GOP mega Donor Says Trump Will Cause Global Depression

Well this will create a whole new level of scrutiny of Donald Trump's economic policies. A good thing if one is to believe the criticism starting to emerge over his policies.

"A billionaire hedge fund manager known for contributing huge sums to Republican candidates cautioned Wednesday that Donald Trump’s economic policies effectively guaranteed a depression.

"The most impactful of the economic policies that I recall him coming out for are these anti-trade policies," Paul Singer said during a panel discussion at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Colorado, according to CNBC. "And I think if he actually stuck to those policies and gets elected president, it's close to a guarantee of a global depression, widespread global depression."

Singer is the founder of Elliott Management Corporation, a fund worth $27 billion that specializes in distressed debt acquisitions. A self-described libertarian, he donated $100,000 to the Republican Party in 2015, according to Forbes, and contributed to Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) failed bid for the presidency.

Singer’s remarks in Aspen came one day after Trump gave two speeches laying out his fervent opposition to international trade agreements and threatening to raise tariffs on the United States’ leading trading partners, including China and Mexico.

According to CNBC, Singer donated $1 million in April to the anti-Trump Our Principles PAC. He said at the conference that he may not vote for anyone in November.

Singer’s criticism of the presumptive GOP nominee shows how Trump has polarized traditional conservative donors." more at the link: GOP Mega-Donor Warns Trump Would Cause ‘Widespread Global Depression’
the irony of leftists taking heed of an evil 1%ers words.
the real culprit>>>

so? didnt Obama cause the 2008/09 Recession? and we are still in it

Me thinks you mean George the Dumber!
he actually should have said bill clinton

Interesting, did not know Clinton cut taxes and started 2 wars that he borrowed money to pay for all while running a surplus .
he created the housing bubble.

it's known to be the actual cause of the recession

leftists don't know this b/c their media didn't tell them, but the info is on the net.
Today marks the start of the Trump Depression!!!
Awesome Hit Back China Make the Trump Gimp Farm States squeal with Pain...stock Market in Melt down mode ...nice work Orange Idiot
China Hits Back on Tariffs
April 4, 2018
“China said it would levy an additional 25 percent tariff on imports of 106 U.S. products including soybeans, automobiles, chemicals and aircraft, in response to proposed American duties on its high-tech goods,” Bloomberg reports.

“Matching the scale of proposed U.S. tariffs announced the previous day, the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing said the charges will apply to around $50 billion of U.S. imports. Officials signaled that the implementation of the proposed measures will depend on when the U.S. applies its own after a period of public consultation.”

Playbook: “This could completely dwarf the good news Republicans have celebrated from tax reform and screw up their strategy to use it as the GOP’s main selling point in the midterms.”

CNBC: Stock futures plunged “as concerns over a potential trade war between the U.S. and China intensified.”
Today marks the start of the Trump Depression!!!
Awesome Hit Back China Make the Trump Gimp Farm States squeal with Pain...stock Market in Melt down mode ...nice work Orange Idiot
China Hits Back on Tariffs

April 4, 2018
“China said it would levy an additional 25 percent tariff on imports of 106 U.S. products including soybeans, automobiles, chemicals and aircraft, in response to proposed American duties on its high-tech goods,” Bloomberg reports.

“Matching the scale of proposed U.S. tariffs announced the previous day, the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing said the charges will apply to around $50 billion of U.S. imports. Officials signaled that the implementation of the proposed measures will depend on when the U.S. applies its own after a period of public consultation.”

Playbook: “This could completely dwarf the good news Republicans have celebrated from tax reform and screw up their strategy to use it as the GOP’s main selling point in the midterms.”

CNBC: Stock futures plunged “as concerns over a potential trade war between the U.S. and China intensified.”
so? didnt Obama cause the 2008/09 Recession? and we are still in it

Me thinks you mean George the Dumber!
he actually should have said bill clinton

Interesting, did not know Clinton cut taxes and started 2 wars that he borrowed money to pay for all while running a surplus .
he created the housing bubble.

it's known to be the actual cause of the recession

leftists don't know this b/c their media didn't tell them, but the info is on the net.

Righty forgets about budget surpluses, in fact is so disgusted by them they do the usual supply side economics bullshit then start 2 wars that they have to borrow trillions to pay for. It is on the net, look it up!
so? didnt Obama cause the 2008/09 Recession? and we are still in it

Me thinks you mean George the Dumber!
he actually should have said bill clinton

Interesting, did not know Clinton cut taxes and started 2 wars that he borrowed money to pay for all while running a surplus .
he created the housing bubble.

it's known to be the actual cause of the recession

leftists don't know this b/c their media didn't tell them, but the info is on the net.

Righty forgets about budget surpluses, in fact is so disgusted by them they do the usual supply side economics bullshit then start 2 wars that they have to borrow trillions to pay for. It is on the net, look it up!
his policies were so bad that he had to create a bubble b/c he destroyed Reaganomics.

we were attacked you moron.

dems had 8 years to bail on the war, but they expanded it.

you're to dumb to converse with me, try a pre-k play ground
Me thinks you mean George the Dumber!
he actually should have said bill clinton

Interesting, did not know Clinton cut taxes and started 2 wars that he borrowed money to pay for all while running a surplus .
he created the housing bubble.

it's known to be the actual cause of the recession

leftists don't know this b/c their media didn't tell them, but the info is on the net.

Righty forgets about budget surpluses, in fact is so disgusted by them they do the usual supply side economics bullshit then start 2 wars that they have to borrow trillions to pay for. It is on the net, look it up!
his policies were so bad that he had to create a bubble b/c he destroyed Reaganomics.

we were attacked you moron.

dems had 8 years to bail on the war, but they expanded it.

you're to dumb to converse with me, try a pre-k play ground

You're right it is dumb to converse with you. You are a maroon that hates balanced budgets and believes future generations should pay for your stupidity.

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