GOP plans to cut funds, eliminate Tsunami Warning Center

he did say their budget is going to be more this year than last......did he not.....trimming the fat may be eliminating things from this agency that has very little to do with what they actually a person who works for a Federal agency......i think i can see what he is talking about......WASTE is big time in a Govt run agency....until it is laid out what they are cutting.....ill reserve judgement......
Here's a warning for you: don't live where a tsunami will get you, if you do and there is one big enough to get you, it will, and before you would have time to respond to any alarm.
(CNN) -- Buried deep inside the GOP House of Representatives plan to trim the 2011 budget is a line item that will take $454 million away from the agency running the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Congress wants to cut tsunami warning centers? Really? -


Didn't you idiots get pawned enough the last time somebody tried to scare people with this right after the tsunami from Japan's earthquake? Is your memory that pathetic that you forgot something that happened less than a month ago?

They are not cutting any money for the tsunami warning center, they are cutting the budget for the entire NOAA by 7% from last year. If the NOAA cannot run at 93% of last years budget without cutting the staffing at tsunami warning centers by 50% the problem is not with the cuts the Republicans want to make.
I wonder what they did before there were warning devises? Oh Yeah, they dealt with it.
What do you expect from the hysterical girlyman left? Cut NOAA's budget and pretty soon you can buy oceanfront property in Arizona. What else is new?
It is well known that Conservatives consider science an affront to their belief system, so why shouldn't they try to defund it?
It is well known that Conservatives consider science an affront to their belief system, so why shouldn't they try to defund it?
It's also well known that you can't read for shit and are a partisan hack, but watchya gonna do?

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