GOP: Minimum Wage too much - China pays $100/month



Alaska Republican Joe Miller, in an interview with ABC News and Politico, said that minimum wage rates should be left up the states. "There should not be" a federal rule regulating low pay, he said. "That is not within the scope of the powers that are given to the federal government."

First Read - GOP candidates' remarks spur minimum wage debate

This year, with the Republican Party moving sharply to the far-right, the debate has added a third contingent that wants to see the minimum wage shrink, if not be eliminated altogether.

The Washington Monthly

Republicans claim to be the party for working class whites, and in fact a new poll says as much today.

But Tuesday the chairman of the Republican National Committee proved that he may not be as in touch with working class Americans as he would like you to think.

In an interview with MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, RNC Chairman Michael Steele refused to rule out repealing or lowering the minimum wage. When pressed, the chairman couldn't even cite the rate of pay for the lowest earning Americans

Busted! RNC chair can’t name minimum wage, complains of ‘trap’ | Raw Story


Do Republicans want the US Middle Class to become "China"?
So 1 nut equals the whole party?


So I guess all democrats think Republicans want you to die right?
WTF is wrong with letting the states determine minimum wages? Every state has it's own costs of living, sometimes wildly different, let them figure it out.

Seems like a non issue.
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Alaska Republican Joe Miller, in an interview with ABC News and Politico, said that minimum wage rates should be left up the states. "There should not be" a federal rule regulating low pay, he said. "That is not within the scope of the powers that are given to the federal government."

First Read - GOP candidates' remarks spur minimum wage debate

This year, with the Republican Party moving sharply to the far-right, the debate has added a third contingent that wants to see the minimum wage shrink, if not be eliminated altogether.

The Washington Monthly

Republicans claim to be the party for working class whites, and in fact a new poll says as much today.

But Tuesday the chairman of the Republican National Committee proved that he may not be as in touch with working class Americans as he would like you to think.

In an interview with MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, RNC Chairman Michael Steele refused to rule out repealing or lowering the minimum wage. When pressed, the chairman couldn't even cite the rate of pay for the lowest earning Americans

Busted! RNC chair can’t name minimum wage, complains of ‘trap’ | Raw Story


Do Republicans want the US Middle Class to become "China"?

I think many in Washington do not know what the minimum wage is. Their aides might but the politicos don't. Heck all of them are millionaires. A person making minimum wage and working 40 hours a week brings home less than $1000 a month. How much are you paying for rent or a on a mortage. How much for food and clothes. Would $1000 a month do very much for you? These are the questions that the politicos should be asking themselves before reducing the fed min wage. But some western states have higher minium wage laws than the feds.
So 1 nut equals the whole party?


So I guess all democrats think Republicans want you to die right?

Joe Miller
Rand Paul
Sharon Angle
among others.

So far that's three.

Should we look up more? Maybe you should.
So 1 nut equals the whole party?


So I guess all democrats think Republicans want you to die right?

Joe Miller
Rand Paul
Sharon Angle
among others.

So far that's three.

Well, instead of blatantly stating those names, mind backing it up?

Either way.. I don't think there's no such thing as too much for minimum wage.

But either way... It's up to the states. Some states have lower taxes so there's no need for more.
So 1 nut equals the whole party?


So I guess all democrats think Republicans want you to die right?

Joe Miller
Rand Paul
Sharon Angle
among others.

So far that's three.

Well, instead of blatantly stating those names, mind backing it up?

Either way.. I don't think there's no such thing as too much for minimum wage.

But either way... It's up to the states. Some states have lower taxes so there's no need for more.

Newsvine - Joe Miller's Not Alone: Other GOP Candidates Leery of Minimum Wage, Too

Joe Miller's Not Alone: Other GOP Candidates Leery of Minimum Wage, Too

Alaska Republican Joe Miller's argument to Jon Karl that the federal government lacks the constitutional authority to impose a federal minimum wage was rejected by the Supreme Court back in 1941, and opposing it would put him in a distinct minority in Congress.


But among outsider Republican candidates, objection to the minimum wage is more common...

Rand Paul, the Kentucky Republican ophthalmologist in private practice and son of Libertarian Republican Texas Rep. Ron Paul, agrees that Congress can mandate a minimum wage, but he questions whether they should.


In Connecticut, the former WWE CEO, Linda McMahon, who is running for Senate, was quoted last week by a Connecticut paper as saying that she thinks people have benefited from the minimum wage, but maybe it ought to be lower than $7.25.


The minimum wage is higher in both Connecticut ($8.25) and Alaska ($7.75) than it is at the federal level. In West Virginia, the wage is the federally mandated $7.25. But [John Raese] the Republican candidate there wants to get rid of the wage altogether.

