GOP "loses"....Trumpism "wins".....and the DNC "smiles"

I don't see moving any Republicans over. However independents and those who just plain didn't vote because they didn't like either candidate, combined with a more active millennial generation could spell trouble for the GOP who has done all they could to ensure they keep the far right happy (and they still aren't happy).

Combine the above with historic (at times) enthusiasm gaps between the GOP and Democrats, could be a good year. I do think the Democrats need an actual message to stand on, but that's an issue with both parties have when they are out of power.

Too many on the left and in the left wing media count too much on the millennial voting democrat. That’s what’s called believing your own hype.

Really? I didn't declare that they will show up but if they do and there are signs of it but nothing is guaranteed until election day. Are you certain this younger generation won't show up?

No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying don’t count on the majority of millennial s voting democrat.

You're out of touch. Notice that every younger generation leans more and more to the Democrats and how Milllennials are breaking severely to the left. They are more diverse and are the ones who will be totally fucked by climate change.


1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups

All I can do it provide you with the ideas and information. I can not force you to learn.

That's hilarious, I provide you with data and that is your reply?
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.
The Republican approval rating for Trump is something like 89%. I don't know what makes you think only the Trumpettes will be voting Republican. This only gets flipped around if the Dems put forward good candidates, which I hope they have.

I don't see moving any Republicans over. However independents and those who just plain didn't vote because they didn't like either candidate, combined with a more active millennial generation could spell trouble for the GOP who has done all they could to ensure they keep the far right happy (and they still aren't happy).

Combine the above with historic (at times) enthusiasm gaps between the GOP and Democrats, could be a good year. I do think the Democrats need an actual message to stand on, but that's an issue with both parties have when they are out of power.
Hogg isn't a "millennial", dipshit.

Who said I was referring to Hogg? You guys have an unhealthy obsession with him. Many in Gen Z can't even vote yet.
The people who give a shit about him are only a little older and still are consequently Gen Z. Millennials are getting less pro-Democrat by the day.

Millennials are in graduate school or out of school and own their own homes in the suburbs now.

I am a rare exception in that I chose to not participate in this society for a number of years, and millennials who dropped out of college temporarily hate Democrats even more than I do.

A little older would be millennials but this isn't really an argument, this is you obsessed with David Hogg.
I don't see moving any Republicans over. However independents and those who just plain didn't vote because they didn't like either candidate, combined with a more active millennial generation could spell trouble for the GOP who has done all they could to ensure they keep the far right happy (and they still aren't happy).

Combine the above with historic (at times) enthusiasm gaps between the GOP and Democrats, could be a good year. I do think the Democrats need an actual message to stand on, but that's an issue with both parties have when they are out of power.

Too many on the left and in the left wing media count too much on the millennial voting democrat. That’s what’s called believing your own hype.

Really? I didn't declare that they will show up but if they do and there are signs of it but nothing is guaranteed until election day. Are you certain this younger generation won't show up?

No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying don’t count on the majority of millennial s voting democrat.

You're out of touch. Notice that every younger generation leans more and more to the Democrats and how Milllennials are breaking severely to the left. They are more diverse and are the ones who will be totally fucked by climate change.


1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
The fact that the number of millennials who are independent is higher than millennial Democrats by a significant margin means you guys are already fucked.

I didn't talk about political party I'm referring to political leanings which is the graph just to the right of the one you are referring to. What does that tell you?

Even with demographics massively skewing the party registry compared to boomers, you are still losing millennials.

Boomers are the last truly left wing generation.

Actually no, according to that chart Democrats have recently begun and uptick in millennials and Republicans are declining. You either need to get glasses or learn how to read a chart and learn how to read the charts that you can't create a bullshit narrative around.

Political leaning: Dems a whopping 59% and GOP a sad 32%.
Political party: Independents 44% and climbing, Dems 35% and regaining ground, GOP 17% and committing suicide.

