GOP rushes agenda through legislation prior to recall in Wisconsin



May 23, 2011 03:00 PM
Wisconsin Accountability Board Approves 3 GOP Recall Elections

The first round of Wisconsin state Republican senators slated for recall elections has just been approved. Senators Dan Kapanke, Randy Hopper, and Luther Olsen will face a recall election in July.

Wisconsin Accountability Board Approves 3 GOP Recall Elections

MADISON, Wis. – Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker and GOP leaders have launched a push to ram several years’ worth of conservative agenda items through the Legislature this spring before recall elections threaten to end the party’s control of state government.

Republicans, in a rapid sequence of votes over the next eight weeks, plan to legalize concealed weapons, deregulate the telephone industry, require voters to show photo identification at the polls, expand school vouchers and undo an early release for prisoners.

Lawmakers may also act again on Walker’s controversial plan stripping public employee unions of their collective bargaining rights. An earlier version, which led to massive protest demonstrations at the Capitol, has been left in limbo by legal challenges.

“Everything’s been accelerated,” said Republican Rep. Gary Tauchen, who is working on the photo ID bill. “We’ve got a lot of big bills we’re trying to get done.”

Wisconsin GOP Rush Agenda Ahead Of Recalls


Nobody saw that coming.
Do you actually believe the shit you post?

Knowing the anti democracy socialist Democratic Senators another "vacation" may be coming up. And of course the Libs will find no problem with that. Ask them if Republicans did the same thing in a dem controlled State and they will ignore you, let it actually happen and you will find out how fast they suddenly think it is a bad idea.
MADISON, Wis. Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker and GOP leaders have launched a push to ram several years’ worth of conservative agenda items through the Legislature this spring before recall elections threaten to end the party’s control of state government.

OH... HEY... you mean just like the democraps did with among other things, the health care take over. That must mean YOU are all good with business done like this... right, dick head?
The photo ID bill is the one most important to Republicans.

Voter suppression is always at the top of their agenda.
The photo ID bill is the one most important to Republicans.

Voter suppression is always at the top of their agenda.

Hey, Einstein, just WHO is being SUPPRESSED by having to show your ID to vote?
Do you actually believe the shit you post?

Knowing the anti democracy socialist Democratic Senators another "vacation" may be coming up. And of course the Libs will find no problem with that. Ask them if Republicans did the same thing in a dem controlled State and they will ignore you, let it actually happen and you will find out how fast they suddenly think it is a bad idea.

The U.S. military is the most socialist organization in the world.

They tell you what to wear, what to eat, when to go to sleep, when to wake up, where you can live, where to get your healthcare, who you can have sex with, and they send you a government check every month for the rest of your life.

So it always cracks me up to read retired military complaining about socialism.
I love how a county reports late (as hundreds do in every election) and the libfucks are talking "fraud."

We're only talking about a fucking entire county here...
The photo ID bill is the one most important to Republicans.

Voter suppression is always at the top of their agenda.

Hey, Einstein, just WHO is being SUPPRESSED by having to show your ID to vote?

The millions of people in the country who don't have photo IDs.

Are you trying to assert you shouldn't have to show photo ID to vote?

My name is Jose Herdana

Miguel Hernandez
Lupe Lopez
Mike Fresco
Steve Smith
Nick Testarosa

Can I vote again?
Do you actually believe the shit you post?

Knowing the anti democracy socialist Democratic Senators another "vacation" may be coming up. And of course the Libs will find no problem with that. Ask them if Republicans did the same thing in a dem controlled State and they will ignore you, let it actually happen and you will find out how fast they suddenly think it is a bad idea.

The U.S. military is the most socialist organization in the world.

They tell you what to wear, what to eat, when to go to sleep, when to wake up, where you can live, where to get your healthcare, who you can have sex with, and they send you a government check every month for the rest of your life.

So it always cracks me up to read retired military complaining about socialism.

Only because you have no clue whatsoever why they serve and why they are against socialism for the country. There is a massive difference in signing your life and rights away in defense of your country and subjecting citizens to that type of control. Is that what you want for everyone, to live like those in the army do because that is utopia?

I wonder why the libs hat the military so much since it seems to run itself like a liberal utopia would.
The photo ID bill is the one most important to Republicans.

