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Gop Members Of Senate Vote Down Attempts To Limits Money In Politics

and corporations are people....

Can you cite the specific ruling that said corporations are people?

Sure, the 1819 case Dartmouth v. Woodward. Dartmouth College v. Woodward - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Since at least Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward – 17 U.S. 518 (1819), the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized corporations as having the same rights as natural persons to contract and to enforce contracts. In Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad – 118 U.S. 394 (1886), the court reporter, Bancroft Davis,[1] noted in the headnote to the opinion that the Chief Justice Morrison Waite began oral argument by stating, "The court does not wish to hear argument on the question whether the provision in the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which forbids a State to deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws, applies to these corporations. We are all of the opinion that it does."[2] While the headnote is not part of the Court's opinion and thus not precedent, two years later, in Pembina Consolidated Silver Mining Co. v. Pennsylvania – 125 U.S. 181 (1888), the Court clearly affirmed the doctrine, holding, "Under the designation of 'person' there is no doubt that a private corporation is included [in the Fourteenth Amendment]. Such corporations are merely associations of individuals united for a special purpose and permitted to do business under a particular name and have a succession of members without dissolution."[3]

Corporate personhood - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
Freddie, Fannie, and Democrats. 'Nuff sed.
The Democrats are attemtping to amend the Bill of Rights to take away freedom of speech. Why would anyone of any persuasion be in favor of that?
INSTITUTE INDEX After Senate setback movement to limit money in politics marches on

Yes, the GOP has proven they are not for middle America. They are for the big money donors and for the corporations that write checks to get their votes. The GOP has proven their allegiance...And yet so many of you blindly follow them while they gather behind closed doors to laugh at your misplaced loyalty.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


  • "Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
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The Democrats are attemtping to amend the Bill of Rights to take away freedom of speech. Why would anyone of any persuasion be in favor of that?

Everything in the proposed amendment is already law and has been for years, at both the federal and states levels. How would it "take away freedom of speech"?
The Democrats are attemtping to amend the Bill of Rights to take away freedom of speech. Why would anyone of any persuasion be in favor of that?

Everything in the proposed amendment is already law and has been for years, at both the federal and states levels. How would it "take away freedom of speech"?
Yours is not to question why....

Bitch slap number one, coming up! :slap:
The Democrats are attemtping to amend the Bill of Rights to take away freedom of speech. Why would anyone of any persuasion be in favor of that?

Everything in the proposed amendment is already law and has been for years, at both the federal and states levels. How would it "take away freedom of speech"?

Then I think the better question is why is the amendment necessary at all?
what a joke and you're a tool
the unions own the Democrat party. Obama doesn't go to fund raise in the ghetto, he goes to millionaire houses in Hollywood, Soros, Buffett, and the BIG MONEY is OK for Democrats I guess

I posted this yesterday
The People in this country BETTER wake up to this SLIMY Progressive/Democrat party

The Silent Coup
Harry Reid plans to fundamentally transform the American social contract
By Matthew Continetti

(Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

Matthew Continetti

‘The constitutional amendment before us,” Harry Reid said Tuesday, describing a proposal to give federal and state governments the authority to regulate political giving, “isn’t about limiting free speech.”

Harry Reid, may I present the American Civil Liberties Union. I am sure you two have met before.

strongly opposes” the so-called Udall amendment, the ACLU’s Laura Murphy and Gabriel Rottman called the Democratic proposal “deceptively complex,” “unnecessary,” “redundant of existing law,” “dangerous for liberties,” “vague,” “overbroad,” “exceedingly dangerous to democratic processes,” and “the first time the amendatory process has been used to directly limit specifically enumerated rights and freedoms.” Reid’s baby, the ACLU said, would “‘break’ the Constitution” by “amending the First Amendment.”

Two levels of government would be permitted “to criminalize and censor all issue advocacy that mentions or refers to a candidate under the argument that it supports or opposes that candidate.”

Recall that Citizens United, which the Udall amendment is supposed to address, was not about tea-party Astroturf. It was about the FEC’s attempt to censor a film critical of her royal highness.
The mandarins at the FEC and IRS, as well as their counterparts at the state level, would be responsible for distinguishing political communications that “support or oppose” a candidate from those that do not. They would penalize the individuals and groups they subjectively deem violators of administrative diktat. If this is not about “limiting free speech,” what is?
I am not speaking abstractly. Want an image of a post-Udall world? Think Lois Lerner on Spring Break — after a bottle of tequila.

“My Democratic colleagues and I,” Reid says, “are trying to address the special-interest money that threatens to create a government of elected officials who are beholden to a few wealthy individuals.” But we can dismiss this rationalization outright. It is an example of what the Freudians call projection: the denial of immoral urges by transferring them to another. Projection is a disorder.