Giggles, I'm disappointed yet not surprised in your shortcomings.
I don't see moving any Republicans over. However independents and those who just plain didn't vote because they didn't like either candidate, combined with a more active millennial generation could spell trouble for the GOP who has done all they could to ensure they keep the far right happy (and they still aren't happy).

Combine the above with historic (at times) enthusiasm gaps between the GOP and Democrats, could be a good year. I do think the Democrats need an actual message to stand on, but that's an issue with both parties have when they are out of power.

Too many on the left and in the left wing media count too much on the millennial voting democrat. That’s what’s called believing your own hype.

Really? I didn't declare that they will show up but if they do and there are signs of it but nothing is guaranteed until election day. Are you certain this younger generation won't show up?

No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying don’t count on the majority of millennial s voting democrat.

You're out of touch. Notice that every younger generation leans more and more to the Democrats and how Milllennials are breaking severely to the left. They are more diverse and are the ones who will be totally fucked by climate change.


1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
The fact that the number of millennials who are independent is higher than millennial Democrats by a significant margin means you guys are already fucked.

Even with demographics massively skewing the party registry compared to boomers, you are still losing millennials.

Boomers are the last truly left wing generation.

The other thing they all ignore is that we have been hearing that for decades. They said that very same thing when Obama was elected. Remember the popular statement: “The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”? They kept saying that the GOP was dying off and they all counted on the younger generation being democrat.

They always believe their own hype.

They forget that a LOT of young people start off as democrats, but as they age and gain experience and intelligence, they become republicans or at least move away from the left.

Every time a young democrat comes of age, a previous democrat says “I’m not following that bull shit anymore.”
Too many on the left and in the left wing media count too much on the millennial voting democrat. That’s what’s called believing your own hype.

Really? I didn't declare that they will show up but if they do and there are signs of it but nothing is guaranteed until election day. Are you certain this younger generation won't show up?

No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying don’t count on the majority of millennial s voting democrat.

You're out of touch. Notice that every younger generation leans more and more to the Democrats and how Milllennials are breaking severely to the left. They are more diverse and are the ones who will be totally fucked by climate change.


1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
The fact that the number of millennials who are independent is higher than millennial Democrats by a significant margin means you guys are already fucked.

Even with demographics massively skewing the party registry compared to boomers, you are still losing millennials.

Boomers are the last truly left wing generation.

The other thing they all ignore is that we have been hearing that for decades. They said that very same thing when Obama was elected. Remember the popular statement: “The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”? They kept saying that the GOP was dying off and they all counted on the younger generation being democrat.

They always believe their own hype.

They forget that a LOT of young people start off as democrats, but as they age and gain experience and intelligence, they become republicans or at least move away from the left.

Every time a young democrat comes of age, a previous democrat says “I’m not following that bull shit anymore.”

People becoming more conservative as they age is a myth. Again look at my chart and track Gen X from 1994, people usually develop their political ideologies early on. Sure, some change but I don't know of any major shift from liberal to conservative within the same generation. Feel free to find something.

Anyway, there will be future Republican presidents, but they will have to adjust, become less conservative. Take gay marriage for example, the GOP kind of list it's steam on the matter. Same will happen over other civil rights matters and marijuana legalization.

It's all those 'RINOs' out there, that's the party's future.
Too many on the left and in the left wing media count too much on the millennial voting democrat. That’s what’s called believing your own hype.

Really? I didn't declare that they will show up but if they do and there are signs of it but nothing is guaranteed until election day. Are you certain this younger generation won't show up?

No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying don’t count on the majority of millennial s voting democrat.

You're out of touch. Notice that every younger generation leans more and more to the Democrats and how Milllennials are breaking severely to the left. They are more diverse and are the ones who will be totally fucked by climate change.


1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
The fact that the number of millennials who are independent is higher than millennial Democrats by a significant margin means you guys are already fucked.

Even with demographics massively skewing the party registry compared to boomers, you are still losing millennials.

Boomers are the last truly left wing generation.

The other thing they all ignore is that we have been hearing that for decades. They said that very same thing when Obama was elected. Remember the popular statement: “The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”? They kept saying that the GOP was dying off and they all counted on the younger generation being democrat.