Voter suppression is always at the top of their agenda.

Hey, Einstein, just WHO is being SUPPRESSED by having to show your ID to vote?

The millions of people in the country who don't have photo IDs.

You have yet to provide any evidence that people that CHOSE to not obtain ID are being denied the right to vote. After all, all they need do is CHOSE to go get an ID.
May 23, 2011 03:00 PM
Wisconsin Accountability Board Approves 3 GOP Recall Elections

The first round of Wisconsin state Republican senators slated for recall elections has just been approved. Senators Dan Kapanke, Randy Hopper, and Luther Olsen will face a recall election in July.

Wisconsin Accountability Board Approves 3 GOP Recall Elections

MADISON, Wis. – Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker and GOP leaders have launched a push to ram several years’ worth of conservative agenda items through the Legislature this spring before recall elections threaten to end the party’s control of state government.

Republicans, in a rapid sequence of votes over the next eight weeks, plan to legalize concealed weapons, deregulate the telephone industry, require voters to show photo identification at the polls, expand school vouchers and undo an early release for prisoners.

Lawmakers may also act again on Walker’s controversial plan stripping public employee unions of their collective bargaining rights. An earlier version, which led to massive protest demonstrations at the Capitol, has been left in limbo by legal challenges.

“Everything’s been accelerated,” said Republican Rep. Gary Tauchen, who is working on the photo ID bill. “We’ve got a lot of big bills we’re trying to get done.”

Wisconsin GOP Rush Agenda Ahead Of Recalls


Nobody saw that coming.

OMG!!! Oh the horror of it
require voters to show photo identification at the polls, expand school vouchers

You really that much of a drama queen?
May 23, 2011 03:00 PM
Wisconsin Accountability Board Approves 3 GOP Recall Elections

The first round of Wisconsin state Republican senators slated for recall elections has just been approved. Senators Dan Kapanke, Randy Hopper, and Luther Olsen will face a recall election in July.

Wisconsin Accountability Board Approves 3 GOP Recall Elections

MADISON, Wis. – Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker and GOP leaders have launched a push to ram several years’ worth of conservative agenda items through the Legislature this spring before recall elections threaten to end the party’s control of state government.

Republicans, in a rapid sequence of votes over the next eight weeks, plan to legalize concealed weapons, deregulate the telephone industry, require voters to show photo identification at the polls, expand school vouchers and undo an early release for prisoners.

Lawmakers may also act again on Walker’s controversial plan stripping public employee unions of their collective bargaining rights. An earlier version, which led to massive protest demonstrations at the Capitol, has been left in limbo by legal challenges.

“Everything’s been accelerated,” said Republican Rep. Gary Tauchen, who is working on the photo ID bill. “We’ve got a lot of big bills we’re trying to get done.”

Wisconsin GOP Rush Agenda Ahead Of Recalls


Nobody saw that coming.

Photo I.D.s needed to vote? No criminals running free to wreck havoc on the population? Concealed weapons so the population can defend themselves. School vouchers???

OMG!!!! What a travesty.
Knowing the anti democracy socialist Democratic Senators another "vacation" may be coming up. And of course the Libs will find no problem with that. Ask them if Republicans did the same thing in a dem controlled State and they will ignore you, let it actually happen and you will find out how fast they suddenly think it is a bad idea.

The U.S. military is the most socialist organization in the world.

They tell you what to wear, what to eat, when to go to sleep, when to wake up, where you can live, where to get your healthcare, who you can have sex with, and they send you a government check every month for the rest of your life.

So it always cracks me up to read retired military complaining about socialism.

Only because you have no clue whatsoever why they serve and why they are against socialism for the country. There is a massive difference in signing your life and rights away in defense of your country and subjecting citizens to that type of control. Is that what you want for everyone, to live like those in the army do because that is utopia?

I wonder why the libs hat the military so much since it seems to run itself like a liberal utopia would.

And like me, so many liberals have enlisted. Could it be that right wingers are (gasp) wrong again? Whew, for a moment, I thought they spoiled that "perfect" record.

You have to admit that a party that screams and rails against the government wants everyone "IDed" and "with the correct papers". They even carded the president. First time in US History. Course it's also the first time we have a black president. What a coincidence!
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