GOP Platform To Call For Constitutional Ban On Abortion: Report

I read earlier that half of all teen pregnancies are the result of rape.

Anyone else notice how none of the so-called "discussions" of pregnant by rape have included even one mention of the FATHER.

While its true that GObP/pubs/pots,rw's have no way of knowing this, it actually takes TWO to make a pregnancy.

Yep Its true.

So why is there never any mention by any of these backward r folks?

And, is it possible to teach them where babies come from?

I read earlier that half of all teen pregnancies are the result of rape.

Anyone else notice how none of the so-called "discussions" of pregnant by rape have included even one mention of the FATHER.

While its true that GObP/pubs/pots,rw's have no way of knowing this, it actually takes TWO to make a pregnancy.

Yep Its true.

So why is there never any mention by any of these backward r folks?

And, is it possible to teach them where babies come from?

Half? o_O

Those who want Romney to win in November should, at the very least, be annoyed that the GOP even put this issue in there. While you may believe it's impossible, and I agree roe v wade will never be overturned and an admendment will never pass, now its a rallying point for the Obama campaign.
No sane person would deny that abortion is ugly and traumatic, and I've never met anyone who is pro-abortion. However, I know lots of folks who are pro-choice.

Who has priority: Mother or fetus? Roe v. Wade gives the mother priority. Anti-choice zealots want to give the fetus priority.

What say you?

Pro choice and pro abortion are interchangeable terms. It's just that one helps you creeps sleep easier with your beliefs. You folks elevate a woman's choice over human life-human life that the woman willingly helped create 99% of the time.

So yes. Us decent people believe the fetus should be given priority or the woman's whimsical choice to kill it in order to protect her lifestyle.
Democrats have to work fast to convince people that there's going to be a position to outlaw abortion in the GOP platform when there isn't. Maybe it will confuse people enough to ignore the position in the democrat platform that would legalize same sex marriage when there is.

It has been the PUBS/POTS who want to take rights away from women.

AND from gays.

It is Rs who want to outlaw abortion.

GAWD, you are one of the most stupid people I've ever seen on line. Do you ever read? Or THINK??

If you really believe its Ds who are doing this, for crying out loud, you stooopid ditz, post even one link to PROVE it.
Contraceptives are much cheaper and less traumatic than abortions or unwanted births.

Contraceptives should be FREE to any woman who wants them!

Since contraceptives are so cheap, why can't bitches pay for them on their own? Men do.

I read earlier that half of all teen pregnancies are the result of rape.

Anyone else notice how none of the so-called "discussions" of pregnant by rape have included even one mention of the FATHER.

While its true that GObP/pubs/pots,rw's have no way of knowing this, it actually takes TWO to make a pregnancy.

Yep Its true.

So why is there never any mention by any of these backward r folks?

And, is it possible to teach them where babies come from?

Half? o_O


It was a site concerned with step-parenting and the number of step-fathers who molest/rape their step-daughters. Its not really the point of this anyway.

Those who want Romney to win in November should, at the very least, be annoyed that the GOP even put this issue in there. While you may believe it's impossible, and I agree roe v wade will never be overturned and an admendment will never pass, now its a rallying point for the Obama campaign.

Tell it to katzendumb who says its really the Ds who are doing all this.

Pro choice and pro abortion are interchangeable terms. It's just that one helps you creeps sleep easier with your beliefs. You folks elevate a woman's choice over human life-human life that the woman willingly helped create 99% of the time.

So yes. Us decent people believe the fetus should be given priority or the woman's whimsical choice to kill it in order to protect her lifestyle.

Not even close. And, reading your posts, you are anything but "decent". You're the one who yesterday, said that women yell rape when all they want is flowers. You're scum.

Kids have always had health care.

OMFG, you are crazy.

What rock are you living under?

I DARE you to prove that "Kids have always had health care" because asshole, you could not be more wrong.

Where do these idiot rw's get their stupid and WRONG ideas? do ANY of you READ???
I read earlier that half of all teen pregnancies are the result of rape.

Anyone else notice how none of the so-called "discussions" of pregnant by rape have included even one mention of the FATHER.

While its true that GObP/pubs/pots,rw's have no way of knowing this, it actually takes TWO to make a pregnancy.

Yep Its true.

So why is there never any mention by any of these backward r folks?

And, is it possible to teach them where babies come from?

Half? o_O


It was a site concerned with step-parenting and the number of step-fathers who molest/rape their step-daughters. Its not really the point of this anyway.

Tell it to katzendumb who says its really the Ds who are doing all this.