They always believe their own hype.

They forget that a LOT of young people start off as democrats, but as they age and gain experience and intelligence, they become republicans or at least move away from the left.

Every time a young democrat comes of age, a previous democrat says “I’m not following that bull shit anymore.”
This is much much different.

Millennials won't be 10% Democrat by the time we are old as our parents, and I know plenty of generation Z kids who will reject the Democrats in less than half the time.

Millennials were almost unanimously for Obama in 2008.

This is why there is such a big push for drugs.
Really? I didn't declare that they will show up but if they do and there are signs of it but nothing is guaranteed until election day. Are you certain this younger generation won't show up?

No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying don’t count on the majority of millennial s voting democrat.

You're out of touch. Notice that every younger generation leans more and more to the Democrats and how Milllennials are breaking severely to the left. They are more diverse and are the ones who will be totally fucked by climate change.


1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
The fact that the number of millennials who are independent is higher than millennial Democrats by a significant margin means you guys are already fucked.

Even with demographics massively skewing the party registry compared to boomers, you are still losing millennials.

Boomers are the last truly left wing generation.

The other thing they all ignore is that we have been hearing that for decades. They said that very same thing when Obama was elected. Remember the popular statement: “The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”? They kept saying that the GOP was dying off and they all counted on the younger generation being democrat.

They always believe their own hype.

They forget that a LOT of young people start off as democrats, but as they age and gain experience and intelligence, they become republicans or at least move away from the left.

Every time a young democrat comes of age, a previous democrat says “I’m not following that bull shit anymore.”

People becoming more conservative as they age is a myth. Again look at my chart and track Gen X from 1994, people usually develop their political ideologies early on. Sure, some change but I don't know of any major shift from liberal to conservative within the same generation. Feel free to find something.

Anyway, there will be future Republican presidents, but they will have to adjust, become less conservative. Take gay marriage for example, the GOP kind of list it's steam on the matter. Same will happen over other civil rights matters and marijuana legalization.

It's all those 'RINOs' out there, that's the party's future.
The problem is that your "civil rights matters" are actually against the vast majority of millennials. White millennials will wake up the exact same way that Italian millennials and gen Xers woke up. "White privilege" will be fighting words for white millennials once they realize that most white people are literally powerless and dying in nursing homes.

Unless your party starts to heavily moderate and put the breaks on the slippery slope known as "progressivism", you will literally go from winning the fictional national popular votes to struggling to win a single state and getting massacred in California.
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.
If you think you can run an anti-white campaign and win any state that isn't California, you are a fool.
A few things:

1. This is a non-Presidential election year, so expect low voter turnout as usual which mean a decent chance GOP holds onto the Senate.

2. Speaking of the Senate the Democratic Party has to keep all their seats while gaining GOP seats and if the Democrats look, well it might not be that easy...

3. The final one is if 2016 taught me anything, well anything can happen but 2018 is not like 2006 when Democrats won on Bush being unpopular and the pork spending in D.C., so I have a funny feeling Democrats might be upset this November...

Or that funny is my depends needing change...
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.

you really don't have a clue
you can be against Trump.....but you have to back it up
and he voted with Trump almost wasn't on policy
He attacked Trump personally.......that's a no no...........
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.
If you think you can run an anti-white campaign and win any state that isn't California, you are a fool.
A few things:

1. This is a non-Presidential election year, so expect low voter turnout as usual which mean a decent chance GOP holds onto the Senate.

2. Speaking of the Senate the Democratic Party has to keep all their seats while gaining GOP seats and if the Democrats look, well it might not be that easy...

3. The final one is if 2016 taught me anything, well anything can happen but 2018 is not like 2006 when Democrats won on Bush being unpopular and the pork spending in D.C., so I have a funny feeling Democrats might be upset this November...

Or that funny is my depends needing change...
Democrats won't win this year unless the country is already finished.

They won't win in 2020 unless they win this year.