In Connecticut, the former WWE CEO, Linda McMahon, who is running for Senate, was quoted last week by a Connecticut paper as saying that she thinks people have benefited from the minimum wage, but maybe it ought to be lower than $7.25.

Other GOP Candidates Leery of Minimum Wage - The Note
So 1 nut equals the whole party?


So I guess all democrats think Republicans want you to die right?

Not till they can get all they can out of the demoncrats.

Hospice care, full nursing care, etc.

Ohh I forgot only demoncrats own the elderly care industry living making their profit off of tax dollars for the most part.
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As long as you are in favor or hurting black kids , keep pushing for ever higher minimum wage laws.

The devastating effects of minimum wage laws ...Minimum wage hurts black youth | black, percent, minimum - Opinion - The Orange County Register
Today's overall teenage (16-19) unemployment rate, at 25 percent, is the highest since World War II. Black teenage unemployment, at 50 percent, is also the highest since World War II.

How do you think the Reverends Jackson and Sharpton would explain the unemployment difference between black and white teens? You can bet the rent money they would say: It's racial discrimination. Let's investigate. Was racial discrimination in 1948 greater or less than racial discrimination today? In 1948, the unemployment rate for white 16-17 year olds was 10.2 percent while that for blacks was 9.4 percent. Among white 18-19 year-olds, unemployment was 9.4 percent and for blacks it was 10.5 percent.

Teenagers tend to be low-skilled. They lack the experience, knowledge and maturity of adults. That means they will be the primary victims of a minimum wage law. But why are black teens more heavily impacted than white teens? Black teens are far more likely to come from broken homes and ... Therefore, a law that discriminates against the employment of low-skilled workers will have a greater impact on black workers. ..

The little bit of money a kid could earn after school and on the weekends is not nearly as important as the other benefits from early work experiences. Any kind of job, paying any wage, teaches a youngster that he must be on time, respect supervisors, develop good work habits, plus there's the self-esteem and pride that comes from being at least financially semi-independent.

Early work experiences benefit any kid but are far more important for kids from broken homes, who reside in crime-ridden neighborhoods ... For Congress to enact higher and higher minimum wages, to benefit their union supporters, is shameful and cruel.
Liberals love victims....minimum wage laws create more of them.
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Our wages are gonna drop folks. Or at the very best stay pretty stagnant while prices rise.

That is a result of some strange peoples beloved global economy.
And is inevitable.
As long as you are in favor or hurting black kids , keep pushing for ever higher minimum wage laws.

The devastating effects of minimum wage laws ...Minimum wage hurts black youth | black, percent, minimum - Opinion - The Orange County Register
Today's overall teenage (16-19) unemployment rate, at 25 percent, is the highest since World War II. Black teenage unemployment, at 50 percent, is also the highest since World War II.

How do you think the Reverends Jackson and Sharpton would explain the unemployment difference between black and white teens? You can bet the rent money they would say: It's racial discrimination. Let's investigate. Was racial discrimination in 1948 greater or less than racial discrimination today? In 1948, the unemployment rate for white 16-17 year olds was 10.2 percent while that for blacks was 9.4 percent. Among white 18-19 year-olds, unemployment was 9.4 percent and for blacks it was 10.5 percent.

Teenagers tend to be low-skilled. They lack the experience, knowledge and maturity of adults. That means they will be the primary victims of a minimum wage law. But why are black teens more heavily impacted than white teens? Black teens are far more likely to come from broken homes and ... Therefore, a law that discriminates against the employment of low-skilled workers will have a greater impact on black workers. ..

The little bit of money a kid could earn after school and on the weekends is not nearly as important as the other benefits from early work experiences. Any kind of job, paying any wage, teaches a youngster that he must be on time, respect supervisors, develop good work habits, plus there's the self-esteem and pride that comes from being at least financially semi-independent.

Early work experiences benefit any kid but are far more important for kids from broken homes, who reside in crime-ridden neighborhoods ... For Congress to enact higher and higher minimum wages, to benefit their union supporters, is shameful and cruel.
Liberals love victims....minimum wage laws create more of them.

Yet the min wage does not apply to all jobs and here is a list:
The following are examples of employees exempt from both the minimum wage and overtime pay requirements:

Executive, administrative, and professional employees (including teachers and academic administrative personnel in elementary and secondary schools), outside sales employees, and certain skilled computer professionals (as defined in the Department of Labor's regulations) 1
Employees of certain seasonal amusement or recreational establishments
Employees of certain small newspapers and switchboard operators of small telephone companies
Seamen employed on foreign vessels
Employees engaged in fishing operations
Employees engaged in newspaper delivery
Farm workers employed on small farms (i.e., those that used less than 500 "man‑days" of farm labor in any calendar quarter of the preceding calendar year)
Casual babysitters and persons employed as companions to the elderly or infirm
Employment Law Guide - Minimum Wage and Overtime Pay