Pro choice and pro abortion are interchangeable terms. It's just that one helps you creeps sleep easier with your beliefs. You folks elevate a woman's choice over human life-human life that the woman willingly helped create 99% of the time.

So yes. Us decent people believe the fetus should be given priority or the woman's whimsical choice to kill it in order to protect her lifestyle.

Not even close. And, reading your posts, you are anything but "decent". You're the one who yesterday, said that women yell rape when all they want is flowers. You're scum.

Kids have always had health care.

OMFG, you are crazy.

What rock are you living under?

I DARE you to prove that "Kids have always had health care" because asshole, you could not be more wrong.

Where do these idiot rw's get their stupid and WRONG ideas? do ANY of you READ???

Find me an example of a single American child that did not have health care. Hint: you can't. They all do. As do all adults. They may not use it, but no hospital will turn them away.

Half of all teen pregnancies are due to rape....BWAH HA HA HA. You are a fucking mongoloid.
Contraceptives are much cheaper and less traumatic than abortions or unwanted births.

Contraceptives should be FREE to any woman who wants them!

Since contraceptives are so cheap, why can't bitches pay for them on their own? Men do.

No they don't.

If men really did buy and use contraception, there would be no unwanted pregnancies.

I never said anything about using them, idiot. I said that men pay for them. What's wrong with the sluts?
Democrats have to work fast to convince people that there's going to be a position to outlaw abortion in the GOP platform when there isn't. Maybe it will confuse people enough to ignore the position in the democrat platform that would legalize same sex marriage when there is.

Todd Akin's Abortion Position Reflects GOP Platform

Funny how I can't find any mention of DEMOCRATS in this article.

You care to PROVE that the article is incorrect?

No, of course not. You just like to spout lies and then run away. Coward.
Democrats have to work fast to convince people that there's going to be a position to outlaw abortion in the GOP platform when there isn't. Maybe it will confuse people enough to ignore the position in the democrat platform that would legalize same sex marriage when there is.

Todd Akin's Abortion Position Reflects GOP Platform

Funny how I can't find any mention of DEMOCRATS in this article.

You care to PROVE that the article is incorrect?

No, of course not. You just like to spout lies and then run away. Coward.

Why don't you go suck on a shotgun and save the taxpayers some money?
Draft language for the 2012 Republican Party platform includes support for a constitutional ban on abortion without specifying exclusions in the cases of rape or incest, according to CNN.

The news comes amid ongoing controversy surrounding Rep. Todd Akin's (R-Mo.) suggestion that victims of "legitimate rape" rarely get pregnant. The GOP Senate candidate running against Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) has faced calls to abandon his campaign from both parties despite attempting to walk back his remarks.

Details on the party's position also come with the Republican National Convention just one week away.

"Faithful to the 'self-evident' truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed," the GOP platform states, according to CNN. "We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children."​

More: GOP Platform To Call For Constitutional Ban On Abortion: Report

First on CNN: GOP prepares tough anti-abortion platform – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

So what, they will never have the Votes to do it. A Constitutional Ban means an Amendment, you do know how hard that is right? 3/4 Vote on Both Houses, Plus 3/4 of all States Legislatures have to Ratify it, for it to become law.

It is Never going to happen.
Half? o_O


It was a site concerned with step-parenting and the number of step-fathers who molest/rape their step-daughters. Its not really the point of this anyway.

Tell it to katzendumb who says its really the Ds who are doing all this.


Not even close. And, reading your posts, you are anything but "decent". You're the one who yesterday, said that women yell rape when all they want is flowers. You're scum.

Kids have always had health care.

OMFG, you are crazy.

What rock are you living under?

I DARE you to prove that "Kids have always had health care" because asshole, you could not be more wrong.

Where do these idiot rw's get their stupid and WRONG ideas? do ANY of you READ???

Find me an example of a single American child that did not have health care. Hint: you can't. They all do. As do all adults. They may not use it, but no hospital will turn them away.

Half of all teen pregnancies are due to rape....BWAH HA HA HA. You are a fucking mongoloid.

Oh, you meant the SOCIALIST medical system put in place by REPUBLICANS because they're too lazy to get a job and work for their own health care? You mean the health care REPUBLICANS are forcing Libs to pay for.

Guess what ... You need to read up on it. I'll even help you out by telling you what to look for - EMTALA -

It does not give kids "health care".
Draft language for the 2012 Republican Party platform includes support for a constitutional ban on abortion without specifying exclusions in the cases of rape or incest, according to CNN.

The news comes amid ongoing controversy surrounding Rep. Todd Akin's (R-Mo.) suggestion that victims of "legitimate rape" rarely get pregnant. The GOP Senate candidate running against Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) has faced calls to abandon his campaign from both parties despite attempting to walk back his remarks.

