GOP members offer amendment to force Congress to participate in public option

I thought the public option was going to be optional?

There you go again supporting the use of force against those who disagree with you politically.

Fuckin' fascisti!

LOL! I think those that fronted this Amendment are trying to FLUSH OUT those that think they are above you and I...

We'll see if this thing grows legs, or is killed in the womb...:eek::eusa_whistle:

(NO! I just didn't TYPE THAT)?

I still don't see the point. It is a waste of time, energy and tax payer dollars. a game of one upmanship on the dole. fuckin' GOP losers. :evil:

How is it waste of tax payer dollars? It doesn't cost un anything for congressman to propose an amendment.

How can you disagree with the notion that if the public option is suppossed to be so great congress ought to be more than happy to adopt it themselves?

Me thinks you are a partisan hack and can't think objectively is why.
Horse. I'll let you know if I wine the lottery or the Powerball down here in Florida. Pary time on me.
GOP members offer amendment to force Congress to participate in public option
By Tony Romm - 11/04/09 01:42 PM ET

Five House Republicans hope to add to Democrats' healthcare reform bill an amendment that would automatically enroll members of Congress in the public option program.

The effort, spearheaded by Reps. John Fleming (La.), Joe Wilson (S.C.), Wally Herger (Calif.), Phil Gingrey (Ga.) and Steve Scalise (La.), would bar lawmakers from participating in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, which they currently use for health insurance. Instead, members would have to rely on the Health Insurance Exchange and the public option plan House Democrats are proposing in their latest healthcare reform effort.

“If Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi [D-Calif.] and her Democratic counterparts truly believe that their government insurance option is the best way forward for healthcare in the United States, then they should be fully supportive of amending the bill to ensure that every single member of Congress, both in the House and Senate, is enrolled in it," explained Rep. Gingrey, who is leading the new campaign.


Sounds sensible to me. Last time I checked? Members of Government were citizens too. If it's good for US, then I'ts good for them too.

Pretty gutsy amendment if you ask me.

I'm fine with that, of course it is nothing more than the usual hyperbole, and notice which states the honorable gentlemen represent. If I were a member I would simply add this rider - 'No state may receive more in federal revenue sharing than that state contributes to the Federal Revenue'.
GOP members offer amendment to force Congress to participate in public option
By Tony Romm - 11/04/09 01:42 PM ET

Five House Republicans hope to add to Democrats' healthcare reform bill an amendment that would automatically enroll members of Congress in the public option program.

The effort, spearheaded by Reps. John Fleming (La.), Joe Wilson (S.C.), Wally Herger (Calif.), Phil Gingrey (Ga.) and Steve Scalise (La.), would bar lawmakers from participating in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, which they currently use for health insurance. Instead, members would have to rely on the Health Insurance Exchange and the public option plan House Democrats are proposing in their latest healthcare reform effort.

“If Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi [D-Calif.] and her Democratic counterparts truly believe that their government insurance option is the best way forward for healthcare in the United States, then they should be fully supportive of amending the bill to ensure that every single member of Congress, both in the House and Senate, is enrolled in it," explained Rep. Gingrey, who is leading the new campaign.


Sounds sensible to me. Last time I checked? Members of Government were citizens too. If it's good for US, then I'ts good for them too.

Pretty gutsy amendment if you ask me.

I'm fine with that, of course it is nothing more than the usual hyperbole, and notice which states the honorable gentlemen represent. If I were a member I would simply add this rider - 'No state may receive more in federal revenue sharing than that state contributes to the Federal Revenue'.

Wow! That's calculating. :cuckoo:
Wyoming will just have to suck it up in your world.
Another round of bullshit. If people were forced until the public option, the arguments would make sense. The fact of the matter is they aren't.
Does anyone have a copy of this amendment??

From what I heard it is just a resolution which doesn't "force" anyone to do anything.

More BS grandstanding by the Pubs......
No one will be forced into the PO. Not at first.

1. Insurance Companies will have to compete with the Fed Govt. Backed by the taxpayer dollar. Govt doesn't have to make a profit. Insurance companies won't be able to compete with them.

2.Companies will opt out and then the option will be PO.

The insurance companies will most likely go out of business so that leaves the lovely PO just like they have in Europe. If you have a cold or a hangnail your okay. Catastrophic illness, forget it. You may as well jump in the hole now cause your dead.

The real kicker for me is that those clowns in DC think they know whats best for us dimwitted, ignorant taxpayers. We couldn't possibly have enough sense to know what we need or want. Thank god for the Clowns in DC and Obama with that shinning light of his showing us the way. Whatever would we do without him???? God, gag me with a spoon.
So, since the question posed in the OP is whether Congresspeople would choose the public option over their own cadillac plans (paraphrased), I wonder if THESE guys have answered that question. Or if the question was posed to any of them (the House Republicans) by any of the attendees at their "press conference" yesterday.

Countdown with Keith Olbermann Countdown with Keith Olbermann
Heard a Congresswoman asked at a teaparty. Her answer." We all have the option to opt out of the PO". She advised that she would be keeping her plan. Of course her goldplated plan is payed for by you and me and every other taxpayer. Such a deal.
Heard a Congresswoman asked at a teaparty. Her answer." We all have the option to opt out of the PO". She advised that she would be keeping her plan. Of course her goldplated plan is payed for by you and me and every other taxpayer. Such a deal.

Of course the Principled course is to ABIDE by LAW that they foist upon the rest of us. A great REVOLT is coming via 2010 Elections should this pass.
Heard a Congresswoman asked at a teaparty. Her answer." We all have the option to opt out of the PO". She advised that she would be keeping her plan. Of course her goldplated plan is payed for by you and me and every other taxpayer. Such a deal.