As you can see there are several jobs listed that teens can find work in and the min wage law has no effect. The high unemployment rate for young blacks is not derived from the minimum wage but from a variety of reasons, some of which you have mentioned. Yes, part of it has to do with race because no matter what people say, when they are faced with a choice between a white man and a black man they will pick the white man. Not al the time but enough to skew the rates. But that is just one aspect. Being unskilled, being able to read and write and understand problems, being drug free and a clean record all contribute to black teen unemployment. A black teen grows up in a different society than a white teen. (I am generalizing here) The peer pressure is different. More blacks live in urban areas than whites (percentage wise) and the loss of jobs in the urban areas thereby create more unemployment for those who cannot or do not own transportation. The list of reasons goes on and on but the fed min wage has little bearing on black teen unemployment. Except for the politicians who can say anything because it sounds good.
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Min. wage is a very racist law, it has hurt the very people it was intended to help such as minorities,teens and the untrained/uneducated.
Our wages are gonna drop folks. Or at the very best stay pretty stagnant while prices rise.

That is a result of some strange peoples beloved global economy.
And is inevitable.

I it or not our living standards have been partially and artificially ( see: credit) built on smoke for the last 20 years......time to come cone down to earth. well except for me that is, since I am special. oh and my wife sister, shes cool annnd maybe my fishing buddy, Oh and his brothers family too...and then there's the mini me thug kids who skip school and and hang out behind 7-1...;)
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Min. wage is a very racist law, it has hurt the very people it was intended to help such as minorities,teens and the untrained/uneducated.

I don't hear these people saying that the min wage is too high. The only ones I hear are the people who don't have to worry about min wage or the ones paying employees.
As long as you are in favor or hurting black kids , keep pushing for ever higher minimum wage laws.

The devastating effects of minimum wage laws ...Minimum wage hurts black youth | black, percent, minimum - Opinion - The Orange County Register
Today's overall teenage (16-19) unemployment rate, at 25 percent, is the highest since World War II. Black teenage unemployment, at 50 percent, is also the highest since World War II.

How do you think the Reverends Jackson and Sharpton would explain the unemployment difference between black and white teens? You can bet the rent money they would say: It's racial discrimination. Let's investigate. Was racial discrimination in 1948 greater or less than racial discrimination today? In 1948, the unemployment rate for white 16-17 year olds was 10.2 percent while that for blacks was 9.4 percent. Among white 18-19 year-olds, unemployment was 9.4 percent and for blacks it was 10.5 percent.

Teenagers tend to be low-skilled. They lack the experience, knowledge and maturity of adults. That means they will be the primary victims of a minimum wage law. But why are black teens more heavily impacted than white teens? Black teens are far more likely to come from broken homes and ... Therefore, a law that discriminates against the employment of low-skilled workers will have a greater impact on black workers. ..

The little bit of money a kid could earn after school and on the weekends is not nearly as important as the other benefits from early work experiences. Any kind of job, paying any wage, teaches a youngster that he must be on time, respect supervisors, develop good work habits, plus there's the self-esteem and pride that comes from being at least financially semi-independent.

Early work experiences benefit any kid but are far more important for kids from broken homes, who reside in crime-ridden neighborhoods ... For Congress to enact higher and higher minimum wages, to benefit their union supporters, is shameful and cruel.
Liberals love victims....minimum wage laws create more of them.

Yet the min wage does not apply to all jobs and here is a list:
The following are examples of employees exempt from both the minimum wage and overtime pay requirements:

Executive, administrative, and professional employees (including teachers and academic administrative personnel in elementary and secondary schools), outside sales employees, and certain skilled computer professionals (as defined in the Department of Labor's regulations) 1
Employees of certain seasonal amusement or recreational establishments
Employees of certain small newspapers and switchboard operators of small telephone companies
Seamen employed on foreign vessels
Employees engaged in fishing operations
Employees engaged in newspaper delivery
Farm workers employed on small farms (i.e., those that used less than 500 "man‑days" of farm labor in any calendar quarter of the preceding calendar year)
Casual babysitters and persons employed as companions to the elderly or infirm
Employment Law Guide - Minimum Wage and Overtime Pay

As you can see there are several jobs listed that teens can find work in and the min wage law has no effect. The high unemployment rate for young blacks is not derived from the minimum wage but from a variety of reasons, some of which you have mentioned. Yes, part of it has to do with race because no matter what people say, when they are faced with a choice between a white man and a black man they will pick the white man. Not al the time but enough to skew the rates. But that is just one aspect. Being unskilled, being able to read and write and understand problems, being drug free and a clean record all contribute to black teen unemployment. A black teen grows up in a different society than a white teen. (I am generalizing here) The peer pressure is different. More blacks live in urban areas than whites (percentage wise) and the loss of jobs in the urban areas thereby create more unemployment for those who cannot or do not own transportation. The list of reasons goes on and on but the fed min wage has little bearing on black teen unemployment. Except for the politicians who can say anything because it sounds good.