Special-interest money and super-wealthy individuals are two of the most prominent features of today’s bourgeois liberalism. The unions, the foundations, the colleges, the liberal-leaning or rent-seeking corporations, the residents of Manhattan and Silicon Valley and Beverly Hills and Ward 3, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Tom Steyer, Marc Lasry, Steve Mostyn, Michael Bloomberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Chris Hughes — these groups, these men, they are not misshapen appendages of the Democratic party. They are its innards. Its guts.

all of it
The Silent Coup National Review Online
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The Democrats are attemtping to amend the Bill of Rights to take away freedom of speech. Why would anyone of any persuasion be in favor of that?

Everything in the proposed amendment is already law and has been for years, at both the federal and states levels. How would it "take away freedom of speech"?

Then I think the better question is why is the amendment necessary at all?

I've been considering this. At first I thought it was a completely meaningless gesture, but now I'm starting to think it's a genius move on President Obama's part to get campaign finance laws cemented as a legitimate area of government control before Tea Party extremists steal a majority of state and federal legislative seats and use that to railroad the country into no regulations on anything ever, including campaign finance, due to the "hurr not da proper role of gubmint" nonsense Tea Partiers always spout.

It's basically one of our secular savior's parting gifts to the country: Change we can believe in, because it will last. A Constitutional Amendment can't be easily undone by the country's mood swings like the existing laws can. The fact that we're able to have campaign finance laws at all is a good thing, and we need to protect the ability of government to pass them at all.
what a joke and you're a tool
the unions own the Democrat party. Obama doesn't go to fund raise in the ghetto, he goes to millionaire houses in Hollywood, Soros, Buffett, and the BIG MONEY is OK for Democrats I guess

What absolute bullshit. You've clearly never even read the Democratic Party's finance reports.

John Abowd, an Economist at Cornell University, gave the DNC $10 on July 27. Sharon Adams, a self-employed rancher, gave them $300 on July 7. Else Adjali, a worker at a United Methodist Church location in New York, donated $100 on July 29. Susan Alexander, a homemaker from Tennessee, put in $25 on July 28.

Economists, church employees, ranchers, and housewives--what union are they all a part of? Who is this shadowy Housewives Union that controls the Democratic Party from behind the scenes?
what a joke and you're a tool
the unions own the Democrat party. Obama doesn't go to fund raise in the ghetto, he goes to millionaire houses in Hollywood, Soros, Buffett, and the BIG MONEY is OK for Democrats I guess

What absolute bullshit. You've clearly never even read the Democratic Party's finance reports.

John Abowd, an Economist at Cornell University, gave the DNC $10 on July 27. Sharon Adams, a self-employed rancher, gave them $300 on July 7. Else Adjali, a worker at a United Methodist Church location in New York, donated $100 on July 29. Susan Alexander, a homemaker from Tennessee, put in $25 on July 28.

Economists, church employees, ranchers, and housewives--what union are they all a part of? Who is this shadowy Housewives Union that controls the Democratic Party from behind the scenes?

:laugh2: whatever you say
what a joke and you're a tool
the unions own the Democrat party. Obama doesn't go to fund raise in the ghetto, he goes to millionaire houses in Hollywood, Soros, Buffett, and the BIG MONEY is OK for Democrats I guess

What absolute bullshit. You've clearly never even read the Democratic Party's finance reports.

John Abowd, an Economist at Cornell University, gave the DNC $10 on July 27. Sharon Adams, a self-employed rancher, gave them $300 on July 7. Else Adjali, a worker at a United Methodist Church location in New York, donated $100 on July 29. Susan Alexander, a homemaker from Tennessee, put in $25 on July 28.

Economists, church employees, ranchers, and housewives--what union are they all a part of? Who is this shadowy Housewives Union that controls the Democratic Party from behind the scenes?

:laugh2: whatever you say

So we're in agreement, then--the Democratic Party is not run by unions, big banks, billionaires, or anything else that keeps the Wrongpublican Party afloat; but rather, the DNC is financially sustained by small contributions from We the Pyyple, because the Democratic Party is the pyyple's party.

Another conservatard converted to lybyrylysm. Truly the effect I'm having here is immeasurable.
INSTITUTE INDEX After Senate setback movement to limit money in politics marches on

Yes, the GOP has proven they are not for middle America. They are for the big money donors and for the corporations that write checks to get their votes. The GOP has proven their allegiance...And yet so many of you blindly follow them while they gather behind closed doors to laugh at your misplaced loyalty.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Given that Obama raised over a billion bucks in both of his campaigns, this post is ironic. Moreover, he was partying with the rich crowd during his last campaign. Ah yes, and let's not forget there are more Democrats in congress who make $1 million+ than Republicans in Congress.
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what a joke and you're a tool
the unions own the Democrat party. Obama doesn't go to fund raise in the ghetto, he goes to millionaire houses in Hollywood, Soros, Buffett, and the BIG MONEY is OK for Democrats I guess

What absolute bullshit. You've clearly never even read the Democratic Party's finance reports.

