GOP: Moderate Wing of the Democrat Party


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The reason the GOP lost the last 2 election badly and the reason we're so totally fucked as a nation is because a large percentage of the GOP especially the leadership is nothing more than the Moderate wing of the Democrat party. They all want the same things: one world government over an unarmed group of American slaves, it's just a question of taking the Local or the Express.

When a guy like Bob Dole or Juanita McCain talks about "outreach" our response should not be anger at their treachery but rather be, "Amen!" The GOP needs to outreach to Conservatives. The Tea Party needs to make bigger and bolder inroads into the GOP, because as it is right now the Moderate GOP has no reason to continue as a National Party
The reason the GOP lost the last 2 election badly and the reason we're so totally fucked as a nation is because a large percentage of the GOP especially the leadership is nothing more than the Moderate wing of the Democrat party. They all want the same things: one world government over an unarmed group of American slaves, it's just a question of taking the Local or the Express.

When a guy like Bob Dole or Juanita McCain talks about "outreach" our response should not be anger at their treachery but rather be, "Amen!" The GOP needs to outreach to Conservatives. The Tea Party needs to make bigger and bolder inroads into the GOP, because as it is right now the Moderate GOP has no reason to continue as a National Party

Frank i have seen lots of Conservatives here talk about God and Jesus.....did not Jesus say something about a ONE World Govt with him as its King?.....and would we not be subjects to his rules and regulations?....just askin....
the GOP especially the leadership is nothing more than the Moderate wing of the Democrat party.

I like to think of them as two Mafia families who only differ in the way they kiss you on the cheek while they're busy screwing you from behind, but hey two wings of the same corrupt party works too.

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