishandling of the Economy and his 2016 tumbling down GDP, that thankfully has been brought back up by Trump.

Democrats have spin out all the excuses they want, maybe it makes them feel better, but they aren't changing the American people's perspective one iota. Most AMERICANS voted for Trump in 2016, and they will again in 2020, as the Democratic Party is lost in the woods, and is in disarray.

More than anything, here's what got Trump elected >>

Trump speech about when Mexico sends their people - Bing video
Corker is right. The Republican Party has become a group of cultists and crazy conspiracy theories. They have abandoned everything they believe in because they are more worried about Trump than the country. They support the type of thuggish behavior we see with banana republics and fascist regimes.

What is interesting is that the Trumpists wanted Corker out. The result may be a Democrat takeover of Corker's Senate seat. If Corker were running, Bredeson would not be running.
Fascist regimes are noted for big, powerful governments, enforcing their will over the people, and imposing lots of harsh regulations on them. All characteristics of the Democratic party. :biggrin:

Fascist regimes are noted for terrorizing people. That is what Trump is doing. Locking up children. Using the flag and anthem as a political weapon to force compliance. Trump is following the path Hitler went.
You left out the chin implant, cheek implants, the nose job & caps over her shaved down teeth.

That fake Barbie will never decompose but she will float!
Maybe she will be cremated & instead of ashes her plastic can be molded into an something useful.

Sent from my iPhone using
If you had some functioning brain cells you'd be thanking Obama for the above........but since you do not, you cheer for your cult leader.


If you had some functioning brain cells you'd be condemning Obama for the above........but since you do not, you cheer for your economy-clueless, ISIS colluding, Fort Hood enabling jihadist.

But then, your liberal OMISSION media has carefully screened your information flow, to keep you ignorant.


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You might want to take a look at what Obama started his term at. Looks like we are going down again, that tax cut is sure hurting, maybe we will have to move the 12% up to 15%, since we got rid of the 10%.
Sure as the heck can't move the top bracket back up!!

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