John Abowd, an Economist at Cornell University, gave the DNC $10 on July 27. Sharon Adams, a self-employed rancher, gave them $300 on July 7. Else Adjali, a worker at a United Methodist Church location in New York, donated $100 on July 29. Susan Alexander, a homemaker from Tennessee, put in $25 on July 28.

Economists, church employees, ranchers, and housewives--what union are they all a part of? Who is this shadowy Housewives Union that controls the Democratic Party from behind the scenes?

:laugh2: whatever you say

So we're in agreement, then--the Democratic Party is not run by unions, big banks, billionaires, or anything else that keeps the Wrongpublican Party afloat; but rather, the DNC is financially sustained by small contributions from We the Pyyple, because the Democratic Party is the pyyple's party.

Another conservatard converted to lybyrylysm. Truly the effect I'm having here is immeasurable.

you can't be for real. my gawd everyone knows the UNIONS donate millions to the Democrat party, Bill Maher donated a MILLION dollars. etc etc
now knock it off you aren't this dense
what a joke and you're a tool
the unions own the Democrat party. Obama doesn't go to fund raise in the ghetto, he goes to millionaire houses in Hollywood, Soros, Buffett, and the BIG MONEY is OK for Democrats I guess

What absolute bullshit. You've clearly never even read the Democratic Party's finance reports.

John Abowd, an Economist at Cornell University, gave the DNC $10 on July 27. Sharon Adams, a self-employed rancher, gave them $300 on July 7. Else Adjali, a worker at a United Methodist Church location in New York, donated $100 on July 29. Susan Alexander, a homemaker from Tennessee, put in $25 on July 28.

Economists, church employees, ranchers, and housewives--what union are they all a part of? Who is this shadowy Housewives Union that controls the Democratic Party from behind the scenes?

:laugh2: whatever you say

So we're in agreement, then--the Democratic Party is not run by unions, big banks, billionaires, or anything else that keeps the Wrongpublican Party afloat; but rather, the DNC is financially sustained by small contributions from We the Pyyple, because the Democratic Party is the pyyple's party.

Another conservatard converted to lybyrylysm. Truly the effect I'm having here is immeasurable.

you can't be for real. my gawd everyone knows the UNIONS donate millions to the Democrat party, Bill Maher donated a MILLION dollars. etc etc
now knock it off you aren't this dense

If "everyone" knows this, then show me the documentation you have to back it up. The financial reports of every Democratic Party entity (federal, state, and local) are freely available online. Find one showing unions donating millions to any level of the Democratic Party, and find the one where Bill Maher "donated a MILLION dollars" to them as well. Link to them here so everyone can see it.
INSTITUTE INDEX After Senate setback movement to limit money in politics marches on

Yes, the GOP has proven they are not for middle America. They are for the big money donors and for the corporations that write checks to get their votes. The GOP has proven their allegiance...And yet so many of you blindly follow them while they gather behind closed doors to laugh at your misplaced loyalty.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

The fascist Dems proved they are opposed to the First Amendment.
what a joke and you're a tool
the unions own the Democrat party. Obama doesn't go to fund raise in the ghetto, he goes to millionaire houses in Hollywood, Soros, Buffett, and the BIG MONEY is OK for Democrats I guess

What absolute bullshit. You've clearly never even read the Democratic Party's finance reports.

John Abowd, an Economist at Cornell University, gave the DNC $10 on July 27. Sharon Adams, a self-employed rancher, gave them $300 on July 7. Else Adjali, a worker at a United Methodist Church location in New York, donated $100 on July 29. Susan Alexander, a homemaker from Tennessee, put in $25 on July 28.

Economists, church employees, ranchers, and housewives--what union are they all a part of? Who is this shadowy Housewives Union that controls the Democratic Party from behind the scenes?

:laugh2: whatever you say

So we're in agreement, then--the Democratic Party is not run by unions, big banks, billionaires, or anything else that keeps the Wrongpublican Party afloat; but rather, the DNC is financially sustained by small contributions from We the Pyyple, because the Democratic Party is the pyyple's party.

Another conservatard converted to lybyrylysm. Truly the effect I'm having here is immeasurable.

you can't be for real. my gawd everyone knows the UNIONS donate millions to the Democrat party, Bill Maher donated a MILLION dollars. etc etc
now knock it off you aren't this dense

Yes he is.
what a joke and you're a tool
the unions own the Democrat party. Obama doesn't go to fund raise in the ghetto, he goes to millionaire houses in Hollywood, Soros, Buffett, and the BIG MONEY is OK for Democrats I guess

What absolute bullshit. You've clearly never even read the Democratic Party's finance reports.