After 2020 Democrats will literally be backing former ISIS recruits and child molesters as serious candidates and they won't have prayer of winning a national election ever again.
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.
If you think you can run an anti-white campaign and win any state that isn't California, you are a fool.
A few things:

1. This is a non-Presidential election year, so expect low voter turnout as usual which mean a decent chance GOP holds onto the Senate.

2. Speaking of the Senate the Democratic Party has to keep all their seats while gaining GOP seats and if the Democrats look, well it might not be that easy...

3. The final one is if 2016 taught me anything, well anything can happen but 2018 is not like 2006 when Democrats won on Bush being unpopular and the pork spending in D.C., so I have a funny feeling Democrats might be upset this November...

Or that funny is my depends needing change...
Democrats won't win this year unless the country is already finished.

They won't win in 2020 unless they win this year.

After 2020 Democrats will literally be backing former ISIS recruits and child molesters as serious candidates and they won't have prayer of winning a national election ever again.

Yeeeeaaaahhhh, ummmmm no!

In 2006 many on the left proclaimed that the GOP was dead and in 2008 they thought Democrats would rule the next 100 years, and bam 2010 happen and then 2016...

What is my point?

Neither party stays in power too long anymore, so I say by 2020 Democrats will win the House and by 2024 a Democrat President will happen again that is not name Clinton or Warren...
No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying don’t count on the majority of millennial s voting democrat.

You're out of touch. Notice that every younger generation leans more and more to the Democrats and how Milllennials are breaking severely to the left. They are more diverse and are the ones who will be totally fucked by climate change.


1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
The fact that the number of millennials who are independent is higher than millennial Democrats by a significant margin means you guys are already fucked.

Even with demographics massively skewing the party registry compared to boomers, you are still losing millennials.

Boomers are the last truly left wing generation.

The other thing they all ignore is that we have been hearing that for decades. They said that very same thing when Obama was elected. Remember the popular statement: “The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”? They kept saying that the GOP was dying off and they all counted on the younger generation being democrat.

They always believe their own hype.

They forget that a LOT of young people start off as democrats, but as they age and gain experience and intelligence, they become republicans or at least move away from the left.

Every time a young democrat comes of age, a previous democrat says “I’m not following that bull shit anymore.”

People becoming more conservative as they age is a myth. Again look at my chart and track Gen X from 1994, people usually develop their political ideologies early on. Sure, some change but I don't know of any major shift from liberal to conservative within the same generation. Feel free to find something.

Anyway, there will be future Republican presidents, but they will have to adjust, become less conservative. Take gay marriage for example, the GOP kind of list it's steam on the matter. Same will happen over other civil rights matters and marijuana legalization.

It's all those 'RINOs' out there, that's the party's future.
The problem is that your "civil rights matters" are actually against the vast majority of millennials. White millennials will wake up the exact same way that Italian millennials and gen Xers woke up. "White privilege" will be fighting words for white millennials once they realize that most white people are literally powerless and dying in nursing homes.

They aren't though. Gen X has always been more conservative, they didn't grow into it. Many of these new civil rights issues such as BLM ore the #METOO movement are supported by and large most millenials. Younger generations don't have the same bigotry and prejudices as the ones that came before them and that is very true today.

Unless your party starts to heavily moderate and put the breaks on the slippery slope known as "progressivism", you will literally go from winning the fictional national popular votes to struggling to win a single state and getting massacred in California.

Name three issues where liberals and millenials are on different sides and provide a source. I would like to see what you are talking about.

What is fictional about the popular vote? That's an odd statement.
The Republican approval rating for Trump is something like 89%. I don't know what makes you think only the Trumpettes will be voting Republican. This only gets flipped around if the Dems put forward good candidates, which I hope they have.

I don't see moving any Republicans over. However independents and those who just plain didn't vote because they didn't like either candidate, combined with a more active millennial generation could spell trouble for the GOP who has done all they could to ensure they keep the far right happy (and they still aren't happy).

Combine the above with historic (at times) enthusiasm gaps between the GOP and Democrats, could be a good year. I do think the Democrats need an actual message to stand on, but that's an issue with both parties have when they are out of power.
Hogg isn't a "millennial", dipshit.