Details on the party's position also come with the Republican National Convention just one week away.

"Faithful to the 'self-evident' truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed," the GOP platform states, according to CNN. "We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children."​

More: GOP Platform To Call For Constitutional Ban On Abortion: Report

First on CNN: GOP prepares tough anti-abortion platform – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

So what, they will never have the Votes to do it. A Constitutional Ban means an Amendment, you do know how hard that is right? 3/4 Vote on Both Houses, Plus 3/4 of all States Legislatures have to Ratify it, for it to become law.

It is Never going to happen.

In other words, it's just more wingnut bullshit. I agree...

BTW, it's 2/3 vote in both Houses.
Draft language for the 2012 Republican Party platform includes support for a constitutional ban on abortion without specifying exclusions in the cases of rape or incest, according to CNN.

The news comes amid ongoing controversy surrounding Rep. Todd Akin's (R-Mo.) suggestion that victims of "legitimate rape" rarely get pregnant. The GOP Senate candidate running against Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) has faced calls to abandon his campaign from both parties despite attempting to walk back his remarks.

Details on the party's position also come with the Republican National Convention just one week away.

"Faithful to the 'self-evident' truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed," the GOP platform states, according to CNN. "We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children."​

More: GOP Platform To Call For Constitutional Ban On Abortion: Report

First on CNN: GOP prepares tough anti-abortion platform – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

So what, they will never have the Votes to do it. A Constitutional Ban means an Amendment, you do know how hard that is right? 3/4 Vote on Both Houses, Plus 3/4 of all States Legislatures have to Ratify it, for it to become law.

It is Never going to happen.

The GObP/pubs/pots are damn squirrely. Radical religious right is calling the shots within the party. The Grand Old Party is dead and may never make a come back.

If cooler (Dem) heads prevail, you're right. If enough bible thumpers vote against logic, education, science - we could indeed be entering into a second Dark ages.

Yeah, you're probably right but still, the possibility does exist.
It was a site concerned with step-parenting and the number of step-fathers who molest/rape their step-daughters. Its not really the point of this anyway.

Tell it to katzendumb who says its really the Ds who are doing all this.


Not even close. And, reading your posts, you are anything but "decent". You're the one who yesterday, said that women yell rape when all they want is flowers. You're scum.

OMFG, you are crazy.

What rock are you living under?

I DARE you to prove that "Kids have always had health care" because asshole, you could not be more wrong.

Where do these idiot rw's get their stupid and WRONG ideas? do ANY of you READ???

Find me an example of a single American child that did not have health care. Hint: you can't. They all do. As do all adults. They may not use it, but no hospital will turn them away.

Half of all teen pregnancies are due to rape....BWAH HA HA HA. You are a fucking mongoloid.

Oh, you meant the SOCIALIST medical system put in place by REPUBLICANS because they're too lazy to get a job and work for their own health care? You mean the health care REPUBLICANS are forcing Libs to pay for.

Guess what ... You need to read up on it. I'll even help you out by telling you what to look for - EMTALA -

It does not give kids "health care".

Libs don't pay for shit. Let's get that straight. You are a taker. A parasite.

The only thing that gives a child healthcare is a health care provider. And kids have always had access to health care providers. It may not have been free, as you parasites want. But, of course, nothing ever is. News flash, cupcake, those unicorns you have been praying for your whole life? They don't exist.
Find me an example of a single American child that did not have health care. Hint: you can't. They all do. As do all adults. They may not use it, but no hospital will turn them away.

Half of all teen pregnancies are due to rape....BWAH HA HA HA. You are a fucking mongoloid.

Oh, you meant the SOCIALIST medical system put in place by REPUBLICANS because they're too lazy to get a job and work for their own health care? You mean the health care REPUBLICANS are forcing Libs to pay for.

Guess what ... You need to read up on it. I'll even help you out by telling you what to look for - EMTALA -

It does not give kids "health care".

Libs don't pay for shit. Let's get that straight. You are a taker. A parasite.

The only thing that gives a child healthcare is a health care provider. And kids have always had access to health care providers. It may not have been free, as you parasites want. But, of course, nothing ever is. News flash, cupcake, those unicorns you have been praying for your whole life? They don't exist.

Who pays for the REPUBLICAN EMTALA?

Not you.

If its not EMTALA, EXACTLY what gives them "access to health care providers"? Go ahead. Answer that, WITH PROOF. LOL

fokeen, you really have no idea what you're babbling about. You are ignorant about the availability of health care to American kids. Please, just educate yourself.

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