GOP Losing The Midterms Already(?), Having Been Only Partially Elected(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
NBC/WSJ followed ABC/WP noting an increase of the Obama approval rating, and perceptions about the course of the economy. As opposed to support for the Republicans, noted in the last election, instead the White House and Democrats appear to be way out in front of what the people actually want. The poll sample likely listened to the people who did not turnout at the polls, like Obama did.

--60% support the Cuba Initiative
--52% support the Immigration Initiative
--59% do not support divided government.

A JohnJHarwood tweet notes this:
NBC/WSJ poll positive-negative ratings: HRC +8, Obama +4, Democratic Party -3. Jeb -13, McConnell -16, Republican Party -21, Boehner -27.

Now the Republicans are left with a can of worms, for their concept of a balanced diet(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Wonders never cease, but majorities prevail. (Like is so. . . .Yecch!)
So now the liberals are saying that, after the massive stomping delivered to the Democrats where record numbers of them were booted out of office by the American people... Since the people favored the Republicans in clear majorities of most of the issues involved, but seem to favor Democrats in a few minor ones.... the Democrats are winning???

These people have definitely gone over the edge. Elections have consequences, but who knew that complete leftist derangement was one of them? :cuckoo:
House Majority Leader MCarthy is from a decidedly Blue State, California, which does not itself subscribe to the Republican Brand, apparently acknowledged at the leadership and caucus levels. Scalise from Lousiana, comparing, is actually an embarrassment: Apparently acknowledged at the leadership and caucus levels.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Times--the whole lot them--all seem to be changing, themselves(?)!)
With the red wall at the state level the democratic bench has mostly disappeared and since Obamacare has not really bit yet enjoy this interlude while you can it won'r last long.
The Red State minority plurality is largely in less populated states. In the South, rural in 2016 also means black. The increase of Hispanic emerges even in Texas. Then tehre is the matter that the the state AG's tend to be evenly divided, impacting enforcement of election laws. In the Northeast and West, 165 electoral votes will go to the plurality winner. Possibly in the red states, and heading Southeast, the electoral vote will be split.

End of concept of "Red Wall."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(History of Great Red Ted created, mainly Reservation enclaves--where profiteering could actually, finally even happen!)
Talk about desperate bull shit. NBC and ABC are still in shock about the biggest mid term landslide in modern history so they decide to play games with push polls and pretend it didn't happen? You almost gotta laugh that the low information left would fall for this crap.
The Republicans offered no specific alternative agenda, in the 2014 campaign. Many of the Democrats had trouble remembering that Barack Obama was President of the United States. The Immigration and Cuba initiatives themselves are post-election events, and seem have traction starting in 2015.

Mostly, people polled seemed to understand both initiatives had happened, high-enough information about recent current events

So anyone sees the Whitehall poster-type agenda. Better it is to insult all the voters all at once, than it is to insult them: Red State by Red State(?). The White House is more reliant on all the voters all at once. That is how the election for President is set up.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Ancient Middle Eastern civilizations allowed a repayment of four bags of barley for a loan of three, likely expanding the stable food supply. Ancient Educated Jew Out of Egypt, declared that a sin among the Israel believers(?)! For everyone else--usury all the time was appropriate. "Charge Only Them The Interest" become the law. Educated people out of Egypt, not entirely smart(?). . . . even then. . .like so many others!)
So much horse crap in such a short period of time

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