Who said I was referring to Hogg? You guys have an unhealthy obsession with him. Many in Gen Z can't even vote yet.
The people who give a shit about him are only a little older and still are consequently Gen Z. Millennials are getting less pro-Democrat by the day.

Millennials are in graduate school or out of school and own their own homes in the suburbs now.

I am a rare exception in that I chose to not participate in this society for a number of years, and millennials who dropped out of college temporarily hate Democrats even more than I do.

A little older would be millennials but this isn't really an argument, this is you obsessed with David Hogg.
A little older would 18 and 19 year old Generation Z kids.

Millennials technically are not even completely synonymous with generation Y. Millennials are those who grow up during the turn of the millennium and Generation Y started slightly before that and extends into kids being born just before the year 2000.
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.
If you think you can run an anti-white campaign and win any state that isn't California, you are a fool.
A few things:

1. This is a non-Presidential election year, so expect low voter turnout as usual which mean a decent chance GOP holds onto the Senate.
Normally true and should have been during these special elections this year but it hasn't panned out that way.

2. Speaking of the Senate the Democratic Party has to keep all their seats while gaining GOP seats and if the Democrats look, well it might not be that easy...

Yep, I don't think the Democrats will win the senate either, if they did that would be nothing short of a miracle, I'm more interested in the house.

3. The final one is if 2016 taught me anything, well anything can happen but 2018 is not like 2006 when Democrats won on Bush being unpopular and the pork spending in D.C., so I have a funny feeling Democrats might be upset this November...

Trump is still unpopular more so than Bush in 2006 and in a way that engrages Democrats. You will see high turnout among them.
I don't see moving any Republicans over. However independents and those who just plain didn't vote because they didn't like either candidate, combined with a more active millennial generation could spell trouble for the GOP who has done all they could to ensure they keep the far right happy (and they still aren't happy).

Combine the above with historic (at times) enthusiasm gaps between the GOP and Democrats, could be a good year. I do think the Democrats need an actual message to stand on, but that's an issue with both parties have when they are out of power.
Hogg isn't a "millennial", dipshit.

Who said I was referring to Hogg? You guys have an unhealthy obsession with him. Many in Gen Z can't even vote yet.
The people who give a shit about him are only a little older and still are consequently Gen Z. Millennials are getting less pro-Democrat by the day.

Millennials are in graduate school or out of school and own their own homes in the suburbs now.

I am a rare exception in that I chose to not participate in this society for a number of years, and millennials who dropped out of college temporarily hate Democrats even more than I do.

A little older would be millennials but this isn't really an argument, this is you obsessed with David Hogg.
A little older would 18 and 19 year old Generation Z kids.

Millenials are up through 1996. I would consider 22 to be a little older than 18 or 19. This is a fine debate you're having but I'm not really sure it's productive or means anything.

Millennials technically are not even completely synonymous with generation Y. Millennials are those who grow up during the turn of the millennium and Generation Y started slightly before that and extends into kids being born just before the year 2000.

The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.
If you think you can run an anti-white campaign and win any state that isn't California, you are a fool.
A few things:

1. This is a non-Presidential election year, so expect low voter turnout as usual which mean a decent chance GOP holds onto the Senate.
Normally true and should have been during these special elections this year but it hasn't panned out that way.

2. Speaking of the Senate the Democratic Party has to keep all their seats while gaining GOP seats and if the Democrats look, well it might not be that easy...

Yep, I don't think the Democrats will win the senate either, if they did that would be nothing short of a miracle, I'm more interested in the house.

3. The final one is if 2016 taught me anything, well anything can happen but 2018 is not like 2006 when Democrats won on Bush being unpopular and the pork spending in D.C., so I have a funny feeling Democrats might be upset this November...

Trump is still unpopular more so than Bush in 2006 and in a way that engrages Democrats. You will see high turnout among them.

You might see the turnout in States like Illinois, New York and California but will they matter in States like Ohio, Texas or Pennsylvania?