John Abowd, an Economist at Cornell University, gave the DNC $10 on July 27. Sharon Adams, a self-employed rancher, gave them $300 on July 7. Else Adjali, a worker at a United Methodist Church location in New York, donated $100 on July 29. Susan Alexander, a homemaker from Tennessee, put in $25 on July 28.

Economists, church employees, ranchers, and housewives--what union are they all a part of? Who is this shadowy Housewives Union that controls the Democratic Party from behind the scenes?

:laugh2: whatever you say

So we're in agreement, then--the Democratic Party is not run by unions, big banks, billionaires, or anything else that keeps the Wrongpublican Party afloat; but rather, the DNC is financially sustained by small contributions from We the Pyyple, because the Democratic Party is the pyyple's party.

Another conservatard converted to lybyrylysm. Truly the effect I'm having here is immeasurable.

you can't be for real. my gawd everyone knows the UNIONS donate millions to the Democrat party, Bill Maher donated a MILLION dollars. etc etc
now knock it off you aren't this dense

If "everyone" knows this, then show me the documentation you have to back it up. The financial reports of every Democratic Party entity (federal, state, and local) are freely available online. Find one showing unions donating millions to any level of the Democratic Party, and find the one where Bill Maher "donated a MILLION dollars" to them as well. Link to them here so everyone can see it.

This is the ONLY time I'm going to play your game
SEIU prez: Union spent $60.7 million to elect Obama

  • The Service Employees International Union inappropriately lobbied Team Obama to withhold billions of dollars in federal stimulus money from California if the state does not reverse a scheduled wage cut for the labor group's workers.
    The LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-cal-healthcare11-2009...

    Officials in the governor's office say a politically powerful union may have had inappropriate influence over the Obama administration's decision to withhold billions of dollars in federal stimulus money from California if the state does not reverse a scheduled wage cut for the labor group's workers.

    The officials say they are particularly troubled that the Service Employees International Union, which lobbied the federal government to step in, was included in a conference call in which state and federal officials reviewed the wage cut and the terms of the stimulus package.

    California Secretary of Health and Human Services Kim Belshe said she could not recall another instance in which the federal government invited a significant stakeholder group into such government-to-government negotiations.

    "The involvement of a stakeholder in this kind of state-federal deliberative process is unusual at best," she said. "This was really atypical and outside any norm I am familiar with."
SEIU prez Union spent 60.7 million to elect Obama

and many more if you GOOGLE it now go play with someone else
what a joke and you're a tool
the unions own the Democrat party. Obama doesn't go to fund raise in the ghetto, he goes to millionaire houses in Hollywood, Soros, Buffett, and the BIG MONEY is OK for Democrats I guess

What absolute bullshit. You've clearly never even read the Democratic Party's finance reports.

John Abowd, an Economist at Cornell University, gave the DNC $10 on July 27. Sharon Adams, a self-employed rancher, gave them $300 on July 7. Else Adjali, a worker at a United Methodist Church location in New York, donated $100 on July 29. Susan Alexander, a homemaker from Tennessee, put in $25 on July 28.

Economists, church employees, ranchers, and housewives--what union are they all a part of? Who is this shadowy Housewives Union that controls the Democratic Party from behind the scenes?

:laugh2: whatever you say

So we're in agreement, then--the Democratic Party is not run by unions, big banks, billionaires, or anything else that keeps the Wrongpublican Party afloat; but rather, the DNC is financially sustained by small contributions from We the Pyyple, because the Democratic Party is the pyyple's party.

Another conservatard converted to lybyrylysm. Truly the effect I'm having here is immeasurable.

you can't be for real. my gawd everyone knows the UNIONS donate millions to the Democrat party, Bill Maher donated a MILLION dollars. etc etc
now knock it off you aren't this dense

If "everyone" knows this, then show me the documentation you have to back it up. The financial reports of every Democratic Party entity (federal, state, and local) are freely available online. Find one showing unions donating millions to any level of the Democratic Party, and find the one where Bill Maher "donated a MILLION dollars" to them as well. Link to them here so everyone can see it.

Heavy Hitters Top All-Time Donors 1989-2014 OpenSecrets

Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2014



Total '89-'14

Dem %

Repub %







American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees





National Education Assn





AT&T Inc





National Assn of Realtors





Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers





Goldman Sachs





Carpenters & Joiners Union





United Auto Workers





Service Employees International Union





Laborers Union





American Federation of Teachers





Teamsters Union





Communications Workers of America





JPMorgan Chase & Co





United Food & Commercial Workers Union










United Parcel Service





Citigroup Inc





EMILY's List





National Auto Dealers Assn





American Bankers Assn





Machinists & Aerospace Workers Union




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