What is goldplated about the healthcare plan enjoyed by Congress?

Do you have any details or are you just spouting wingnut nonsense?
Heard a Congresswoman asked at a teaparty. Her answer." We all have the option to opt out of the PO". She advised that she would be keeping her plan. Of course her goldplated plan is payed for by you and me and every other taxpayer. Such a deal.

What is goldplated about the healthcare plan enjoyed by Congress?

Do you have any details or are you just spouting wingnut nonsense?

In the off-chance *I* Should embarass your ass, or leave it alone?

Guess what *I* choose dipshit?

Health Care for U.S. Congress

Politicians Receive the Country’s Best Care - at Taxpayers' Expense

Read more:

Few would deny that a health care crisis looms large in the U.S. In a country with millions of uninsured and underinsured citizens, health care has become more a privilege than a right. Indeed, the United States remains the only industrialized country in the world that doesn’t guarantee health care to all its citizens.
But this isn’t the case for members of the U.S. Congress. Representatives and Senators alike receive some of the best health care benefits in the country, much of it paid for with taxpayer dollars. Yet these same members seem unable - or unwilling - to extend similar protections to the rest of America.
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program

As soon as members of Congress are sworn in, they may participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP). The program offers an assortment of health plans from which to choose, including fee-for-service, point-of-service, and health maintenance organizations (HMOs). In addition, Congress members can also insure their spouses and their dependents.
Not only does Congress get to choose from a wide range of plans, but there’s no waiting period. Unlike many Americans who must struggle against precondition clauses or are even denied coverage because of those preconditions, Senators and Representatives are covered no matter what - effective immediately.
And here’s the best part. The government pays up to 75 percent of the premium. That government, of course, is funded by taxpayers, the same taxpayers who often cannot afford health care themselves.


Educate yourself...or would you rather try to admonish someone for SOMETHING even YOU hadn't read?

Lotta GUTS you have...Don't you?
So, since the question posed in the OP is whether Congresspeople would choose the public option over their own cadillac plans (paraphrased), I wonder if THESE guys have answered that question. Or if the question was posed to any of them (the House Republicans) by any of the attendees at their "press conference" yesterday.

Countdown with Keith Olbermann Countdown with Keith Olbermann

I see there was stunned silence over that ^^ comment. Must be the cons here so dead set against a public option think that only congressional Democrats have "goldplated" insurance plans paid for by taxpayers. The hypocrisy of those idiot House Republicans standing in front of an adoring audience and making their silly just-say-no speeches was astounding. Even more astounding was the stupidity of the people who actually thought they were the good guys.
So, since the question posed in the OP is whether Congresspeople would choose the public option over their own cadillac plans (paraphrased), I wonder if THESE guys have answered that question. Or if the question was posed to any of them (the House Republicans) by any of the attendees at their "press conference" yesterday.

Countdown with Keith Olbermann Countdown with Keith Olbermann

I see there was stunned silence over that ^^ comment. Must be the cons here so dead set against a public option think that only congressional Democrats have "goldplated" insurance plans paid for by taxpayers. The hypocrisy of those idiot House Republicans standing in front of an adoring audience and making their silly just-say-no speeches was astounding. Even more astounding was the stupidity of the people who actually thought they were the good guys.

It goes for ALL members of Congress. What of this don't you understand? You'd rather listen to that jackass Keith Overbite.
So, since the question posed in the OP is whether Congresspeople would choose the public option over their own cadillac plans (paraphrased), I wonder if THESE guys have answered that question. Or if the question was posed to any of them (the House Republicans) by any of the attendees at their "press conference" yesterday.

Countdown with Keith Olbermann Countdown with Keith Olbermann

I see there was stunned silence over that ^^ comment. Must be the cons here so dead set against a public option think that only congressional Democrats have "goldplated" insurance plans paid for by taxpayers. The hypocrisy of those idiot House Republicans standing in front of an adoring audience and making their silly just-say-no speeches was astounding. Even more astounding was the stupidity of the people who actually thought they were the good guys.

It goes for ALL members of Congress. What of this don't you understand? You'd rather listen to that jackass Keith Overbite.


The Olbermann video simply showed how out of touch the Republicans are, and also the audience who showered them with hoorahs. Those very same Republicans ALSO have the benefit of health care insurance PAID FOR BY THEM. Duh.
So, since the question posed in the OP is whether Congresspeople would choose the public option over their own cadillac plans (paraphrased), I wonder if THESE guys have answered that question. Or if the question was posed to any of them (the House Republicans) by any of the attendees at their "press conference" yesterday.

Countdown with Keith Olbermann Countdown with Keith Olbermann

I see there was stunned silence over that ^^ comment. Must be the cons here so dead set against a public option think that only congressional Democrats have "goldplated" insurance plans paid for by taxpayers. The hypocrisy of those idiot House Republicans standing in front of an adoring audience and making their silly just-say-no speeches was astounding. Even more astounding was the stupidity of the people who actually thought they were the good guys.

It goes for ALL members of Congress. What of this don't you understand? You'd rather listen to that jackass Keith Overbite.

And by the way, I don't normally watch Olbermann because I'm doing something else at that time. HOWEVER, I would watch him over any asshole conflicting on FAUX because at least Olbermann consistently backs up his statements with either direct quotes or, in this case, the video itself.
Jeeze. Can't be the same Olberman I watched a few times. Talk about a walking talking breathing liberal. Boy. The only thing fair and balanced about his show is possibly his dick. I have strong reservations about that also. He's almost as bad ad Rachel Madow. If you only want to hear one side of an issue by all means listen to Olberman and Madow. You'll get your liberal fix for sure.

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