The point is you have hatred for Trump in typical Progressive regions ehich will not change the shape of the Congress, so let not think because California Democrats hate Trump will translate inti wins in Alaska or Oklahoma...
Really? I didn't declare that they will show up but if they do and there are signs of it but nothing is guaranteed until election day. Are you certain this younger generation won't show up?

No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying don’t count on the majority of millennial s voting democrat.

You're out of touch. Notice that every younger generation leans more and more to the Democrats and how Milllennials are breaking severely to the left. They are more diverse and are the ones who will be totally fucked by climate change.


1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
The fact that the number of millennials who are independent is higher than millennial Democrats by a significant margin means you guys are already fucked.

Even with demographics massively skewing the party registry compared to boomers, you are still losing millennials.

Boomers are the last truly left wing generation.

The other thing they all ignore is that we have been hearing that for decades. They said that very same thing when Obama was elected. Remember the popular statement: “The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”? They kept saying that the GOP was dying off and they all counted on the younger generation being democrat.

They always believe their own hype.

They forget that a LOT of young people start off as democrats, but as they age and gain experience and intelligence, they become republicans or at least move away from the left.

Every time a young democrat comes of age, a previous democrat says “I’m not following that bull shit anymore.”

People becoming more conservative as they age is a myth. Again look at my chart and track Gen X from 1994, people usually develop their political ideologies early on. Sure, some change but I don't know of any major shift from liberal to conservative within the same generation. Feel free to find something.

Anyway, there will be future Republican presidents, but they will have to adjust, become less conservative. Take gay marriage for example, the GOP kind of list it's steam on the matter. Same will happen over other civil rights matters and marijuana legalization.

It's all those 'RINOs' out there, that's the party's future.

Dude, I was a democrat as a kid. My first vote ever was for Jimmy Carter in 1976.

Watch and learn.
The results of last night's primaries, pretty much confirm the thread's title.

As of today, to be a conservative republican is a perilous stance (just ask Mark Sanford who "dared" criticize the antics of the orange charlatan.)

Equally evident today, is the fact that Trumpism has very become a cult, resembling the environment that brought on dictatorship in 1930s Europe. Any criticism of Trump is now considered "treasonous" to the CULT's visions.

Of course, the DNC must be smiling, fully aware that the Trump Cult comprises pretty much the same percentile as the buffoon's approval ratings. Let the GOP elect hard line, MINI-Trumps to represent their party, and democrats will win.

We are no longer witnessing the foolish gamble that some voters made in 2016, switching from support of Obama to backing a demagogue because Hillary was a poor candidate......If the GOP "thinks" that states like WI, PA and MI will once again gamble away their vote, they're fools.

All in all, last night's primaries (as well as previous ones) constitute bad news for the once Grand ol' Party, and hopefulness for Dems. to retake the House majority, and narrowing the disparity in the Senate.
If you think you can run an anti-white campaign and win any state that isn't California, you are a fool.
A few things:

1. This is a non-Presidential election year, so expect low voter turnout as usual which mean a decent chance GOP holds onto the Senate.
Normally true and should have been during these special elections this year but it hasn't panned out that way.

2. Speaking of the Senate the Democratic Party has to keep all their seats while gaining GOP seats and if the Democrats look, well it might not be that easy...

Yep, I don't think the Democrats will win the senate either, if they did that would be nothing short of a miracle, I'm more interested in the house.

3. The final one is if 2016 taught me anything, well anything can happen but 2018 is not like 2006 when Democrats won on Bush being unpopular and the pork spending in D.C., so I have a funny feeling Democrats might be upset this November...

Trump is still unpopular more so than Bush in 2006 and in a way that engrages Democrats. You will see high turnout among them.

You might see the turnout in States like Illinois, New York and California but will they matter in States like Ohio, Texas or Pennsylvania?

The point is you have hatred for Trump in typical Progressive regions ehich will not change the shape of the Congress, so let not think because California Democrats hate Trump will translate inti wins in Alaska or Oklahoma...