Your list of exempted jobs is a joke. Did you read it?

Study after study shows that the people hardest hit by minimum wage laws are teens, especially black teens.

# The minimum wage reduces employment.

Currie and Fallick (1993), Gallasch (1975), Gardner (1981), Peterson (1957), Peterson and Stewart (1969).

# The minimum wage reduces employment more among teenagers than adults.

Adie (1973); Brown, Gilroy and Kohen (1981a, 1981b); Fleisher (1981); Hammermesh (1982); Meyer and Wise (1981, 1983a); Minimum Wage Study Commission (1981); Neumark and Wascher (1992); Ragan (1977); Vandenbrink (1987); Welch (1974, 1978); Welch and Cunningham (1978).

# The minimum wage reduces employment most among black teenage males.

Al-Salam, Quester, and Welch (1981), Iden (1980), Mincer (1976), Moore (1971), Ragan (1977), Williams (1977a, 1977b).

# The minimum wage helped South African whites at the expense of blacks.

Bauer (1959).

# The minimum wage hurts blacks generally.

Behrman, Sickles and Taubman (1983); Linneman (1982).

# The minimum wage hurts the unskilled.

Krumm (1981).

# The minimum wage hurts low wage workers.

Brozen (1962), Cox and Oaxaca (1986), Gordon (1981).

# The minimum wage hurts low wage workers particularly during cyclical downturns.

Kosters and Welch (1972), Welch (1974).

# The minimum wage increases job turnover.

Hall (1982).

# The minimum wage reduces average earnings of young workers.

Meyer and Wise (1983b).

# The minimum wage drives workers into uncovered jobs, thus lowering wages in those sectors.

Brozen (1962), Tauchen (1981), Welch (1974).

# The minimum wage reduces employment in low-wage industries, such as retailing.

Cotterman (1981), Douty (1960), Fleisher (1981), Hammermesh (1981), Peterson (1981).

# The minimum wage hurts small businesses generally.

Kaun (1965).

# The minimum wage causes employers to cut back on training.

Hashimoto (1981, 1982), Leighton and Mincer (1981), Ragan (1981).

# The minimum wage has long-term effects on skills and lifetime earnings.

Brozen (1969), Feldstein (1973).

# The minimum wage leads employers to cut back on fringe benefits.

McKenzie (1980), Wessels (1980).

# The minimum wage encourages employers to install labor-saving devices.

Trapani and Moroney (1981).

# The minimum wage hurts low-wage regions, such as the South and rural areas.

Colberg (1960, 1981), Krumm (1981).

# The minimum wage increases the number of people on welfare.

Brandon (1995), Leffler (1978).

# The minimum wage hurts the poor generally.

Stigler (1946).

# The minimum wage does little to reduce poverty.

Bonilla (1992), Brown (1988), Johnson and Browning (1983), Kohen and Gilroy (1981), Parsons (1980), Smith and Vavrichek (1987).

# The minimum wage helps upper income families.

Bell (1981), Datcher and Loury (1981), Johnson and Browning (1981), Kohen and Gilroy (1981).

# The minimum wage helps unions.

Linneman (1982), Cox and Oaxaca (1982).
# The minimum wage lowers the capital stock.

McCulloch (1981).

# The minimum wage increases inflationary pressure.

Adams (1987), Brozen (1966), Gramlich (1976), Grossman (1983).

# The minimum wage increases teenage crime rates.

Hashimoto (1987), Phillips (1981).

# The minimum wage encourages employers to hire illegal aliens.

Beranek (1982).

# Few workers are permanently stuck at the minimum wage.

Brozen (1969), Smith and Vavrichek (1992).

# The minimum wage has had a massive impact on unemployment in Puerto Rico.

Freeman and Freeman (1991), Rottenberg (1981b).

50 Years of Research on the Minimum Wage
So you advocate no minimum wage and people who make $7.25 an hour now will be reduced to $2 an hour or there abouts and become slave labor? All it will do is open up more job opportunities for illegals and immigrant workers because they will be the only ones who wil take them.
So you advocate no minimum wage and people who make $7.25 an hour now will be reduced to $2 an hour or there abouts and become slave labor? All it will do is open up more job opportunities for illegals and immigrant workers because they will be the only ones who wil take them.

Your conclusions are based upon what, emotions? feelings? Show some PROOF - FACTS - STUDIES - EVIDENCE. I linked 50 years of studies that show the exact opposite of what you "feel" would happen.

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