I think you're telling me what you want to hear rather than what is actually happening so far. fivethirtyeight has a handy-dandy chart that shows the party swing in special elections so far. You mentioned PA? +28.9% for Democrats. No recent special elections for Oho but Iowa is a +26.2% for dems, Wisconsin +27.2% dems, Missouri +21%. There has generally been a large swing to dems since Trump was elected, not everywhere, there have been some very, very modest gains for Republicans but it's almost inconsequential.

You can look at it here:

The States Where Democrats Are Overperforming Most — And Least — In Special Elections

Anyway, nothing is written in stone but the trends appear to favor Democrats.
No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying don’t count on the majority of millennial s voting democrat.

You're out of touch. Notice that every younger generation leans more and more to the Democrats and how Milllennials are breaking severely to the left. They are more diverse and are the ones who will be totally fucked by climate change.


1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
The fact that the number of millennials who are independent is higher than millennial Democrats by a significant margin means you guys are already fucked.

Even with demographics massively skewing the party registry compared to boomers, you are still losing millennials.

Boomers are the last truly left wing generation.

The other thing they all ignore is that we have been hearing that for decades. They said that very same thing when Obama was elected. Remember the popular statement: “The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”? They kept saying that the GOP was dying off and they all counted on the younger generation being democrat.

They always believe their own hype.

They forget that a LOT of young people start off as democrats, but as they age and gain experience and intelligence, they become republicans or at least move away from the left.

Every time a young democrat comes of age, a previous democrat says “I’m not following that bull shit anymore.”

People becoming more conservative as they age is a myth. Again look at my chart and track Gen X from 1994, people usually develop their political ideologies early on. Sure, some change but I don't know of any major shift from liberal to conservative within the same generation. Feel free to find something.

Anyway, there will be future Republican presidents, but they will have to adjust, become less conservative. Take gay marriage for example, the GOP kind of list it's steam on the matter. Same will happen over other civil rights matters and marijuana legalization.

It's all those 'RINOs' out there, that's the party's future.

Dude, I was a democrat as a kid. My first vote ever was for Jimmy Carter in 1976.

Watch and learn.

You're anecdotal story means very little. I'm sure there are people out there who voted for Ford and later on for Clinton, so what?
Really? I didn't declare that they will show up but if they do and there are signs of it but nothing is guaranteed until election day. Are you certain this younger generation won't show up?

No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying don’t count on the majority of millennial s voting democrat.

You're out of touch. Notice that every younger generation leans more and more to the Democrats and how Milllennials are breaking severely to the left. They are more diverse and are the ones who will be totally fucked by climate change.


1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups
The fact that the number of millennials who are independent is higher than millennial Democrats by a significant margin means you guys are already fucked.

Even with demographics massively skewing the party registry compared to boomers, you are still losing millennials.

Boomers are the last truly left wing generation.

The other thing they all ignore is that we have been hearing that for decades. They said that very same thing when Obama was elected. Remember the popular statement: “The next Republican President hasn’t been born yet!”? They kept saying that the GOP was dying off and they all counted on the younger generation being democrat.

They always believe their own hype.

They forget that a LOT of young people start off as democrats, but as they age and gain experience and intelligence, they become republicans or at least move away from the left.

Every time a young democrat comes of age, a previous democrat says “I’m not following that bull shit anymore.”

People becoming more conservative as they age is a myth. Again look at my chart and track Gen X from 1994, people usually develop their political ideologies early on. Sure, some change but I don't know of any major shift from liberal to conservative within the same generation. Feel free to find something.

Anyway, there will be future Republican presidents, but they will have to adjust, become less conservative. Take gay marriage for example, the GOP kind of list it's steam on the matter. Same will happen over other civil rights matters and marijuana legalization.

It's all those 'RINOs' out there, that's the party's future.

not true. they do become more conservative

they get jobs,
pay taxes,
questioning where their money is going,
what programs are working,
have families
want to protect children
they grow up and get life experience (aka wisdom)
and they find out the pie in the sky leftist crap is just that crap

its why (in general) married women = republican
single women = democrat

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